How to CROP, SHARPEN & EXPORT photos for INSTAGRAM with Capture One Pro

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hi everyone this is kasmokwa welcome to my channel where you will find always photo editing training and educational videos to help you grow as an artist and photographer today's video was requested by dr dreis and i will show you how to crop sharpen and proof your images for specific social media so if you want to learn how to take advantage of capture one's tools to make your images shine on instagram keep watching okay so today we are going to be talking about preparing your images for publishing in social media so i'm going to be targeting specifically instagram but once you know the technique once you know the method you can replicate it for other social media as long as you know the exact size that you need and before we dive in i have a quick reminder for all of you who are interested in my black friday discount on capture one comprehensive course so you can find the link down below there is still 20 discount until the end of today so including cyber monday including today you can still get 20 off on my course okay so let's jump back into today's video so we are going to be talking about preparing images for social media so let me just jump over to capture one and i'm going to show you basically how i've already done this so this is the image that i have taken this year in autumn in birchtadi polish mountains so this is the original image here i have applied some adjustments so today i'm not going to be covering how to edit this image but as far as i remember i've already done this uh i will check this out and if i have recorded a video with specific steps how i have edited this image i will post the link down below as well so this is the original image then i have applied some adjustments and i have cropped the image and now if we jump back to instagram we can find the image here so this is the image that i'm going to show you today as an example so as you can see here it looks quite sharp it looks nice there's nice contrast you can check as well how the image looks like on your mobile so here i have three images so let's check what else we have here the second one is the river and the third one this is just a video that i have recorded on this morning on my iphone so i haven't edited the video i haven't applied any filters but i have processed these two images in capture one and i have applied sharpening that was specifically adjusted for the instagram size so first of all i have just checked the sizes for social media if you don't know the sizes this is the very first step that you need to check so basically whatever social media you are interested in if you want to publish for facebook instagram whatever twitter it's all here and i just googled the social media image sizes i came up with this page you can find many different pages but i believe the sizes should be the same so this is for 20 20 and here is facebook so let's just move over instagram and i want to crop my images for instagram portrait so the specific dimensions that i'm interested in are here so this is 1080 by 1350. so this is super super important this is the first step that you need to take into consideration when you are preparing your images for social media so i want to export my image specifically for instagram portrait but let's say you would like to create your i don't know maybe facebook profile picture or maybe something more suitable for the image maybe facebook event image size so you need to write down the size because we will need it when we'll be preparing the recipe and proofing the recipe proofing the image in capture one so today i will show you how to create a portrait image for instagram so let's jump back to capture one and here i'm just going to reset crop so let's again clone variant and on this one i'm just going to quickly get rid of the crop so these would be my steps this is the original image as you can see here no adjustments there is no crop applied so we can just quickly reset we can check it out so this is very useful tip i have struggled with this myself and i got many people asking me how you can delete crop when you are on a certain image that has a crop applied without going inside the tabs and searching for the crop tool and this is actually very very simple all you need to do is to just select the tool from here and then right click on the image and clicking this little arrow reset so nothing happened it means that this is the original image we can see it basically here then in my next step i have applied some luminosity adjustments some color adjustments you can see these layers here and just to remind you just to refresh your memory when it comes to the three-step sharpening process in capture one if you are not familiar with the concept i have two quite detailed videos on this i'm going to post links down below but basically capture one applies three-step sharpening process so the first step this is the capture sharpening and basically when you capture your image with your camera depending on the camera depending on the body and the lens you are using capture one when you are importing your raw file without any adjustments it will already apply a bit of sharpening to make your image a little bit more crisp so if we move back to the original image already here there is some sharpening applied by capture one automatically without you even knowing about this so if we just zoom in so this is 100 the image is quite soft but there is already some sharpening applied during the first step of capture one's three-step sharpening process the captur sharpening so this is the first step and you are not doing this capture one is doing for you this step automatically so then the second step of sharpening an image in capture one this is the creative sharpening so here i have already applied some sharpening i think i have done this on this layer so if i switch off this layer you can see that this image is