How to Create PDF Forms With Calculations - A PDF Invoice that Automatically Does Calculations

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[Music] now let's take a look at the invoice form so we're going to convert this into a fil and add some calculations to it so first we'll get all the fields set up so we've got invoice form we're in prepared a form you can get to that by going to all tools prepare a form create form just going to ask us to save it now add some Fields here so I'm going to add four Fields here and three over here and then we'll start setting these up this one I'm going to call name then this can be address line one address line two and contact for the person's phone number or email then we'll call this invoice gnome for invoice number invoice date and due date now you notice I'm making these all one word and not putting any spaces I like to do it that way because putting spaces in the name can cause complexly later for more advanced calculations and form entry stuff so I just try it well it doesn't nly matter for this form I try to keep it consistent and remember not to put spaces in the name so that I don't everdo it so that way you don't get through like 10 hours of form building and for like a really massive form and then have to go do calculations and have to undo all that work so that's why I do it this way right now will'll line these up here think I want these to be little bit wider and they're not quite uniform so we'll s them all and make them uniform distribution great so now this one and we'll scoot these a little closer and screw these up a little bit now we're going to to make these into date fields that way they have their deep Pickers all right so now we'll go on to the product section so I'm going to show you something that I just recently learned that I didn't know before that is going to solve our whole copy and pasting problem that we had with the dashboard I'm leave the dashboard video as it is so you can see why you don't want to do it that way and what kind of problems it can create but I'm going to show you a much easy way to do this that automatically creates all your fields and renames them so here we go we're going to create our quantity description unit price and amount then we'll get these in their positions that we want them in great then we'll line these up and just going to zoom in here I'm holding down control and using my mouse wheel to zoom in just going to tighten these up a little bit I don't want them right up against each other want some space but I don't want them to be too far apart either so I'm going to hold shift and use Mouse wheel to scroll to the right and these look pretty close as far as how far apart they so leave them at that now what we're going to do is we're going to set all of these up that we want them and name them then we'll copy them so the first thing I'm going to do is we're going to right click this properties so go through all of our settings make sure it is the way we want it to be first of all I want to name it we're going to name it quantity I'm not going to put a number or anything like that and you'll see you why later going to name this quantity and I'm not going to put a number you'll see why later so it's going to call it quantity with nose line number we're eventually going to put multiple lines here obviously font size I think I'm going to go with auto we're going to want this to be centered no General formatting is fine we keep that as none great s that now we're going to description this is just going to be a plain text field so we're just going to call it description going to put this Auto as well so they can fit more text if they need to left Al line is fine great so that one's done now unit price this one's going to be money so we're going to align it on the right hand side which is typical for currency then format we're going to put number and then make sure if you want a currency symbol they have your currency symbol some people don't so that's fine too and two decimal places great SS done now am Mount well make this Auto as well write aligned and we'll do number with currency great so those are all set up now what we're going to do is we're going to set up the calculation for this and then copy all of these cells down so I'm going to right click this properties go to calculate we're going to going to do value and we're going to select one of these and you'll notice has different mathematical calculations you can do it's limited so you can't do division or anything really complicated but if you just want a simple calculation then this is the way to go about it so we click product which is multiplication then we're going to click pick and we're going to select quantity and unit price so it's going to multiply those together to give us our amount now if we want to test that out put 10 quantity and $520 and then you see it multiplies automatically then we can change this and it automatically calculates everything empty out those fields go back to prepare a form now we're going to take this this is where I'm going to show you this cool trick that I just found out not really a trick it's to function I wasn't wearing before but we right click it go to create multiple copies and this is a tool that will allow you to automatically duplicate these fields so to make six you can make as many as you want this is how you decide how many to make then this one can make them farther apart or closer together and then this can shift the whole thing up and down before it finalizes it so I'll shoot it down just a little bit click okay and there we go so you'll see it's gone through and added a little number at the end of it so now automatically is numbered and differentiated from the other lines without having to go in and manually edit these so now if we go to exit the form so you'll see this actually broke our calculation a little bit so if you go and enter this you'll see nothing happens that's because this is still pointing to quantity and unit price so this