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if you clicked on this video chances are you're busy i get it me too but do not worry because the tips i'm going to share with you are going to be an absolute game changer for your productivity and will really help you get things done hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm natalie ceo and co-founder of boss babe so if you're new here this channel is all about supporting ambitious women i share no bs straight to the point strategies on building a personal brand growing on social media and starting an online business if you're into that i would love you to subscribe to the channel and join our amazing growing community my first hack is to use block scheduling so instead of just waking up and writing down a to-do list of all the things you have to do it's actually better to block them into very specific days we waste a lot of time transitioning between tasks and context switching it actually takes our brain time to focus from one task to another like i said this is called context switching by segmenting your tasks over the week you're going to be able to be so much more efficient and effective in executing them so for examples mondays are my business admin days i have all my meetings with my team and do all the admin tasks that need to be done for the week tuesdays are for content creation so that's things like shooting these youtube videos which i do well ahead of time recording podcasts recording intros batching my instagram content it's gonna be very very different depending on what your business or role is but i'm sure in every role there are so many creative things where you just need a big block of time to get things done and it makes a big difference the next hack is this thing called law of least effort it had a fancy name but i couldn't pronounce it so basically this is a fancy way of saying it's best to do all of your hardest tasks first before all of your other tasks the basis of that is as humans we're all naturally inclined to put off difficult or complicated tasks if we're faced with something difficult we instinctively seek a less stressful and more pleasurable one instead i'm sure you can relate but i personally don't like writing emails and in the past i would wait until the absolute last minute to do it and the issue is by putting it off you just waste so much time procrastinating and it's actually proven that you are wasting mental energy thinking about it while you're doing other tasks which is just not helpful for anyone so don't do that sit down get a coffee or a matcha and just get it done all right so my next hack may sound pointless but i promise you it's been a game changer for me and that is to turn off all the unnecessary notifications on your phone i know that for many of us we use our phone for work and we can't turn them all off but texts and emails and pretty much everything else is really unnecessary i live on do not disturb one of the biggest killers of productivity is distractions you might not think it's a big deal but every time you pick up your phone whether you're going to check instagram or see who retweeted you on twitter you are taking focus away from one task and it takes time and mental energy to transition back to it just go ahead and check how much time you spend your phone a week i bet it blows your mind i'm not saying you can never check instagram but instead of letting your phone decide when to do it it's better stop take a break check social and then put the phone down and actually get back to work speaking of instagram my next hack is to automate your routine tasks we spend so much time doing manual tasks that can be set up and done for us some things that i automate on my instagram post and i talk about this a lot but i use plan only to set up and schedule all of my posts of the week i also schedule all of my youtube videos for the month instead of manually uploading them each time i post a video once again this can be really different for you depending on how you work but i definitely encourage you to sit down and just think about what tasks you're doing that could be automated and set up so you don't even need to think about doing the button pushing every time even if you think it's not a big deal it is pulling your focus away and mental energy away from someone else and my final hack is my personal favorite and it's outsourcing in the beginning days of starting boss babe i had to have my hands in everything and if you're just starting a business that is so totally normal you have to do everything when you're building a startup however once you get to the point where you are actually generating enough income you can start to pay for tasks to get done so you can free up your time to focus more on revenue generating activities things that are really going to move the needle for you this is being bogged down with admin you also don't need to be a business owner to do this so you could do this with everyday tasks let's say for example you calculate that you make 50 an hour well you could then find someone to help you with tasks and pay them 25 an hour so it's half and they can help you with things like getting your groceries scheduling your appointments and all of those daily tasks that you might not love doing but they actually are taking up time and capacity for you so i really really hope these short tips were helpful for you and if you like this video it would mean the world to me if you would take the time to like the video and leave a comment because it really helps with the youtube algorithm and helps show this video to new audiences and finally if you want to see more videos about business and productivity tips you can watch the playlist at the end of this video thank you for watching and i'll see you next week you
Channel: Natalie Ellis
Views: 7,659
Rating: 4.9946451 out of 5
Keywords: productivity hacks, productivity tips, how to be more productive, how to get more done, how to avoid procrastination, how to stop procrastinating, time management tips, how to manage your time, how to feel more motivated, stop procrastinating, natalie ellis, bossbabe, how to get more work done, 5 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS In 5 Minutes
Id: z8PVZ4fwiSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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