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in this video i'll show you how you can create location map of your study area in qgis for that first of all we'll download free shape files go to your browser and search divide gis then click on the first link that is diy from here go to free special data then download country level data here i'll select the country i'll select india and then subject there are various options like administrative areas inland water elevation land cover population from here i'll select administrative areas and then click on ok then click on download so the shape file will be downloaded in zip format now open qgis in that from project create new project now we'll add the shape files for that go to layer then add layer add vector layer here as you can see that four dots from there you can browse the zip file that we have already downloaded so it is in my downloads ind underscore amd i'll click on open then click on add from here select the shape files that is amd 0.shp amd1.shp amd 2 dot shp and amd 3 dot shp then click on ok so as you can see four layers have been added now i'll untick amd 3 amd 2 and amd 1 layers i am creating a separate layer named india for that i'll click on amd 0 i'll right click then click on properties then click on simple field you can keep the field color of your choice then the stroke width i'm keeping it as 0.46 then i'll click on apply and then ok now again right click on amd 0 and then click on export save features as i have created a separate folder for study area on my desktop here i'll give the file name as india and then click on save then click on ok as you can see the layer named india has been added now i'll unselect this and then i'll select ind underscore amd 2 layer right click on it open attribute table from here as you can see name 0 is india and name 1 is madhya pradesh kerala karnataka but i want to create location map of surat for that i'll select all the rows with name one as gujarat so i'll just keep scrolling and select all the rows with name one as gujarat if you wish to create for west bengal you can select it likewise if you wish to create for bihar you can select it likewise after i have selected the rows with name one as gujarat i'll just close this tab just check once that whichever state you are selecting you have selected all the rows so i have selected all the rows with name one as gujarat now i'll close this attribute table and as you can see the color change in the map of india gujarat has been highlighted now again right click and then go to export save features as now i'll give the file name as gujarat then click on save now tick this save only selected features and then click on ok so as you can see my layer has been [Music] added now untick that layer named gujarat and select ind amd 3 and then right click on it go to properties first of all we'll go to the attribute table as i want to create a layer named surat because my study area is surat so here you can see in name two you can search for surat and wherever you find surat you'll just select all those rows just call scroll once now as you can see after surendranagar first after waludra then surendranagar i am selecting the rose with the name tu as surat then here continuously surat is there so i'll just click on shift plus control to select all these rows then i'll scroll once and check so now i have selected all the rows with name 2s surat again right click on amd3 export save features as now give the file name as surat click on save then again tick that save only selected features then click on ok now untick this amd 3 and as you can see i'll zoom it for you so the layer named surat has been created so this is my study area now i'll untick surat and then select the layer india i'll zoom out then i'll go to project from that new print layout i'll name it as study area then click on ok so this new tab will open from here as you can see there are various options like pan layout then zoom then select your move item then move item content then add 3d map add map from here we'll click on add map and then select this much area and as you can see my layer india has been added so the map of india has been added you can move this map by selecting move item content icon from the left side now we will add item properties so as you can see this is the map of india and that has been added in my print layout now i'll select this i can zoom it zoom out these all things i'm doing by clicking on the icon move item content then our main work is to add the item properties so as you can see on the right side i'm scrolling and i'll open grades then i'll click on that plus icon as you can see grade one click on it then click on modified grade then we will add the latitudes and longitudes for that in the interval x and y you can write 10 and in y also 10. here as you can see the latitudes and longitudes have been added but i don't want to show these lines so in the line style i'll make the opacity as zero so i'm sliding this and i have done the opacity as zero [Music] now if you wish then you can add a frame so i'll be adding line border nautical you can add the frame of your choice then after adding the frame just scroll down and item properties and as you can see here draw coordinates take that then in frame sorry format it is decimal but we'll keep it in degree minutes then in left and then right it is horizontal horizontal so we'll keep it as vertical ascending and right also we'll keep it as vertical ascending so as you can see on the left side in the map the coordinates have been added i'll scroll down in the item properties and then i'll add funds i'll keep my funds as 12. then on the left side you can see one arrow icon using that will add not direction to our map so here i have added the not direction to my map now i want to add a scale bar so on the left side above that arrow icon you can see add scale bar option using that icon you can add your scale now on