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hi everyone this is kasia smokwa welcome to my channel where you will find photo editing training and educational videos to help you grow as an artist and photographer today we will be creating a custom signature watermark in capton don't worry i'm going to take you through all the steps so first of all i will show you where you can find free fonts free signature fonts how you can download them and how you can create super quickly very simple signature in photoshop once we have our signature saved as a pdf we'll jump over to capture one and here i will show you how in a few simple steps you can apply your custom signature to a series of images so here you can see that we have several different images that have the same signature applied so in fact you can apply your custom signature you water mark to a set of images ready let's jump right into it okay so in today's video we will be working in photoshop in order to create our signature watermark our custom signature but if you already have an image that you would like to apply as a watermark inside capture one you can jump straight to the steps when we start working on capital one and for all of you who don't have any signature created yet i'm going to take you through all the steps so first of all let's open up our google search and let's type in signature font so let's hit enter and let's go for images result so as you can see i got from google some suggestions of signature fonts so i want to encourage you to search for something that you like but just make sure that the font is free for use unless you want to purchase the phone so just go for whatever versus you so for the sake of this tutorial i've been working with this one so i just browsed through the results i got from google and i decided okay i like this one so i have just right clicked on this one opened in the new tab and this is my result so here all i need to do is to just click on the font free so basically that font this is a website where you can download free fonts and the defund website exists as long as i remember when i was working as a graphic designer this page was already existing and it was about 20 years ago so here we can see that the font is free for personal use so let's respect this and let's just download the phone this is opening up another page and here we have our font zip so let's hit on download and that way i'm downloading the zip to my hard drive okay so i'm on a mac i have downloaded the zip here let's just double click on the zip so this will open up the font and this is my file let's double click again so on a mac you have this option very simple to install font so once i have clicked here i have installed this font to my system and now i can jump over to photoshop and start creating my custom signature okay so here we are in photoshop let's just create a new document when it comes to the size i would recommend creating something that has at least 2000 pixels width so i'm going to go for 2 500 pixel wide and when it comes for the size i think 1 500 is fine we can crop it later but when you're working on your custom signature if you create it quite large it will be helpful to maintain high quality when you apply it in capture one okay so here we have our blank canvas all we need to do now is to just pick the type tool and type in the name so as you've seen i have created my signature for catherine black i've done this because i'm polish and my name just doesn't look good with these fonts basically i think they were designed for english i don't think that you have any word in english that has z and m so i can just type my name in kasha's mokwa and i just don't like the way it looks like with this font so if you would like to go super pro and have your custom signature design professionally i think you would need to go and order it there are services there are people who design custom signatures so as you can see this doesn't look well the m is not linking with that so i've decided to just make up some name for the sake of this tutorial so let's select again and i'm going to go for catherine catherine black okay so let's just get out from my type tool so this is my custom signature very straightforward it didn't take me even five minutes to create it but remember that you can use it only for personal work you can't use all those fonts that are marked as free for personal use you can't use it for commercial work so basically what you want to do here is to fill in the canvas so let's just position it near the corner and let's go for command t you can stretch without holding shift so this will basically hold the proportions let's hit enter let's add here another line so as you can see here in capture one i have added a website this can be a good idea when you are exporting your images with watermark so let's jump over to photoshop and here we need to just select the tool again and type in so let's go for catherine black dot com and let's just change the font we want to go for something very simple one of my favorite fonts is lotto not for the reason that it was designed by a polish designer by the way it's just a super versatile font you have many different options here so let's go for regular and let's make it bigger so it will very nicely close our signature here at the bottom let's now increase the spaces between the letters here because it's going to be quite small and we want people to see the address we want to make it as legible as possible so let's now center the elements that we have created let's go for command a so i have selected everything let's now first click on the signature and let's go for this icon so this will center let's go for the other one let's click on the icon so now they are both center let's go for command d to deselect and let's move this one upwards just with the arrows maybe it's a little bit too wide let's compare it with my initial design yes this one was narrower so let's just make it a little bit narrower so it looks balanced okay so we can go we can reduce size of the font so it will be still legible but without overwhelming the signature and we can go for larger spaces between the letters i would go for even more okay i