How To Set Up Blerp Alerts On Twitch (Channel Points, Walk-Ons & Bits)

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do you want to let your Twitch viewers be able to play fun sound effects on stream lucky for you in today's video I'm going to teach you how to use and set up blurp for your Twitch streams if that sounds good to you drop a quick like on the video so other streamers can find this video and then let's jump into it so the first thing that we'll need to do is head over to blurp which I'll leave Linked In the description down below now you might be wondering if you have to be a twitch affiliate in order to use blurp and technically the answer is no but I honestly wouldn't really recommend it until you are one because if you're a twitch affiliate then you'll have access to the channel Point options where people can spend their Channel points on blurps as well as being able to spend bits on blurps so you can actually make some money if you're not a twitch affiliate then you're not going to have access to the bits or the channel points which honestly I feel like are the two most used features of blurp however if you still want to use blurp you can still access their walk-on sounds which will allow viewers to be able to play a sound of their choosing every time you stream but if you guys aren't a twitch affiliate yet I have an entire playlist on how to grow your stream in the top right corner so you can binge watch that and make sure to take advantage of all of the use features for blur but before we jump into that we got to thank today's sponsor is probably my favorite place to get all of my stream design related stuff they got emotes they got alerts they got overlays everything you could possibly want with hundreds of different overlay packages like this Enchanted series one and you can actually go and preview to see what it comes with like the starting soon BRB ending screen offline panels for underneath your stream you got all the graphics webcam overlays animated alerts all that beautiful stuff in one nice little package so if you're trying to take your stream to the next level without making it too complicated then I'll leave a link in the description down below where you can check out and spice up your stream design but once we're over on blurp let's actually click on setup blurp on the Le hand side so now we have a couple of choices here we have discover sounds or get started it's free so we're going to choose get started and now since this video is for twitch we're going to click on the twitch option but if you're looking for kick or another platform I have a different video in the top right corner that goes over their new Universal extension instead but we're going to click on the log with twitch option so we're going to go and authorize blurp to our Twitch account so that way we can use the sound effects now since we've connected our Twitch account to blurp you can see that we're brought to the dashboard right here which will be able to set up our Channel points if you're a twitch affiliate you can also set up walk-on sounds which basically will allow your viewers to play a sound effect of they're choosing every stream that you do so it kind of adds a next little layer of interactivity for your viewers but before we can even get to that stuff we have to actually set up the blurp sound so what we're going to do now is click on this little setup button here so we'll click set up now it says you're three steps away from chat playing blurps on your stream well we'll see about that so the next step that we got to do is click on get started that should bring us to the next page so now we have two options here we have the universal extension which is basically a Chrome extension for your viewers to use which makes it work for kick YouTube and Tik Tok live but since this video is for twitch I'm just going to keep it easy and just use this because I think it gets a little complicated with the Chrome extension but like I said said I have an entire video on that which I'll also leave links in the description if you're interested we're just going to focus on this easy peasy part and do just the twitch extension so now it says link your streaming accounts we've already linked our Twitch account so that's all we need to do because we're keeping this simple so we're going to hit next now you have two different options on how you want your viewers to be able to actually use their blurp sound so you have the option of it being a component which basically a component is they can hover over the screen with their Mouse and they'll be able to see the blurp extension and interact through it that way or you can have them use the panel personally I think they recommend the component option but I prefer the panel option just because I think it's a little bit easier so personally I'm going to choose the panel option but it's really up to you to decide so once we've chose which one we want to use I'm going to click on activate extension which is right beneath it and so we need to activate that extension it says activating which says it successfully activated so now let's actually click on The View extension page so we're going to click that and it brings us to our extension page on Twitch which is nice so the cool part now is that it's actually already done all of the hard work for us because if we go back to my extensions up here in the top it's going to show that we have our blurp panel already set up as panel one so we can confirm that by going to the top right corner and then clicking on channel and so it'll bring us to our twitch Channel and if we click on about or chat it's really up to you we can scroll down and now see that we have our blurp panel showed here so this is where your viewers are going to find the blurp panel it's going to be right underneath your Stream So This is where they're going to go to interact and play these different sounds but let's head over back to blur real quick so once we're back over on blurp we can see that we've done everything on this page that it has asked us so we're going to click on the next button so this is the part where you're able to set your bit prices now if you're not a twitch affiliate then obviously you don't have access to bits quite yet but if you are a twitch affiliate then you'll be able to set whatever one you want here but if you're not a twitch affiliate that's fine you can just leave this as the default of 15 and we'll go over what you can do later l so you can set whatever amount of bits you deem worthy for your channel and then we're going to hit next now we have to connect blurp to our Stream So if you use OBS Studio we're going to click this one twitch Studio streamlabs light stream Etc so for this video I'm going to use OBS Studio but majority of you guys are going to be using OBS and if not you can click the other ones and follow the instructions there pretty sure it's almost exactly the same so there's not going to be that many