Enzo is a MUST HAVE! This is a GAME CHANGER! The First Descendant

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this might just be one of the most important videos that you watch on this channel we're going to be getting into one of the most important what I would argue a must have descendant on every single player's account and that descendant is going to be Enzo the reason why we are talking about Enzo in this video is because not only is Enzo going to be helping you with analyzing something that one he's the only character that can do at the proficiency that he can do it at two he's going to give you the opportunity to get insane Cooper drops which you do need to be able to level your modules and just being able to help you power boost up your uh your gear right um but he's also going to be allowing you to farm a resource that he's the only one he that can craft it so this is something that is just again super gamechanging we've been farming a lot of the game completely wrong and this is definitely going to make your progression much smoother so what exactly am I talking about we're just going to dive right into it and we're going to be going into different sections so that you guys can actually learn how to do this on your own but the first thing we're going to be taking a look at on Enzo is his fire supporter passive okay now the fire supporter passive skill description grants fire support to allies within an area around self and fire support uh effect enhances when the same descendant is present within the party or Squad um efficiency increases when Enzo disarms the security of encrypted vaults and the reward increas when this happens so two things here what exactly is an encrypted vote and what is the benefit that he gets for unlocking encrypted volts right so encrypted volts also known as encrypted storage boxes that's two different names that you'll have for them um it gives you a time limit increase a speed reduction um because these are like a little it's like a little puzzle attached to these that you have to do account deduction so at least one non-deductible which makes it easier or the amount of times you have to hit that Target Market um you get it reduced the angle reduction which makes the target Zone much bigger and then on top of that time deduction on failure which means if you miss the target Zone it does not make you fail fast right like you have a few opportunities to mess up so he just makes it very very very easy like it's super stupid easy in fact right now the thing is is that I want to talk about a couple of different things before we actually go and look at an encrypted vote okay now the thing is is that um we're back here in the access info this is where again like I mentioned in the last video this is where you're going to live this is where you're going to be targeting items um in the next SE segment or section we're going to be looking at is the enhancement material I would argue that these two resources the crystallization Catalyst and the energy activators are the two most important things that you are going to need in this entire game one of them is going to be helping you with basically resetting or prestiging your characters if you want to call it that um and then the other one is going to be helping you uh increase your mass capacity which is going to be directly affecting your overall DPS and how effective your descendants are going to be able to be in terms of increasing their HP or defense or Shield or whatever it is you're trying to get them to do now here's the thing if we take a look here at the energy activator the energy activator requires a couple of different resources um you have the uh lowc carbon activator you have the conductive uh metallic foil you have the heat plasma battery you have the uh polyatomic ion particle and then lastly you have that energy activator blueprint right now there's something that people probably just have completely missed on these if we go under to acquisition info and we look at the acquisition info it'll say Vesper hard encrypted storage box uh Vester uh normal encrypted storage box and then it says Enzo descendant required now why exactly would it say that okay now here's the thing the Precision encrypted volts the ultra precise encrypted volts these storage boxes these are all relevant to the mode that you are looking at um these are all the same thing essentially like they're just these um these volts that you can find and you unlock it will drop this resource this the only place that you can get this resource from and guess who is a required unit to be able to make it happen Enzo right now the thing is is that not only are you going to be getting this required drop to make something that is literally required to make make your guns and your character stronger but you're also going to be getting an insane amount of Cooper doing so so here's the thing right hard mode and this is another reason why unlocking hard mode is so important you're going to gain access to being able to find the hard variance of the Precision encrypted volts the ultra precise ones give you 70k so the ultra prec precise ones are going to be giving you the higher amounts of Cooper 70k to 80k somewhere around there a precise give you about 26k and this is in hard mode uh 20 I think 22 or 20K to 26k um and then the normal ones they actually don't give you any Cooper but they do give you still the higher drop of the resource and um the thing is is that even in normal mode um the Cooper will significantly decrease but you still will get uh really solid drops for this resource so I farmed 75 of these yesterday right like that's a crazy amount but when you're talking about your entire party having