don't want to spend too much time on creating this this is just to give you an idea how you can approach this and of course if you want to create a beautiful design you can spend proper amount of time in photoshop okay so let's now crop our image let's crop the signature because we don't need this blank areas let's maybe change the background color to black so we see the original crop okay so let's go for the crop c and let's adjust this we don't want any margins here because this will be confusing especially we want to have this sign centered so capture one will be able to position it precisely on our images so this is it this is our custom signature design let's now just get rid of the background layer so we can just switch it off okay and let's save our file so let's first pick pdf so photoshop pdf and once we have pdf here let's just call it black signature and that's it so let's just hit save and this is all fine high quality print save pdf so that's way if we just jump over to capture one and if we open up our finder in our font folder we will have the signature that we've just created okay one thing here i need to make the signature white it could be black if you are working on bright images but i like it in white so let's just create another version in white so all you need to do is to just change color so here we have our layer that contains the website address let's just click on the color sample let's change it to white and let's repeat the same here let's go for white perfect so let's save another pdf so we will have two versions of our signature so black and this was the surname but actually it was black so let's just go for white signature and i want it to be a pdf so white signature pdf save save pdf perfect now we can jump over to capture one and here again if i go for my finder i will have now two files so the first one i have created is black signature pdf and the second one is the signature white on white so that's why it's not visible so let's reset our watermark tool here so the watermark you can find in the output tab in the very last one if you're working with the default workspace so here in watermark let's just go here and let's select reset tool so if you've never applied any watermark to your images you won't have anything here you will have just known so now to apply a watermark to apply your custom signature this is super super straightforward all you need to do is to just select from here image and you will have this little field here drop image here so let's just go back to our finder and let's drag the signature that we have created we want to go with the white so let's just drag it and drop inside here and that's it so our signature was applied to the image and by the way if you're getting value from my videos if you find my videos helpful i will be super happy i will appreciate if you leave me a thumbs up on this video if you like this video if you leave me a comment and of course if you subscribe to my channel so you won't miss any of my future uploads so you can hit the bell icon and that way you will get a notification so if you appreciate my work like the video and subscribe to my channel let's go back to our process so we have dragged our design inside capture one and now all we need to do is to just reposition it so here you have several options to work with you can adjust opacity let's maybe adjust scale so i'm going to go down with scale to make the signature a little bit smaller of course it depends on the final medium that you will be working with so basically if you want to sell your images at any photography stocks you can make it larger and you can make it more transparent so that way the image will be watermarked and you can go just with lower opacity so still the image can be seen but nobody can copy it nobody can take a screenshot and just use the image without your permission so this is one idea and of course you can still reposition the logo so if you would be working with the horizontal slider you will be moving the logo from the left to the right let's just go for zero and with the last slider you can change the position vertically so you can either position it towards the bottom or towards the upper edge of the image so let's reset it so it's up to you for my design i like going for opacity at 100 percent and just scale the image down just to make it lower and sort of position it that it's not covering the subject so something like this works quite well so this sort of signature watermark this sort of overlay i would use when it comes to promotional materials i wouldn't use this sort of watermark just for publishing images on social media for this you can go for the simpler version and i will just show you in one second how you can create a text watermark because you can create either image or you can create text or you can have no watermark at all so just here i just want to show you that once you have positioned your watermark once you have positioned your design it will be applied all over the whole group of images so now if i will be manipulating here with opacity this will be applied to all the images because i have created a process recipe so i'm working with the process recipe watermark top if i want to create another one let's say i want to have four different set of images the watermark the signature at the bottom i would need to create a separate recipe for this purpose so for example for this image the recipe that i have applied to my blue images doesn't work at all this image has portrait orientation and definitely here this image would benefit from a little signature position at the bottom so let's create another version of the recipe that includes watermark that can be positioned in images like that so let's just get rid of this one it is quite confusing so we have our watermark top and i'm just going to add a new one so add the recipe new recipe and let's just rename it to watermark bottom okay so here let's just jump over to watermark right now we don't have any watermark so let's go for image and here again we need to get our finder and apply our white signature so let's just drag and drop the image over the field in capture one let's just reposition let's make it smaller