differences in terms of setup process so since we're using OBS Studio it would probably be helpful if I opened OBS studio so let me do that real quick all right I got it open in the background so now what we need to do is add the browser source to OBS or our streaming software if you're using something else that's not OBS so what we're going to do is simply hit this little copy button here and now we're going to go into OBS studio and all we're going to do is add a new browser Source okay so now that we're in OBS Studio I got a blank scene so there's nothing fancy going on here we're going to click add a new source this little plus button and then click on browser Source I'm going to call this blurp and then hit okay just just so I know what it is and this is where we're going to paste that URL that we just got into OBS Studio then once you've done that we're going to click on control audio via OBS and then hit okay so now you'll see that this is our blurp alert box and then now since we hit that control audio via OBS blurp has its own audio mixer bar so that way if you want to control the volume of all the blurps you can simply just drag and drop this little volume bar here so I brought up both the blur page and OBS just so you get a better idea of what's actually going on here but now we're going to hit this little test audio button and if we don't hear any audio that's fine don't freak out I'll show you fix right after that so we're going to click on test audio now it should play the sound right over here okay there you go that played the visual right here so we have the visual up and if I click it one more time I'm going to hit test audio we're going to see the visual and then you see that the blurp sound is actually playing but I didn't hear it on my end and that's totally normal because what you have to do now is click on these three little dots here on the little blurp audio mixer we're going to go to Advanced Audio properties and then we're going to find the blurp one right here it happens to be at the top for me and we're going to change the audio monitoring to Monitor and output so that way we're going to monitor on our end because then we'll be able to hear it and we're also going to Output that sound to our viewers so they can also hear it so once you've set that up correctly like so we're going to hit close and now we're going to press the test audio button and we should be able to see it and hear it nuts okay yeah so that definitely hurt on my end you probably hear it pick up through my microphone that's okay and like I said if you want to just quickly adjust the volume for everything you can use this but later in the video we'll also be able to adjust the volumes separately in case one's louder than another one but for right now I'm just going to turn it down just to smidge so that way we're not blowing our listeners eardrums out so now that we've got blurp successfully integrated into our streaming software let's go back to blurp and show you what else you can do so now we're going to Simply hit the next button and that should finish up most of the actual setup process it says we need to moderate blurp next you'll be able to use our moderated libraries to configure how many sounds are available to your community all right cool so now we're going to hit next and basically there's different tier ratings in terms of like how appropriate sounds are for your stream so we'll be able to customize that in just a moment it says there's almost a million sounds on blurp and if you want to use their little libraries then you can do this so if you use the entire blurp Library viewers can pick between over a pretty close to a million sounds but they're mostly unrated so there can be some inappropriate sounds like swearing or other things but if you want to keep it more gpg13 and R classifications you can choose that one or if you just want to have you know the most controlled and moderated sounds then you can use this one which has over 10,000 so that really depends on your streaming environment and what you want to have for your Stream So if you want to play it safe pick this one you want to play it mid probably do this this one or if you want to do all three then you know do what you want I'll probably go for the mid but it's really up to you or if you just want to handpick sounds you can choose that option too but there's a lot of sounds out there so I'm just going to pick the first two and then hit next so now it says customize the curated Library controls which sounds are available to your viewers by customizing the curated Library settings they also have a copyright music filter this will block all content that's tagged with music or potential copyright so if you want you could turn that on and make sure that you're safe from copyright you'd only show popular blurps if you want it really depends on what you want to have but if we go back up we're going to want to make sure that we actually have sounds with cursing you can have mild content or extreme content you can also change the price depending on what you think is worthy for your stream but low key I'm just going to set this all to mild content because you know I feel like for most streams that's going to be okay but like if you don't want prank sounds you can leave it on no content or if you don't want jump scares you going to have no content so it really just depends for your stream but for the purposes of this video I'm just going to put mild content for everything but that's entirely up to you so now we're going to hit next after we've chose our settings and now it says configure The Sounds available to your viewers via the Legacy Library so if you want just G-rated sounds PG sounds PG-13 or R you can adjust this slider as necessary I'm going to go R cuz we're a little spicy on our channel so we're going to hit next and then it says special access to the entire library at any time you can give access to the entire library to viewers blah blah blah and we can do that from the my viewers tab you can also Grant access to the AI text of speech in the same place so that's cool and we're going to hit finish now once we're done with that we'll be brought back to the main page of blurp likely you'll be put on the my streams blurp but you can also see that we are on the dashboard as well so if we just quickly go back to my streams blurps here you'll see that we have your streams library is zero and you might be freaking out oh Cody I'm not going to have any blurps I got to go and manually add all blurps to my stream that's not actually the case what you'll need to do is nothing because if we go actually check out our little twitch page then you'll see that there's actually already a ton of blurps already been able to pick from over here and if they wanted to search for something more specific like SpongeBob then they'll have all the different options here because we opted into those libraries earlier in this video so that way you