How to Create an Online Course Website with WordPress | Step-By-Step Tutorial 2021

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in this video i'm going to show you how to create an online course website step by step this website has a beautiful homepage with an easy access button to all of the courses you have on your site your most popular courses are presented professionally right here on the homepage to entice enrollment you've got a promotional drop down section a testimonial section of your students reviews and a contact section for any questions that your students might have and we're going to be making this website with wordpress and an awesome plugin called learndash what's going on guys welcome back to another video on create a pro website my name is levi hagan and i'll be walking you through this journey step by step if you're watching this video and you've never created a website before don't worry this video is for you we're going to be making the entire website using a super easy to use drag and drop page builder and a simple course builder as well so you won't need any previous experience i'm going to show you how to fully customize your course presentation how to build a course on your website using learndash how to include quizzes and final exams how to set different access modes for your course how to customize the grid on the home page and how to set up payment methods through plugins like stripe woocommerce and cart flows to fully customize your students checkout experience you might be looking at this and thinking to yourself this is a bit too complicated for my taste but trust me it could not be any easier elementor makes designing your website so easy just by dragging and dropping widgets onto your screen learndash makes the creation process to entering your course easy with its course builder function where all you have to do is click on the add course or the add lesson to enter in your own content and the woocommerce plugin makes the payment methods very simple and linear so it's easy to understand and again i will personally be walking you through this entire tutorial step by step just for a quick overview i'm going to be walking you through getting your very own custom domain name and hosting for your website i'll show you how to install and use wordpress which is the most common free software for editing websites i'll show you how to download a template along with plugins i'll show you how to sign up and connect your learndash software next i'll show you how to customize your homepage with elementor i'll then show you how to build your course using learndash's course builder and finally i'll then show you how to set up payment methods and edit permissions for your courses during this tutorial you can use the right and left arrow keys to go forward or backwards by 5 seconds also i'm going to put timestamps of this video down in the description so it's easy for you to skip ahead or go back to any of the steps at any time and if i'm going a little too slow you can always change the playback speed by clicking on the little gear icon to this video and changing the playback speed to something a little faster alright now that you have an understanding of what we're going to be going through let's go ahead and get started so step number one is to get a domain name and hosting a domain name is just the address to your website it's what people will enter into the search bar to find your website so something like and web hosting is just renting space on a server somewhere that's connected to the internet so that you can store all of your media and files on your website there are web hosting companies that have buildings full of these servers and they also offer you 24 7 support in case anything happens to your website yes you can get a free website but it comes with a lot of limitations as well like you won't have your very own custom domain name it'll be something like or or it might even be a random string of letters and numbers that you don't even get to choose you also can't upload new themes in order to customize your website exactly the way that you want it you also can't upload plugins to increase the functionality of your site you can't monetize the website with ads in order to make money from it and your website can be deleted at any time because you don't technically own it so for these reasons i recommend web hosting because it places you in control so in order to get your domain name and hosting just click on the very first link down in the description or go to hosting and it'll take you to a page that looks like this by clicking on my affiliate link which i receive a commission from you'll receive that massive discount that i was talking about earlier now creator pro website has dozens and dozens of websites with hostgator because they're fast reliable affordable and they have 24 7 support in case anything happens to your website you'll hear me say it a lot but we really trust hostgator here at creatorpro website so we stick with them okay so now we've got three different plans in front of us we've got the hatchling plan the baby plan and the business plan i really only recommend the baby plan and the business plan when your website starts to take off and you gain a following or you start to make money off of it if that's what you're trying to do with it just because they're a little bit more expensive right now i'm going to stick to the hatchling plan it's the cheapest one and that one comes with a single domain name now if you're looking to get multiple domain names you can go ahead and go with the baby of the business plan but let's just go ahead and do the hatching plan okay and so right here is where you're going to be able to register your very own custom domain name if you already have your own domain name you can go over to this tab right here but for this video i'm going to be creating my very own custom one so i'll try something like this and so when you click outside of the search bar it'll search to make sure that it's available as a domain name and so when it highlights green you know that your new domain is available and so down below you've got a bunch of different options you've got and a whole bunch of different other ones i always recommend staking to a dot com just because it's the most professional and it's also the one that's the most common when people are searching for websites so i'm gonna go ahead and scroll on down now the domain privacy protection is also an important part right here it's for the 1495 billed annually but you want to make sure that this checkbox is checked and so what this does is it protects your personal information like your phone number and your email from telemarketers and solicitors who are going to try and offer you different services for your website and so it gets kind of frustrating when you're answering the phone over and over again throughout the day so i just go ahead and make sure that it's checked okay so number two is to choose a hosting plan and so this is the part where we already did it but it's on the hatchling plan you can also choose baby or business here but i'm gonna leave it here so the billing cycle is just how you're going to be billed and so you can do it for the 36 months which is going to be 271 a month or you can go all the way down to like one month and be at seven dollars a month obviously the biggest contract is the biggest discount now it's important to keep in mind that you're going to be paying for all of these months up front and so it just averages out to the 271 a month so i'm going to do just the one month for now okay so let's go ahead and move on to number three which is to create your hostgator account and this is pretty simple you're just going to enter in your email and a password and you're just creating a hostgator account so i'll go ahead and do that right now all right and so i went ahead and entered in my information so let's go ahead and scroll on down to number four and so this is just setting up your billing info with hostgator and so right now you can do credit card or paypal i'm gonna stick to credit cards so i'll see you guys in just a second i'm just gonna fill out my personal information okay so i went ahead and entered in my personal billing information so let's go ahead and scroll on down to the additional services section right here so what you're going to do is actually uncheck the sitelock essentials and the backup your hard work because i've got videos on the channel that show you how to do this for free and so we'll save the 23 and the 23 here as well so let's go ahead and scroll on down to number six now this is an important step make sure that your coupon code says create a pro website just like this because this is how you're gonna receive that massive discount that i was talking about earlier all right so step number seven is to just review your order details and so you can see right here that our domain registration is for one year and so it went from 17.99 down to 4.99 we've got the hatchling one month plan which is paid up front for the one month and so it went from ten dollars down to seven dollars and then we've got the hosting add-ons which is just the domain privacy protection which is the 1495. and so it all comes out to 2910 which is pretty good for your first website okay so we'll just go ahead and click on the check box to agree to the terms of service and click on checkout now all right so now hostgator is just setting up your account so we're just going to give it a second okay so hostgator has finished setting up our account let me close out of that so it's going to ask us to tell us a little bit about your goals i'm just going to go ahead and click out of this perfect and so now from here just scroll all the way down to the bottom and i'm going to say skip everything and i'm just going to go straight to my dashboard all right so now that we're in the dashboard of hostgator we can go ahead and move on to step number two which is to install wordpress okay so in order to install wordpress they make it very easy here on hostgator you can just go right over here to the control panel option right here and click on install wordpress all right and from here we're just going to go ahead and click on install now for wordpress so the first thing we want to do is make sure that we're downloading the most current version of wordpress and so you can click right here and it's already selected for 5.6 so we're good to go and then for the choose installation url it's basically choosing where you're going to download wordpress to and so the direction we want it to go is to our new domain name so just make sure that it's right here and if you've got a bunch you can just click on the drop down and choose which domain you just registered so then we can go down to site settings for the site name i'm going to go ahead and change this to something like and then for the site description i'm going to go ahead and change this to something like okay i think that looks pretty good so we can go ahead and scroll on down to the admin account and so this is really important the admin username and password you make sure you remember because this is what we're going to use to edit our website every single time so i'm going to go ahead and change this to my name and then for the admin password i'm going to go ahead and type in my own password okay and then for the admin email you really want to make sure that this is the exact same email that you use for logging into hostgator so let me type that in okay so let's go ahead and scroll on down a little bit more for the choose language i'm going to leave it on english because that's what i speak and then for select plugins advanced options and select a theme we're gonna go ahead and skip all three of these because i'm gonna show you guys how to download the correct plugins choosing a theme and everything so let's go ahead and scroll on past it and click on install all right so it looks like our software has successfully installed let me just go ahead and close out of that as well so this is also a very important step just like the admin username and password you want to make sure that you remember this administrative url right here this is what you're going to use to log into the website every time you edit it it's very easy to remember but if you can't remember it that's totally fine just go ahead and open it on a new tab and then save it as a bookmark that's what i do sometimes it's very simple to remember though it's just createapro com which is the domain name that i registered slash wp dash admin that's it all right so i'm going to go ahead and open this up on a new tab perfect so if you get taken to a page that looks like this or says that your site doesn't exist it just means that your website needs to propagate first and what that means is that hostgator is now sending out your new domain name across the world to let everyone know that it's been purchased and that it's live this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or sometimes they can take an entire day or sometimes it can happen in just a few minutes you just have to keep coming back to the page and refreshing until you see a page that looks like this that's when you know that you're ready to log in and edit your website okay so i'm going to go ahead and type in my very own admin username and password okay cool so now that we're on our wordpress dashboard we can go ahead and move on to step number three which is to sign up and download learndash so in order to download learndash we're going to go ahead and open up a new tab and we're actually going to type in learndash and i actually have that link down in the description as well in case you guys are interested now this is my affiliate link so i receive a commission on it but it also helps to fund these amazing tutorials for you guys so it's a win-win there all right so now that we're in learndash's website we can go over here to the top right corner and click on get learn dash okay so there are three different types of plans that you can get and sign up with learndash i chose the cheapest option right here for the basic plan for 159 so you can do the same or you can pick up one of the premium plans if you choose to do so now this is something that i wanted to explain to all of you watching at home with a concerned look on your face learndash does have a serious cost to consider but you need to think of it as starting your own business you have to spend money in order to make money additionally you need to keep in mind that you're creating a passive income stream for yourself and so you're willing to sell courses anywhere from 10 to something like 200 so within the first few sales of your course you're going to be able to make up this cost and then lastly it's important to understand that you're paying learndash to take care of a lot of setup and upkeep of your online course so that's why they're charging for it so from here you can go ahead and click on add to cart and then they're going to walk you through the process of payment and also setting up an account with them so i already have an account with learndash so i'm going to go ahead and just log into it all right so once you've created an account with learndash you'll be able to actually download a zip file with learndash so that we can install it up to your website so we'll go ahead and click on download right here for the newest version and it's going to download a zip file and so from here we can go back to our dashboard and then we're going to go over to the plugins section