let's go for higher opacity and let's move it towards the bottom of the image so that's how you can approach this okay if it's too strong you can always reduce opacity when it comes to the size i can't make it smaller the pdf has 2500 width and i can't go lower so if you require smaller signature if you wanted to have it smaller here you would have to quickly jump over to photoshop and save smaller version of your custom signature so this works for portrait image and here i have a set of square images where the signature position at the bottom works well so when you are working with a set of images if you apply your watermark it will be exactly in the same place so this will create a very consistent set okay so that's how you are working with your image watermark so that's when you want to create this sort of signature but if you just want to have very simple text watermark on your image this can be done in capture one as well so let's jump back to our output and let's create another recipe so let's go for here and let's go for new recipe and let's just rename it to text watermark okay so this is my new recipe let's just switch this off so this is bottom this one was top and now i'm going to be creating very simple text watermark so this doesn't require at all moving over to photoshop all you need to do is to just pick inside the process recipe in watermark text here you can type your name you can type whatever information you want and just a little tip for you if you want to have the copyright sign this can be copied from the internet as well so if we just go here and type in copyright sign okay so from here you can just copy the sign command c so let's now jump back to capture one and here we can paste our copyright sign so command v and we can follow with our name so i can put my name in and that's it let's just hit enter and here is our text watermark so the same as in case of the image watermark you can now change the size so you can manipulate with scale so typically when you are publishing your image online i would go for this sort of watermark that is visible but is subtle enough so when it comes to positioning i would go closer to this edge let's change the color of the background so that way we can control the positioning okay let's go like this nearer to this edge and i feel it's a little bit too large so we can't go with scale lower but we can go here for kind and change from pixels to points so when we are working with points we can make it a little bit lower so i fill something around this size and i wouldn't go lower with opacity because if you apply this watermark over bright image then it will vanish so if i for example click on this one it's almost invisible so i would go for opacity at 100 so when the overlay is white there is bigger chance that it will be legible that it will be visible of course if you want to be super precise you can adjust the opacity for every image so here it will benefit from darkening so you can just play around with these values but basically all you need to do is to just place your name place the data that you would like to have included in watermark plus you have the option of picking a font so from here you can access different fonts you can go for any font you like i would suggest though going for something very simple very minimalistic very legible so the same as when we were working with our watermark signature we went for the simple and legible font for the website the only place where we have been working with the signature with the handwritten font was the signature itself so it makes sense here but in case of text watermark all we want to do here is to just have the information included who is the author of the picture and the simpler the font the more legible the font the better so if you still find it distracting you can scale it down you can make it really really small so it will be there but it is not distracting from the image itself it's not disturbing the viewer and of course once we have the process recipe with our text watermark created we can apply it to any image we want so let's just go for the other set and let's go back to our output so here if i select the first image we have our text watermark applied as well so here i think it is a little bit too bright let's switch off this one so we can fine tune opacity we can make it a little bit stronger if it's needed so once you create your process recipe once you enable it this will be applied to all your images that you want to output that you want to export outside of capture one okay so in this video we've been talking about adding a watermark in capture one so you can go either for a simple text watermark or you can go for something a little bit more fancy so first of all you need to create your design in photoshop or you can order it online and when you have your design ready you need either pdf or png file something that includes transparency once you have it you can drag it here in the process recipe and you can create your custom signature i hope you enjoyed this video and i hope you will find it helpful when you're creating your own beautiful custom signature designs in photoshop and applying them inside capture one for those of you who would like to learn more about capture one i have a comprehensive course you can find the link in the description you can check out the curriculum of the course and you can take the free preview of the course so thank you very much for watching this was kashas mokwa from digital art classes and i will see you soon in the next video
Channel: Kasia Zmokla
Views: 6,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasia Zmokla, photo editing, capture one, capture one 20, capture one 20 tutorial, capture one pro, capture one tutorial, capture one 20 photo editing, capture one 20 editing, post processing, watermark capture one, watermark capture one 20, capture one pro watermark, capture one pro text watermark, capture one pro image watermark, how to watermark, how to, capture one beginner tutorial, how to add watermark in capture one, how to watermark photos in capture one pro
Id: fKI0ddfRImI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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