How To Create Footsteps In Unreal Engine 5 (Tutorial)

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hey guys and welcome back to another unrelentioned 5 tutorial so in today's video we're going to be going over is creating a basic footstep system so this will allow us to just play footstep sound effects whenever the player is walking running jumping whatever movement it is that they're doing we can play a sound effect for that so let me hit play and show you what we're going to make today so if I were to walk around you can hear we have that footstep sound effect in the background and if I were to run we're going to get as well and if I had to jump when I land you can hear we get it there too so again wherever we're moving about we're getting that sound effect now obviously it sounds like dirt on this basically concrete floor so that doesn't make much sense but again this is just a basic system for you to input one type of footstep sound effect into your game as for a lot of people that is all they need in a future video I will be doing a dynamic system which will change the sound effect based upon whatever material we are working on but for today what we're going over here is this and you can also hear that it does have random sound effects in here as well it's not just the same repeated one over and over again on the same two we can then use this for as many sounds as we like to make it sound as unique as possible so this will be going over and creating today so without further Ado let me delete this code and I'll show you how I've done it so the first thing you want to do is you want to import your sound effects that you're going to be using now I'm using some from and I'll leave a link in the description down below to those ones I'm using if you do use those make sure that you credit them as that is part of the license you do have to credit as you can see I've got these imported here we've just got some basic dirt walking sound effects and footsteps like so and as you mentioned as well you don't have to use this many you can use one you can use two you can use it as many as you like obviously the more you have the more random it sounds so they're less repetitive but once you've got all of these you're going to right click go to sounds create a sound queue and I'm gonna name this one footstep Q like so opening it up straight away and in here I'm going to open my content browser select all of these and import them in like this drag out the top one and get a random node then we're going to add seven inputs onto this and I'm adding seven because I have seven different sounds and so what this random node is going to do is as it sounds it's going to just pick a random one of these sound effects in to play in our output of our sound queue so if I were to just move this to position and then if I had to hit space to press play you can see it's going to just pick a random one each and every time which again is going to help us loosen the repetitiveness of it so it just sounds more unique each time so once we've got that set up we can save and close it like so now we just need to set up actually using this inside of our animations when we're walking and that is actually a lot more simple than you might think it is so we're going to do is hit control space to open our content browser and then we're going to find the animations we're using so for me that's characters mannequins animations and Quinn here I'm going to set this up on the walk forward animation so I'm going to double click that to open it up once we're in here we're going to pause it and go all the way back to the beginning of the timeline and we're going to do is just get a side profile so we can see the character walking like this then we're going to slowly drag along over the timeline until we see the right foot or any foot first going to touch the floor so this is where they've now hit the floor so this is where we want to play a sound effect so we're going to right click on our timeline down here under the one because we have notifies and we've got track one what you can do is also add another track if you want so you can add notify track if you want because we already have some here and then we're going to right click add notify and we want to play sound so if you're going to see it there you can search for play sound and we're going to play a sound there we can select that and then we can search in our sounds for the footstep queue we just created then with that still selected we can hit Ctrl C to copy it so we don't have to constantly put in the sound effect every time and also obviously if you want to change any other settings in here you can do that too then we're going to move it along until we have the next footstep hit the ground there it is and hit Ctrl V I might move that down there like so and then we're going to just do this for every footstep we have inside of this animation so obviously do this with all the ones which you want and all the ones you have and you should see that if we then hit play it's going to hit you can hear it and you can see the sound effects working perfectly in time with the animation so I'm going to hit Ctrl s to save this and that's all we need to do with that is it done now I'm going to do this on the other animations as well just to show it off in the video but I'm not going to show me doing it because obviously it is literally just this process you don't need to see it again this is all you need to do so I can close this and do this on the Run animation and land animation as well just again show off it in the video but that's what we're doing so now that I've done that I'm going to hit play and you can see when we're walking we're getting the sound effects perfectly in line with our footsteps like so and the same for when we're running and also when we jump and land we're gonna have them like so again this is going to work perfectly for when our footsteps hit the ground we're going to play the sound effect so it's not just at random times it does actually line up with our footsteps so it does look correct and you don't have that kind of weird feeling of something being wrong but you don't know what it is because it is working perfectly so I think that'd be it for this video if we've done everything we want to do what we've done is we set up a basic footstep system which allows us to obviously create these footstep sound effects every time the player is moving and their foot hits the ground whether it's walking running or jumping and Landing like so so thanks so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you found it helpful and if you did make sure to like subscribe down below so thanks so much for watching and I'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Matt Aspland
Views: 28,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, tutorial, ue4 tutorial, unreal engine 4 tutorial, how to make a game, how to, ue5, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5 tutorial, how to create footsteps, how to add in footsteps, unreal engine footsteps, ue5 footsteps, footsteps unreal engine, footsteps ue5, unreal engine 5 footsteps, footsteps unreal engine 5, simple footsteps, footsteps, dynamic footsteps, create footsteps, player footsteps, ai footsteps, audio, sound, sounds, cue
Id: P-wbqMKFClk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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