How To Create Printable Stationery In Canva (& make seamless digital papers too!)

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[Music] hello everyone this is Faith from in this particular canva tutorial I will be showing you how to actually create a seamless digital paper design using individual graphics and then using this new digital paper that we have created I will be showing you how to create eight different types of stationary printables that you can sell alright so everything is going to be done in canva are you ready let's get started before we dive into the actual creating process I just want to show you what it means by stationary printables typically the stationary printables if you were to go on and you search printable stationery or stationary printables what you're going to see is you're going to see a lot of writing papers right line papers blank papers in gorgeous designs and what we're seeing is there are a lot of designs that are florals right in florals design so it's really really simple and you can tell that you know you can actually sell these as single page printables as well and they are super easy to create so these are something that I want to show you how to create in this particular video but not only that I want to expand it to show you a different variety of printables that you can create and sell as well everything is going to be super simple and easy what I have received feedback based on the other camera tutorials that I have done is that my viewers love watching the video Once through to get an idea of what is going on and then after that re-watch it again and follow it step by step so feel free to speed up slow down pause and have two windows open one on camera and one on YouTube and just watch and follow along because as you watch and follow along you will be able to create new products within this session all right so here we have on Etsy like I showed like I'm showing you we have different types of printable stationery and many of them are actually in floral designs now I am going to be working with this set of Graphics Pack called the various Graphics Pack and this is actually a set of canva templates that I have created for my canva templates Vault it's a membership program where my members get unlimited access to all the new canva templates and new exclusive trainings that I create every four to six weeks um not only do you have access to this particular set of templates we already have hundreds of in fact thousands of pages okay more than two thousand dollars worth of templates and trainings inside our vault if you're interested to find out more please check our video description to get access on how to get access to our canva templates Vault membership okay so I'm going to be working with this set of fairies Graphics Pack uh particularly the butterfly graphics and what you're seeing is we have these lined notes pages and we also have to-do lists like this one we also have um small note cards like these and even greeting cards very generic greeting cards that you can use as postcards and modify them into party invitations anything is possible okay simple designs like this and even like Post-its okay I'll talk I'll be touching a bit more later on all right so I'm gonna show you how to create each of these in this particular video tutorial now we are going to start by creating the digital paper right let's go to the left hand side section that is where you upload your graphics so I bought this Graphics Pack and it gives me commercial use license rights so in fact it comes with Master resale rights which means I can use these Graphics in my camera templates and then sell my template so this is really really awesome and the graphics are really beautiful if you want to get this set of Graphics too same thing check out our video description and there is my affiliate link to purchase this Graphics okay now we are going to start by creating the digital paper as I've just mentioned moments ago so let's go to file and create a new design if you want to sell digital papers digital papers we're gonna usually they're either in 1200 pixels or 3600 pixels so this time around I'm going to create the final digital paper is going to be in 3600 pixels all right but um we need to kind of start with something small and then piece it together to create this seamless digital paper design so I'm going to start with 1200 pixels first so 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels and create a new design so there we have it once again on the left hand side menu go to the upload section this is where you upload your own Graphics so you can see that I've actually uploaded some really beautiful clip art from this Graphics Pack we've got fairies we've got this mushroom graphics pretty fairies like this and what I want to use are these butterflies okay so let's have them so once again the emphasis is on it being a seamless digital paper design so what do I mean so if you have one piece of digital paper and you're gonna add them together you should be able to see a seamless digital pattern right nobody can tell where it began and where it ends so that is what we're trying to achieve so how do we do it using individual Graphics let's start with this one first now we've got this right and as you move around you notice that there are pink lines that will appear these pink lines will help you align your graphics on this particular page so I'm going to move this all the way up and you see that there's this vertical pink line it means that this graphic is right in the middle okay and then I'm going to shift it upwards until I find now this pink line cuts across the graphics so now we have it right we have it right half right in the middle okay so that's that Ctrl D to duplicate or you can press this little duplicate icon and then I'm going to shift it downwards okay same thing you gotta find a vertical pink line to help me make sure that this butter crack butterfly graphic is right in the center line of this page moving it down until I find the pink horizontal line that cuts this graphic horizontally into half and then let go so what we're doing is you can see this white square with the butterfly graphic on top and the Butterfly graphic at the bottom right so if I were to duplicate the squares and put them one on top of the other the butterfly images will conjoin seamlessly okay so this is what we need to