How to create your first Google Adwords Campaign - Full Tutorial

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hello and welcome back to another technology guru video so in today's video it's gonna be an in-depth video showing you how to set up your first Google AdWords campaign so this isn't gonna be like some quick get-rich-quick scheme this is gonna be one of those videos that is going to show you from start to finish how to start a Google AdWords campaign and start running ads on Google for your product for your website whatever your wanting to drive traffic to so let's go ahead and start out by basically talking about getting signed up and doing all of that good stuff first obviously you need to have a Google account via Gmail or some type of Google account and then once you've logged into your Google account it's very easy to just Google you know Google AdWords but you can go to you know AdWords comm and do it that way it's you know and that'll take you over where you can sign up to to have an adwords account but if you have a Google account it works all in the same so once you've done that you're going to see a blank screen you're going to see basically the name of your account like you can see up here you're going to see a customer ID like you can see right below here and you're not going to have anything under campaigns or anything like that so in order to create and start a new campaign you need to go ahead and you know right here where it says campaigns click campaign and then you're going to see a blue addition symbol this is going to allow you to start a new campaign so if we go here click on new campaign this is where the magic begins to happen now in order to understand what we're going to be doing and accomplishing in this video we've got to understand what a campaign is now a campaign is not an ad itself you're going to have possibly multiple ads within one campaign a campaign is like a of something that you you know basically think of it as a campaign like in a video game or a campaign like an adventure like it's going to be a group of stuff together so it's going to be a group of ads a group of keywords a group of different ways that you can possibly drive traffic to your site to your service so when you create a new campaign you're going to see this option come available here you're going to see search Network going to see Display Network you're going to see Google shopping you're going to see video and you're going to see a universal app now normally what you're going to want to start with just if you're a beginner in this will be search Network but just a brief rundown of these display network will be like a conglomerate 'vu GLE affiliated sites google shopping will be like if you search for a product and go to google shopping normally you've got to be already implemented into the Google Shopping realm in order for this to work for you so I might can cover that in another video if that's what you want and then video is pretty obvious it'll be an ad run on top of a YouTube video or a Google affiliated video and then a universal app will be like Android thing like you know Google's network of installed apps now I highly recommend you start with search Network that's probably what most of you are here for in this video so go ahead and click on search Network now next it's going to say what type of gold do you want to set for this this lets adwords know a little bit more about what you're trying to accomplish with your ad you're gonna see sales you're gonna see leads and you're going to see website traffic now sales is pretty obvious that's what I normally do for like your Shopify site or for something you're trying to sell products that's what you want to do products or services leads will be if you want to get people for say your services it like safe for me if I want to train someone on how to use YouTube or get started on YouTube I'm a what leads to do that basically that's going to be the ability to increase your potential customer base and then lastly will be website traffic if you're running like Adsense on your site and you just want to get people to your site you can do it this way now I'm gonna go and select the sales option here because that's probably what most of you are going to be wanting to do but if you do want leads or website traffic the remainder of this tutorial will work just fine for you as well so once you've selected your goal you then want to go to the setup details so you want to select ways you'd like to reach your goal do you want to get website visits do you want to get phone calls again that may be your goal or do you want to get app download so are you an app developer and wanting to do that normally you probably want to do the website visits right here now your business's website now this is where you're going to be typing in your website so this is going to be the generic URL so for me this might be ww I'm sorry ww YouTube creators hub dot-com this is the website where you're going to be driving traffic towards this is going to be your URL for your Shopify site now if you want to break it down to specific categories or specific products on a site we'll do that later don't worry about that this is just the general URL for your website once you've typed in the URL click the blue continue button there and this is where we start naming the campaign and going from here so go ahead and name your campaign I like to name it based after a product so if you want to do likes a product you know type a you can do that just like that and then as we have already selected it's going to be under a search Network now include Google search partners I normally leave that checked again see how your ad is performing and then maybe go and tweak this later but basically if you hover over the question mark it'll show you and tell you exactly what that means now ad Display Network I normally don't do this in the beginning because I want it to run specifically and solely on Google search so when someone goes to they search for this product or service my ads going to appear I just basically leave it on search Network if you want to dig deeper get into the weeds per se you can add Display Network and even break it down to specific sites but for the purposes