How to create YOUR OWN BUILDS for beginners!

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all right let's T back in here we're about to do a recording here we're going to talk about all this stuff Welcome Back YouTube uh today's going to be a very very long video I am so faded why am I so faded in this video you know what whatever you you can see me I'm sorry I'm so see-through I look like Casper the ghost right now um but this is going to be a really long video man I've been wanting to do this video for a while for you guys and this video in particular is going to be teaching you how to build from scratch so disclaimer if you are someone who is already knowledgeable about builds and knowing how to build like you kind of have an idea and you understand how everything works uh this video may not be for you um this video I'm making it specifically for people who are new to this kind of game or want to learn the thought process that I go through when I'm making a build for a character and the reason why I wanted to do this is because most importantly like although there's content creators like myself or other ones that are like bigger streamers who have builds for people to borrow or take the the the thing that we forget the most is the fact that most of the builds that we have are going to be inaccessible to the general public that just started playing the game right so say like someone just started playing and they're all the way back in Kingston and like they bought ultimate glay I can showcase My ultimate glay build and like oh yeah for ultimate glay you're going to want predator instincts and all this stuff but the issue is is that they don't have predator instincts they won't be able to get access to those mods until after they beat the game after they beat hard mode bosses and how do we expect them to do that if you're already struggling with basic content so I wanted to make this video to teach you or uh any new player in general in the future how to make their own build and cater to their own needs so they have an understanding of the game at at least a basic level like a baseline so when they get stuck they they can kind of figure out what they need help with and like what they need to plug in for their uh their situation because everyone individual needs going to be different uh because the main thing people always ask well did you put mods on are you using mods yes they probably have mods on but it doesn't mean anything if they don't know anything so this is going to be a full breakdown explaining every little component and how everything adds up so specifically I decided to go with a character like Sharon so I feel like Sharon is pretty easy she's she's straightforward as a character so we don't have to worry about any like hidden mechanics or anything like that uh I took off all of her components here so you can see her base values and stuff uh the only thing I couldn't take off is the reactor right uh so I can't remove that and unfortunately I don't have like a level one or level two reactor so just ignore the skill power but we're going to talk so let's let's dive in hopefully this video helps you grab a drink it's going to be a long one we're going to be sitting here for a while the first thing I like to do when I get any kind of new character or anything like that in these kind of games is I love looking at their base stats so I like to go to the character info and everything like that and I love just looking at what values higher their Shields their health their defense all this stuff cuz this helps me understand what the character scales with more and I'm going to talk more about that in the future but essentially we want to make sure that we buff the things that they're good at and not the things they're bad at so like Max shield for example Sharon I have again I have no modules on my Sharon she's completely empty uh so we go here I gave us a nice clean slate I just left shock punch on because this doesn't hurt me this just gives me more mod capacity right so that that's all that is I have no components so that's how I know for a fact that she has more HP and shield obviously so there's nothing here being skewed by like oh Max HP on my components so what I want to do is when I see this in the back of my mind I think okay so HP for sure got it if I was to put any survivability mod on I want to put it for her Max HP because that's where she gets the most benefit and then defense you can look at defense okay if I do defense that'll also be really good as well she scales really high with her defense so maybe a defense module will be good right so that's in the back of my mind I'm not going to look too much at it now but just keep that in the back of your mind Max HP or defense is going to be the things that we want to look at and determine where we're going to scale in this case scenario I would say defense so I'm going to back out of here for now Sharon and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to look for external components your components is very important it doesn't matter which one you got understand in early game you're not going to have crazy amounts so I'm not going to look for set bonuses I'm just going to look for just base stats that's it we're not worried about sets I'm sorry that I only have level 100s to Showcase to you right now um so just bear with me so we looked that we saw Sharon has a lot of defense and we saw that she has more HP than Shield so I'm going to ignore her Shield at all costs and I'm not afraid to buffer defense I'll buff that up so what I'll do is I'll look for HP or defense this one gives me defense and Max HP in a substat I'll get 547 HP and it'll give me defense and my main stat now this is total up to you right now some people will tell you you want you ideally want a piece that gives you double of the same stat so you would want like a defense defense and HP HP that that that's a good boost um but unfortunately maybe you don't have access to that cuz that requires you to farm and if you keep watching my videos I