do so then let me add some more butterflies same thing instead of putting at the top and the bottom I want to use the other edges of the square so here I'm going to shift it all the way until I find that vertical pink line do you see that it cuts this butterfly into half and a horizontal horizontal pink line to make sure that I'm in the right in the middle it just helps me align the elements much easily okay much more easily Ctrl D to duplicate and shift things to the left hand side find the vertical pink line that cuts the butterfly into half find a horizontal pink line that shows me it's right in the middle so that once again you can see this butterfly is now split into half if we were to piece this white square side by side or top and bottom we will be able to see that the butterflies will conjoin seamlessly and then let's just add something else to the mix and have it right here this one is in the middle so I'm not so worried about the alignment but if you want you can still find the pink lines to help you find the middle or you can also go to the top menu go to position click on position and and make sure it's in the middle or in the center so if I were to just misalign it go to Middle right in the middle of the page and go to Center in the center of the page all right and now I want this to be a little bit more fancy I want to add some more to the corners as well okay so same thing we want to use the butterfly images let's choose this one right here now this one is a little bit trickier so let's just do this you can actually orientate it anywhere you want all right then and same thing the rule the principle is the same you want to adjust it until you find the pink lines help to help you align them do you see now we have dotted pink lines so now in this case this particular butterfly is cut into quadrants okay and then we let go control D to duplicate move it to the right hand side top right hand corner finding the pink lines this new pink lines cutting the butterfly into another quadrant Ctrl D to duplicate shifting it down adjusting it until you see once again the pink lines dividing this butterfly image into another quadrant duplicate it and just shifting it and finding the pink lines so you have to be a little bit more patient with it and if you find that it's really hard so sometimes zooming in might help you okay so let's just try again I'm not seeing both lines so we just have to be very careful with these let's just shift it until we find it right oops now my mouth is sliding too much okay let's try that again right here okay do you see vertical horizontal pink lines cutting my butterfly into yet another quadrant so this is it if I want to I can actually add more butterfly images to fill out the spaces that is entirely up to you too but this would be it now one thing to note is that we would want to download this with transparent background but as you can see when I go to the share button on the top right hand corner and click on download this transparent background feature is only available to canva Pro users this is definitely worth the price in all honesty Okay but well if you don't want to sign up for Camera Pro account that is entirely up to you I totally respect that that is also okay but what you want to do what I want to share with you is that if you save this as transparent background it's going to give you a lot more flexibility when it comes to using this digital paper for other design purposes so with a transparent background you can then superimpose it on any other colored backgrounds to give you a whole wide range of different digital paper designs whereas if you have it in jpeg if you only use a free use a free account and you only can download it without the transparent background then what you probably have to do if you still want different designs right then make this duplicate and then select click to select your canvas and change the background color let's say change it to Black okay so then you want to make variations let's duplicate this again and instead of black maybe I can have it as a gray something like this so remember this is not the final digital paper design we're just creating a small part of it and we're still going to export this and piece them together to create that final 3600 by 36 3600 by 3600 pixels digital paper okay why am I doing this again if you do not have the canva pro account you're only using the free version you are not able to download a transparent background then what I recommend you to do is you can actually change the colors of this backdrop so now you have three colors right one with the white background one with the black and one with the dusty gray okay and after that you can then use these smaller pieces to piece them up into large pieces if you're actually using the canva pro account then you don't have to decide on the background color right now because what we want to do is to download it with a transparent background okay you will get what I mean as you watch on okay so please continue watching now Click Share download and I'm going to click PNG file and I'm just going to select the current page which is page one and make sure to check the check box for transparent background and we download it okay so what I'm having is this little square that is 1200 by 1200 pixels I'm going to piece it together onto a 3600 by 3600 new canvas okay so let's go to file and click on create new design custom size 3600 pixels by 3600 pixels and create a new design and now that we have downloaded the one that we did right remember the 1200 by 1200 we need to re-upload it onto canva upload it right here like this one upload it and now what we want to do is well simple math 3600 divided by 1200 would be three okay so we need to have nine of these to piece them out into a 3600 by 3600 digital paper Okay so click on this one now how do we resize it drag the corners the small circles at the corners help you resize it and one thing to note when you're dragging it this little black rectangle box appears right W is the width H is the height so we're going to drag it until it gets me to 1200 by 1200 okay now if it's difficult to do that zoom in a little bit more so that you can make finer adjustments okay 1200 by 1200 this requires some patience guys but once you get it it's going to be so much easier in the next few steps okay let's do that ultimate focus I'm still trying to get that