of this video leave this one checked and leave this one unchecked now select target locations now if you are a entrepreneur or a business that only ships or provide services to specific countries like for me we're only shipping to the US just select the United States if you do United States and Canada select that you can even break it down to enter in specific locations down here and go to advanced search and actually search for different locations on the map and choose which countries you want to display your ad to now again if you're in the United States I would keep it to United States right now until you kind of get your fill and then you can go beyond that so I'm gonna leave this to the United States but you can break it down what location do you want to display your ad to there this one's really important if the website you're sending people to is only in English you need to keep this at English if it's in Spanish and English add Spanish again this is going to be the people you're going to be advertising too so you need to be thinking about your target audience and avatar before you even start this process all right here we go next we're going to be talking about bidding this is very important the way Google AdWords works is that it's basically like a bidding war you are bidding your max bid will basically you know how much you're going to pay per ad is going to depend on how much other people are willing to pay for that specific keyword or keyphrase so select your bid strategy now maximize conversions this will basically set bids to help you get the most conversions within your budget now you can select these right here like enhanced CPC target search page maximize clicks normally I leave it to maximize conversions I've found this to be the best bet for me you could maximize clicks but I've tried that one and really you're gonna get a lot of clicks but they're not valuable clicks you got to think about this you're paying real money for these ads what you want people to do is to what you want them to convert when they get to your website so with that being said you want to maximize conversions that's again my opinion you can play around with these and see which one works best for you again this is just like a smart way that Google does it and kind of formats your ads now here's your budget enter the average amount you want to spend each day all of this can be tweaked later on I tweaked mine on a daily basis now I normally would say for you guys if you're just starting out start at a small budget a small enough budget to where it's not going to hurt your business but large enough to where you're going to get a good sample size of how the ad is performing normally $10 is a pretty good metric again you need to see how much your keywords are selling for and then you can adjust that from there so again I normally would set my budget to ten bucks and then leave it at that now the delivery method drop-down I normally choose as standard because if you choose accelerated it's just gonna throw all of your ads out and vomit them out in the morning and then you'll be done and blow your budget by midday and a lot of people may be shopping for your products or services midday or late at night so you don't want it to to do it too fast you want to kind of space it out here we go next you're gonna see this here that says make your ads stand out so this is where you can kind of improve what your ad looks like so what our sitelinks call-out and calls now sitelinks give your ad a little more pizzazz it allows you to have for a little many links below your ad to have people click on the about Us section or they get a quote section again this is going to be a very dependent on the type of service or product that you yourself or your company are providing next you're going to see call-outs basically this allows you to add some extra text and then calls is pretty obvious allows you to add your phone number I normally choose the call-outs as well as the calls option it makes a very large ad and it makes it stand out sitelinks you can do that as well again you're going to want to create multiple ads and test them to see what works best for your product or for your service and then once you're done with all of this click the blue Save & continue button at the bottom of the page the next thing you're going to be presented with is your ad group now this is going to be you can have multiple ad groups within a specific campaign so the campaign is like the mothership the ad groups is kind of like the children and then the ads and keywords or even below that so under ad group name you want to give this ad group a name so go ahead and name it say you know again product a1 or whatever you want to call it again you can name this ad group whatever signifies it best for you this is where you start typing in all of your keywords gomad here I would use the Google Adwords Keyword tool I've got a video on that if you want to check that out on YouTube as well but basically any keyword that you think is going to drive traffic to that product or service that will make people again convert and make the sale or purchase your service type in the keyword here so for me it may be a YouTube service or it may be a YouTube training for me again this is catered to my niche let's see YouTube consulting may be something I want to put here and right below the keyword ideas over here where it says get keyword ideas I could actually go ahead and type in a specific keyword or keyphrase right here and this will allow Google to utilize their inbuilt tool to suggest keywords for me so let's just say we've got a let's see a bracelet that we want to sell if we do that type in the keyword there we're gonna see that Google then provides us with a here's some keywords that you may want to use for your specific product or service again if you want to create multiple ad groups you can do that again by creating ad group number two by clicking the blue addition symbol here same thing implies you know replies here create the ad group type in keywords and go from there if you want to delete an ad group go ahead and click the X Box there at the top right corner and you are done next we're gonna go ahead again I would spend some time here again this is