these it is a lot that you can get right now the thing is with this okay if we actually go back and I want to kind of again reiterate killing more than one bird with one stone right um so killing two birds with one stone right so when we are looking at a place that you can actually take advantage of farming that's going to not only give you the drops uh necessary for you to be able to use the volts but also is going to be allowing you to farm up Cooper and also uh reactors and modules and all of that jazz the place I would recommend going is here in the rockfall um in the stero Lance uh rockfile um Outpost and then to the anticipated Ambush point this is a amazing really quick very fast fign Point um and you're going to have the opportunity to have the resource that you'll use to go and analyze at the volts drop here now real quick before we actually show that I want to also show you guys the resource that you're going to be using to analyze right so if we go under two consumables okay sorry I know that this one's this video is a little bit more jam-packed but you guys have to get this down okay we go to miscellaneous and we look at these ball things here what are these so you have your analyzers okay analyzers are for your normal difficulty encrypted volts so you have your Ultra Precision code analyzer your code analyzer and your Precision code analyzer right now Vice Versa for Hard Mode you have Breakers right so code Breakers are for encrypted volts and hard difficulty okay so with that you have you will have Ultra Precision code Breakers and you'll also have Precision code Breakers and then it will say normal difficulty sorry I don't have any I used them um and I'll show you guys where my Cooper is right now so yesterday when I got on the game I started the game out with probably 50k Cooper um by time I farmed and I farmed this game for probably like four or five hours nothing too crazy and all of it wasn't even like doing Cooper um I have um almost a million Cooper and the thing is is that I also still haven't dissembled the modules and I'll show you guys that as well now one last thing before we actually get into the volts I wanted to just again further emphasize the importance of Enzo because some people will say well oh if he's only for that then I can wait well here's the thing right um not only is he for the activators but he's also going to be required for the catalysts right uh so if we take a look here at the mixed energy residue the reason why I have this resource is because I actually was doing some in this specific area that he is able to get the drop to drop right um and so this was the agna desert um this was another place that we were actually looking for um this resource and we were just kind of doing volts just to get the Cooper but make it you know keep in mind that the Cooper and the Rarities and what is associated to what is going to be the same right um but the main thing that you have to be aware of when you're actually doing these vots is that whichever vote in whatever place you're doing you need to also be thinking about the resource drop that you want as well so um it's not going to be in every single place you go it's just going to be the metallic foil no um it is going to be according to the specific area the Cooper is going to be the Cooper according to the Rarity so if it's Ultra Precision or normal um and then of course if it's a breaker versus if it's a analyzer so that's going to be essentially the main thing that I want you guys to take away from this um again you can try to do this on your own you'll have to do these anyway if you want to try to get a chance at getting Enzos um like I said his mod but what you will be completely missing out on is this drop right which you literally need to be able to craft the crystallization and the energy activator so again just further emphasizing that but let's move on to the volts now let's shift over to finding and looking at the volts right the volts obviously when you're finding them or trying to like navigate a map to look for them um you're going to be using your scanner so that should be the tab button if you're on PC if you're on controller it will be your right analog stick now the thing is is that what you want to do is you want to stand in One Singular spot and just kind of turn in different directions to see if you can scan it now if you're facing the wrong direction you won't actually hear anything right like you don't really get to hear too much of a ping but as soon as you face the right direction you hear how the Ping changes right um and so the Ping will change according to if you're close or if you're facing the right direction and it's a more higher frequency ping if you are in the right vicinity now I actually already have went and found one this is actually the higher Rarity one now this is a fairly dark area but you can usually tell because of one the color it's like gold and purple um but then also to the horns like the visual of it you can tell a normal from a Precision to an ultra this is an ultra Precision cold breaker I'm so mad I found this but I don't have any Ultra Precision cold Breakers um so again like I mentioned before I'll kind of describe the way that it works um and show you some of the the footage that we got during the live stream U basically when you are encrypting or opening one of these with using Enzo um you're basically going to be hitting uh either right or left clicking with your mouse or right clicking with it or hitting LT or RT if you're on your controller um the thing is that it's basically going to be a circle and within that Circle there's going to be a dial that will be spinning and it will be uh going over a zone that you