all right zoom in a bit more and let's do that again there we go so when you zoom in when you zoom in into your canvas it's so much easier to do the fine adjustments okay now let's zoom out now I'm not going to touch it anymore because now this is the right size 1200 by 1200 pixels push it to the corner top left corner same thing the pink light pink lines up here to help you position it now Ctrl D to duplicate and piece it do you see that we are slowly putting together our digital paper Ctrl D to duplicate again now I've got three in a row click drag Ctrl D shift it down like this click drag Ctrl D to duplicate shift it down like this there we have it there we have it you see it's seamless now we have a seamless digital paper design and what did we start with we started with individual butterfly Graphics okay butterfly clip art and now if you just mix and match you know uh make some butterflies bigger some smaller orientate them differently or add other elements to it you will have a lot a whole lot of digital paper designs that you can create okay so this is it this is the design that I want to use so I'm happy with this um and I'm going to download it once again I have the canva pro account so I'm just going to download it as transparent background okay download transparent background and click on download so now I have this full digital paper design now so we just wait a while but meanwhile let's start another new project why because remember at the end of this session I do want you to be able to create stationary print balls right and I'm going to show you eight different ones okay we're gonna modify differently and we're gonna have eight different types of printables that you can create and then sell on Etsy or anywhere on your own website or any other online platform okay or you can even print them out and sell them as physical products too so let's go to file go to create new design this timer I'm just going to search for us we're going to use the US letter document 8.5 by 11 inches remember our butterfly digital paper we're going to re-upload it right here now once again what I did just now was um remember we had the transparent background right oh I think I should just show you if you don't have the pro version let's use this black one and let's download this black one page two the steps are the same I'm just going to have this and piece it together whereas if you have the pro version it's so much easier because once I upload this for example like this right I can just stretch it and then I can duplicate it and then I can just change the background on whatever that I'm going to create it's so much faster so much easier so it's a lot more flexible if you're starting with something um with transparent background okay but once again not to worry if you're not using the canva pro version you just need a few more steps so we need to re-upload now this time around because I didn't use the transparent background right and I used the Black Version and there we go because if you don't change the color you can have it as white anyway so you might as well change the color before downloading it so that you can have a variety all right so here we've got a black one steps that are same let's zoom in make sure we shrink it down to 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels right here and then what we're going to do is shift it to the top left hand corner use the pink lines to guide you Ctrl D to duplicate Ctrl D again there we go click and drag Ctrl D to duplicate and there we go so now you see with the black background it's also more obvious if there are actually gaps in between so you just want to make sure that you fill up those gaps okay you can use your arrow key to move left and right so this looks beautiful crunchy D same thing we want to make sure everything is aligned okay do you see that that's this let me just zoom in does this faint white line right here right here okay so you want to make sure especially if you already have a colored background you want to make sure you seal up all those little lines Ctrl D to duplicate and right like this use Arrow key to move up a little bit more and we get rid of the seam so now it's seamless now if you see this dotted white square that's because my margins are turned on so go to file go to view settings and you can click off or click on show margins show print bleed show print bleed show rulers and guys it's up to you so let's just remove that so now we can see the digital paper in its entirety so this black background is also really lovely right so once again I redid this step because if you are using the canva free account you want to create a variety of digital papers then you can download the small squares with colored background first before piecing it into the 3600 by 3600 final size that you want to use okay now let's hop back to our us letter size page delete this okay so let's start from scratch again let's name these butterflies stationery printables and I'm going to the left hand side menu The Element Section and I would like to use the grid why because when I click on the grid this is like a frame right it's a grid once I drag and drop any image the image gets Auto populated and it fills up the entire space so it's really easy especially if I'm actually dragging and dropping digital papers all right so drag and drop there you go so there we have our butterflies and you can double click on it to resize it so that you decide what you want to be seen okay so like this now remember stationary printables we have blank sheets just very pretty but with blank spaces to write so now that we have this as the background what are we gonna do go to elements and search for simple shapes here and here on the top menu color I'm going to change it to White and I don't want it to have any border so all I need to do is resize it like this there we go number one a blank sheet of printable stationery a printable notes page okay duplicate this now I want the lined ones what do I do very simple double click on this rectangle that you have already created just hold down the underscore or Dash key I prefer underscore underscore and just hold it down until you get like about two lines okay so if you want more spaces or one larger spaces you can actually increase the font size or increase in line spacing but I quite like this one I think this is pretty decent if you want to change the color