a video tutorial I'm not spending time here because I want you guys to understand what we're doing as a whole not specifically in this section so set up your ad groups and keywords here and then save and continue to move forward in the process this is where you're going to be creating your actual ads so once you've set up your campaign settings your ad and ad groups and keywords you then move on to ads so go ahead and click the blue addition symbol here that says new ad once we're under the new ad section this is where the magic begins to happen now the final URL this is extremely important if you are advertising a specific product on your site and you have multiple products on your site that are not related to this ad make sure you're sending the people to that category don't start sending them to your actual URL to your homepage you want to dig deeper and get them exactly where they want to go cuz they're just gonna hit that back button click on another ad where someone has done that so make sure your the final URL is actually going to the exact product or service you're trying to advertise so for me it may be ww YouTube creators hub comm slash consulting okay that may be where I want to send them to and as you can see here below it's going to mask that it's going to show your URL but it will send them when they click to this exact URL now headline one you're only going to have 30 characters for headline 1 and 2 but this is where basically you're going to get people to click or not this text is what's going to draw people in so you need to type something here that will make people click you know here now again this is where you're going to see whenever you search for something something on Google this text you see on line 1 and the text that you see on line 2 should be click magic ok all of this should be very clickable stuff you want this to drive people to click on your ad that's the whole purpose of it that's why we're doing this thing display path to basically the path fields are going to be part of your display URL but they can send people to multiple areas on your website again I wouldn't play with this in the beginning but if you want to you can choose a path one in a path to to send people to that as well now your description is going to be below this is where you put like free shipping you might put here a huge blowout sale you know something that again is going to add a little bit of enticing nough stew your ad that will get people to click so again do that under description there if you break out the ad URL options here this is a little more a deeper than kind of what we're going to go through in today's video but basically this allows you to add different URL options that you can track later on and see which ones are performing better than others that way you can kind of adjust it going forward and you're not paying for something that you don't want to pay for once you're done with all this once you've created your ads and you're done here if we click done on that we can actually see our ad here we can delete that ad by clicking the trashcan we can copy that ad template if we want to use it for another ad again very simple to manage here and if we want to create a new ad go ahead and click here click new ad and you're on your way to creating a new and improved ad click the save and continue button once you have moved past the ads creation phase there and then next you're going to see the congratulation page that says your campaign is ready to roll this here is a synopsis of your campaign it's going to show you the basically the run time for your campaign you can set it to run for a week you can set it to have no end date you can always go back and change that it's going to show the location it's going to show the language it's going to show your budget per day it's going to show your goal for your campaign and it's going to show your bid strategy once all of this looks good to you you then want to go hit the blue button that says continue to campaign once we have done this here we're going to see a few different options once you're within your campaign you are then going to see the beauty that is the AdWords UI which they've improved it over the years to be much much better under here under a product a if we on that it's going to show us all of our keywords how they are performing how many clicks they're getting how many impressions they're getting all of that good stuff if we go back to overview here we're going to be able to see how many clicks we've gotten on a specific day how many impressions we've gotten and how much cost or how much money we're spending per click that's a wonderful thing to know and then down below we're going to see how specific keywords are performing and how all of our ads are performing so we can go and tweak and change and delete ads that way so that's basically a rundown of the Google AdWords campaign this is a pretty in-depth tour tutorial so go back rewind to a part two where maybe you need to go back to again remember your key goal here is to capture the attention of the buyer first get them to click and then once they're there have a website a product or service that's going to entice them to purchase or to buy or to be a part of your email list or whatever the goal that you're trying to reach so you got any questions put those in the comment section down below if you want more detail technology tutorials just like this subscribe to the channel click that subscribe button hit that Bell icon so you get notified every time I release a new video and until next time guys talk to you later [Music]
Channel: Dusty Porter
Views: 209,127
Rating: 4.9066873 out of 5
Keywords: adwords, adwords campaign, campaign, adwords tutorial, adwords 2018, adwords update, 2018, how to use adwords, adwords full tutorial, adwords for beginners, how to create an adwords ad, ad, adwords ad, adwords ad tutorial, adwords campaign full tutorial, Google Adwords Tutorial, google, how to use google adwords, google adwords tutorial for beginners, advertising, google adwords tutorials, ppc, network, setup, tips, adwords help, google adwords tutorial 2018, technologyguru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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