need to click on now when you're using Enzo the zone is massive but when you're using any other character it is literally a Slither and it is extremely hard to hit now the other thing is too is that when you are utilizing this function um Enzo also like I mentioned gives you the chance to get bonus drops not only are you going to have the opportunity like for example on Ultra Precision Cod Breakers you also have the opportunity to get the Transcendence which is the modules for Enzo specifically that's another thing his specific um you know modules for him uh will drop from these only right so you need to do these anyway if you want to build Enzo like say further build him because they drop from here now the thing about that as well is like I said you get increased drops and then like with the ultra Precision Cod breaker you're going to get anywhere from 70 to 80k potentially on the Cooper drop every single one that you do now the way that the rotation basically works is that in any area on average we were finding about two of these so we would find maybe a normal Precision um or a uh Precision in an ultra or a normal in an Ultra like it just kind of all varied um but then what you would go and do is whoever is party lead would just reset so take you guys to a whole another area you don't have to go back to albon and do all that extra crap literally we were traversing from Lumberyard and we would go over here over to the uh the law Supply um Depot um and we would like teleport between there and the uh law Supply uh Depo tactical transporter um and we would actually find we would spread out and we would find the two locations for um the uh the volts right and now when we would do that we would then go to okay who found the higher Rarity one we would Target that person go over there to them and we would go back and unlock the other one afterwards right um so that's how we basically did it and you don't have to go back and forth between here and albon you literally just need to change instance and then when we were done with this place we couldn't find anymore uh we would just teleport back to lumber yard redo the process rinse and repeat until we ran out of these Breakers now again guys this is literally an insane insane thing like I mentioned before I'm actually going to take a trip back to uh albon because I haven't actually taken a look yet at how much uh currency and I want to show you guys how to actually do this process as well within this video because it's all about gaining more Cooper um like I said I gave you guys it extremely well like in ster lands um that mission specifically for farming Cooper is amazing right like it's absolutely insane um and it's the modules but it's also the Precision Breakers this is why you need Enzo right uh so we actually go back to um The Landing Zone and Alon we're actually going to head over uh to the module right now the thing is is that with that I'm just going to show you guys real quick and I'm going to probably have a separate video like further explaining this process just so that I can get a little bit more in depth and it not just be so much uh you know jammed into this one video but if I go over to my enhanced modules and I go to this um dismantle modules and I select duplicate modules I have an additional 108k um you know Cooper shards that I'll be able to gain from dismantling these so let's go ahead and let's dismantle these all right and there we go I'm at a million Cooper right so this was just from a very short Farm yesterday we did not Farm a crazy long amount of time um I really wasn't like you know I don't put like insane amounts of hours in this game like some players do um it's just about like you know making things more efficient and this is going to definitely make things a lot easier for those of you guys that are you know on a time to string you work at 9 to five you might not have all day to play you might have a few hours a couple hours right so the thing that I want you guys to take from this video is that again if you are going to go and do anything if you're farming for any character I get it you want to farm the character that you absolutely like but I promise you Enzo longterm is going to increase your resources by so much and giving you the opportunity to make your account so much stronger it's going to be worthwhile right farming Enzo is going to be one of the things that I just say everybody needs to do um if you have not guys again start that pathway if you go under the access info and you go to descendants start farming for Enzo okay start getting his pieces guys like right it's right all here you can track it start doing his stuff I promise you it is going to literally be one of the best decisions that you ever made um and again like I said I started off my farm yesterday with like 50k and by time I finished I started streaming like super late like I I probably farmed from like 7 to 11 right like somewhere around there I went from 50k Cooper to about a million and we were chilling talking the entire time so we're just having a blast so again very very important guys get this character I promise you is going to be the best decision you have made on your entire account
Channel: Zox
Views: 15,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The first descendant, the first descendant guide, the first descendant beginners guide, the first descendant beginners guide 2024, the first descendant zoxaskun, the first descendant guide 2024, looter game 2024, the first descendant tips and tricks, This Descendant is a MUST HAVE! This Changes Everything The First Descendant
Id: ajBYNrypbzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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