of the lines that's also possible because this is considered as text go to this text and you can change color I like to use the eyedropper function go to the color swatch eyedropper and let's pick up this dark purple um on these butterflies okay let's highlight this change it to the dark purple just repeat the step again eyedropper pick off the dark purple okay so these are these are supposed to be dark bubbles instead of black but I guess it's not too obvious because it's dark purple but do you see that do you see nice pink okay so just to show you it did change okay it did change maybe I should just use a lighter purple so you can tell the difference color dropper function here let's choose this one and there we go now it's lighter purple highlight these two rows and Ctrl C to copy and Ctrl v v Ctrl V all the way until you fill up the entire page with these lines okay that's it that's it guys one page number one a blank notes page number two aligned notes page and it was done in what a matter of seconds right now what do we have next duplicate this I want to duplicate the blank copy because it's easier and now I want to create to-do lists okay to do this let's go to Element Section I'm going to use the table feature and here do you see these ellipse menu click on that I want to delete the column I only want one column here resize it okay and just click on Tab every time we click on Tab it adds a new row there we have it to do this you can also shrink it down like this okay so here when you use the circles to adjust it you're actually resizing all of them at a go so all of them are actually resized equally but if you're using the short white lines then you're actually not resizing equally do you see that when I drag this to the top only the top most box get resized that is not what I want I want all of them to be resized equally so you click and drag the corners okay you can also change the color of this just make sure you select the uh the table now you see that sometimes I might have trouble trying to just select the table but now I'm selecting both the table and the white rectangle so in order to avoid that click on the white rectangle go to the top right hand corner and click on lock so once you lock it down you cannot move it you cannot adjust it it just makes it easier you kind of just seal things in place and then you can select the other elements more easily and here we go to the grid go to the border and I want to choose this same light purple as well okay I'm creating a to-do list and then I am going to select lines and shape just a simple line you can choose the color of the line in this case I want it to match also the Lilac purple color border weight you can choose dashed dotted up to you line weight I'm going to choose one like this or maybe two okay looks more matchy matchy with that and just drag it and shifting it here so that it matches the line of the Box Ctrl D to duplicate right here and Ctrl D once you fix down the first spacing and subsequently each time you add Ctrl D it more or less hits the same spacing as well okay and then I'm going to shift this slightly upwards and then if you are observant enough you will see that the bottom most spacing between these two lines are smaller than the rest so we need to make sure everything is even out right so click and drag and highlight all the lines go to position and make sure that they are spaced evenly vertically evenly spaced now we're talking there we go to-do list that's it it can be any kind of to-do list it could be a daily to-do list a weekly to-do list um you know you can just name it however you want if you want to name it just add on a text okay to do list and that we have it right here change it to purple now it's a bit too faint go to effects add some Shadow I want the shadow to be black and something like that okay so if you're new to canva and you find that some of the functions that I'm using might be seem a little bit complicated to you not to worry please please check out my other canva tutorial with more than 25 tips for beginners it's going to give you a very good overview on the different features on canva and then you will feel like a pro okay so there we have it number three to-do list number four add a new page we're gonna create smaller notes cards okay go to elements rectangle same thing now we're going to create three by five inches notes card so when you know that you have to adjust Dimensions what do you do you zoom in you use the little circles you go you find a height of five and you find a width of three and there we go but I do not want this turquoise color so I'm going to change it to transparent and I do want a border so go to this border style click on solid line dotted line however you want bottle weight of one and there we go so I've got this one right here so on a US letter size page I can fit four three by five inch nose cards small nose card okay um same thing I'm going to go to elements and use the grid but in this case now once you click on the grid it fits to the background right away not to worry go to position move it forward and now you re-adjust resize this grid such that it fits your three by five inch card okay there we go and then what do we do same thing we go to the upload section and because I'm going to click and drag my butterflies in there double click to resize it and just trying to see what I want to show on this page like this okay what I'm looking out for is that because there is the border of the three by five inch card right I don't want any of the edges to have white spaces so I'm looking really carefully at this black line because that is where um the outline is right I want the butterflies to actually fill up the edge of the paper Okay of that little card so this is what I'm trying to do now we've got this now this is small notes card right so similarly it would be similar to this particular U.S letter size blank notes page but we're creating a small notes card the process is the same just add on our simple rectangle change it to white color or any color that you want in all honesty but white would be what I want what I would prefer and then there we have it if you want it to be centralized same thing move it with your mouse and then find the pink lines to help you guide and put it right smack in the center and there we go so this is the the blank three by five inch little nose card click and drag