is something I just learned now doing this so I'm going to show you how to fix this just want to go to prepare form open up the properties go to calculate you'll see it's pointing at the wrong things now cuz renamed them so we go back to this and we just select the correct ones then we can go down the line and do that for all these all right so now if we go back these should work again great all right so now we've got our amounts calculating I'm going to wrap up the video here and then we'll move on doing the subtotal tax and [Music] total all right so now for the last part we'll go to prepare form we'll come down and add our Fields we're going to need four Fields total this one I want to align want not align hit to the amount columns so we'll go like this all of them will line that same way then our tax this is going to represent our tax percentage if we go like this line them up scooch that that one and to make this a little bit bigger cuz you might put a bigger font in there this PR needs to go a little bit down great all right so now I have the calculation for the subtotal field now I'm going to show you something different than what we've used before you can absolutely go and use value sum and then pick all of these from the options list to get the sub total but I want to show you how to use simplified field notation CU that will allow you to do much more complicated things like division subtraction and other things that aren't allowed within this Frame work so now in order to do that what we're going to have to do is we're have to change the names of these fields so the dot that's in the middle of it I found out doesn't work with the simplified field notation that creates a problem so specifically for these I'm going to go in and just change the name and get rid of that period great now we can open up subtotal go to properties calculate simplify field notation and then click get a button now all we have to do is go amount zero plus can select all that 2 3 4 5 come in change these numbers get rid of that trailing plus sign click okay and you'll see it's added now we want this to fact you want all of these to be right aligned so we'll do that right now now if we go to prepare form put some values here you'll see it adds this little sub tool down here all right so now we'll add the tax so the tax I want to be as a percentage so we're going to do this format number actually you're going to do percentage so now that will do that this one is going to be number tax amount and while I'm M I'm going to rename this to tax percent all right so now this one what we're going to do is we're going to go to simple ified field notation click edit and we're going to take subtotal multipli by which is asterisk tax percent and now we have our sub total for the tax amount so now if we go and enter in some numbers here in fact I'm going to leave these in here so we can see them calculate as we fill out the form so we'll say 10 three things for 250 and our tax is zero so when we enter a tax here will say 10% so one thing to note is that when you're entering a percentage field right now is you need to enter in the actual numerical value before it's multiplied by 100 so for example if I enter 10 for 10% it thinks I mean mean 1,000% whereas if you enter one it thinks you mean 100% % so what we actually need to do is put 0.1 now there's something you can do with scripting that will fix this later I'm going to show you when we get into that we'll come back to this form and fix that but for now just put 0.1 to make 10% now I noticed that the texture is getting a little bit large for this one so I'm going to go back into the settings and make it auto so that way it'll fit for larger percentage values and now as you can see it's calculating a 10% tax on the subtotal now we're going to take the total and add these together so I'm going to make a challenge so I think you can do this on your own go ahead and rename total do any formatting you want for total and then make it add these two things together you can either use the field value with the uh sum op or you can use the simplified field notation to use the name of these fields so I'll leave that to you to do right now all right so now I'll walk you this so you want this to say total we're going to make this Auto right aligned we're going to want it to be a number hes for consistency in this section I'm going do simplified field notation the other benefit to simplified field notation is let's say you had a form with like a 100 different fields so imagine I'm going to cancel this real quick imagine going here clicking some and then let's say we had like 200 field to dep pict from from a real long form having a scroll through here and find that can be a little bit annoying so while this is a little this is this can be simpler doesn't require any typing well this can be simpler in some ways if you have a lot of fields doing simplified field notation can be a little bit faster cuz you can just type the names of the field directly without having to go find them in a list [Music] all right so now we've got our fully functioning invoice form one last thing that I want to show you in case it comes up so sometimes when you're using formulas to calculate the fields will might not behave as you expect them to and that's because of something called field calculation order so if we come up to our Fields over to the right hand side here click this set field calculations order you'll see this determines the sequence so for example let's say this had accidentally gotten moved up here and then we go to enter our invoice form so you'll see that one didn't update we had another one here and didn't update right away until we click off of it and enter something else right so that's obviously not ideal Behavior it should be calculating as soon as we enter this so now what I'm going to do is is R to go to all tools prepare form come back here set field calculation order and put this in its correct location and in fact while I'm here I might just