always tell people don't worry about farming in the early game beat the campaign as fast as possible and then your farm will be begin in game because then you can get the desired roles and stats you want in in normal game you're just going to get content like it's going to keep dropping you loot that's always going to be at a higher Rarity with higher values at all the time so you're going to constant keep changing things out anyways so there's no point wasting your time trying to constantly mid Max as much as possible so just grab whatever one that's good for you so for this example I'm just going to grab this one I'm not going to look for like something crazy and concrete I just want to buff her survivability I'm going to grab this one I'm going to throw it on Boom now I have more base defense and I have more base HP which she scaled with so my HP value is now going to be at 1060 and my defense is now at 5,941 that's huge already I'm kind of tanking for a level 29 already now granted I am using the gold so there's that Grant it it is a gold so I'm going to keep going and I'm going to keep adding more to it so now I'm going to look for another one another defense or HP one if I have one so we got to look for these little Cinder things here so let's see I see this one's Max Shield we showcase that her Shield is low so I'm not going to bother wasting my time on that so I'm going to look for uh here we go we got a Max HP one and this one has Max MP so this will help her monopol uh so this one I can decide if I want to throw it on character XP gain modifier is nice for if I'm you know leveling and stuff uh so we're just going to go with this one for now because maybe I want to give her a little boost to our HP you know I I think we got enough defense I'll give her a little bit of HP for the early game so that way she isn't too squishy so CU another thing to know about defense is that defense only negates up to 80% of an attack luckily in normal mode enemies aren't going to be doing that much crazy amount of damage to where you have to worry about getting one shot it except for like a few bosses right so this would be really good for when you're fighting bosses if you want to stack in like high high high defense to really negate the amount of damage they do but uh for like just regular mobs and the open world and stuff like that you really don't need a crazy amount of Defense early game um but that's just my opinion if you are still struggling and you still need so uh just just add more Right add more there's there's nothing wrong with it just know that it's it's only going to negate up to 80% so if an attack is like 100 and it's negating 80 of it you're you're G to take 20 damage you know what I'm saying so uh there's that okay going into the health here we're going to still look for more things so I'm going to see so for me I'm like okay I got Max HP I got defense and some more max HP my HP is looking kind of good looking kind of good do I still want more sure why not you know why not why not in this case just because we got we can we can f fill both roles so I'll be like all right this one has HP and defense let's do it we're going to we're going to just throw that on there we're going to come to my last and final piece we're going to look for another one and uh I'm going to say okay this one gives me defense and this one gives me Max HP and some other stuff now if you are if you feel comfortable and you're just looking for something extra minor you can look at the sub stats cuz you might have some cool sub stats from one and that that's important I'll throw this on um before we continue and I'm back out of here I just want to make one important uh one important statement be careful tooo just because like say you get a gold drop or a purple or a blue don't feel like the need to instantly get rid of it because sometimes uh the main stat may be like oh minus it's like minus like a th000 or 100 or something like that right but it turns out the purple's actually give you more if you're still struggling with survivability because it's a double stat so like this for example is 2341 in a base stat and then the Blue version or like the substat is another 2384 so technically this is giving me 4,000 defense and this one uh let's say which is let's say this was like a defense one I was like a gold 3,000 defense technically this one would give more even though the arrow says the arrow would be down saying it's giving me less because I'm getting 4K off it you know what I mean so just be careful of that when you're trying to clear your inventory space and you're trying to make room be mindful of that and make sure you carefully look at your sub stats cuz you might be making yourself tankier uh for a while before I like I started getting like constant level 100s that I felt comfortable with uh I was running like a level 80 uh and not using my level 90 cuz all the level 90s and hundreds I got they were actually weaker than the level 80 purple that I had that I got during one of the missions um and during the campaign because it had good double stats and it was like a double roll and it high rolled so I had really good defense off that one so I was using it for like the longest time so just be mindful of that okay so now that we got got done uh putting our components on and we got our character with the nice survivability so we're not getting one tapped by everything we're going to go to our modules so just know now our modules is going to affect these numbers so in here we got our shock punch on it doesn't matter which one you want these little uh these these mods I forget what they're called we're just going to call them like attack mods or whatever like those mods in in particular stance mods they'll give you more capacity so they never hurt so instantly level one up to the max whenever you get the chance to if you can and just give yourself more space to play around with on your descendant so now that we have that there we're going to look at our Sharon's ability cuz this is very important we want to see