getting way softer and remember whenever you are applying and sharpening whenever you are working with clarity it is super important it is crucial to take a look at your image at 100 magnification level and if you are the retina display it is recommended to take a look at 200 percent so i am on the retina i should be looking at my image at 200 percent so the image is quite grainy i will go down a bit lower so we can see a little bit more so always take a look at 100 percent and as you can see here this was my second stage of applying sharpening in capture one the creative sharpening so here i have added the sharpening to this image i don't think i have applied any mask let's just hit m no i have applied sharpening all over the whole image so this is my creative sharpening here on this layer so i've been working on some luminosity adjustments on color adjustments then i have applied some sharpening and now let's say i'm happy with this edit and i want to publish it to instagram so first of all i need to crop the image to the exact size that we've already checked here so i need to crop my image to this ratio so to make sure that it will fit nicely in instagram so to do this we can use the crop tool and here you can add aspect ratio so as you can see here i have already done this i have saved basically my aspect ratio for instagram portrait for instagram landscape and for some other sizes that i typically use but to do this from scratch you need to just move over here click on the crop tool and just press and hold so here you can select the first one add aspect ratio so here you need to just type in the name so let's say i will call it instagram test so i can delete it later on because the first one that i've already created is working perfectly i don't need the second one let's just jump over here so 1080 so this is my ratio for the for width and for the height 1000 we can actually copy it from here so command c and let's just jump back here okay so perfect i have my aspect ratio i have the name so if i hit ok this will be added here to my list so instagram test so once you have added your aspect ratio here and today i'm showing you how to do this for instagram but you can create here a list of your aspect ratios whatever you need for whatever social media you want to export your images okay so once we have our ratio for instagram portrait in capture one we can just move over here and take it from the list so let's select this one and now we can prepare our crop so i'm just going to crop my image so as you can see the ratio is fixed and this is really helpful when you are working on cropping you don't need to worry about the ratio anymore capture one is just keeping it fixed okay let's go a little bit tighter here from the top okay perfect so the same as we were looking at our image and at 100 percent when we were sharpening so now we are at 50 this is 100 now we want to make sure that we are looking at the image at 100 percent but at the actual size that it will be published on instagram because it doesn't make sense to sharpen the image at this size if it will be published at a smaller size later on on social media so if we just move over to instagram you can see that the image is way smaller here and basically the trick now is to pre-proof sharpening in capture one to this exact size and this can be done very quickly in a very easy way so now we will be working with process recipes i know that it sounds sort of complex but believe me it is very very simple and once you know how to do this you will do this on the fly so we can do this in the last tab here so as you can see here i have already my process recipe prepared for instagram so i'm going to show you how to do this from scratch so let's just switch off this one and if you don't know what is process recipe this is basically the place where you are telling capture one that you want your raw file because we are still working with a raw file you want your raw file have exported to certain file types so you can export to jpeg you can export to tf you can export to psd at certain size so what i'm interested in is to export this crop from my landscape to jpeg at the specific size that was already giving me here in this guide related to instagram so i want to take this row and create a copy so when you are working in capture one you work in a non-destructive way so you are not creating any images you are not creating any copies i can make as many variants of this image as i wish without taking space on the hard drive so this is completely different approach as for example comparing to photoshop where if i would like to have black and white version of this image i would need to create another image and i would have to save it to my hard drive here i don't have to do this all the adjustments that i have performed here they are basically saved in a text file which is taking very very little space on my hard drive so this relates to working on your image in a raw file and now we are going to actually save a physical file to our hard drive and we are going to do this with process recipes so i'm going to show you how to create the process recipe from scratch so all you need to do is to just move over here and select add recipe new recipe so you can see our new recipe here at the very bottom so i'm going to rename it i'm going to rename it to instagram portrait and jpeg okay so this is our recipe and basically now i need to move over here and set the format and the size so just to remind myself this is the size so i want to export this image as a jpeg so in the first tab basic i want to go for jpeg and here it depends if you are exporting for instagram there is no point to go over 80 so basically anything over 80 is not visible anymore there is no difference on a screen if you would export for print i wouldn't recommend exporting jpegs for print then i would go for tiff but if for some reason you would want to export jpeg for a print you would go for 100 percent but for screen 80 is