over here on this left hand menu and then we'll go down to add new and then instead of adding one of these plugins here we're just going to go up to the top and click upload plugin choose file and then we're just going to select that zip folder that we just downloaded and click on open and install now okay so it looks like our plugin installed successfully so now we can go ahead and activate learndash by clicking right here perfect and now you can see that learndash has appeared right up on top over here the last step is to pull your license from either the email that they send you or you can just go straight into your account which is what i'm going to do and so you just go over to the license details and mine's going to be blurred out for obvious reasons but you're just going to copy paste it and so we're going to go over to the learn dash overview and right here for enter your license this is where you're going to go ahead and paste it and then also type in the email associated with the account and then just click on save license okay and then one last thing that i want to show you guys about learn dash is we have to go over here to the left-hand menu but first go ahead and just hit refresh and now you'll see that the add-ons tab is here so we have to go ahead and install a couple of add-on plugins with learndash first thing you can do is go ahead and click on check updates just to make sure that we do have in fact the newest version of learndash which it looks like we do so we're good to go so what even is a plugin a plugin is basically just downloadable software that you can use to improve the functionality of your website and so you can think of it as the plugins tab right here or like add new is just like clicking on the app store in your phone and so the plugins are just different apps and so they let your phone do different things just like on your website it lets your website do different things so we're going to be downloading a few different add-ons for learn dash so the first one is going to be woocommerce for learndash so just click on install now and then click on activate and then we'll go back to the learn dash add-ons we'll go over to stripe for learn dash and click on install now and then we'll activate and then we'll go back to learndash again add-ons we're going to scroll down a little bit to learn dash course grid and we're going to click on install now and then we'll click on activate we will go up to learn dash again add-ons scroll down a little bit and then click on the learn dash notifications install now and activate all right so now we've downloaded learndash and we integrated it to wordpress using our license that we get from learndash and then we went ahead and clicked on add-ons and we uploaded a whole bunch of different plugins for learndash all right so now that we've downloaded all the plugins and learn dash we can go ahead and move on to step number four which is to activate the astra theme in order to do this we're just going to go over to the appearance tab right here hover over it and then click on themes and right now the active theme is 2021 which is just wordpress's default theme let me show you what that looks like before we actually add a new one we'll just go up to the top left corner for create a pro photo and then you can either click on it to visit your site or click on the site right there or i'm going to open it up on a new tab so this is what our website looks like so far it's pretty plain and boring so we're going to be editing it i just wanted to show you what it looks like and so now back on the themes page we're going to go over to add new and then right here in the search bar we're going to go ahead and search astra perfect and here it is right here we can go ahead and click install and activate okay so now that we have an active theme which is astro we can go ahead and move on to step number five which is to download a template okay so in order to download a template we first have to add one more plugin which is astros plugin for starter templates so i'm going to go over to plugins and click on add new and then go all the way over to search and just type in astra and then it's going to be the first one right here starter templates for astra and so i'm just going to click on install now and activate okay so now we can go back to the appearance tab and now you'll see that starter templates has been added right here as an option we'll click on it and then it's going to ask what kind of page builder we're using which in this video we're going to use elementor so we'll click on this one and now we can look through the starter templates for a whole bunch of different templates for complete websites and so for instance if i were to click on one i can scroll through and take a preview of the entire website so this is the home page it's got four different pages in this entire website and so it'll have an about me page which looks like this and so on and then i can import the complete site and get all four pages or just do the about page or whichever one is selected so home and now it's just the home page click on the back button you can also filter based on this one right here you can do business sites other blog ecommerce and you can also switch between all websites free templates or paid or pro agency templates right here we're going to go ahead and type in learndash into the search bar up on top and then it's going to be this first option right here with the blue background for learndash academy so just click on it and we can scroll through just to take a quick preview of the website which i think looks pretty good on its own but we'll do a little customization to it so now let's scroll over to import the home template but this time we're actually going to do the complete site perfect and so now it's going to ask us a few different options before we import and so it's going to import the settings widgets and plugins and content all within this template which is really cool so we don't have to go to the plugins tab and add a whole bunch of different plugins it's going to go ahead and download all of them along with this template so that's pretty neat i'm going to go ahead and click on import okay perfect so now that we have successfully imported the site let's go ahead and click right here and view the site so i'm going to open it on a new tab and then i'm going to go ahead and close the license details so this is our website we've downloaded the entire template we've got a bunch of different courses looks pretty cool little testimonial section we have different tabs as well we can go to the all courses page i think it looks pretty good so i'm going to close out of this tab and then i'm also going to close these two as well so just like this and click on close all right so let's go ahead and go back to the dashboard now the last thing i want to do is just confirm that all the plugins that i need did download in fact with the template so i'm going to go ahead and go to my installed plugins which is basically just all the plugins that are in my wordpress right now and then when i scroll down i can see that we've got elementor cart flows elementor is right here we've got the course grid notifications stripe and woocommerce which we downloaded earlier which is all good and i'll show you how to use all these different plugins later on in the video there is one last plugin that is missing and it's the essential add-ons for elementor so we're gonna go back to the add new tab it looks like it didn't download with the template which is okay so we're just going to click on the search bar and type in elementor and from here you'll see that elementor is already installed and active because the template did it for us but now we just want this one which is essential add-ons for elementor what this one does is it just adds a bunch of cool extra widgets that you can use in elementor and we're going to be using one of them so i want to install it and then click activate all right and then we're going to download one last plugin so let's go ahead and go back to the add new tab right here and then we'll go to the search bar and it's going to be called stripe now if you remember correctly we did download the learn dash integration for stripe as a learn dash add-on over here but stripe is its own separate plugin that we have to use and so we're gonna do the woocommerce stripe payment gateway so that woocommerce and stripe can communicate so click on install and activate okay so now we've got a theme we've got a template and we also have all the plugins so we're ready to go ahead and start customizing our website so we can go ahead and move on to step number six which is to create a header and footer and what i mean by that let me go ahead and open up our site on a new tab just so you can take a look at it i'm going to be showing you guys how to edit this top header up here and then also the footer at the very bottom of the website i'll be showing you how to put your very own custom logo up here and i'll show you how to design it for free without having to download any software and then we'll also edit these buttons up top we can change the coloring and everything and we can also make them go to different places so let's get into it so i'm going to close out of this tab first let's get started by creating our very own custom logo so i'm going to go ahead and click on the plus tab right here and we're going to go to a website called logo maker just take off the e logo maker is a great tool for creating free logos and i use it all the time so let's go ahead and close out of this tutorial because i'm going to show you how to use it so first you can go over to this left hand side and do text and basic shapes and then under the basic shapes you've got you know all of your basics right here including a line and then for text you just click and it's going to give you some text and you can edit it however you want i'm going to delete it all right and then you can go to the top left corner right here and click on search over a million graphics and you can pull from a whole bunch of different ones so i'm going to search something like this and i'll just choose this one right here and so now i've got it i can click and drag and move it i can also click on these corners right here and make it bigger or smaller so i'll make it a little bit bigger you can also rotate just by holding here delete and then you've got some basic options as well like send it back in front which was important copy paste and stuff like that all right so let's also do and so then i'm just going to go ahead and scroll on down and let's choose this one right here and so i'm going to resize it make a little bit smaller put it into this guy right here just like that and then you can use your arrow keys to move it around a little bit more just like that search one more and then i'm going to choose this one right here and shrink it as well place it within let's go ahead and move the whole thing just by highlighting like this and now i can move all three of the logos just like this now i'm going to go ahead and add some text and then you can go up here and choose a different font category and then font and so if you choose this you can go to scary or handwriting or simple and modern which normally i'd use simple in modern but i really like this one in designer pics a matic sc and so i'm going to resize this just to be the same size as the text let's make it a little bit bigger a little bit bigger we'll also make the text color black by going over here and changing it from the color wheel and then drag and move it like this i think that looks pretty good i'm going to go ahead and change the letter spacing on this so i'm going to triple click just to highlight everything and from here i can change basic text functions like this so i'm just going to increase the letter spacing make this a little bigger just like that i think that looks pretty good let's go ahead and change one more thing i want to make sure that the alignment is to the left perfect i think that looks awesome so now we can go ahead and save the logo by going up here to the top right corner and clicking on save it's going to ask if you want to download a high resolution file but for 19 so i'm just going to say no thanks i'll take the low resolution file right here and then you'll just save it to your computer but i've already created the logo and saved it and so it's in my computer right now it's the same one so i'm gonna close out you also want to create three different logos so you've got the black logo like this highlight everything and create a white logo like this for when you have a darker background and you want it to pop out so click save again and then download the low resolution file and then lastly you want to go ahead and highlight everything again change it back to black and then you're just going to take the text off so that now you've got just the logo image like this or the icon and then save one last time and then take the low resolution file just like that okay perfect so now that you saved them we can go ahead and close out of this tab we're going to go ahead and go over to our create a profoto name right here and open it on a new tab from here we can click on the customize tab and now we're actually going to put the logo into the corner so one thing that you can do is you can always hover over whatever you want to edit like the logo right here or i can hover over the menu and if you click on this blue icon it'll automatically take you to the settings that you want to go to so instead of clicking on header and then going into all the subcategories i can just click here and it'll take me all the way to a transparent header so i can edit this but just so you guys know you go to header transparent header and then here we are so i'm going to go ahead and remove the stock logo and go ahead and select my own under the upload files tab i'm going to go to select files and then from here i'm going to go ahead and find my white logo right here and open it the reason i'm doing my white logo is because it's on a transparent background so let me go ahead and choose the image and you'll see if i were to put black on this blue it wouldn't pop as much that's why even the default colors are white on here and so it pops pretty well you can also change the logo width which is essentially the logo size just by dragging it up like this so i think something around that size looks appropriate and then down below you can change the colors and background of the transparent header now make sure that you have a distinction between transparent header and a regular header because whatever changes i make in the transparent header they won't change or affect the regular header so if i go down and i can change the background color right now it's completely transparent if i were to scroll down and choose something like red now you can see that my transparent header is obviously no longer transparent it's actually got a color there and so you can play around with whatever color you want and you can change the opacity right here to be a little bit more transparent or completely opaque whatever you want to do but i'm going to hit the reset button to set it back to transparent okay and then you can also change the colors of everything else down here as well so you guys can play around with that so now to save my work i'm going to go right here to publish and now my logo is live let's go ahead and do the same thing but for regular headers because the home page has a transparent but maybe if i click on