what she works with so underneath her preview image we see that she's an electric type and we see that her a or her one is a fusion based ability so I'm going to keep that in mind so this is a fusion electric based ability ability and then we're going to look at her two her two is an electric Dimension based ability and pretty much all of her abilities is going to be electric so we're just going to stop repeating that cuz you you get it right this one's a dimension based stability and then her flash short sword is a fusion based ability so how we determine what kind of reactor we're going to throw onto our Sharon is going to be based off of what we just read right so we see Fusion we see electric what kind of play style am I going for for this character am I going to be using her her her one and her four a lot cuz if so then I'm going to want to prioritize electric INF Fusion damage right as well as an electric Fusion reactor that's that's how we look at this because we want to boost those abilities now these abilities her Dimension based ability like her Shadow Ambush and all that stuff or active Ambush sorry and her shock nuts this is up to you do you want to actually focus on this this is these two are duration based abilities cuz shock nut the stun lasts uh as long as you have duration on and then her uh active camouflage last for as long as your duration is based off so you got to keep that in mind uh when you're building these characters and what modules you want to put on so right away for me for my Sharon build I'm going to say I want to prioritize her cut off beam and her shortsword because that's where most of my damage is coming and I like damage so what I would do for that I see it's Fusion you could go to skill power you could do things like technician uh let me see if I have any Fusion mods also in a video we're only going to use blue modules because I don't want to use the purple ones because again this is for a this is a beginner guide video and because it's for beginners new players will not have access to things like the purple mods so we're only using blue modules as just an example right this isn't to actually create a Sharon build live on screen so I'll be like all right I'm going to grab Fusion specialist I'm going to throw this on I'm going to put it in this slot here cuz uh if you didn't know these these symbols you see when you match them up they'll actually reduce the cost of a mod leaving you with more space so that's very important to know when uh applying modules and how to correctly apply them so you're not hogging up too much space and now you make your character feel more powerful so now we're going to back out o oops I didn't save I didn't save I'm a silly goober I'm a silly goober chat forgive me don't hate me so I'm like okay I'm G put this on I'm Gonna Save that and now I'm going to go here I'm G to clear this out and I'm going to go back and look at those abilities again I'm going to read the description now the description of it says skill effect uh so the cool down 7 Seconds MP costs 27 skill effect damage is the skill power times 82.7% right and then the damage range is a 4.4 time 6.0 and the max Expendable range or expandable range is 150% so that in mind we want to know we want to build for range and we want to build for skill power right because then the electrocution after is the skill Power Times another 11 14.7% and I'll tell you how you can calculate your skill power and what you know where your skill power actually is so for in in this example again because we're only working with blue mon I'm going to throw on power increase cuz I want to increase my skill power so I'm going to save this so I got power increase and I got Fusion specialist on Fusion specialist to boost the uh the one again and to boost my four cuz that's when I'm going to that's how I'm going to play my Sharon and then I got power increased because I want to multiply my skill power so now you're probably thinking okay render how do I calculate my skill power where is my skill power coming from your skill Power is coming from your rea actor and again since you're playing early game if you're someone who's new and you're starting off you're not going to worry too much about farming your reactor and I know you see a toxic reactor on my Sharon and this is for a good reason I'm using this as a great example uh this was actually for my frina I was using my fra build but I'm using this as a good example of who cares so as of right now in normal game you're going to get reactors that drop at all different levels and they'll always give you increased stats so what you're going to do is you're going to just look for the best reactor that gives you a higher skill power so down bottom where showcases skill power when equipped you're going to look for that number and you just want to equip that so right here this electric one that I have I will put this one on obviously it's going to give me a electric skill power boost ratio a fusion skill power boost ratio and all that stuff but look at the number uh difference I'm getting 4,866 increase to her her uh her a and another 4,866 increase to my X which is my fourth ability right and that's the play style I'm going for so because I'm using I'm utilizing that play style I would essentially look for any reactor that's going to boost that number right now this is a tingling reactor so I'm going to try to do it different and try to pretend like I'm in your shoes and I don't have a reactor for my character so here's another good example this one is a materialized reactor this does not give me electric beuse uh electric boost but what it does do is compared to the reactor I got now it will boost my a and my for so I'm going to look at that and then I see that it has this the the skill power boost ratio or Fusion skill power boost ratio and that's probably also why it's giving me that that bigger boost so I would essentially equip this and now the skill power of like that 11,060 and all that stuff or the 11934 that is the the skill power that's being