right side you can see the scale bar item properties from here i'll keep the segments as left one and right one you can keep it as per your choice then in layers unlock layers and also take that lock styles for layer but before that i want to show you one more thing that is how you can add a label for that again come to this left side icons and then there you'll find add label icon here in the properties i'll write it as india you can change the font size keep the font size as per your choice even you can change the font color i am selecting orange color then from here horizontal alignment i'll keep it center if you wish you can add a frame then in the item properties i'll take this lock layers and lock style for layers so the map of india has been added now again go to the tab of untitled project and then i'll untick this layer named india and now i'll select the layer named gujarat again i'll go to my window of print layout just zoom in this and then go to the print layout window so click on add map [Music] select the area where you want to add that so i have selected the area and my map has been added now i'll select the icon move item content so that i can move this map and even i can zoom in [Music] so it's done then as you can see on the right corner we have item properties [Music] we'll follow the same steps as we have done for the map of india we'll scroll down go to greets click on that plus icon click on greed one modified grade then again i'll add latitude longitude for that x and y as 10 and 10 but i don't want to show these lines so in line style i'll keep the opacity as zero then if you wish you can add a frame [Music] and so i'm adding the frame same as i had added for india line border nautical then scroll down in the item properties [Music] tick that draw coordinates format as degree minute and left as vertical ascending and right also as vertical ascending then scroll down in the item properties [Music] and you can change your font [Music] again i'm keeping it as 12. [Music] then we'll add the north arrow so the direction arrow has been added and then we'll add the scale bar so i'll select that scale bar add scale bar icon if by mistake you undo the things then just do it once again so here my scale bar has been added now in the right side as you can see scale bar item properties from there i'll set it to segments as left one and right one then again in layers we'll lock layers lock style for layers so the map for gujarat has also been added in my print layout now again go back to the untitled project window and then select the layer named surat i'll just zoom in then go to the window of study area again select the icon add map select the area so i've selected the area now i'll move item content so that i can move my map and even zoom in so my map has been added now the same steps you have to follow that is on the right side in the item properties click on grades click on plus sign grade 1 and click on modified create then here even if you will change this x and y no lines will be seen but if you wish you can do that same and set the line style opacity as 0 then select a frame i'll select line border nautical after that see there are various options like frame margin and all you can even do that it's as per your choice then i'll just take this draw coordinates and keep it as degree minutes then you can even change the font size and then we'll add the north arrow and at the scale bar so i have added the north arrow now i'll add the scale bar and then on the right side as you can see in the item properties in scale bar i'll select the segments as left one and right one this also you can keep it as per your choice now lock layers and lock styles for layers so as you can see this is done here i'll add a label location map then he will scroll down on right side and item properties and you can change your font you can change the font size font style whatever you wish to change even you can change the font color so i'm changing the font color i have changed it to blue you can change it as per your choice then in the horizontal alignment i'll keep it as center here in the maps of gujarat and your study area surat you can add labels so just click on add label from the left bar and you can add the label named gujjarat the procedure is same after add label you will go to right corner in the item properties you can change the name so i'll give it the name gujarat then i'll change my font size and font color you can follow all those steps along with me keep the font size as per your choice now i'll add label in my study area so my study area is surat then i'll change the font size i'm keeping it as 22 see as you can see this you can change the font style the fonts and keep it as per your choice then change the font color and i'm keeping it as orange now i'll show you how you can save the file for that below layout you will see one icon which is save icon click on that and then give the file name so i am giving it as location map then click on save so we have saved this again go to that study area window and then i'll show you how you can save it in image format and pdf format again click on save icon then export as image give the file name so i'm giving it as study area surat then click on save keep the resolution as it is 300 dpi and click on save the layer has been exported successfully now again export as pdf you just have to go to your save icon only and export it as pdf give the file name so i'm giving it as surat 1 and click on save again click on save so the pdf format has been exported successfully now i'll just show you the image file and the pdf file so this is the pdf file and i'll show you the image file the study area surat so this is the image file so this is how you can create the studymap study area map in qgis thank you
Channel: itiscivilengineering CIVILELITE
Views: 1,315
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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