all courses or something like that it might be a different solid so let's go ahead and go back and then we'll go to site identity and so this is where the regular logo is and so we're going to go ahead and remove it select it and here's my black one right here and then go ahead and hit select it's going to ask you to crop your logo which i'm not going to so i'm going to hit skip cropping but in case you wanted to kind of move these around you can perfect and so now anywhere on the website where there is not a transparent header it is now using this logo but obviously on the home page it's not here so the last thing that i want to show you to do when it comes to logos is use just this monitor right here to be your site icon and so what that means is it's going to be this little picture right here on the tab and so right now for hostgator it's their little gator which is their mascot so i'm going to go and change that now click on site icon right here we'll go back to upload select files and now i'm going to choose just my site icon which is just the icon that i saved and so that's why it's important to save all three we'll hit select it's going to ask you to crop your site icon so you can make it smaller or bigger i'm just going to leave it and hit skip cropping and just like that now you can see my icon is right there and then you can always resize it however you want so i'm going to click on publish to save my work okay so then after saving our work we can go ahead and now move on to editing this header menu which is right here so we're gonna go ahead and hit the back button one more time and so now on the main customization tab we're gonna scroll on down over here to menus and so it's a primary menu that's created right here and so that's just the title of the menu you can always create a new menu and give it a name something like test menu for instance and click on if you want it to be a primary menu or learn dash focus mode menu which i'll talk about focus mode later so just ignore that or a footer menu but for now let's just say a primary menu next and now you can add items to it and i'll show you that in a second and click on publish so then if you hit back now we've got test menu and primary menu so i'm going to go ahead and just delete the test menu because that was just to show you how to create one if you wanted to the primary menu that comes stock with learndash's template though is appropriate it actually does work for everything and it's pre-made so we're just going to leave it like that and then right now you can see that it's actually got both menus up on top because i haven't actually set this one as the primary again so let's just go ahead and do it now you'll see that it's different so we're good to go publish if you wanted to rearrange this menu to be in a different order you can always take all courses and put it in front of home so you can move it like this just by dragging and dropping and now you can see over here on the preview we've got home is second all courses is first but i'm going to change it back if for instance you wanted these to be subcategories you can actually take all courses underneath home and move it over and you can see that my dotted line underneath has now been indented and so when i let it go now it's a subcategory under home and so if you hover over home which has a little arrow you'll see that this is going to be the sub option now the text coloring is white and so that's why you can't see the text coloring here but we can change that in these settings and i'll show you guys that in a second but for now you can see that there would be one right here i'm going to remove it back as a main menu point and then the last thing i want to show you guys is you can always click to expand and then you can either remove or make any changes that you want to if you click on add items you can add whatever you want to this menu and so right now it's set for pages so if you click on home it's going to take you to the home page or to the my account page or the checkout page you can change it if yours is a blog post for some reason you can put a blog post up here or whatever else you want if you got products or courses so i'm going to leave it for pages but all you would do is just click on the plus button next to whatever you want to add so for instance let's add a about page again and so there it is at the bottom and you can also click on the x button and it removes it so just like that close that menu there and publish okay so now we've got our logo site icon and our header menu and they all look great so one last thing i want to show you while we're in this customizing tab is how to set a default color and default text for your entire website so we'll go to the back button one more time we're going to go to the global which just means the whole website and then under global we can go to colors first so we've got colors and our typography and then under colors base colors and so here you can change the different colors for the website i'm going to change it to be more of a purple theme okay and i think that looks good and i'll change maybe one or two more of these okay cool so i just played around with the colors and just changed them a little bit so now i've got purple as my theme because all the pictures are gonna have kind of a purple color to it so i'm gonna click publish and then lastly the default text go back one two and we'll go to typography now and then you've got headings and base typography we're gonna change both so just base typography i'm gonna change it from lato to a different font this is one of my favorite fonts back go to headings and do the same thing and of course you can do it for whatever you want you can choose different fonts and then you can also down here change the different font settings like line height weight and everything else so i'm going to click on publish and so now you can see that anytime one of these different options is set to default text which i'll show you later it's automatically going to choose this text font that i have so you can see that the font for this category right here for my menu options has changed now obviously this one didn't because they probably selected a different font on purpose and they didn't choose the default font but that's why all right so now that our fonts logos and icons are all in order we can go ahead and move on to step number seven which is to customize your website alright so right now we're just in a customizing tab but we're going to go ahead and open up elementor which is a page builder which makes creating websites and designing them a lot easier so we're just going to hit the back button and click on the exit button right here it's going to take us back to our website that looks like this and so now we can just click on edit in elementor all right so within elementor the page builder you can see that when i move over things we can highlight them and this is how we're going to be editing the entire website so basic things about elementor we've got the elements right here which are widgets and so it's just drag and drop you just grab a widget i drag it in and now i can edit that widget i'm going to right click and just delete so these are different widgets that you have you've got some pro widgets that you have to pay for the free ones are up top you scroll down a little bit more and you see the general tab which are more widgets and then also i wanted to point out for the essential add-ons plug-in that we downloaded earlier these are those extra widgets that i was talking about so you get even more all right and then you can also click on different things and edit them so if i click on these six dots i'm going to be editing the section just like this under editing anything we have three different tabs you've got the layout tab style tab and the advanced tab and we'll go into each of these a little bit i want to go over the basic layout for a website in elementor you've got three different things we've got the section which is the biggest thing it's kind of like the background which is right here and so whenever i highlight over it you can see this blue line goes all the way around this background image over here like this then within the section we've got columns which is the gray dotted line and then within columns you've got widgets which are these little blue lines like this and so those widgets if you go back to this rubik's cube icon are all of these again so let's go ahead and edit the section back here or the background so you click right here and that's how you edit we'll go over to the left hand side for the style tab and you can change the background image go to upload files click on select files and so i'm going to make this a little bit bigger and i'm going to choose this one right here open and then we'll scroll down to insert media all right so now you can see my images in the background a few changes that i want to make is position i'm going to change it to center center and then i'm going to change the size to cover which it looks like it's already there so that's good i think it looks awesome but the last thing i want to change is the layout tab and go over to the height section you've got three different options you can do default which looks like this you can do the fit to screen which fits it to whatever screen you are so right here is the bottom and so if i scroll down there it is or you can do minimum height which basically just gives you a slider it's like saying custom height and now i can move it around however i want but i'm going to change it to fit to screen just like this go back to the style tab i'm going to add a background overlay right now you can see it's blue that just came with the website i'm gonna change it i'm gonna change this first one to something like just black like this and change the opacity pretty dark and then from here i'm gonna change the second color to more of a dark purple just like this i think that looks awesome i'm going to change this one to like 70 just like this and then i'm going to change the angle and the opacity perfect something like that i think that looks fantastic let's go ahead and click on this green update bottom at the bottom corner just to save my work okay so that's how you edit the background back here i'm going to show you how to edit this text right here for some reason with the template it downloads it as an image box so i'm actually going to delete this and create my own text so i'm going to go to the rubik's cube and then click on heading drag it in triple click and you can edit it right there on the page all right triple click again i'm going to go over to the alignment and change it to center i'll go to the style tab and you can change the text color and so i'm going to change it to white just so it pops off of the dark background under typography you can change basic text functions like this so i'm going to increase the letter spacing a little bit and then i'm going to go ahead and change the font so right now it's default which makes it that by font that i had so i'm going to change it to something like this and then i'm also going to change the size of my font to 144 just like that i think that looks pretty good one last thing is i'm going to go back to my section and then i'm going to go over to my layout tab and go to content width and instead of box i'm going to change it to full width and now you'll see that it'll change this blue box right here to be the full width of the screen just like this and so now it goes all the way across i think that looks pretty good so i'm going to go ahead and click on update i will also go ahead and add a little subtitle here so i'm going to go back to the rubik's cube do another title heading this time triple click do this one in all caps triple click again i'm going to change the alignment to center change the text color typography i'm going to leave the family default the size can be a little bit smaller just like this i'll change the weight down to like 300 so it's really thin letter spacing is going to go up and the line height is going to go down i think that looks awesome then i'm also going to go to the advanced tab for the margins which is the space on the outside and i'm going to drop it so i'm going to unlink the values and drop it that way it brings everything a little bit closer together i'm going to do the same thing on this one so i'm gonna go to advanced again for margins after clicking on the title unlink them and then from the bottom remove some just to bring everything a little bit closer together and click on update all right so that's an example of editing this title section right here we can go ahead and edit this button as well by clicking on the little blue icon to edit it you can go to the style tab and change the text color so i'm going to go ahead and change it to black just like this i'll leave the white background right there and then i'm also going to change the border color to solid and i'm going to change it to a purple color and then increase the width and now you'll see that the purple appears just like that and so i think that looks pretty dang good and click on update all right so now if we scroll down just a little bit you'll see that our default colors for the website that we changed earlier in the customize tab have now changed and so all of our different heading texts have all changed to a different purple which looks awesome let's go ahead and continue that by going ahead and editing all of these icons to be a different color so just go to the style tab and you can change the color to purple something like that to match it just like that i think that looks pretty good and then from here we're going to go over to the blue pencil icon right click on it and click copy then i'm going to go over to this blue icon over here right click and click on paste style and it'll paste just the settings that i just applied just like that and paste cool all right so now we've got the reoccurring purple theme i think that looks good you can go ahead and also change the text down here by just clicking on the blue icon go to content and you can change whatever text you want to right here scroll down a little bit more we've got our most popular courses so i'm actually going to show you guys how to edit this later to change the blue color to be purple as well because this is actually short code and it's pulling from our courses section so if i click on the edit you'll actually see its shortcode and this is downloaded with the template scroll down a little bit more all right let's go ahead and edit this right here and so i'm going to change the text to just like that i think that looks pretty good and then i'm going to change this picture here by clicking on the edit icon right here and i'm just going to choose my own image so go to upload files and i'm going to choose this one we'll go over to insert media and so here's my picture i'm also going to go to the style tab and change its border radius if you increase the border radius it's going to curve the image just like this so it's got some curved edges i like that i'll go over to this tab right here i can click on the edit and i can change the color so i'll go to style and so it looks like for my accordion the border has its own color but that's its shadow so i'm going to go to the title change the color to purple something like that i'm going to copy this hex code and just paste it into the other ones so the icon can change as well paste it both alright and then it looks like i accidentally forgot to do the active color as well so