How to Create Digital Assignments for Google Classroom | EDTech Made Easy

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welcome back to my channel for those of you that are new here my name is michelle beret I am a fourth grade teacher in Maryland and I also in my school's ecoach which means I help teachers integrate educational technology in their classrooms for today's episode of EdTech made easy I wanted to give you all a tutorial for creating digital assignments that students can complete through Google classroom now this is my third at Tech made easy video related to Google classroom so if you have not already please make sure you go back and watch my Google classroom tutorial and my Google classroom tips and tricks both of which will be linked down in the description box for this video I wanted to focus on using Google slides to create different templates and graphic organizers that your students can complete digitally because I feel like that will be the most versatile type of assignment that you could adapt to fit your grade level or fit your subject area the first step is to go to your Google Drive and create a new Google Sites document by clicking the new button and then clicking Google slides I always delete the text boxes that are already inserted so I have a clean slate then I change the size of this slide to match the size of a piece of paper so that if for any reason I need to print a student's assignment I know it will properly fit on a page you can change the size of this slide by clicking file and then clicking page setup I will click the drop-down and select custom then I will change the size to 11 by 8 and a half and click apply for this example I'm going to make a vocabulary graphic organizer since that can be used for different subject areas I'm going to name my document vocabulary graphic organizer original and I will explain why the word original is important later on in this video next I'm going to start the design of the parts of my organizer that I don't want my students to be able to edit or change I'm going to insert a table by clicking insert table and then choosing two columns and two rows I'm going to resize my table so it takes up most of my slide by right-clicking on my table and clicking format options I'm going to adjust the size to be ten and a half inches wide and eight inches high and then Center the table on the slide I'm going to give it a thick black border by selecting the table and changing the outline color to black and changing the thickness to since this is a vocabulary organizer I want to have students put the vocabulary word in the middle of the template so I'm going to insert a rectangle in the center I'm going to click on the shapes tool and insert a rectangle I can just click on the slide to insert it and then I can right-click and select format options to change the specific size I'm going to make it four inches wide and one inches high and center it on the slide now I'm going to change the fill color to white and give it an 8-point black border to match the table next I'm going to add titles to each section of my table I can click in the cell and type the titles such as definition sentence part of speech synonyms antonyms and picture obviously the word picture was hidden behind the rectangle so I'm gonna align the text in that cell to the right and I'll do the same with the word sentence so they match now I can change the font and make the font size larger so it's easier to see now that I have my background elements I want to export the slide as an image so I'm going to click file download and then JPEG image it will save that image to the downloads of my computer now I'm going to create a new Google Sites document and I'm going to make this one a vocabulary graphic organizer the reason we name the first one with the word original is because that was the document we used to create the template but this document is the one we will actually share with students again I'm going to delete the text boxes and change the slide size to 11 by 8 to 5 I'm going to insert the image I downloaded as the background so I want to click background and then choose image I'm going to choose an image to upload and then find the image in my downloads folder once it uploads I'm going to click done now you'll notice I can't move any of the words or the lines of the organizer which is a good thing when you are sharing it with students because you don't want them to accidentally delete an important part of the table next you are going to insert text boxes where you want students to be able to type I'm going to click the text box button and then click and drag to make a text box the size I want I want students to know exactly where to type so I'm going to type text in the textbox then students will be able to delete that text and type in their own when they are completing the organizer I can format the text the way I want it so I'm gonna change the font make it larger and center it in the text box now that I have created one text box I can actually copy it and paste it where I want the next one then I can just resize it to fill the entire box for the picture box I want students to be able to insert their own pictures so I'm actually going to leave this box of blank it type directions in the speaker notes of the slide I'm going to tell students how to insert a picture and then remind them to resize the picture as needed I have found that students tend to be pretty intuitive when it comes to inserting pictures so my directions don't have to be super detailed the great thing about Google slides is that you can easily duplicate a slide if you want to have students complete the same organizer multiple times let's say I have five go Cabul airy words that I want students to complete I can duplicate this slide five times by right-clicking on the slide on the left hand side and then clicking duplicate slide now I'm ready to share this organizer with my students on Google classroom I'm going to go to Google classroom and then go to the classwork tab I'm going to click create and choose assignment I can give my assignment a title and I can add instructions as needed I can also add a great category points and a due date next I need to attach the Google slides document I created I'm going to click the Google Drive logo at the bottom and then select the Google slides I just created after I click add I want to change the drop-down to say make a copy for each student this is the most important step because the default only allows students to view the file but they won't be able to actually edit anything if you select students can edit file then students will all be editing the same document which is super messy you want to create a copy for each student so they can complete their own assignment once you have the settings the way you want them you can like a sign now as your students complete the assignment you will be able to view the document they edited great as needed add any comments and return it to them to review now this was just a single example the different ways you can digitize assignments are truly endless I want you to take the ideas and tips I gave you in this video and make it work for different types of assignments your students need to complete but keep in mind a worksheet on the computer is still a worksheet however creating digital assignments can make your grading easier can present new opportunities for students to collaborate and can allow students to develop digital fluency that will benefit them in the future I know this process may have seen time consuming but I promise the more often you create these types of assignments the easier it gets my biggest suggestion would be to try to digitize one assignment per month so it isn't too overwhelming but you can try to build your repertoire of resources you have created for those of you that I've watched this far I did want to give use the vocabulary template as a freebie in case you wanted to use it with your students I will link it in the description box so you can save a copy to your Google Drive and then be ready to use it with your students right away if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up don't forget to share it out with your teacher friends or anyone else who you think may find it useful if you haven't already go ahead and hit that subscribe button in the notification bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to put positive hands on and I will catch you in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 600,285
Rating: 4.9683142 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, digital assignments, technology integration, google classroom, making classwork digital, making digital assignments, how to digitize assignments
Id: mDBO40_qmt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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