Secret Realtime Raytracing In Blender 4.1 !!! (Tutorial)

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hello and welcome to another exciting blender tutorial today we're going be looking at the real time right tracing features stealth dropped in Eevee in blender 4.1 let's go so I was poking around in Eevee the other day in the new blender 4.1 official main branch launch and realized that there was some Ray tracing features that had been snuck in no one's talking about very exciting Ray tracing is going to be happening in eeve next which is the big sort of highlight feature of eeve next enable real time raay tracing which is g to just open up the door for a lot of great realism in Eevee now I'm GNA come over to the render tab for the render engine I'm going to turn on ambient occlusion Bloom and Screen space Reflections I'm going to open up screen space and I'm going to turn on refraction and I'll come up here and click new to create a new Shader I'll call this glass and to make glass we're just going to come over to transmission open this up turn the weight up to one now I'm going to open up the side menu and if you remember in the past in EV every time we do a transparent material so anything that has like low alpha or any kind of transmission you need to come over here and change the blend mode you know usually we change it to either Alpha hash or Alpha blend and the same for the Shadow and then you'd have to turn on refraction by clicking this button here but you'll notice it's a little bit different it says array Trace refraction and this is what clued me in the other day when I was playing around with this this is actually a brand new feature so it's going to use Ray tracing to to determine the refraction so if I turn this on it's going to activate and we're going to start to get real time rray tracing so if I turn down the roughness of this material you can see that we're actually seeing through the material really well and if you'll notice we've got blend mode set to AA which is really exciting now an interesting side byproduct of this is if you have this set to something like Alpha hashed you're going to have a huge hit to your performance so if you're playing and you're like why is my FPS dropped really really low just check your transparent materials that are using refraction and make sure they're all set to a pque because this works really well when they're set to a pque but when they have Alpha hash turned on it just really tanks your playback so you don't need it we just leave that off now for transparent materials and Eevee it's very exciting I get really excited about this I don't know about you guys I'm this is like Christmas for me woohoo so now we're going to make some liquid in this and one thing that there's a limitation with this is that any e we can't have two layers of refraction kind of stacked on top each other so I can't make this glass right and uh let me just turn this saturation back off so I can't make this glass and then like put a liquid inside it have another object that's a liquid and then like another object that's a piece of glass and like put them all inside each other just not going to work eeve is only going to let us have one layer right so we've got our one layer now which is glass so we need to have all the fluid stuff and all the liquid and all the different layers kind of happen within the Shader so we're just going to create a little trick to make that happen so I will come over here and I'm going to just get my Shader editor a bit bit larger in the view here I'm going to come here and I'm going to create a texture coordinate node and drop this here I'm going to grab a uh mapping node drop this here and I'm going to grab a color ramp and I'm going to grab a gradient texture all right that's our recipe here so the way we're going to hook all this up we're going to take the object coordinate plug it into the vector we're going to take the vector output and plug it into the vector input of the gradient texture and I'll just show you what this is looking like so you can see it take the color straight into the surface and you can see here we've got this gradient and with this mapping node we can rotate it so I'm going to go 90° on the Y and with the color ramp drop this here we can increase the contrast and sharpen it up decide where we want this uh sort of layer to end so we're have now is a fluid where this glass container is going to be full up to this point and then it's going to have um uh no fluid up up in this white area so what we can do is we can grab uh the color that we want for the fluid so the black area so I'm to click on the black Swatch and then come over here and I'll brighten it up and I'll grab some kind of fun Briny color like this and we'll leave the top white because it will just be transparent glass so we're going to take this color and I'll plug it into the base color and I'll take the bsdf and bring it back so now we've got this part working um I might turn my I down a little bit so the refraction is not as strong so 1.3 maybe and what we need to do now is we need to make the surface of the liquid right and the best way for us to do that is actually to use another object because we get all this refraction and stuff and it's going to be way too complex to create that um flat interior surface using just the Shader so what we're going to do is we're going to go shift a mesh Circle and I'll grab this thing up and bring it right up to where we have the surface of the liquid go into edit mode and select all the verts and then we're go F3 grid fill and then we can leave edit mode and then click new to create a new Shader we'll call this a liquid surface and let's jump over to the Shader and what we're going to do is match things up so we can um just give it a similar color in fact we can actually grab the exact color right here if you come over to the hexadecimal code I can copy that special code and that will basically we can input that over here and that'll give us the exact same color so can paste the hex code and there it is so now they match bring my roughness down and then I'm going to take my transmission weight all the way up now you can see that it's visible we're going to come over here to the side menu and if we turn on Ray Trace refraction it will disappear again because again we can only have one layer of refra fraction so I'll just keep it turned off and I'll set the blend mode to alpha alpha hashed because um Alpha blend will also make it disappear so I need to go Alpha hashed and I might keep the shadow set to Alpha hashed as well all right cool so now we're going to have a surface of the water let's create a little bit of detail on the surface of this water so I'm going to come to the circle go to the wrench and I'm going to grab a subdivision surface I'm going to crank it up maybe to three and and then I'm going to add a displacement modifier click new to create a new texture I'm going to jump to the texture Tab and over here in the texture tab I'm going to switch the type to clouds you can see already it's starting to go crazy I'm going to right click and shade smooth I'm going to come back to the tab here and turn the strength right down and you can see now we've got this nice kind of wobbly surface and I might go back to the texture Tab and take the size right up so it's a bit larger so this is a good little like Taste of what's to come with e next really exciting that we've got it in here now um to play where I'm with in this version of blender um very excited now hopefully we'll see ev next come out in the next release hope you really enjoyed this tutorial if you did hit that like button and subscribe to the channel don't forget to check out the patreon where we've got this project file if you can join this month it'll be available for only this month so you can join up and also you can get all the uncut versions of this these tutorials and this one uh goes for how long about an hour and 45 minutes and I do a lot of extra stuff go into a lot of detail explore create this image um so a lot of really awesome detail there if you want to join up you can get access to that by joining on patreon or joining at the all exess level or higher on YouTube you can access to the all the uncut tutorials there so if you love bonus content go check it out thanks to all the supporters on YouTube and patreon that are already making this channel uh run thank you for supporting everything I'm doing really appreciate you guys and I will catch you in the next tutorial until then have a fantastic week see you later bye everybody [Music] here w w
Channel: CBaileyFilm
Views: 24,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender turorial, blender beginner tutorial, scifi, create a short film, create a fan film
Id: x7G_qtjroHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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