get these in general order the amounts don't necessarily matter because they don't rely on each other it really is it's just important that like for example subtotal relies on amount number four so amount number four should be calculated before subtotal and likewise the tax amount relies on subtotal so you want tax amount to be calculated after subtotal and so on so if you ever see weird behavior in your calculations where things aren't calculating the way you think they should be or they're not calculating once you enter something that should change the value right away then look at your calculated fields and look at their field order to make sure they're going in the right sequence you might be used to something like Excel where Excel handles this automatically and it goes through everything and it does a great job of no matter what cell you're entering and recalculates all the other cells PDS unfortunately aren't as great at that so they have a field calculation order that you sometimes have to manage in complex projects all right so that's all we're going to do on this one so we're going to come back to this later and do a little bit more add some more advanced functionality but for now we're going to pause on this and move on to the next [Music] section [Music] before we wrap up on the invoice there's one thing I wanted to show you how to do and that's how to ex form data to excel there's actually a cool little way to do this and it makes doing forms like this very useful because especially if you're sending forms to multiple clients and they're all filling out data and you don't want to have to manually then convert that over to excel sometimes you would think you would need some kind of online form system to in order to collect all this data well there is a way that you can take this data and Export to Excel and actually export multiple files at the same time that have the same format so I'm going to show you how to do that so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to make sure that our fields are in the order that we want them to be in so I'm just going through the field sequence here and see you see initially when the all the zeros then it are don't going down all the quantities what we want is we want them to be in a certain sequence for tab order but also for export order that's the sequence that all these fields be exported into Excel so one thing that you can do to since now in instead of having to sit here and drag all of these one at a time like this you can do it that way or what we can do is we can take this hold down control click the next one and click all of the ones that we want to move move that under quantity and then so it'll pop them right up there so we'll do that for four now we'll screw through this real quick and looks like they're all in the proper sequence good so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to enter we're going to enter in some test data here and we're going to save this test one then we'll change some of this up great so now have you got two invoices here will'll save this now now what we're going to do is we're going to open up prepare form we're going to click the three dots here going to merge data files into spreadsheet we to add files Amry and select our two forms here open those up export save that to a CSV file great n click a view file now and this will be get CC it's put everything into columns so Court thing to the field name and it's in the sequence that we entered them in so now this is a great way to especially if you're doing surveys or other types of forms send your form via PDF so you can create a customized form experience that looks professional and doesn't have to be hosted on the web collect all of them and then extract all the data automatically so you don't to go through and pull it out manually and put it into Excel yourself so that's what you would use this tool for so I hope that's hopefully that's useful for you and hope you can see some ideas you could use that for and again what this means is you're not having to pay for some kind of online form service you're not having to pay for website hosting and still being able to collect user data and control their experience completely and as we go through this course you'll see all the different ways that we could create custom forms and custom form behavior that you simply can't do with most online Form Tools so thank you very much for seeing the next [Music] video one other thing I'd like to show you real quick and then it can be useful for calculations because while it doesn't necessarily they can't do this if they try to enter in numbers here it will just revert to the calculation it can still be a confusing user experience for them to click through and and then not be able to edit this so to make it clear that these are not editable what you can do is go to prepare form select these properties and click read only and do the same thing for the ones on the bottom here actually no we don't want the tax percentage to be n noneditable just these calculations here now when you exit you'll see these you can click on them but they're visibly not a field and so the person is not confused as to why they can't enter it cuz it doesn't look like it can be entered but then when you change these they still calculate and update [Music] normally
Channel: AB Publisher LLC
Views: 1,189
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Keywords: Dynamic pdf invoice, pdf invoice editor, pdf invoice generator, adobe acrobat pdf editor tutorial, adobe acrobat pdf editing, create pdf forms with calculations, calculations in pdf fillable forms, Dynamic pdf, dynamic pdf adobe, dynamic ooo pdf, generate dynamic pdf, fillable pdf form using from adobe acrobat, fillable pdf form adobe, fillable pdf form tutorial, fillable pdf form free, fillable pdf form online, how to create a fillable pdf form adobe acrobat pro
Id: RZuJil5sUi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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