let's go back to title and yep here it is color paste it there so now we've got purple all the way through scroll down a little bit more all right and now we've got our testimonial section so let's go ahead and go to the six dots to edit the background i'm gonna go to style and click on image i'm gonna select my own file which i have saved right here and then i'm gonna go down and click on insert media so now that's my background i'm going to change the position to center just like that the size to cover just so that it doesn't repeats and it sets it as the whole background the attachment i'm going to change to fixed which means now when i scroll through it's fixed in the background which gives it that cool parallax effect which i think looks awesome i'll go over to the background overlay and for normal i'll choose the little paint brush to put in a color and again we'll just paste in that purple code that's still in our clipboard but i'm going to go ahead and move this to a much darker purple i think that looks good and we'll change the opacity to be a little bit darker just like this okay let's go ahead and change the title text just to be a different color and again it's an image box so i'm just going to delete it and redo it by clicking on the hamburger icon right here and moving the text above just like this triple clicking all right triple click one more time just to edit what we're doing and we'll make it center i'll change the color to white and then i'm going to change the typography to the same one that we're using there it is i'll increase the letter spacing maybe the size like this i'll change the weight to something a little bit thinner and i'll probably transform it to uppercase just like this let's add a little bit of space underneath it by going back to the advanced and going to margin unlink and i'm just going to increase the bottom just a little bit like that okay now you can edit these testimonial sections as well just by clicking on the pencil icon i'm not going to change the picture or who it's from i'm just going to change the style of it so i'm going to go to style and for the text color i'm going to change it to white for the typography i'm going to leave it just the way it is for the image i'm going to leave it because that's just the picture for the name i'm going to change the text color to white and the title is going to be white all right and then now i'm going to go over to the column which is the gray check box here i'm going to go over to the style tab and for the background color i'm going to change it from white to something a lot more transparent like this because the column is what has this white background it's not actually in the icon right here i think that looks pretty good so now i'm just going to copy paste these settings to all three so first i'll just do the blue part and then i'll do the same thing but for the column so let's copy the column edit and paste the edit perfect okay i think it looks pretty good so let's go ahead and click on update to save our work we're going to scroll down just a little bit we're going to add one more section by using a block so i'm going to go ahead and click on the add template button and blocks are basically just little templates that you can use so i'm going to click on the blocks tab right here and then once you're in the blocks tab we'll scroll on down to this one right here i like frequently asked questions and so we're gonna go ahead and click on insert and so you're gonna have to connect your template library right here it's really easy you just enter in your email okay perfect so now that it is imported all i'm gonna do is just change the background so i'm gonna edit right here by clicking on the six dots go to the style tab and change it to white and then i'm going to go ahead and edit all of those titles because they're just white so let's go ahead and edit this one first let's change the text color to purple just like this all right and then now i'm just going to go ahead and click right here and copy the number and then i'm going to go over to the title go to the style tab and change the same color and from here it's easy because now i can just click on the blue icon and i can hit copy and just paste it onto each title okay so that looks good i'm going to click on update to save and then of course you can go ahead and edit in all of the frequently asked questions that you normally get from the course that we're about to build so let's scroll down and so the last part we're going to do is just click to add a widget right here we're going to do a double sided in the first one click the plus button we're just going to put a picture and then in the second one we're just going to go over to the search bar and type in wp and you want to click on the wp forms that's from elementor add-ons okay perfect now we're going to go ahead and go to the select form wp forms is just wordpress forms and they already have that came with the template a contact form so just click on it and it's going to input it in right there and then we can also go ahead and edit the image and choose the image i'm going to upload my own file and i have a picture of me all right and then insert media perfect so i've got my image on the left and then i've got my contact form on the right let's go ahead and do one last thing i'm going to put a little bit of color into the background so i'm going to click on these six dots right here go to style tab and then i'm going to change the background type from a classic to a gradient and we'll do some kind of a blue on the top and then on the bottom we'll do some kind of a purple and then we can change the angle just like that and i'll move the location over just a little bit awesome okay perfect i think that looks pretty good we can go ahead and edit the contact form by just clicking on the blue icon here and let's edit the style of the contact form so we'll change just the text color to white so for the title first needs to be white and then go down to labels which are the labels for the field boxes and we'll just change those to white and then for the button is down here and we will just change the text to white as well awesome and then i'm going to change the background color to white and then actually change the text color to black just like that okay i think it looks pretty good click on update to save our work all right one last thing i want to show you guys let's go all the way to the very top let's go ahead and set this button to actually go to the all courses page so we're going to go ahead and edit it we'll go to the content tab and for the link right now it's a placeholder we're just going to delete that number sign and we're going to type in the page we want which is all courses it's going to search through all of our different objects that we have in the website which it's a page for all courses and it types in the hyperlink for us and click update so let's go ahead and preview our changes that we just did to the home page we'll go over to the preview changes button which is right next to update it'll open it up on a new tab and here we are wow i think it looks fantastic we scroll down just a little bit we've got different courses which these three are stock that come with the actual template but we're going to delete these later scroll down a little bit more looks fantastic and then if you click on the view courses it's going to take you to another page that shows you all the courses just like this awesome so let's go ahead and go back to homepage all right so i'm going to go ahead and close this tab and so now we're back in elementor make sure that our changes are updated and they are so i'm just going to close it all right guys so now that we've finished customizing our site we can go ahead and move on to step number eight which is an overview of the learn dash settings now for the overview of the settings we're going to go over to learn dash on the left hand over here and click on settings down here and so the first thing i want to go over is the custom labels tab right here but you can already see that there's a whole bunch of different settings that you can change within learndash and then on top of that you've still got a whole bunch of different tabs that you can go through i'm gonna go to the custom labels tab first so under the custom labels tab you can change the terminology for anything in learn dash so for instance if i wanted to change quizzes to exams like that keep in mind by the way that there's plural and singular plural singular plural singular because it's got to change the exact words so if i change quizzes plural to exams and i scroll over here and hit save you'll now see that it shows exams instead of quizzes but i'm going to go ahead and reset that perfect and so now you see it says quizzes right here and you guys can go through here and play with it as much as you want i usually just leave them how they are i think it's just fine so back in the general tab the first thing that we're going to go over is the active template and so we'll just kind of go one by one all the way through here so the active template you've got learn dash 3.0 the other one is legacy this is like the older version or the older template and so i'm sticking with learn dash 3 but you guys can always you know use that one if you prefer it you've got accent color progress color and notification warnings etc colors right here and so you can go ahead and change those for my accent colors i'm actually going to change them to a purple so that they match the theme of the website so we'll go with something like that i think that would look awesome i'm gonna go ahead and command c this and command v just so that the progress color is the same just like that and then the notification warnings etc we can also change to a little bit more of a purple color maybe it's going to be like a little bit more of a pink something like that so it kind of stands out just a little bit it's a little bit brighter okay so i think that looks good and i'll show you where those pop up in just a second and so now you've got the focus mode right here and this is what i was mentioning earlier focus mode is just a unique feature that learndash has and it's just providing a distraction free experience for the course and so it essentially puts the course into like a full screen mode that way there's nothing else on the side or anything like that except for the table of contents that would be on the left side and so let me actually show you guys what that looks like right now so we'll go up here to the top left hand corner right here and we'll click on visit site but before we do let's save just so that everything we've done so far is applied all right and then i'm just going to open this on a new tab and then i'll scroll down and click on the very first course that i see just as an example all right and let's just pick one all right so this is how your course looks right now so this is the default length right now it's kind of like this it's got some pretty big margins on the side if i were to select narrow for instance so let's try that right now save i'll go over to the tab again and refresh all right and now you see it's a little bit narrow let's do it one more time and i'll show you the full width save all right and then i'm just going to refresh this page perfect and so now it's full width which looks pretty big i actually don't like it like this i think the default looks great so i'm just going to leave it on default let's go ahead and close out of that tab oh and one more thing you'll see that now everything is purple which is what i set it to down here so this is the accent color and progress color which the progress color is just the progress bar which i think is just on the main course page oh it's up top right here and so it's also right here so it changes this to purple and then anytime you actually mark anything complete this bar will be purple so that looks good i'm going to close this all right i'm going to go ahead and change it back to default and save all right and then scrolling through we've got the login and registration which is taken care of automatically through learndash and so we don't even have to worry about it the logo which is the learndash logo you guys probably saw it was in the top left corner right here when we opened it up so we can actually select a different image and so all i'm going to do is within the media library right here we already have it downloaded here it is i'll actually use this one use the image and so now it's actually my logo that's going to be there let's go ahead and show that and then after hitting save let's open on a new tab and click on a course and then i'll just click on one of the topics here perfect and so now you can see that my logo is displaying within learn dash's focus mode and so it's right here so that looks awesome okay so moving on now we've got the video response of css and so this is basically just if you have this checked any videos that you place into your content is going to be automatically resized on different screens so that's important global pagination settings uh pagination is just basically setting how many of something is viewed per page so if you turn this on it's just gonna be how many courses per page while they're searching through all your courses and how many quizzes per page so you can be like 10 per page and then anytime they hit 10 options they hit next that sort of thing this is only important for people who have lots of courses all right and then admin user settings are pretty important but i actually just leave these the way they are because they're set correctly unless you want to change it for some reason but for right now course auto enrollment basically says that the admin is auto enrolled so you don't have to create an account to view your own course after creating it you can look at it while you're creating it which is pretty important because you're the one actually making the course so you should be able to hop in whenever you want so you're basically a free membership here so bypass course limits is just saying that if you have it set to like a linear path for your course like they can't move on to part two until they finish part one you as the admin you can just move freely through in your course so you don't worry about anything so that's checked and that's checked that's good included in reports that's just saying if you ever hit mark as complete or anything and you make progress in your own course as an admin login you would not be included in any report cards or anything for metrics so that's important as well the rest of these api settings get pretty complicated pretty fast so we're not going to cover any of these but as you can see there's a whole bunch of them so it's going to click save just in case i did anything else all right and the last thing i'm going to cover in our overview is the paypal settings so the paypal settings you would actually just pull this information from your own paypal account i believe it's on the dashboard but you would put in your paypal email right here the currency the country you're in cancel url return url and a whole bunch of other stuff so the use paypal sandbox this is just a checkbox for yes or no and so the sandbox basically says if i say yes now it's in sandbox mode or test mode and so basically any payments that i process right now aren't actually going to go through it's just to you know test your payment process to make sure it's working properly and then you uncheck it when you're ready to go live so right now i am