utilized in the equation that we saw in a description where it was telling us that it was going to be X number or uh skill power x this percent so so that's the number that's going in and that's how we get bigger damage numbers right so that's that's how we're going to uh this is how we're going to buff our descendant to dish out more damage so we have survivability covered slightly so now we're going to go back to my Sharon we're going to see what she needs uh next So reading the description for uh active camouflage this one says uh active camouflage activates camouflage which hides self from enemy sight attacking an enemy while in a state immediately ends and activates Ambush Ambush outgoing damage is increased by another 100% so with that being said I would think to myself okay how long do I want to be invisible for to get close enough to an enemy or maybe use my four ability so I get that extra 100% damage increase right so I would put duration on if I needed to so I'd look for a duration based mod so I'm going to type in uh duration and I'll like okay skill exension cool I have one awesome I'm going to put this blue one on I'm going to save so now I'm thinking to myself all right so I got my duration covered I got my skill power covered CU I'm increasing my damage off my reactor I got my Fusion boost uh added so I'm doing even more damage with my ability that I'm using so what's next for my character I would think okay I didn't cover range range is what I want covered let me put some range on so I'm going to type in uh so for this one we're going to type in uh um range right skill expansion I'm going to put that on Boom skill expansion so now my bases is covered I have range I have damage for my abilities and I have duration for my abilities so I already now have set up my play style for Sharon now I have to think is there anything else I'm missing well maybe I'm getting one shotted a lot on the open world right maybe the open world is really beating me up bad and although I have the damage I just don't have the survivability so now we can go back and we can think to add mult uh survivability mods and the multiply the stats from our components to it so let's look at our defense we have tons of Defense on Sharon we're at 9,000 defense already and we're pretending to be at like level one right or level 29 we'll say I'm in a level 29 area with 9,000 defense we'll pretend like that's that's just the case right so I'm looking at my HP and I'm like hm my defense even though like I'm negating a lot of enemies damage I just don't have enough Health to tank it though like I'm still taking a lot of damage to my health but luckily Sharon scales her her health was higher than her Shield gate so I'm not going to worry about putting more shields on Sharon I'm going to worry about putting more Health on Sharon does that make sense so now I'm going to go to my uh my descendant modules again and I'm going to grab the HP module uh so I'm going to type in here again I'm going to say HP I'm going to put increased HP on so now my increased HP is on so now my sharance HP now at Max is 6,000 HP at level 29 and the mod and the module isn't maxed so I'm still covering my bases I'm making it to where my character can now survive in a situation while doing the damage that I want so now we're going to go back again and I'm still going to just think I have 43 out of 58 slots to play around with what else do I want what else do I need do I want to add more defense I totally could I could if I want to because I have I have the main things that I cared for covered I have my skill expansion I have my skill extension I have my power increase I have my Fusion Specialists do I want extra things now if you're in early game you do get skill Insight but you don't get skill concentration you could put skill Insight on so that way when you do hit her ability like her four or her a for me I would do it cuz I like okay I want to make those numbers even higher I want them to crit right I want them to do crit and I want them to do double the damage so I would put skill Insight on for my play style I would do so you probably wouldn't but I would right that's just me I have the module it's blue and you do get it kind of early in the game so I would slap it on because I want to make that damage look nice so I'll slap this on I still have seven slots to play with well what else do I want now again like I said if you feel like you need more survivability and you're struggling then you could look at your next best option you could say Okay I want to put more defense on the enemies here are hitting a little bit harder I want to put more defense on you could do that you can find yourself a defense module um so I'll just type in defense and uh this is critical hit resistance maybe I'll put that on maybe I'll put Agony On well not Agony cuz we're looking stick stricking sticking strictly with blue mods so I'm going to say increase defense unfortunately I don't have enough mods capacity cuz I have this upgrade and I was trying to like not do it so we're going to take skill inside off I'll just trade that off and I'll put increase defense boom that mod wasn't too important um skill Insight wasn't too too crazy important these modules are important so again we want to just give and take and just put what we need we want to cover our basis you got your survivability covered we got our character attack covered right so our abilities aren't weak so now we're going to back out and we're going to apply the same concept to our weapons right because we got our we got our reactor covered we got our components covered and now we got our modules covered so now my Sharon is built she's how she's uh supposed to be she's built um so we're going to go into the weapons and I going to do the same thing with my weapon I'm going to look at my weapon I want to see the details onest I'm going to look at it and be like okay firearm critical hit rate wow this is only 13.74% that's kind of lame right all this stuff I'm going be like this is lame lame lame lame no