enough so this we are not touching a resolution this all is fine when it comes to scale we have already cropped our image to the ratio so all we need to do is to set just one of the sizes either width or height so let's go for width and we know that the width for our instagram portrait it has to be exactly 1080 so first we need to change inches to pixels and here we need to go for 1080 so because i have the image already cropped to the proper ratio the height will be always 1350. so this is our size and basically here you can pick whatever you like if you want to open the image or if you just want to have it exported to your output folder in capture one so basically all the images that you will export you will find here in output folder so let's move back to our process recipes so here i have already set the format jpeg quality 80 and scale with the width should be exactly 1080. when it comes to file here you can change the folder so i just have mentioned that your image will be put automatically by capital one here to your output location in the folder in your session so let's just jump over here so this is the session that i have created for this video capture folder and here when i export the image it will be visible here in my output folder but you can change it here if you want to so let's now move over to the adjustments and here is hidden the specific feature that you can use to control how your image will look like when you publish it on instagram because we can control here sharpening so first of all you can see here that we have crop so you can either respect crop or not i want to respect the crow because it's very important for the specific social media so you can choose you can ignore or respect and when it comes to sharpening you can see right now that there is no output sharpening so the same as we were working on the creative sharpening on our image before applying any crops we were looking at the image at 100 percent this is super super important so now here after applying the crop i have actually the possibility of seeing the image at the exact size as it will appear on social media and then i can apply sharpening so this is very very important this is crucial so once you have your process recipe created you have to switch on your proofing and you can do this by clicking on this icon that reminds me of glasses so proofing so you can see that this automatically scaled down the image to our aspect ratio that is required by instagram so before proofing the image is way larger and you can actually go for 200 percent 100 percent but when you switch on proofing so we've told capture one that we want our image to be 1080 pixels wide so here is the size here the dimensions and now only after we have switched on proofing we can basically start sharpening the image so if you don't switch on proofing it doesn't make sense because you would be still looking at your image as way larger size and basically the sharpening will be not effective so let's switch on our proofing feature and now we can do this here in the process recipe in adjustments so by default there is no output sharpening applied so i can move over here and select output sharpening for screen print or disable all so i want to publish on social media so i'm going for this option output sharpening for screen so you can see that the image got already a bit sharper so if we go for no output sharpening especially if you keep looking here at the texture of the road you can see that it is getting sharper so if i go for screen it already sharpened a bit and this is the default value that is set here in capture one if you want to go for stronger sharpening you are free to do this so you can basically i would highlight this number and work with arrows on my keyboard so that way i can be more precise so i wouldn't go further than this because then if i go for a value over 100 i'm starting seeing halos around the trees and again if you would like to learn in detail about sharpening in capture one i have these two other videos that i've mentioned before so you are more than welcome to jump over and watch them so you will know what are all these values here and how to control them to get the best results in capture one so basically when it comes to the amount i think that 100 it's already a lot it depends on your style so this image was taken during basically a sunrise i have pushed quite strongly my contrast so if we jump over this is the original image you can see that it was quite misty there was a fog it was very cold and it was very very soft the light was dim so i've already pushed it a lot to get this effect and i don't want to make it too sharp i don't want to create an impression that there was strong light and all these details were nicely lit and that's the reason why they are so sharp so i don't want to go that far let's go for a bit lower value so basically it is up to you it is depends entirely on your style and on the results that you want to go for so basically this is how you do this so once i have applied my sharpening this is how the image is going to look like on instagram so now if we just jump over to my instagram feed you can see that it looks similar and you can check this on your mobile so basically this is how you prepare your images for publication on social media by the way if you getting value from my videos i will really appreciate if you leave me a comment i'm always super curious your feedback i'm super curious your thoughts and i want to hear your suggestions for future videos i reply to every comment under my video so please feel free to comment please feel free to leave me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and i would appreciate if you subscribe to this channel to see similar videos in the future on capture one and on photo editing so just to recap let's go again quickly through all the steps that you need to take to prepare your image for capture one and actually there is the last step that i have omitted so once i have