not in the sandbox all right so there's one more tab that i want to talk about all four of these are just going to be part of the pro version which we didn't purchase so you don't have to go into them the last one i want to talk about is the stripe settings because you have two different payment methods under the learn dash payments setting and so you've got paypal and stripe stripe is basically credit card so within the stripe settings this is where you actually link your stripe account to your learndash account here but i'm going to show you guys how to do that later on in the video so don't worry about it right now all right so that is our overview of the settings for learndash we just went over the general custom labels paypal settings and stripe settings so now we're going to be moving on to building an actual course first i want to talk to you guys about the fact that courses lessons and topics all have their own individual settings and so you can go into the courses tab and there will be settings for it same with lessons and topics alright guys so let's go ahead and get started on building a course and so just a basic structure for how learndash constructs their courses you've got a course and within that course you've got multiple lessons and then within each lesson you can have multiple topics and then you can also add quizzes to a course that's kind of how it works so let's go ahead and click on the courses first and when you do so it's going to show you all courses and so if i were to click on lessons it would show all lessons topics would be all topics and so on so now that i'm in the all courses section i'm actually going to move over to the settings tab right here okay so under settings we've got the first one which is global course management and display settings and so this is the course builder right here it's basically saying do you want to use course builder or not and this is pretty important i would leave it checked because we're going to be using the builder to create everything so i'm actually not sure why you would ever uncheck the builder or disable it and then we've got course table pagination which again is just saying how many of whatever you want per page this would be for if you have a lot of lessons or topics and then lesson in topic order this is just sorting and so if you turn this one on you can sort it by whatever or order direction and then course taxonomies you've got course categories and tags and everything like that this is just for categorizing your courses and again this is for if you have a lot of courses and not just like one or two and then this bottom part right here you can enable the search bar or not which i think is important so i would just leave it checked the archive page is just a page that has every single one of your courses so if i were to click this and open it on a new tab and then go over here and click on it you'll see that it's just the archive of all courses that i have in total and so it's just a page that has all of them kind of in like a document format just like this so right now i've got three because those are the stock ones that come with the site so i would leave that turned on as well just so you have an archive of everything and then the last part right here is editor supported settings and so you can turn off featured images you can turn on comments or custom fields and then also revisions as well i'd leave it how it is right now because you do want featured images i'm not sure why you would ever want to turn them off that's actually what pops up right here let me show you on our site down below so this right here is the featured image and so without it it would just be this box with text so i think it looks a lot better with the images on there let's close out of that tab okay so now that we've gone over some of the basic settings we can go ahead and move on to step number nine which is to actually build our course now i've created a fake course on the side to insert information for you as an example utilizing dummy text and fake topics that i thought up but this is where you would actually put your real content and actually build your course so if you're looking for practice then you can follow along with me in creating a fake course and using dummy text but if you already have a course that you have created and put together and you're ready to start a business with then this is the point right now we're going to start entering your actual content for your own course all right so that's being said let's do this i'm going to go ahead and open up my course okay perfect so i've got a fake course here just a bunch of dummy text and then some basic topics that i thought up just so we have something to place into our website i'll close that tab so let's go ahead and go over to the all courses tab right here we're going to go ahead and remove all three of these stuck courses because these are just fake courses that come with the template so that we can quickly edit them but we're going to go ahead and remove all three go to bulk actions click on move to trash and apply okay perfect so let's go to the top right corner over here and click on add new course all right and so it's going to bring you into the block editor for wordpress this is like the basic post or blog post or whatever editor that you have with wordpress it's pretty easy to use it works very similar to a microsoft word document or something like that but all you have to do is you can click right here and create a title and then you click right here and you can either start typing or click on this plus button and then you can add small widgets that you can search right here and so we'll be doing this in a second so all i'm going to do is add a course title all right so that's my course title i can type in a little subtitle right here but i already have one so i'm just going to copy and paste it there we go and then i'm going to click out of it go over to the side menu over here and i'll click on featured image i'm going to go ahead and add an image and so i'll just go to upload files and i'm going to choose this one and then i'm going to click on select featured image just like this and so now it loaded i'll click on publish and publish again okay perfect so close out of this let's go ahead and preview the changes we just did we can go ahead and open our site on a new tab or we can just click on the preview button right here and open a new tab and now this is what our course looks like so far we've got a basic image with our title and then also a progress bar and our subtext and so this is right here where you would actually put in like a short description i just had you know walk into any situation with skill and confidence but you would put out like a small paragraph just kind of explaining what the course is about and so this is just the intro page let's close out of that tab so from here now that we've created a title page essentially let's go ahead and go into the builder and actually build the course and so you can see right here the course has no content yet so let's go ahead and add a lesson so we'll go right here to the add lesson button so it's initially going to ask for a title so we'll type in something like just like that and so we'll click on add lesson okay so we've got one lesson right here and so from here we can go ahead and click on the blue pencil icon and edit the name like this but i'm going to save it or we can click on the edit tab right here and now we're actually going to edit the first introductory page of the lesson and then this drop down arrow lets you see whatever topics are underneath it but we haven't done topics yet so i'm going to bring it up let's click on edit right here i'll open it on a new tab and so this is going to be the editor for the actual first lesson so i think this is lesson one intro page and so for this intro page let's go ahead and copy the same thing just like that i'll paste it a couple more times just so there's a good paragraph and click update all right so let's go ahead and preview what this one looks like we'll just click on the preview button and open in a new tab okay so this is our lesson one history of cameras our introduction right here and so i think it looks pretty snazzy close that tab if we go back to the course page you'll see that the history of cameras is right here if for instance i was to add another lesson and just type in something else let's just do this for now you'll see that i can actually drag and drop these lessons and replace the order just like this and so i'm going to go over here and click on remove okay so we've got the history of cameras right here update to save my work alright and so let's go back into the lesson so this is the history of cameras lesson that we're editing here from here we can go over to the settings tab and we actually have specific settings just for the lesson and so we can include lesson materials so for instance if they were to open this lesson you would have a resource tab here where they can click on it and download let's just say like a formula sheet or something like that if this was a math course and so you can include lesson materials here and you just add media form or you could type it in right here for video progression if you turn this on this is basically saying that whatever video url you put right here they have to watch it completely before they can move on next we have the assignment uploads and so this one is just asking how you want your homeworks essentially turned in and so you can set specific kind of documents or file extensions here so you can say i only accept pdf for file size limit you can do a different limit for the homework assignments you can assign points and so if i click on this one this is how many points are awarded when they finish the assignment you can do a grading type is it auto approve or is it a manual grade and then if it is a manual grade what's the limit of how many times they can upload so if they accidentally upload the wrong file how many times can they re-upload and then is there a file deletion or do you want all of their mistakes to be saved so you can look at everything or you can just say they can delete what they want so that's that one right there and then we've got the forced lesson timer as well so you can basically just put a timer on the course and it'll ask you how much time so let's go ahead and turn off the assignment uploads scroll down just a little bit you can also do the associated course this is the so if you were going to change history of cameras and you were like actually i want to take history of cameras and put this into a completely different course but i don't want to delete it and then redo it you can actually just change the associated course right here and so then you just search another course that you have right here for instance if i had another course called another course you would just click on it but this is the only course i have obviously and then you can actually change what course it's under so you can do this as a sample lesson so basically this is a freebie and then lesson release schedule you can say either immediately or enrollment based or a specific date and then you can actually specify the date all right and then the last one is course grid settings and so this is just like a short description and stuff cool we'll go ahead and click on update to save our work okay so let's go ahead and add a few different topics underneath this lesson so if we go back to our course right here we've got the history of cameras i'm going to go ahead and add a drop down and so from here i can click on add new topic and it's going to ask me for a title so let me go ahead and just grab the first title here just like that add the topic now i'm going to go ahead and add the rest of the topics under the first one so i'll see you guys in just a second all right guys welcome back so i went ahead and took the last four topics right here from lesson one and just edited them in here and so now under each one of these you can actually edit it so if i hover over camera obscura i can go all the way over to the side and click on edit i'm actually going to open it on a new tab so edit on a new tab so this is the first one and this would be where i would paste my content i just got some dummy text here click on update and then we can go ahead and close out of this one if we go to plate camera we can go all the way over to this side and click edit and let's say in this one we actually wanted to paste a picture so we can go over to the check box right here and type in image and we can upload it or take it from the media library i'm just going to choose a random image let's say that i actually want it to be rounded and i actually want to change the size of the image so i'm going to come over here and grab it and just drag it to be smaller and then for the alignment i want it to be center just like this and then right underneath put some dummy text like this click update close out of that one let's do the third topic all right on this one let's say i wanted to put in a video because most online courses are actually videos so let's go ahead and try that here i'll type in video and then from here we can insert from a url all right and so i've just got a placeholder youtube video that i'm going to use just copy and paste the hyperlink right into our website right here click enter and you'll see we've got our video right here and so then down below you could add some text if you wanted to just like that click on update okay and so that's how you add different topics and then you can add different videos or text or images or something like that so i'm going to go ahead and add just a few more lessons to this one just so that it's a little bit full and then i'm going to show you a preview of what it looks like so i'll be right back okay welcome back so i did the exact same thing for the history of cameras on the dslr and then why you should choose dslr i basically just created three different lessons and then you'll see that i put some topics underneath i just copy pasted the text just to save you guys some time of viewing and so dslrs is right there and then the third lesson is why i should choose dslr four different things but there's nothing in them i haven't put anything like dummy texture in there so let's go ahead and preview the course so from here this is the course title introductory image and so the course content is basically just a table of contents it's just all three lessons right here and you can see how many topics per lesson and we've also got a progress bar so you can expand all if you want and then you can see the topic names but you can't see any of the actual content until you actually click on it and so then you've got the introductory lesson content this is just like another table of contents for the different topics underneath this lesson so right now i'm in the lesson here's the four topics i could say mark the introduction as complete so it's complete so now i can go into the different lesson topics so let's just choose topic one so now i am deep into the lesson this is the first topic i say mark is complete and now it automatically moves me to the second one every time i hit mark as complete so that's pretty cool and then you can also see the progress bar is moving up so now i'm 14 through the actual course all right so let's go ahead and close this guy out so that's how you build your first course we've got one course with three lessons and multiple topics in each lesson so one more time i'm just going to click update