I'm joking but you're going to look at the numbers you're going to see it's kind of low and this is where you make the decision for yourself as to whether or not you want to Stack a crit mod on it or not to make your weapon do more damage now in the comment section before someone's like hey it doesn't have a lot of crit ratio like I think that's like a dead stat it's useless your characters won't benefit from it all this stuff or the weapon won't benefit from it and I came to the laboratory to Showcase something to people because I want you to take the values that you see with a grain of salt um and this is why you just have to do trial and error and test and see what you think is best for you and what you like I'm going to just make the enemies level 100 it doesn't really matter the enemies are invincible they're not going to die and oh wait I want you to be like more grouped up all right anyways who cares I have no module and I just want you to see how often this crits with such a low crit rate look how often that's critting for something that claims to be 12% or 133% right those are very low crit numbers or not low crit numbers but sorry no modules nothing but look how often that that's critting so that's why when people question me and ask me things like hey man your crit sucks like uh why do you keep putting crit on things I I put crit on things for a reason now before you also question me and be like well as you can see here weapon options and all this stuff blah blah blah like I did reroll my weapon and I do have firearm critical hit rate of 14.5% on it on base with uh firearm critical hit damage cuz that's what I like I I'm a huge crit freak I love damage so I rerolled my weapon um I do have a video talking about this if you go and watch mother other descendant video uh in the beginning um on my channel but yeah so I rerolled my stats the specifically look for firearm attack some kind of inate ability I'm trying to roll the electric off for poison and I just want crit rate and crit damage because that's just more damage in general and I want my weapon to just always be consistent and as you can see with no modules no modules whatsoever again this is blank zero modules setting three it crits like crazy already so yes yes I always value crit so for me that's what I'll put on my weapon but if you are someone that maybe you don't have crit mods if you don't have crit modules you're you're new in early game and you're looking at your weapon stats and you see the value like the crit value is really low like I would say under 30% if it's really low under 30% you don't feel comfortable with it it's not creating a lot I would look at that as weak point I put weak point mods on so I'd be like okay and instantly the main thing I want is going to be fire rate always want fire rate on your weapons because fire rate even though it's not an an exact increase to damage it is basically a damage like mod because you're doing more damage over time much faster so you're actually increasing your DPS I don't mean damage over time in a sense that like I'm applying like a damage tick to an enemy I mean damage over time as in like throughout the duration of the battle I am constantly emptying My Bullets so I'm getting more damage out AKA damage per second so it is increasing your DPS even though it's not actually like increasing the number of the of the damage that you're doing right but you are doing more DPS essentially so we're going to I'm going to look for fire rate up I'm going to put that on instantly for my for my modules now another thing you could do is weak point so weak point also applies to things like Critical Hits like head shot and stuff like that so I would put that on to an enemy because that's technically a weak point right and uh and when you get into fighting Colossus weak points are like when you shoot their arm like the little yellow plates and stuff like that that you can grapple onto that is weak point as well those are just pretty much anything I would just guarantee you like more critical damage in a number so I would put weak point sight on then i' would look for my rifle reinforcement cuz this is a blue this is when you get very early on and it's very very very important this will actually increase my overall damage number so I'll throw that on and then again if you don't have crit rate if you don't want to put crit rate on you don't have to worry about it right who cares we'll say who cares so say like a gun in your in your opinion is very hard and difficult for you to use you're struggling to control the recoil and shoot something straight or whatever like that the gun feels bouncy but you like the damage it's just hard ID put vibration absorption on because hey I want to improve the quality life of my gun my gun hits hard I just don't like the way my gun shakes all over the place right cuz this will not reduce the recoil so this is what I'll do for my my uh my thing so recoil on uh and then maybe the uh the the reticule is too fat right you don't like how far your bullets is spreading out then I'd say okay I kind of want accuracy so let me see what which one's accuracy Hawkeye I'd probably throw something like this on because again maybe your gun is already hitting hard enough at the conent that you're playing at and you don't actually need that extra bit of damage and you just want to make the gun usable so so this is just me thinking from an early game perspective and thinking on drawbacks that you may be encr uh encountering so with that in with that being said this isn't like an actual build for the weapon this is just my thought process when it goes when it comes to building and making things suitable for me because one thing about these games again is that there is no correct build there's no one way to build a weapon everyone has different needs needs and wants inside their weapon builds and character builds and everything like that I always want you to go in with that mindset of just catering to your needs what do you like and what do you want from the weapon do you