applied all these adjustments once i have my file size and so on once i set my sharpening to 80 i can now hide this and i can just hit this little button here process so this will start the process of exporting my image and now it should appear here in my output folder so here it is if i now click on this image this is the image that we have just sharpened for instagram so let's switch off proofing and i want to walk you very quickly step by step again through the whole process so let's take maybe a different image now so here this is the final image i have published it here as well so this was the second one as you can see it is nice and crisp they are consistent so let's jump over to capture one so here is my original image so i'm just going to let's maybe move it here so this is the original capture nothing applied here no adjustments at all so then i have created my color grading i have applied my luminosity adjustments and i have applied my crop so i have used this preset that i have said here instagram portrait so after cropping the image i am ready to sharpen it for the specific social media for the instagram portrait so all i need to do is to just move over to the last tab and here in my process recipes i just need to pick the one that i'm interested in so i want to export again as a jpeg the specific size and then i can even apply the sharpening that was already applied to the other image so this is all saved here i can go and pick my instagram portrait jpeg i can check the adjustments again here but remember we need to switch on proofing so once we have switched on proofing this is the size that the image needs to take to look good on social media either in the browser or on mobile or whatever you are using to browse instagram so here is my process recipe here are details so basic adjustments jpeg quality 80 and the width is 1080 file output location so this tells that the image will be exported and it will appear here output folder so output location and now adjustments so here again i want to respect crop and i want to apply sharpening for screen so in the previous image i have applied 80 and i would say that this is already too much here so let's go down to zero and from now we can maybe operate again with the arrows on the keyboard so now i can apply a bit of the sharpening but i still remember that it was very misty morning we still have a bit of this fog and if i go too far if i over sharpen this image i will basically kill the atmosphere so i want to make the image look good but i want to keep it realistic as well so i think in case of this particular image 50 is fine so done all i need to do now is to just move over here hit the process button and with the one click i have already exported my second image so now if i move over to my library and if i jump to the output folder i have both images that were sharpened and corrupt for social media for instagram portrait so i've done this already and i have published these images i would say my month ago something like this september now we have november yes so this is the second image with the river with the bridge and with the road so i hope this video was helpful and i hope you will know how to apply the process recipes to sharpen images and how to crop your images properly for the social media if you have any questions if there is something that you didn't understand please leave me a comment down below i will be always happy to help and for those of you who can sort of have the impression oh no this is just too complex this looks really complicated please don't have this approach because you need to learn this if you want to efficiently work with capture one you need to learn this once and once basically you remember how to do this you will do this on autopilot so there are some of these technical things that you have to learn i know that is much more pleasant and basically nicer to work on color grading and luminosity adjustment this is more artistic stuff but unfortunately we need to cover everything and this is really simple so if i could learn it you can learn it as well okay so don't be pushed away by this you need to understand how to do this this is really simple once you practice this couple of times you will do this in no time and then you will really understand how to work with all these different recipes and how to export the same image in different sizes with different sharpening values with one click because basically i have several different recipes say it here and for example i can just pick several of them and now if i hit the process button capture one with one click will export this image into all the sizes with all these adjustments so this is something really really important to learn and to understand so i hope i have convinced you to start working with process recipes and i hope that now your images will look amazing in instagram if you like you can leave me links to your images that were sharpened with this methods down below under this video i will be super curious to look at them so thanks for watching this was kasia's mokwa from digital art classes and i will see you soon in the very next video and don't forget today is the very last day when you can apply my 20 of discount on all my courses you can find the link down below so this is it for today thanks again and see you soon
Channel: Kasia Zmokla
Views: 4,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasia Zmokla, capture one 20, capture one 20 tutorial, capture one pro, exporting images for social media, exporting for social media capture one pro, capture one pro 20 tutorial, capture one pro for beginners, capture one process recipes, capture one pro tutorial, capture one pro for instagram, capture one pro crop tool, proofing in capture one pro, capture one pro 20 sharpening, exporting photos from capture one, photos for social, how to edit photos for social media
Id: HtaMxFoCFi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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