to say my work okay so now that i've saved i'm going to go ahead and toggle these guys up so these are my three lessons now underneath each of these lessons i could either add a final quiz right here and so this quiz is over all three or i can go into one of them so i expand one and i can add a quiz for lesson one and then the same i can do a quiz for lesson two and a quiz for lesson three so you can either have no quizzes in the lessons and just go to the very end and have one final quiz and you would just click it here or you can do quizzes in between and so let me just show you how to build quiz they're the same if you do final or new it's just a matter of when the student will encounter the quiz so let's go ahead and click on add new quiz i'll do it to the first one right here it's going to ask you for a title so i just call the quiz quiz 1 and so we'll click on add quiz so let's go ahead and edit the actual quiz so again you can click on the blue icon and change the name or go all the way to the edge and click on edit okay so this is the quiz page so this is what they see and then all the questions will be down below so again if you wanted to you could do something like an image i've already used this picture before but i'm just going to use it again so something like this we can make it a little bit smaller say the alignment is center and then just put some text down here just like that all right and then after clicking on update i'm going to move over to the builder and so now we are inside of quiz one inside of the quiz builder so the quiz builder is the same thing as a course builder so inside of the quiz you've got multiple questions with multiple answers so let's go ahead and add the first question so question one has a title the title will not display it's just a title for you on the back end to know which question is what and so the titles are always gonna be question one question two question three that's how i do it but of course you can name them whatever you want all right so question one there's a little mark here because question one is not ready to go yet so we're gonna go over here to the drop down so first thing i want to show you is the type of question so you've got single choice multiple free sorting matrix all the way down a bunch of different types we're going to go through each one of them right now so the first one is single choice this is basically multiple choice with one answer that's correct so we're going to go over here you've got a question and you've got an answer so for the question this is what's actually going to display so you could say something like these are all going to be incredibly easy questions just for example purposes so now i can add an answer and so answer number one is going to be i can do another answer and so on so i can just add more and more so i've got correct answer wrong answer so which one's correct let's say correct answer is the correct option just like that so correct answer is the correct one all right let's go ahead and add another question title's gonna be question two perfect oh and then question settings they're pretty general it's just a message for a correct answer message for an incorrect answer and then you can also put a solution hint and then when you click this you can type out an actual hint but i'm not going to do that so for question 2 we're going to go ahead and open the drop down so we have a question and we have an answer so let's go ahead and change the type to multiple choice and so for the question we'll say what is one plus one and then for the answer so when it is multiple choice that means it's the same as question one it's multiple choice but they can select all that apply and so i'm going to say this one's right and this one's right just like that so you can select multiple correct answers rather than this one only being one or the other or however many options you have of course so i think that looks pretty good let's go ahead and move on to number three all right so let's go ahead and edit number three so let's do the drop down so we've got question and answer i'm gonna go ahead and change this one to the third option which is free choice all right so the question is going to be you tell them to type something out for example so i'm just going to click save and the answer is going to be converted into lowercase so even if i said hi like this it would automatically be converted to lowercase so i'm just going to type in the lowercase and so this would be something like what is the first month in the year and then you would say january and so they would type out january and so the computer will convert it to lowercase and then compare it to what the correct answer is which for me it's high and i'm asking them to say hi so it's pretty easy all right let's go ahead and move on to number four okay and then for question four we're going to make this one a sorting choice and so for a sorting choice it's basically going to have multiple options and they have to click and drag them into order and so for the question you could say something like like this all right and then for the answer you would type something out like all right so i think that looks good and so it'll randomly put three of these into a random order and then they'll obviously see that first second and third and they'll put it in order all right so question number five okay let's go ahead and go over here and so question number five is going to be a matrix sorting and so it's similar to the regular sorting where they drag and drop to put them in order but for this one it's going to be i put two categories here and then they have to click from a bunch of different options and drag them into which one applies so for instance let's say the question all right and then here we get to actually edit the answers and so you've got a category and then an actual answer and so for the category let's say and then we can add another one all right and so now 123 and avc would be up here on top and then numbers and letters would be right here and so they would just click and drag one two three and put it into the numbers category and then they would click and drag abc and put it into the letters category and i'll show you all of these i'm about to hit preview just to show you guys all right we only have one or two more questions left so let's go ahead and go down to question number six okay and number six is going to be a fill in the blank so this would be the question like what year is it and then the answer would be 2021 and so they would type in 2021 just as an example and so i'm just going to type in just like that and so whatever the actual answer that you want the computer to read you want to put it into these squiggly brackets just like this and so i'm going to click update answer all right next question number seven all right and so question number seven after fill in the blank is going to be assessment all right and so here it's basically like a rate your performance kind of thing and it's going to be anywhere from one to five for instance and so one being not so happy and five being very happy so for instance and then for the answer the way you're supposed to correctly type it in is right over here to use the brackets to mark the assessment and then the text on the outside is what's actually going to display so i'm just going to copy and paste this just like that and click update answer and finally question 8. and so question number eight is going to be an essay or open answer and so this is one that you will actually manually have to grade this question so for question 8 we'll change the question to just like that and then you can edit some answer settings but from here on out you actually just have to read the essay and then grade it based on how you want and so that's for the essay or open answer so let's go ahead and click on update to save our work perfect let's go ahead and scroll all the way up to the top so i'm going to go ahead and click on preview and show you guys what it looks like all right so quiz number one it has this intro page right on top and so there's the picture that i reused as you can see and then just the dummy text and so you can click on start quiz and so it says which answer is correct so this is the single multiple choice so correct answer or wrong answer and then what's one plus one this is the one where you can check multiple two and two not three say hi and so i'm going to type hi just like that and the computer is going to translate this into lower case and then read if it's the same as what the answer was which i said the answer was i placed in the following order so this is the sorting question and as you can see i just ordered them for second third that's the correct answer because that's what i set this is the matrix sorting and so you see numbers and letters are their categories and then these are the options and so numbers go into the numbers letters go into the letters as you can see the fill in the blank with play is the fill in the blank option and so here again the computer is going to translate it into a lowercase and then rate my course is where you essentially rate whether you love it or you hate it and so this doesn't have a correct answer and neither does the essay question this is one that you would have to grade on your own and then the write me an essay and so this is where someone would just type a random essay but i'll just leave blank and finish the quiz perfect and then it's going to actually grade your quiz based on the answers that you set but of course remember the rate or the assessment question and the essay question will not be graded all right and then you can see that i got seven out of eight answers correct and so it's the essay question that's not done so you can restart or view the questions and it'll show you your results and so all of that is done automatically through learn dash so that's pretty sweet close out of the tab and close out of the quiz all right and go back to the courses tab let's go ahead and click on update just in case this one didn't refresh perfect and so now you can go back to courses so now that we've gone over all of the different parts to building your course let's go ahead and go over permissions and access and those kinds of settings so the way you do that you actually have to select each individual course to set those settings and so for instance if you had a bunch of courses you'd have to go into edit and change those because each course has its own access so you might have this one as a paid course this is a free course this is and so on so let's go ahead and click on edit this is the only course we have all right and so on this course we go over to the settings tab right here so we've got the course materials in case you wanted to add material that goes for the entire course rather than putting materials in each lesson or each topic you can put it in the course right here and so if this was a formula sheet for course number one you could do something like that just as an example course certificate we're about to go over certificates and i'll talk about them in a little bit so course content you can say it's always visible or only visible to enrollees and so basically what that means is the course content is that table of contents that was on the introduction page and so you can say that's always visible which means they can see the different topics you're going to cover but they don't see the actual content or you can say it's only visible to enrollees and so they don't even get to see the content topics so i'll just leave that on always visible custom pagination again this is just how many of whatever you want per page and then custom lesson order this is just sorting in now course access settings right here access mode this is a very important step we're going to be talking about this a lot in the video so go ahead and pay attention to this part if you haven't to the rest of the video so for access mode we've got open which basically means open and free and so this course is not protected whatsoever i can just log on to this website i don't have to create an account i don't have to enroll or anything and i can just view the course and so if you want to do a little freebie that's kind of a taster or a teaser for the rest of your content that you're going to be producing you can choose an open course a free course is the same as an open course except for you have to enroll so it's still free but you at least have to go through the registration process so i know you're a student and i get your email address but then it's free you don't have to pay anything there's no additional fee so the buy now is you have to enroll in you have to pay for the course it's of course protected by learndash and their built-in paypal or stripe system and so basically the student logs in through learndash because they take care of the membership program and then the student pays learndash for the course they get instant access and then learndash pays you through paypal or stripe a reoccurring is the same as by now it's just they set up a reoccurring membership fee kind of thing and then lastly you have closed now closed is similar by now but it's just a little bit different if you read right here the course can only be accessed through admin enrollment and so basically what this means is that learndash no longer takes care of the enrollment process so now you're going to take care of getting their payments and things like that so buy now would go straight through the paypal that comes automatic with learndash closed you would have to use woocommerce then stripe and then something like cart flows and i'm going to show you guys that entire process it's a little bit more involved but we'll get there in just a little bit so that's later on in the video so that's just closed for you then you can set up course prerequisites right here and so basically if you check this you select another course and so if i had multiple courses you would just click here and search whatever course you want and you're basically saying that they have to finish this course before they can take the course that we're editing right now if that makes sense and so you can do any selected or all selected turn that off course points is basically how many points are awarded for finishing it or how many are required for access so this is kind of a prerequisite in itself you could say that i have a prerequisite of 30 points and so you have to go get 30 points from other courses to take this course so this could be more of like an intermediate or an expert course and then lastly you've got the course access expiration and you can basically just set an expiration date so after this many days have allotted they can't reach the course anymore you've got the course progression and so you've got linear which means that they just progress through the course step one step two step three they can't go from one all the way over to step three they can't skip and so it's kind of similar to the video progression where they cannot skip along in the video they're required to watch the whole video all the way through and so free form is basically there's no restriction they can skip to step nine and then back to two and then over to three they can go wherever they want as long as they finish the course they get their credit and then lastly down here we've got the actual course grid settings and so if i go back to my website and scroll down we can actually customize this just a little bit all we can do is change this ribbon text we can change the button text and then we