How To Make a Smooth Zoom In/out Effect in UE5

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hello everyone in today's video I will show you how to create this smooth zoom in and out effect in our new legendary 5. this will also work in Android 4. we will also add a sound effect to it so when you zoom in it will play the sound effect and zoom out it will play another sound effect or the same sound effect so let's start so what you want to do first is go into the first person folder blueprints BP first protector and then you want to go into the event graph and find a empty spot just like here now we want to go to edit project settings then you want to scroll down until we see input and then add a action mappings so this is the key you want to press when we want zoom so rename it to zoom in slash out now choose the key you want to zoom in and out with I would choose the right Mouse button once you've selected your input you can just close out of this go into the events graph again and then you want to add the ink that we just made so right click then search for zoom in slash out so now if you want to do like this so if you press the right Mouse button uh then it zooms in and then it will stop and then you need to press the right Mouse button again and it will zoom out if you want that you need to add a flip flop and then just drag out of a and b but if you want to hold down the right Mouse button to zoom and then when you release it it will go back to the normal position then you want to drag out of the pressed or released so choose whatever you want but in today's tutorial I will use the pressed and released so I will not use the flip flop now we want to drag out a pressed and we want to add a timeline to add timeline and call it Zoom in slash out just like that so depressed we'll go into the play and the release will go into reverse so we'll reverse the sideline now go into the timeline now we want to add floor track so click on this right here then call it Zoom and then the length I want it to be uh 2.5 seconds so it will take 2.5 seconds for the camera to zoom in so now we want to hold down left shift so hold that down and then left left click on the mouse button so now we want to hold down left shift and we can click anywhere just like that so we add a key and you can also do that by right clicking and add key to curve float zero just like that then the cave time will be zero and the value will be zero as well just like that zero yep now I'm going to add another key so left shift and click and the time will be 2.5 and the value will be one so it is fully zoomed in now you can click these two buttons right here to to see the whole line then you can right click right here and then click on auto so this this will make it much more smooth now compile and save and go to the event graph now want to check out the first picture camera now drag out of here and reset field or View and the update of the time man will go into the field set Field view just like that now in field of view we want to drag it out and get a learn so it will switch between these two values the alpha will go into soon and then we want to change the fov the default fov and for me the default if fov is 90 so just click on the first camera and a look at field of view and minus 90 so I'm going to set 90 here and I wanted to zoom in to about the half of that so let's say 45 oh 45 and now the code is done and should be working so now we can compile and save and test out so now if we hold down right click you see that we Sue and if we release it it zooms out just like that and it is very smooth now this may be too slow for you but I think I think that this is a realistic look to it now it is all done but you can do one more thing if you want to make it more realistic and that is to add a sound effect to it so let's do this so what we want to do is to drag in your sound effect and I just found the sound effect on YouTube so drag that in and it needs to be a dot wall file because MPG MP3 won't work so now I'm going to go into the BP first character and then from pressed you want to drag that out and play sound 2D so what 2D means is that it will play in both ears so it is not a directional sound and the sound will be the zoom camera zoom effect just like that then you can duplicate this and do the same for at least but drag that into reverse just like that now let's test out compile and Save and let's test it out as you can see it works the sound is a little bit off but you can just change the timeline so it matches the sound but yeah this is all we need to do it is all working now so I hope you like this tutorial and I will see you in the next one so yeah bye
Channel: Eremental Studios
Views: 8,189
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Id: 0zNjne942Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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