Bypass ChatGPT Character Limit Restrictions

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picture this you're engrossed in a fascinating podcast and you can't wait to discuss it with your favorite AI chatbot chat gbt but there's a problem the transcript is just way too long for chat GPT to handle and you're stuck that's exactly what happened to me when I tried to create a description show notes and generate the title for a podcast episode using chat GPT this frustration led me to create my first ever app and now it's a staple in my own workflow so today I'll introduce you to the chat GPT chunker so you have this amazing podcast transcript and you want to chat GPT to help you out but it's too long for chat GPT to handle you might try breaking it into smaller parts but the AI gets confused and starts spouting gibberish frustrating right don't worry there's a solution but first let's take a quick step back to understand why this is happening opening AI platforms like chat GPT have something called a token limit for chat GPT this is around 4 000 tokens and this limit includes both the input and the output making it difficult to work with long text without errors or losing context now gpt4 can handle up to 8 000 and even 32 000 tokens the latter being around 160 000 Words which is more than the average book but that still doesn't work with chatsgpt but what if I told you that now there's a tool that can help you bypass this limitation is something that I whipped up one morning after being frustrated with this problem it's completely free to use without any hurdles by using it to chunk up your script you can input lengthy text like entire podcast transcripts or even books without running into token limit issues or losing the context of your conversation let's run through an example here I have a script I paste it in select 3000 tokens and chunk away and now I have these prompts the first one gives chat GPT the context and the task so I copy and paste that in and then I paste all the other prompts in one by one and you should copy and paste everything as is as this format seems to hold up I've even tried it with inputs up to 20 chunks and chat's GPT still managed to hold all the context and pull the information correctly so now after you pasted all these chunks in you can go ahead and give it your further instructions if you want to give the chunker a try head to AI slash chunker or find the link in the description below this tool has made a significant difference in my own AI experience and I'm confident it will do the same for you also don't forget to subscribe and to see more fascinating content like this watch this video next
Channel: Conturata AI
Views: 18,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openai, ai, chatgpt, chat, gpt, artificial, intelligence, artificial intelligence, language model, language, model, gpt-3, gpt-4, gpt-5, how to, guide, tutorial, course, crash, tiktok, youtube, social media, token limit, chat gpt error, chat gpt too long, too long, message too long chatgpt
Id: RoY1RfkGmaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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