can also add a short description so if i go up here to the settings again you'll see the short descriptions right here and so if i were to paste in some dummy text just like this and then if i were to change the button text to check it out and then for the ribbon text i would say enroll now and i click on update i'm going to go back to my website and hit refresh you'll now see that the short description is there we've changed the button text and now the end rule now says enroll now all right so i'm going to go ahead and close the preview and i'm just going to clear all that out because i think the stock look looks better and update perfect so now i'm gonna go back to our dashboard okay so lastly let's talk about certificates now you can set up certificates for your course through learndash as well but they are quite involved in the process to make one so i'm not going to cover it in this video however i am going to show you guys how to watch a video on how to learn to put one together and so basically you'll just go up to a new tab and go to learndash's website www.learndash support and so this is actually learndash's support website where you have a search bar and you can search any questions you have and this is probably one of the best support sites that i've seen and so if you click on search we can type in certificates right here in the search bar and then you can choose right here create a certificate and if you scroll all the way down to the very bottom there's actually a 50 minute video i think it's like 54 minutes on actually creating your own certificate through learndash and so this is a pretty helpful video right here and then any other questions that you have i definitely recommend checking out this website for learndash support because there's a lot of different posts in here that can help you out all right so we've built a course we put it all together we have a quiz and we know where to learn how to do certificates we can go ahead and move on to step number 10 which is to set up payment methods when it comes to payment methods using learndash you have two different paths that you can take and it all depends on the access mode that you choose if you choose the open free buy now or recurring options then the payment is taken care of by learndash automatically learndash will use paypal or stripe and then take the student straight to the course afterwards now paypal comes default with learndash but stripe is what we added through learndash add-ons menu at the very beginning of the tutorial that's the first route the second route is my personal preference and the most customizable option using woocommerce stripe and cart flows and we're going to be using these plugins paired together to provide a fully customizable checkout experience for your client which looks so much better than the automatic option in a moment i'm going to show you guys how to set that up completely before we get into the second route i wanted to show you guys one more time where to edit the actual automatic options so we're going to go to learn dash and click on settings now once you go to the learn dash settings right over here and fill out the paypal and stripe tabs you're set however the student will only see a basic and rather plain checkout screen so after filling out these two tabs you can now select the open free buy now and recurring access modes and again it's the paypal tab right here and the stripe tab right here for the second round you have to select the closed access mode before we go any further so i'm going to go over to the left hand side and go back to my course i'm going to open it up on a new tab scroll on down and select the course that i want to edit remember i mentioned this earlier in the video when i covered the closed access mode but selecting closed means that learndash no longer takes control over enrolling and payment for processes you are now in control you have to manually grant your students access to the course upon completion of their purchase so i'm going to go ahead and click on closed with cart flows we're going to create a fully customizable checkout using elementor which is the same page builder that we use to customize the home page using this route you can do things like bundle your courses for discounts you can add coupon codes you can theme out your checkout page and much more i'm going to be showing you guys how to do all of this in the very next step all right so now that you guys have a better understanding of the two ways that you can process payment in learndash we can now move on to the next step which is step number 11 setting up woocommerce with cart flows all right ladies and gentlemen this is where things get interesting so we're going to be talking about how to set up woocommerce and then also the closed access that i was talking about earlier it's definitely a much more tedious process using multiple plugins however it's definitely my personal preference between the two using this method paired with closed access control will let you be able to fully customize the checkout process rather than just having a boring looking checkout screen you're going to be able to fully customize the checkout experience so i'm going to click on it all right and so now we are in cart flows i'm actually just going to go ahead and close out of all these tabs because we don't need them anymore so within cart flows what we're going to do is go ahead and click on flows and so what a flow is is it's basically a series of pages here that we get to customize using elementor and so cartflows provides these pages and then it also provides a checkout page as well as a thank you page and stuff like that so i'm going to go over to the flows tab and click on add new and so here cartflows actually provides you with lots and lots of different templates that you can use which are all multi-page sales funnels which is incredible so i'm actually going to go ahead and select this one right here and so you can scroll through so we've got a landing page so this would be something like hey my course is amazing let's get started so this would be the payment button they click on that button you know take them to the checkout page and so here's the checkout page which you can fully customize in elementor so you can change the pictures the backgrounds you can move the spacing around make it look all interesting and then from there when they click place order it'll take them to a thank you page and so it looks a lot more involved rather than if you just go with the paypal option it will just have them log into paypal and then set up a payment through there so this is a lot more involved and you're a lot more in control of the payment flow so i'm going to go ahead and go up to the top right corner and click on import flow right here and it's going to import all three of these pages so i get to enter in a title for my flow so we'll just call it just like that and import okay perfect and so now cartflows is going to take you to this steps or this workflow builder essentially and you can actually think of this very similar to the learn dash builder so you can go over here to view and edit just like you did on the learn dash builder for the course and then over here we've got the landing page i can click and drag these to be in whatever order i want so first they go to the checkout page then a landing page and then thank you but i mean they're already in the correct order so i would just leave them just to let you know though you can of course rearrange them however you want so let's go ahead and view this one right here all right so we've just imported the site so this is what it looks like and again you can edit with elementor by clicking this button right here and you'll be able to edit everything on here alright so i'm going to go ahead and close out of this tab here and so now you can go ahead and go into the actual checkout page and you can click on edit and when you do you can edit in elementor right here and so this is the design tab you can go over to the products tab and you can add a new product so we're going to actually take one of our courses from learndash we're going to insert it into woocommerce as a product and then we're going to insert that product into cart flows right here so that's kind of a basic overview of what we're about to do so let's go ahead and do that right now we're going to go over to the products tab right here which comes with woocommerce when we install that plugin which woocommerce came with the template so that's all cool we'll go over to add new product now i'm going to do pretty much just overview work in woocommerce now if you're looking for a video on how to actually use woocommerce in you know a complete version i actually have a video on my youtube channel where i teach you guys how to build an entire online store from start to finish inserting products and everything using woocommerce and it's a completely free video so you guys can go ahead and check that out on the channel i'll put a link down in the description as well in case you're interested in how to use woocommerce so for now i'm going to go kind of fast but we're going to insert a product name which is just going to be the same as my course name just like that and then we can scroll on down we're going to change it from a simple product all the way down to a course now for those of you who are already familiar with woocommerce you'll notice that course is actually a new product normally it's just these four right here and the reason that course pops up is because remember in learndash we went ahead and went to the add-ons tab and we added woocommerce integration for learndash and so now course is an option which is really cool and so now you can set the price for the course so let's just for example say it's 1.99 so you have to pay 199 dollars for this scroll down a little bit more and we'll say that the learn dash groups and learn dash courses will select it as everything you need to know that's the course and so now this course is a product in my woocommerce you can also do learn dash groups which are basically multiple courses as a group and then you can select that group and so you have to kind of create that folder of course as if you want over in learn dash i'm not going to go over that though all right and you can add a short description you can add a product image and everything too if you want to but i'm just going to leave it like this one more thing i do see that it says the pound symbol right here and so if you wanted to change this i'm going to show you how to do that right now you just go over to woocommerce and down to settings i'm going to open it on a new tab and you would scroll down under the general tab actually scroll down here down to the bottom for currency options and so you would change pounds to united states dollar and then currency position we always keep the dollar on the left and then everything here is good so the thousand operator decimal and how many decimals save those changes cool i'm going to close that and now back on this product i have to refresh this page but if i do i'll lose my progress so i'll publish and then refresh perfect let's see if it actually refreshed at the same time it did okay so now we've saved our work and it refreshed the page so now it says dollars right here so that's pretty good you can also set a sale price if you want to and schedule it out by clicking right here but i'm not going to all right so now that we have a product we can actually go back to our cart flows and we'll go back to all of our flows right here and so under all flows we have different flows right here so there's the one we just created this one is just a stock flow that comes with cart flows and the whole template and so i'm just going to actually delete this one real quick so delete permanently and apply all right so now we can go ahead and click on create a profoto flow and then under the checkout page we're going to go over to the edit button and click on edit and so this page you can edit with elementor right here because we're under the design tab and so there's just another spot you can do it but i'm going to go to the products tab and add that product that we just created so you can search from the products and it's automatically gonna pull from my products tab right here so i will say now it's the only product i have but if i have a bunch of products you'd see some other ones that might have every in it and i'm gonna click add product you'll see right there it added the product so we're good to go and then i'm going to go down to the bottom corner and click on save settings okay and so now that we've added the product and we've saved the settings let's click the back button and we'll actually hook it up to a course so now what you would do is you would normally open the landing page which you've edited all three at this point you would take the landing page open it and view it which i'm about to do and you'd copy the hyperlink and then we're going to put it into the course but just for ease purposes because my product page or the landing page isn't edited it'll look confusing i'm just going to take the product page so to do this i'd click view and copy this hyperlink as you can see it's unedited and close this out and so again you would just take this link and that way you go one two three but now it's just gonna go one two like this and so now i'm gonna go up to learn dash and click on courses i'm gonna go down to this course right here and i'm gonna click on edit and then from here we're going to go over to the settings tab we'll go ahead and scroll on down and you'll see the access mode right here and so we can change it to close now really quickly i want to show you the difference between closed and by now on an incognito tab so let me show you by now i'll set the price to 199 again i'm gonna go ahead and click update okay so now that it's updated let me show you what it looks like so i'm gonna go ahead and visit the store on a new tab and so from here let's go down to the course okay and so now that i'm on my course i'm actually going to copy the hyperlink close this tab and i'm going to go open this up on a new incognito tab that way the computer does not recognize me as admin and just let me in it's going to show me what it looks like when someone tries to get in my course and so now this would be the introduction page and now this new spot right here has opened up and so you've got the not enrolled button and so it's telling me you're not enrolled this is the price and so if i click login right here it's going to open me up to the custom login page that comes with learndash and again they take care of the entire membership process so they log in everyone and so that way anytime you're not on your website people can still log in and take your courses and that's how this becomes a passive income and by the way you can notice right here that there actually isn't an option to create a new account and to change that let me go ahead and show you right now you'll just go back to the dashboard and then from here we're going to drop down to the settings i'm just going to open it up on a new tab real quick it's a super easy fix so now that we're in the settings general tab just for wordpress down here we're going to scroll on down right here where it says membership we're going to click on anyone can register and so now it's going to open up a registration tab so now someone can either log into an existing account or they can sign up for a new account and then we're also going to change this new user role