let's see okay we also want to make sure that the frame the black outline frame is all the way to the top okay there we go click and drag and then after that Ctrl D to duplicate right here zooming out you can drag Ctrl D to duplicate right here we need to click and drag and move it upwards a little bit so it does fit for such note cards okay well the black outlines just makes it easier for people to actually cut it out okay um once again also check out remember just now at the beginning of the video I showed you my fairies printables pack right this is actually for sale and in that in the other video I actually show you how to actually customize this pack if you have it in your hands and I also show you the actual printouts because it was really fun to print it out and and basically show you the colors and how it works and stuff like that so uh do take note of that video after you finish this one okay let's come back here so this is number one two three four type four duplicate again and now we're going to have the lines so what do we do very simple but this time I'm going to change the font size to 10. and similarly just hold down the underscore probably get about two rows and then highlight both rows Ctrl C to duplicate and just hit Ctrl V until everything is filled okay now instead of repeating the process I'm going to copy this rectangle Ctrl C Ctrl V here like this and then hold down the shift key to select both rectangles with the lines and press Ctrl V to duplicate and shift them down right here okay right here and there we go so we've got we've got four lined small notes card okay this is yet another printable stationery that you can print out on your own for use or you can upload and sell okay now what else now the other thing is I want to create a new page and I want to show you how to create this four by six inch greeting card okay uh let's go back to this now four by six but it has to be a foldable greeting card so now the width needs to be eight stretch it out until you see width as eight and height s six okay height at six just a little bit more and then change it to transparent color with the Border if you want you can have dotted lines border width here now it fits right here I'm also going to add a line so that it divides the card in the middle so when someone prints it out they know exactly where to fold it okay dotted line bottom line with are border with S1 just rotate it and stretch it out use the pink line to guide you and there we go and then one more transparent bottle weight as one and this time around I'm just because the four by six inch foldable card I can only have I can only fit one on a US letter size page and I don't want to waste the space here so I want to do another four by six inch card so this one can be like a printable postcard okay with a six inches height of four inches there we go there we go so now that we have this set up if you like you can always make a duplicate so you have the templates there it's so much easier to change things around now once again one of my favorite features clicking onto the grid once again I'm going to the file I'm going to get rid of the margins okay they're very distracting right now so sometimes they can be very helpful but not in this particular case so here I added a grid why because then I can just click and drag my butterflies in there and why isn't it dragging in there because the grid is not at the top okay so when you add different elements you create layers on your page so you hold down the command key or if you're using a Mac like me or you hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and you click until you find the right layer okay so now this the grid is being selected positioning all the way to the front and one is once it's at the front do you see that it's very easy for you to actually just just click click and drag into it all right now I'm going to Ctrl D to duplicate the grid because I want it on this one so in this case I've got a foldable foldable four by six inch greeting card generic can add words to it you can use it for any Seasons you want or you can just keep it generic so that it's Evergreen okay and then here this is just a four by six non-foldable um postcard you could call it or just a nose cart too okay now let me just zoom in you will see that here you have to look very closely okay here the butterflies now the grit is on top of the black out line so some parts if you look really closely some parts the black lines cannot be seen you can only see the butterflies right so that's because the butterflies are on the higher layer than the black rectangle frame so I would like to move it backwards there you go so now you can see a clean solid black outline same thing this one positioning it moving it backwards okay so remember I want to show you that if I have a transparent digital paper I mean a digital paper with transparent background part of me let's duplicate this I can then change the background of it okay so what I'm gonna do is like this one here what I'm selecting is the black outline the rectangle with the black outline and right here you can see it has transparent color so if I were to change it to Black and then positioning it backwards there we go we have the butterflies okay or you can add another layer of rectangle and put it right here because I want to change the background I want to provide variety I don't just want to have one set of printables I want to beef up my contents when I sell this so I can change these to Black Background this is a black solid rectangle positioning it backwards until it goes behind the butterflies get it so you can just repeat the process and change different colors and you're ending and you'll end up selling a series of cards right I believe when you shop for stuff like this you will see the same design but slightly different colors right so this is how you can do it really quickly really easily adding more pages of content to your product with just a few clicks Okay so we've got we've got the US letter size blank notes page the lines note page the to-do list the three by five inch blank notes card three by five inch blind notes card four by six inch foldable greeting card four by six inch postcard n last but not least I'm gonna show you um this is very versatile you can you can end up using this as printable gift tags or you can actually just use this as posted so what happened