think the weapon does enough damage do you not think it does do enough damage right we can talk about things later as we get more advanced as to how would even improve these numbers further and what I would replace these mods with with give or take mods but as of right now again this is a very it basic video so don't worry about the purple modules don't worry about none of that unless you have them I want you to like do your own your own like look at it and decide for yourself what you want right you can always ask me questions over on render uh because over on Twitch I'll be glad to answer your questions about a mod and what you can do and what you can add to counter mods and stuff like that uh before I get the video out talking about counter mods and tradeoffs but again this is right now is just for very early game early early players so uh so we got our damage on we got our recoil covered we got our fire rate up uh maybe my weapon reloads too slow maybe I want uh faster reload so I'll look for my reload stuff and I'll type in reload up here and I'll see okay I got recycling genus awesome I'm G to put this on bam now I have better reload time so the quality of life of this gun is overall better and again this is also kind of like a indirect up to DPS in a sense because the faster I reload the less time it is that I'm not doing damage right so I'm actually increasing the amount of time doing damage so this is technically like an indirect way to buff your damage output because the less time you're spinning reloading the more time you you're spinning shooting something the more damage that you're doing so that's just another mindset to have right so even though this number isn't actually increasing don't worry Technic you are going to be doing more damage right so keep that in mind as well so backing out of here uh I think that's everything that we needed to cover for the most part in how you should be gauging your builds looking at your builds and doing a give and takes for weapons and characters this isn't perfect but remember your modules are also going to affect your components so again just a quick recap if you are struggling with survivability inside the first and you're dying early game you're getting one tapped constantly I'll would look at your components first I know some people are just throwing whatever components they find on they don't really think about it too much you don't worry about set bonuses or anything like that just look for specifically the number that's going to protect you and increase your survivability so if your character scale is high with HP I'll look for HP put that in there if your character scale high with defense I'll throw that in here but I wouldn't throw all my eggs in one basket because one thing that's very important to know is is a diminishing returns and what I mean by diminishing returns is that the more you keep adding more of one thing the less of an increase you're going to get so instead of slowly increasing one aspect of a character increase more aspects of them right where you can get bigger returns to have more survivability and more damage which is why we prioritize adding more attack mods of different types so like instead of me just saying okay just skill power right I have Fusion skill power modifier CU this is another thing being added to the equation because sure if if Nexon allowed me to and I was only adding skill power skill power skill power right it gets to the point where I'm not actually getting a bigger boost because it's just like like imagine an equation that's like 2 + 2 + 2 you know what I mean versus an equation that's like 2 + 2 + 2 times 2 you that that equation is longer meaning that number is going to be bigger right we're adding something to the to the equation that's going to multiply our damage and our survivability so don't just all stockpile on defense don't all stockpile on HP separate it with your components and then choose which one you think you need more of or which one you like to increase further so that's how you should think about it so if you have a lot of uh defense I look at this now like 16,000 defense there's no way enemies are doing 16,000 damage I don't need that much so now I'm going to prioritize my HP right and then I'll just I'll make sure the rest of my components are giving me HP and HP and stuff like that and then if the number is still kind of small and I like to increase it further that's when I'll come to my module and I'll look at my module and I'll say to myself okay I'm now going to use my increased HP now I'm going to use my increased defense just to get those numbers slightly higher because they're kind of low that's how you go about thinking about it I hope that explains everything and I hope this helps if this video helped you better understand how to go about building your character and how you should be looking at your character please leave a comment like the video subscribe to my channel and follow me over on Twitch if you have any questions you can always stop by my channel and ask me live over on Twitch I'm there almost every day I'm usually streaming pretty much all day especially grinding the first ascendant uh thank you for watching this video if you made it this far I really appreciate uh you giving me your time uh I understand that people have busy lives and stuff like that and I also probably slowing down your grind but I really hope this helps um if there's anything that I missed you can also ask it in the comment section below I'll try my best to get back to you guys I just been grinding like hardcore and trying to get as much as possible done so thank you again for everything I appreciate you I'll catch you guys in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Render
Views: 1,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The first Descendant, How to, Create your own build, Render, Renderttv, Beginners guide, Noob guide, friendly guide
Id: ri4b5choYmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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