right here down to customer so let's go ahead and scroll on down and click on save changes so let me go ahead and close this so now i'm going to show you what happens when i change it to a closed course so let's go back to closed still set the course price to 1.99 and now i'm going to paste the button url from my cart flow so view it real quick copy the hyperlink and so now when they click the button it's going to take them straight to my checkout page my personal checkout page rather than learn dashes so then i'll click on update perfect so now i'm going to open the website up on a new tab scroll on down to my course click on it and i'll open this up on a new incognito tab perfect so now when it's a closed course you'll notice that it's different it says take this course rather than just log in and so now instead of going straight to learndash logging in and paying for the course it's going to do something else so i click on course and it'll take me straight to my own custom checkout page and so this is where they'll actually enter in their own personal information so now i take control of the payment process and then they can click on place order and it'll take them to the thank you page notice right here you've got an option for a coupon code so that's really important because now you can set up coupon codes through woocommerce and then you can discount your course appropriately if you're looking for how to use coupon codes and things like that that is also going to be in the woocommerce video when i show you how to use the entire program so just stay tuned for that video it'll be down in the description and in addition to that if you're interested in looking about how to actually edit the landing page stay tuned to my channel because we're going to be putting out another video on how to produce a landing page very soon so keep checking all right guys so now that we've hooked up the closed access mode in learndash to the checkout page right here there's one final thing we have to do and that's to set up stripe so that it connects to this checkout page so we can actually get credit card and paypal payments from it so let's go ahead and do that right now we're going to go over to the woocommerce tab and drop down to the settings tab right here i'm going to open it up on a new tab and then from here we're going to go all the way over to the payments tab and there's a few things that we have to do so first let's go ahead and make sure that stripe for the credit card payments are activated so i'm going to click right here and then we're also going to make sure that the paypal standard is also activated so we're going to click on this one scroll down and click on save changes all right so now there's two ways that you can get into stripe to set it up for the credit card payment you can either go right here and click on the manage button right here or you can go over to the installed plugins at the very bottom you can scroll all the way down to woocommerce stripe gateway and click on these settings right here so just two ways of getting to the same place now from here this is where we're going to have to actually set up stripe and it gets a little complicated so bear with me i'm going to walk you through the entire process all right the first thing we're going to do is go to the web hook endpoints right here and we're going to click on this link that says stripe account settings i'm going to open it on a new tab i definitely recommend opening it on a new tab because we're going to be bouncing back and forth between the stripe tab and our woocommerce settings a lot so we're going to be bouncing back and forth so right here this is where you're going to sign up for your stripe account and so you have to sign up for stripe it's a free service but they're going to be taking care of the credit card payments and everything so down below is where you would click on the sign up button now i already have an account so i'm going to go ahead and log in but the signup process for stripe is just like learn dash it's very easy and they're going to walk you through the entire process so i'll see you guys in just a second all right guys so once you guys log into your account and set it up we're going to be good to go right here on the dashboard and so there's going to be two initial steps that you guys have to take and they're going to be right here in some of these arrows so the first one is just going to be to confirm your email and so you'll just click on the link go to a new tab and you'll open up your gmail and then you'll just confirm it by clicking on the email that they send you right away and so it's that easy and then you can go right back to your stripe dashboard and then the second step is going to be clicking on activate your account which is going to be like right here and so when you activate your account it's just going to ask you for a bunch of information about your business it's going to ask for your bank information your credit card statement information and so on and then it's going to ask you to do a two-step authentication for your account and that's pretty much it so once you guys do that you'll be taken back to your dashboard just like this and we can get started on connecting stripe to our woocommerce account okay so the first step is to grab our api key and so we're going to go over to the developer tab right over here on the left hand side click on it and it's going to drop down a menu and then we'll go over to the api keys right here so let's go ahead and look at our publishable key right here now mine's blurred out for obvious reasons because it's confidential but before we copy to paste it we're going to go over to the view test data and click on that one right here and so now our api key is in test mode and so nothing is permanent just yet we can turn this off when we're ready to go live it's the same thing as the sandbox mode when you're in paypal so we'll go over here to the publishable key and click to copy now i'm going to go back to my woocommerce tab and paste that key right here and now the test secret key we're going to go back to the api key tab right here and you'll see secret key right below and so we'll just go over to reveal the test key and of course it's blurred out again but you just click to copy it again and we'll go back to woocommerce and paste it now the test webhook secret we're going to have to pull but the first thing we have to do is go to the webhook endpoints again and instead of clicking on this we're actually going to copy and paste this url into our stripe account so i'm going to copy it go to the api keys again this time we'll go down to web hooks over here on the left hand side okay and then for web hooks we're going to go over here to the right hand side and click on add endpoint and this is where we're going to paste that url that we copied from our website and then the description is optional so i'm going to leave it and then for events to send this is essentially what we're going to be using this web hook for or our stripe account for and so when you click on it you're going to search charge because we want to charge people for your courses and you'll see that it automatically adds everything that you're going to need for charts succeeded refunded pending failed expired everything and i think there's like 13 events yeah and you can scroll down and look at them if you want so now we're going to click on add endpoint all right so now a web hook has been added for our website we can scroll right here and see that our signing secret web hook key is right below click to reveal and right here this one is not a click to copy so just highlight it and copy it and now we're going to paste it into our website right here for web hook secret all right and then after entering in the web hook we can go down to statement descriptor and so what you type right here is basically just going to show up on your student's credit card statement when they purchase whatever they're doing on your course and so you could do something like something like that so that's create a pro photo course and so that's what's going to show up on their credit card statement all right and so the rest of this down below i don't really touch so we're just going to leave it but it all works the way it is so it's good to go i'm going to go ahead and click on save changes okay and so all of that bouncing back and forth means that our stripe is now integrated with our woocommerce so we are good to go there so now let me go ahead and show you guys what we just did so i'm gonna go ahead and close this tab we're gonna go back to our cart flows tab and i'm gonna click on the refresh all right so now we're back on our checkout page i'm gonna go all the way over to the right hand side and click on view perfect so now if we scroll down you'll actually see right here it no longer says sorry no payment methods are available we can actually select paypal or we can choose credit card and then click on proceed to paypal another interesting thing to note if you click on credit card right now you'll notice that it's in test mode because we enabled the test mode in our stripe account and so if we want to test out our payment method just to make sure that it works we could use this fake credit card number paste it right here we can also type in any cvc or valid expiration date so it could be anything one two three four one two three and then you can say place order and it'll do a fake payment just so that you can see what happens through your wordcommerce account and so you guys can play with that as much as you want i'm going to go ahead and close this tab okay so now that we've actually tested out the test function for stripe now i want to show you guys something that's really important on the back end while i was off camera i already placed a fake order using that fake credit card the one that stripe provides so i want to show you guys how to actually do something really important which is to manage the orders and then also to actually manually enroll or unenroll someone from a course and this is when you actually have a closed course so first we're going to go over to the woocommerce tab and click on orders now every time someone clicks on that enroll now button and it takes them to that custom checkout page and the custom thank you page then you're going to get an email notification saying that they signed up for the course so they can always go over to the my account section on the website they can log in and now they have access to the course it automatically gives them that access so right here you can see the two orders that i created and so this is just managing your orders if you wanted to you can do different actions like move to trash or change it to on hold or something like that and then also you can go up to learn dash and you can manually enroll or unenroll someone so we're going to go over to the courses tab we'll go down to the actual course that someone enrolled for which for me it's the lightroom one so i'm going to click on edit and here under the settings tab you'll actually be able to see who is actually enrolled so we'll scroll on down and right here we have course users and so we have all users and then the assigned users and so when someone makes a purchase it's automatically going to throw their account name right over here which means that they are allowed to look at the course if they're over here it means they're not allowed to look at the course so i went ahead and moved it off of camera from here over to the left hand side just so i can show you guys you click on it right here and you can click the arrow and now levi hagen which is a fake account that i created on my own website is now enrolled in this course and so he's allowed to look at it so if we click on update i want to show you guys what that looks like so i'm going to go back to my website and from here i'm going to go over to my account your students have the option to log in right here and so i'm going to log in with that fake account that i created but to do it i just went to register and created a fake account okay so now i am logged in as levi hagan and you'll see that i actually have access to my courses which would be the lightroom preset right here all right so now that we've tested out our payment method and we know that it works and it's going to transfer someone over back into their courses page we can go ahead and close out of this tab the last thing i'm going to do is go back to stripe i'm going to go over to the api keys on the left hand side and then i'm going to go over to the viewing test data on the right and i'm going to turn that off so now that means that we are fully live and we're ready to take payments on our website it's no longer in test mode okay perfect so i'm going to go ahead and close out of the stripe account so now we have a setup checkout page all right so let's go ahead and take one final walkthrough of the website i'm gonna go ahead and open it on an incognito tab so that it comes from a customer rather than just being logged in as the admin okay we are a customer right now on our website i think it looks fantastic the text is definitely one of my favorite parts this font i think that looks awesome but we've got our logo over here the header menu is all working everything looks clean we've got our courses all laid out in the grid which looks great and then the rest of the website as well testimonials and contact section i think it looks awesome so now i'm going to go ahead and click on the first one and then from the customer's point of view you'll see that you have to log into enroll first but of course you can see the table of contents so click on login and it's going to take them to a login or register screen just like this with great animations as well and then if we were to go back to the courses scroll on down and select a different one this is no longer a free course this is actually going to be a paid course and so when they click on take this course it's going to take them to our fully customizable checkout page and thank you page so i think it looks great congratulations on making your way to the very end of the video all right guys that was a full walkthrough of how to create an online course website using learndash for those of you who made it this far my hope is that you can utilize this material finish customizing the rest of your site and make an amazing business from it i hope you all learned a lot from today's video and enjoyed the course building expertise if you did be sure to leave a like on this video and subscribe to the channel because we're constantly putting out amazing in-depth tutorials just like this one for free also be sure to check out creativepro website on instagram and tiktok for design inspiration and behind the scenes fun that's all i have for you guys today thank you so much for watching and i'll see you again in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Create a Pro Website
Views: 13,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online course, lms, online course website, learndash, wordpress 2020, make a website, build a website, how to create an online course, how to make an online course, how to make an online course and make money, how to make an online course for free, how to make an online course with Wordpress, how to make and sell online courses, how to make online course videos, learndash tutorial, learn dash course builder
Id: 6ImcwPgQld8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 38sec (6758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.