How To Create Multiple AI Characters In One Scene

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hello people of playground today I'm going to show you how to create multiple characters in one scene now what we're going to do today is compose the scene with different elements we're going to have a background and three characters to create a final one now the reason why we do this is for example if you try to prompt for Batman and Superman drinking coffee in a cafe chances are you're going to get a merging of the two characters they may share traits of each other's costume and it just doesn't work right that's currently a limitation of the models however for now we can utilize canvas to get the results we want now if this is the first time you're using canvas I highly encourage you to check out some of the beginner videos I'm going to whiz through a few things and not go through all the little beginner details so before you start make sure you're very comfortable using canvas so I've got my four assets here I have a background and three of my characters at this point I'm going to hold all click and drag so that we can copy each character I advise you to keep the originals just in case things go weird or you screw something up and you want to try again all right then we're going to select each image and remove the background from each of our characters fortunately I've gotten some clear separation if you have remnants that you need to erase I'd advise you to do so although I wouldn't worry too much about it if there little specks here and there cuz eventually we're going to do an image to image that's going to remove all that stuff next we're going to duplicate the scene doing the same thing alt click and drag and we're going to do a little cheating here and just increase this manually and we'll bring in the characters into the scene to bring them to the front we can use our left or right bracket keys and we want to compose our scene here just going to bring these guys in first and now we want to compose our scene so I kind of like this kid's position cuz I tend to put him on the car here as if he's jumping off it we're going to make him a little bit smaller and we'll put her around there and this guy will'll put in the background and I'm also going to crop the background just a little bit so it's Tighter and we'll move her over to be the dominant foreground subject let's make him a tad smaller there we go and yeah it looks like he's about to jump off the car perfect so now that we've composed the image what's lacking is the lighting the lighting is different on the subjects from the background so this is why we're going to do an image to image and we're going to put a little bit of a sunset type of lighting so let's zoom out a bit and we're going to select all the assets here by clicking and dragging you see everything is selected by the blue frames we're going to hit contrl C control V to copy and paste now you see all the assets are merged and then we're going to send this to image to image now in terms of image strength I find between 45 to 50 is a good starting point I'm going to go with 46 within the prompt I'm going to add sunset for that type of lighting and I also removed the main subjects like our characters and I left the modifying words since the subjects are already in the image we no longer have to prompt for them because we have a reference image now I actually changed the image strength of 48 I found 46 was too much however changing it to 48 even the two little steps gave me enough of the original composition and the new lighting if you look at the sun coming from this area here we can tell with the little Rim Lighting on her hair here and even on the side of this guy's face we are getting consistent lighting and of course along the building so that's great now you might be looking at the details and saying oh the hands look weird and the don't worry cuz now this is how we're going to tweak all these little details and instead of doing a creative upscale to improve the details we're actually going to do our own manual upscaling so to speak and the reason why I do it this way is because we can control the original composition improve the details but not affect everything else I mean some little things are going to change in any case let me show you how it's done so once again we're going to hold alt and duplicate this image and then we're manually going to increase this let's stay within 1,500 at it longest and I'm just going to test it out make sure we can actually do an upscale there is a limitation so yeah if I were to use that size and do a creative upscale we can get 6100 by 398 that's big enough so we're going to use this sort of as a template and I'm going to copy this one once again and what we're going to do is crop each individual character so let's start with this guy on the left and you want to crop him as tight as possible but try not to crop out the Shadows underneath their feet that's really important we're going to hit enter and then we're going to throw this into image to image now grab one of the corners hold alt so that we keep the aspect ratio so 1024 at its longest side make sure your filter is selected sometimes when you go over an image it's going to disable the filter so if you do that make sure to select it once again image strength I'm going to try 45 because I kind of want to change the way the guy looks a little bit generate some images so you can see the original size here we've increased it so that we can pull more details from the image sort of a manual upscale and the advantage of doing this is that we can get better details in the face better hands that type of thing yeah I quite like this shot here that looks great this one looks pretty good so I've got a couple here we can work with I think I'll go with this guy so again I'm just going to copy him over here now we'll come back to the cropped image we're going to select crop once again and crop this individual now let's get all of her outfit there and repeat the same process so we'll bring it into image to image increase the size hold alt make sure our filter is selected image strength of 45 kind of like how this one turned out so we're going to copy that one over put it over here once again repeat the same process recrop for this dude here the reason why we're doing a tight crop as well is that when we increase the size of this image everything within the frame is now going to be heightened right so we don't want to change the background details all too much oh and by the way when you're regenerating these with image to image you want to change your prompt and put the subject back in the prompt so if you look at my prompt you see I put in teen hero back in there for the previous ones I put female hero so on and so forth right so I kind of like that it looks like he's jumping off the car but I think this one's cool because he's got a little bit of his foot on the car there and uh yeah I think I'll go with that one so we'll move him over here and now we have our new assets so we've basically come full circle and we're going to do the same thing we're going to compose our new images here we're going to bring the opacity down and I'm going to line them up and again you might be thinking well this is kind of a convoluted process well it is what it is you know I always believe in using the tools that you have when we do this method we're actually pulling in more details so that even though the image is smaller we're going to do an upscale you see now at least it has proper details the image can work with right so we're going to hit enter and we want to make sure that things line up like the top of the car here they don't have to be perfect we can do some adjustments but this is what I'm talking about where you see how the background is blurry and then here it's not this is kind of the downside of doing it this way we can always regenerate these areas so let's select our eraser tool and we're going to erase around the body here in these areas that are blurry it doesn't match the background and we want to take care of any seams as well shortcut key is g to call up the generation box and we want to make sure we're in painting and we'll click in paint now you might have to try this a few times if you find it's not as seamless as you want do the in painting in little sections so you see this turned out okay like there's some blurry spots here that we can improve on a little bit of the car so I'm going to do that just to touch it up a little bit there we go and now we repeat the same process for the next two [Music] [Applause] [Music] characters and there you go that's our final scene we could do a creative upscale let's try so here's the upscaled image and the original one but if we look again the blending of the lighting the higher details we got from doing it this way not the fastest method in the world but we were able to control the scene we wanted put in the characters we wanted whenever I want to control the scene and I want specific things in it this is how I do it I develop my assets put it together in a scene utilize image to image even control net to get results just like this now I'm not sure if you're aware or not I did post in the community tab that we are working on playground V3 a new UI and us that combines canvas and board so everything you've learned here today the UI might change in a few weeks but I'm sure the same tools the same Concepts will still apply now another way to condition and control your images is utilizing drawings I cover just that in these videos right here until the next one my friends this is playground
Channel: Playground AI
Views: 1,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playground ai, multiple ai characters, playground ai tutorial,, how to create multiple characters, playground ai canvas, text to image, online image generator, ai images, generative ai, ai art community
Id: M6CDAacjtWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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