actually don't have to do anything but if you wanted to go and add specific ones in like groups that's where you'll go and do it also if you notice when we ran those little test alerts you'll see that blurp automatically puts in chat who used what blurp which is also really nice feature so if you wanted to theoretically add different blurps to your little stream Library group then you can click on this add sounds to stream and that way you'll see all of these different options here you got top blurps trending blurps so on and so forth and so you'll be able to play this and if you like this then you can click on this little drop down here and you'll be able to either add it as a collection or twitch Channel points or a walk-on to assign a viewer a walk-on or you can simply hit this little plus button and it'll add it to your library so now if we click that little plus button which we did and then go back to my streams blurps you'll be able to see it's been added to our little Library here so now that we've gotten that out of the way I know this video is getting a little long so I'm going to try and just Breeze over everything else since we got the most important part done but I do want to mention that at any point you have any questions whatsoever instead of leaving a comment down below go to the help and feedback tab in the bottom left corner of blurp here you'll find their Discord server which you can join and they'll be able to answer your questions much better than I can including their little support request down at the bottom too so please take advantage of those instead of asking me stuff in the comments because the team on blurp will know much better answers than I can since it's their product but very quickly we can go Breeze over to the dashboard once again and you'll see that we have the twitch extension here so you see the different libraries that we have added or turned off you'll also be able to set up your walk on so if you're not a twitch affiliate then you can feel free to take advantage of this but twitch Affiliates can also take advantage of this this you'll simply click on set up and here you'll be able to set the minimum time for a cool down by default it's set at one day assuming you stream once a day whatever it doesn't matter but if you're not an affiliate you can just drag this to all viewers so that way you don't have to be a sub a tier one sub tier 2 tier 3 Etc to set up a walk-on sound so that way it's available for non-affiliates so here you'll just simply turn on the walk-on ability so that way people can actually submit and play the Walk-Ons and in order for that to work we're going to read this thing right here so it says how does walk-on viewer sounds work well viewers have to submit a sound first and then the streamer will go and approve those submitted sounds or you can manually add sounds to viewers via search so what you can do is click on go to my viewers which is right here and all that's going to do is just bring you to the my viewers tab here on the left so what you'll have to do now when the first time you do this is you set up the dashboard by clicking on this little button so you can change to all viewers and it should show all viewers that go and submit a walk-on because this tab right here the my viewers tab is where you're going to manually approve those submitted walk-on sounds and if you're wondering viewers can submit and play Walk-Ons from the twitch extension so they'll be able to find that in the panel underneath your stream or the component if you chose the component instead of the panel and then once they submit their walkon you'll find it right over here and you can approve it in which they'll be able to use use once a day so you're able to set up twitch Channel points over through the dashboard setup or you can simply click on Twitch Channel points on the left here given you must be a twitch affiliate or partner to use Channel points so if that's not the case you will not be able to set this up however I'll show you what it looks like on my main account just so you get an idea so if you're a twitch affiliate this is an example of what it looks like after you set everything up so if you wanted to add a new twitch Channel Point blurp reward I know this a mouthful right we're going to click on plus new reward here and then click on reward and so if we do it this way you'll just hover over whatever sound you see and it'll show channel points right here so that means as soon as we hit this plus button on it it's going to add it as a channel Point reward so it says successfully added reward so this one says firmly grasp it so let's X out of here and then we're going to see it right here but now this is where we're going to set the price and everything so we'll change this to let's say a th000 and then if you want to turn it off you can click this and it'll be disabled otherwise you can reenable it here and then you can click on these three dots next to it which is conveniently hidden behind my webcam and then hit edit reward and then you'll see that you can change the reward title so this will be firmly graspit and then the reward volume so how loud it plays and then a couple other settings that you can feel free to mess with including the channel Point amounts so once you have everything set up to way you want it you can simply hit save and give it a second to save over and now you can see firmly grasp it 1,000 points let's head over to my twitch Channel and see if it actually updated so if we go to my channel here which is CAW music we stream every Monday if you want to hang out with us we can go to our Channel point section here and now you can see a new channel Point reward for th000 firmly grasp it has been added so if someone has a th000 channel points they can simply click on it and be able to redeem it now unfortunately I don't have 1,000 Channel points on my alt account so you're not going to be able to hear it but that's how you would set it up and so there are a couple other features here on blurp but just so you know it does go a little bit more in depth so I'm just going to leave it for here you can feel free to explore more on your own but make sure to watch this video to the side of me to take your stream to the next level my name's Cody and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 3,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blerp, kick streaming, kick, sound effect, blerp kick, kick blerp, youtube blerp, kick stream blerp, youtube blerp sounds, how to setup blerp, blerp tutorial, blerp setup, blerp setup guide, blerp guide, kick blerp setup, kick blerp guide, youtube blerp guide, youtube blerp setup, twitch channel points, twitch extension, twitch stream, audio meme, twitch sound alerts extension, twitch channel points alerts, twitch channel points sound effects, twitch channel points rewards
Id: sZowfuhG8Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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