How to Create Funny Viral AI Images (FREE)

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all right right now my social media feed is filled with these images these are AI generated images and they are going viral on social media I mean for example look at this picture I think it's really funny image and people are getting a lot of likes in these type of images so first I was also curious like how to make this what AI tool are they using and all that and finally I figured it out so in this video I'm going to show you guys how to make these funny viral images by yourself so you can also have some fun so let's do it yeah uh there are two ways to make these first there is this uh called Microsoft image Creator totally free or you can also use chat GPT yeah chat GPT can also generate images but the problem is that you have to get the uh plus Edition Chad GPT plus so you can use the DI it's a text to image AI uh but if you want to use it in Chad GPT it's $20 a month uh in free plan uh as of making this video there is no D support so you can't generate images so if you're just like me really poor you can go with the Microsoft image Creator which actually uses the DI 3 the latest uh text image AI by open AI the maker of chat GPT all right and trust me I have already tested this look at this picture and I just compare it with this social media picture that I just randomly found so basically to make these funny AI images people are using the dly 3 maybe they are using image Creator or maybe they are using chat GPT plus now let's create something funny all right okay uh close enough I don't think he's scared but yeah this this one is definitely better I'm not too good with the prompts but hopefully I'll get something good something funny yeah this one is perfect it it looks like someone like actually took a picture okay it's not exactly what I'm looking for I want it to run away like this one yeah this one is close enough but you know you got the idea how to you know make these images so yeah it's it's your imagination whatever you want to get just put it in the words and get the results oh I misspelled the peoples just look at this one wow this is fantastic like wow this is amazing amazing picture wow okay let me correct this one more time this is so much fun actually okay so we are getting some arts and stuff like that this one is also funny I think I need to stop it but just look at these pictures man this is like Perfection and look at this one also can you tell this is like generated by AI if you post it on social media maybe some people will who knows about the AI maybe they will like okay I think it's AI generated image but most people who does doesn't know enough about the AI there is no error in this picture can you spot any errors I don't see any errors like it's perfect oh I'm truly impressed by the the quality of the image plus all the you know different types of things it can generate it's it's amazing right I discovered something new I was just thinking about making the funny viral photos that people are posting right right now on the social media but it surprised me you can do more than just making memes yeah you can actually create a masterpiece like your art or something yeah uh that's it for this one hope you enjoyed it if you still have any questions or have any suggestions for me you can always do the comment and we can have some chitchat in the comment section too yeah that's it I'll see you in the next one take care s and have fun bye-bye
Channel: kilObit
Views: 10,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oDG4truqCDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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