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hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm natalie ceo and co-founder of boss babe if you're new here this channel is all about supporting ambitious women i share no bs straight to the point strategies on building a personal brand growing on social media and starting or scaling your online business if you're into that i would love for you to subscribe to the channel and join our amazing growing community one of my most frequently asked questions is how to grow an audience on instagram and the truth is i have a ton of strategies and tactics i could share with you that you could start implementing right away but none of them are as important as showing up daily which is often something that people don't really want to hear consistency really is key when it comes to audience growth i post on my personal account once a day and on the boss by business account we post four times a day but i would not be able to if i didn't plan schedule and all to make my content way in advance i would be constantly living on my phone in a state of reactivity which is not the best way to be building a business from contrary to popular belief posting daily doesn't have to be hard and nor do you have to spend a ton of time or expend a ton of energy to show up consistently online and i can speak to this because i've done it for such a long time so if you follow my six steps to planning executing an automated content you'll be able to post if you wanted to 30 posts a month with no issues whatsoever even if you're new to instagram the first step is research if you're not a natural born visionary or creative then you might struggle with the innovation side of things in that you have a hard time coming up with ideas to create content around from scratch if that's you then let me assure you you are not alone that's actually a really really common stumbling block for a lot of people and one of the reasons that i recommend research to all of the people that i educate and coach on instagram specifically so take a look at you know people that are offering similar products or services see what they're posting and see what kind of content is resonating with those people in your target market so if your creativity just isn't flowing there is no shame in the game of consuming other people's content because a spark of inspiration could be exactly what you need to get them going maybe you listen to a podcast and it sparks a story that you experienced a few years ago and you want to share that with your audience or you hear a piece of advice and you're like i actually fundamentally disagree with that and let me share why or you read a book and you want to take a screenshot of the book and share on social i really suggest conducting your research on the instagram explore page as well because that's where a lot of really popular posts that are performing really well have been featured as well as pinterest so carve out space in your calendar to browse through those two with your favorite drink and take notes with what other people have published which of those posts could you put your own personal touch or unique spin on to make them suitable for and tailored towards your audience and the problem they're trying to solve so let's say you see someone share an infographic on fasting maybe you want to share an instagram infographic in the same kind of style but it's on business right so how could you be taking inspiration and turning it into your own value the next step is to batch your content creation and for this step i'm talking about the production phase where you're actually pulling out your phone or camera and creating i find that blocking my time and batch creating content is a really good way to maximize my productivity and for me it's the quickest and most efficient way to get things done and i don't know about you but if i bounce between tasks and i'm always context switching i never really stay in the zone long enough to do anything meaningful or worthwhile and i'm always just finishing things like doing something halfway versus finishing things and i especially struggle if i go back and forward between creative right brain content and more mathematical and scientific left brain kind of thing so i really try to use one side of the brain at a time i'm better at getting into one energy for one type of task and staying there which i know a lot of you probably are really really similar with and if you aren't already i really recommend directing your focus into one kind of work at a time so i suggest putting a date and time in your diary to bat shoot your lifestyle photos or reels and to batch design infographics and quote posts and things like that in canva now if you aren't familiar with canva it's a platform that people who can't graphic design use to graphic design we create all kind of content on it and from social media graphics to slide decks to free trainings to downloadable pdfs the platform is actually free to use but if you really want to take things to the next level then you can't upgrade to a paid subscription for additional functionality we are not sponsored by canada but i will add the link below we absolutely love using it and the reason that i love canvas so much is that it just makes designing my graphics as quick as it is easy you can save your brand colors and fonts inside of the platform and pick out templates to tweak or to adjust to really fit your style so rather than just staring at a blank screen watching your cursor blink you can actually get to work right away and edit something that's already been designed and you're not having to start from scratch that's what i really recommend doing especially if you're pushed for time and energy like i can be i've actually made a bunch of these templates for you so i'm going to tell you about them at the end but trust me they're going to change your life and once i've batched the production phase now it's time to batch the post production phase which is where i edit all of the content that i just created in my mind it makes sense to just get all of my editing done in a day if creating is about the art editing is about the craft so the software that i use to edit my lifestyle photos is lightroom mobile it's really easy and this app allows you to craft really professional quality photos quickly and easily on your phone it is a total game changer for editing your pictures whether that's by playing with the settings manually or using presets again we have a ton of possible presets i'll put all the links below if you're interested but i can really change just a typical iphone picture and make it look like a professional photo and for editing wheels i use a software called in shot on my phone you can trim videos merge clips adjust speed add filters effects honestly everything and anything you need to elevate and up level your reels the next step is to upload your content into a scheduling app i talk about this all the time but i love to use plan only because there's one for both desktop and mobile which makes scheduling really really easy so like i said planoly is a scheduling software which they really should be paying me for how many times i plug them but before i get around to that stage i typically like to play around with my photos reels infographics quote posts and organize them in a way that fits my grid and social goals for the month so when someone lands on your feed you do want it to look considered you want it to look as though you've put thought into the content you've created and edited and that you want to show so at this point move the tiles around just drag and drop and see what posting order works best and looks more cohesive for you everyone has such a different standard and style when it comes to what the feed looks like so play around with it and find your own feel there now once you've got all your posts loaded and ready to go the next step is to batch your captions notice there's a theme here of batching so as with creating and editing my visual content i like to batch create my captions i work through the images and videos one by one and write copy to implement them again i'm just keeping my brain focused on tasks at a time and finally once you've got all of your content created edited you've got your captions you've organized them on your feed you're all ready to go the final step is to actually just schedule them to post gone are the days where you need to be publishing post yourself and be living by your phone to make sure you can get things out at the right time we're really lucky that tech has advanced enough that we can just set a date and time for a post sit back and let the app take care of it which feels really really good this is a feature in planoly and you can schedule your post on auto post which i do which means it'll go live on the date and time that you set up i hope these tips and tricks help you feel a lot more confident in yourself and your abilities to show up on social consistently they're the specific tools and techniques that i use to set myself up for success and i have every faith and trust that they're gonna help you be consistent with your content as well so if you find designing graphics for social to be really time consuming and if you're honest causes you a little bit of dread because it takes you so long then i've got something i think you're going to love the very templates we use to create our visual content at boss babe and so many more we call it our insta influencer kit and it's available right now so if you want to do less work and design more graphics then you should 100 check it out i think it'll be a game changer and it's going to save you so much time so click the link in the description below and you'll be taken to a page where you can see what the templates look like that we've designed to be used in canva so you don't need to be a graphic designer you don't need to have any knowledge of how to make your feed look amazing we've done the work for you so check that out below and thank you for watching as always be sure to leave me a comment and let me know what you want to see more from me i really appreciate every like comment subscribe and share so leave me one below let me know what you want to see and i'll see you next week
Channel: Natalie Ellis
Views: 14,057
Rating: 4.9615846 out of 5
Keywords: how to schedule instagram posts, how to automate instagram posts, how to create consistent content on instagram, can you automate posts on instagram, what is the best app to post to insagram, best app to automate instagram posts, natalie ellis, instagram tutorial, bossbabe, how to grow on instagram, grow on instagram 2021, how to be consistent on Instagram, how to grow organically on instagram, instagram algorithm 2021, instagram tips for business
Id: 1hbqBkCn2Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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