is if you were to oh hold that thought okay let's start with the rectangle first we want it to be three by three inches now you should be a pro already drag until you get width of three inches and height of three inches there we go change it to transparent background borderline border weight one I want it to be solid or maybe dotted here we go here that's one three by three inch square Ctrl D to duplicate that's two click and drag Ctrl D that's four and one more Ctrl d why isn't it aligned Ctrl D again that's six of them okay so there we go if you want to make sure that evenly spaced click and drag to select the elements go to position and if these are already not highlighted it would mean that they are even the spaced okay so now if you print out this page and you have three by three inch Post-it notes what you can do is you paste the Post-it notes on each of these squares and then you can feed it back into your printer and print out designs that's it so copy this page and then same thing I'm going to use the grid positioning it to the front resizing it to fit that three by three inch Square grid and then go to my uploads drag and drop my butterfly there we go but because I basically I don't want like plain old posted cards so I want it to be fancy and I have this background but I still want it to be um to have spaces for me to write so I go to the element section click on this blank Square and just put it something like that and make it white and there we go okay so that that is it double layers right click and drag to select Ctrl D to duplicate and now if I want this one to have a slightly different background color what I can do is I can click on this plain grid this forms the outline right and right here you can see that this is transparent right now and I can change it to Black for example but if you're worried about black being not very printer friendly choose a different color and shift this grid with the butterflies back in position and there we have it so we have different ones okay and then you can just play around click and drag Ctrl D to duplicate shift it down to this spot and maybe instead of a square you can choose a circle instead and the elements choose a circle change it to White and then you can have it as your like this so they can the the principle is the same how you create this is really entirely up to you you can use this like I mentioned just now if you use this template if you print out this particular page you paste your Post-its on it you can fit it into the printer and can print out your own posted designs or if you want it to be with inspirational quotes and stuff like that you can type in your quotes and then print that out or you can actually add designs and then after that just use it as a printable gift tag as well you can just add like maybe in that case I don't want this I add a small circle to it I want it quite this time with a border border weight of one solid line right here I put it at the corner right here this is where you punch a hole and then you can add where it's like go to text and you can say happy birthday okay and I'm gonna put it right here I'm just gonna expand it but now it looks a bit too busy so I'm going to effects go to background and instead of yellow I'm going to choose white background and adjust the spread of it I don't want that much white space I just want to make sure that um my words can be seen and that's it okay so very very versatile if that is the final design that I want I can just click and drag Ctrl d and Ctrl D again and Ctrl D again to fill up the entire page and there we go so we've got one full page okay so we started with the purpose of printing our Post-it notes to modifying it to create three by three inch gift tags that is also very very possible and of course when you're done when you're happy with it what you want to do is you go to share and you click on download and you will usually download it as PDF now the difference between PDF standard and PDF print PDF standard has lower file size which I personally find when you're selling digital products like these uh us letter size page this PDF standard would be sufficient okay and if you are worried that people might somehow extract the graphics from your PDF file because you can actually import PDF files onto canva to make them editable it's good news and bad news so if you don't want people to kind of tear up your PDF file then you might want to have your final product as a flattened one now I also have another canva tutorial that talks about importing and exporting different file types using canvas so check that out if you want to learn a bit more about the different file types that you can Import and Export from canva okay so if you want to make sure that nobody takes your file and go back into canva and extract your lovely butterfly digital paper then flatten it choose the PDF standard click on download Twitter your thumbs for a few moments and you're gonna see your very very lovely stationary printables in just a moment and there we have it there we have it eight different types of stationary printables you can sell these as single page printables you can package them together at this butterfly themed stationery set it's really really you know the marketing the packaging is entirely up to you I just hope that you have found this canva tutorial to be extremely helpful if you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comment section I do look through and read through all the comments and reply to them personally and I would very very appreciate it if you can like And subscribe like this video subscribe to our Channel and stay tuned for more awesome videos from us me Faith from thank you so much for your attention and I will see you around foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Faith's Biz Academy
Views: 13,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, Canva education, Canva tutorial, Canva for beginners, Canva tips, Printables, Etsy seller, Digital papers, Digital products, Planners, Canva, Canva education, Canva tutorial, Canva for beginners, Canva tips, Printables, Etsy seller, Digital papers, Digital products, Planners, Canva, Canva education, Canva tutorial, Canva for beginners, Canva tips, Printables, Etsy seller, Digital papers, Digital products, Planners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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