How to Create Contacts for your VRChat Avatar Tutorial

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so how to add contactors onto your avatar so how to add contactors to your avatar first what we're going to do is i'm going to add a contact here to the end of the nose so whenever someone goes to touch the schnoot i'll play an animation for that so first i'm going to do is i'm going to scroll down here from the avatar in the hierarchy go to armature hips and i'm just going to go down till i get to the head here and i'm going to look for nose just one closest to the end of the nose here or closest to center and i'm just going to go nose end here then what i'm going to do is i'm going to click add component and i'm going to type in contact and you should see vrc contact receiver i'm going to click that and i'm going to change the radius down to usually yeah you know what i'll do .0002 usually it's a very small radius you want again just mess with that figure out what works best for whatever you're trying to have it contact with so again anything in this sphere here that comes in contact with what i'll show you later the receiver anytime that comes in contact with this sphere here it'll then send out a message and play the animation and then here we can turn on allow self others or local only self is you yourself can interact with it allow others again you can allow others to interact with it so next we'll do is we'll add a collision tag and now you can choose from any of these here also allowing custom so what you can do is have for custom you could have on someone else's avatar the same variable here or because this will line up with the animator here so you can have a separate parameter in here that someone else can have on their other avatar so only they can interact with that contactor here but for now i'm just going to have it so whenever touching finger meaning any if any of these fingers go to touch this contactor it will then send out that parameter and you also have a choice of constant on enter and proximity constant allows for as soon as it comes in contact with that parameter it will set that variable to one and if it's not touching it will set it to zero on enter it will set that parameter to one for one frame of it being in contact and proximity is it will change anywhere from 0 to 0.1 the closer it gets and the further it gets it'll change that integer or float from 0 to 0.1 the closer or further it gets so for now we're just going to leave that proximity so then when it comes in contact it'll change it to 1. so i'm going to name it we'll give it we'll name it boop for now i'm going to copy that so later i can paste that into the animator so now we have everything set up here for the receiving end of the contactor now i'm going to create a test over here by doing 3d object sphere i am going to scale this down a bit and what we're going to do is then go to contact vrc contact sender and i'm going to leave this at what is given for the radius and again i'm going to add a contactor and making sure it is finger lining up the other contactor since this contractor up here only receives from the finger i'm going to also have it so this is a finger tag so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over here go to the fx layer and i'm also to test this going to drag in the fx layer up here to the controller of the avatar so now i go in here i can see all the layers and parameters so i'm now going to add a new layer name it boop create new state empty create another new state empty and before i go any further i'm going to go over here to parameters and you have a choice between making this an integer or a float but for now i'm just going to do integer and name it making sure boop the same one as we had in the nose contactor and what we'll do is then also change the weight to 1 make a transition over to state 0 and then back here i am going to change the exit time to 0 transition duration to 0 uncheck this and add a new condition scroll down here to boop and we'll have it so when it equals one it will transition over here to this animation which we'll have to create uh going back we're going to change this to zero zero exit time and then having it so boop equals zero it'll transition back to no animation playing so the sending contactor touches the receiving contactor it will send out that variable to one making this transition over to player animation here and then when that contact is no longer touching the receiving end it will change that variable to zero meaning it will go back to playing no animation and stop playing this animation here uh for now i'm just going to actually use an already existing animation here i'm just going to use a facial expression so i'll do angry very angry eyes we'll see we'll do that so it'll play this animation angie so it'll play this animation when that contactor is touching the other con the receiving end of the contactor and now this should work and how you will test this for before i like to test things i like to save just in case it seems to crash whenever playing the game so we're gonna press play to test it and go over here to scene another thing i like to do is i like to bring the animator down over here so i can see what's going on in the parameters so i'm going to take our sender contactor and drag it to where it touches the nose so as you can see this sender is touching the receiving end of that contactor which then changes the boot parameter to 1 meaning it transitions over to that animation there and then once i drag it away it goes back to new state or idle so it doesn't play any animation it doesn't it will not play the animation anymore so this is a way to test it out and if it works that is all you need to do so that is how you create contacts for avatars hope you enjoyed
Channel: Burnaking
Views: 13,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Contactors, VRChat, Tutorial
Id: HoAo2P1hLNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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