Hostgator Website Builder Review - My PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (2021)

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Hello everybody and welcome to the  HostGator website builder review.   So straight to the point, don't get confused  from the beginning. I'm going to talk about   the website builder, not about the website  hosting service that HostGator also provides.   Although HostGator's web hosting services meh ... and it's really not that good, but the website   builder truth be told is pretty decent. So  in this HostGator website builder review   I'm going to tell you all about its best and  possibly worst features; who is this builder   gonna be best for; what are the pros and cons  of it and in the end I'll talk all about the   pricing, where I have a special discount link that  will save you a lot of your money, but about that   I'll talk a little later, now we have important  stuff to talk about. Let's get straight into it. So starting from the beginning, HostGator doesn't  offer a free trial, so you will need to get one   of their paid plans to be able to start your  website building journey, it's not a big deal   though, as HostGator offers a 45-day return policy,  as 30-day is actually an industry standard. So I   still believe that it's more than enough to  decide whether you want this builder or not.   Now after you get your plan, you get to choose from  a bunch of free templates. Yep, you heard right, free   templates! I personally don't like when website  builders charge you extra for those templates.   Although they're free, but they do seem pretty  plain and don't stand out for being, you know, super   attractive and I would say that they're pretty  simplistic, so before choosing the one you like the   most, you can preview them first. Okay and once you  find the one, which you found the most attractive,   just choose it. However, once you're in the template  you cannot change to a different one as you will   need to start the whole building process from  scratch, if you decide to say change it to a   different one. And by the way there is an option,  where you can allow the AI to generate your website.   Well it basically just helps you building  your website, it doesn't do it for you, but   it just helps you out. So you choose a topic that  describes the purpose of your website the best;   create a name for it; choose a themed photo for  the website using their stock footage; add your own   logo, if you have one; choose the fonts; colors; the  navigation style and finally add your contact info.   And that's pretty much it, your website  will appear on your screen in a few moments.   So either you want to use this method for the  creation of your website, which I found to be   pretty easy or you just choose a template  you prefer and then do the rest of the edits yourself. Okay, so now continuing this HostGator  website builder review, let's go to the builder   itself. So, basically, everything here is pretty  much the same as in most other website builders,   but there's one big difference, which I have  noticed immediately. There is so much freedom, where   you can add tons of features to your website. All  sorts of buttons, contacts, containers, files, images,   maps, you can even add SoundCloud players straight  to your website, PayPal, social icons and many more.   And the beautiful part is that everything can be  added straight onto your website with a drag and   drop feature, which means that it literally takes  seconds to do that because you can just take this,   say, this video and drop it anywhere you want. So  every single feature, which you would want for your   website is pretty much at your hands reach and you  will have complete control over the entire editing   process of your website. Hey guys and if you find  this HostGator website builder review helpful   a like the video would be appreciated. So now,  let's talk about the other edits you can do to   your website using HostGator. Say you might want  to add extra sections your website, that's pretty   easy to do, but once I try to do that using the  drop down menu on the left, well ... it didn't work.   Not good HostGator. Not sure though, maybe it  happened due to you know to some sort of a fault   with a browser, whatever, but if stuff like this  happens more often, you might be quite irritated   though and also, if you would say that I'm gonna  choose a different method for those sections   and then you press here and then the same  thing happens. Well I really don't know what   to say here, although my connection is stable as  you can see it refreshes the page in just a few   seconds, but it still doesn't allow me to add any  sections. Okay, so now moving to the design section.   Here you can do a lot. So you can customize  the background by adding an image that you   can then align to the position you want, you can  just add a solid colored background, if you want.   What i kind of miss is the option to choose  from the whole palette of colors. You know, maybe,   for example, you have a specific brand color,  which you might want to add, so that's not   going to be possible right here. Then there's  the option to edit the site's color presets;   fonts, where you have quite some freedom and  then there are lots you can do in the text   style tab. So basically, HostGator allows you to  edit the basic colors of your website, which is   quite limited, but gives you complete  freedom over your text, which is quite nice.   Next we have a blog section, which might prove its  value to some users, but definitely not everyone.   I mean it's going to be useful, if you're a blog  writer and you post them from time to time. So real   quick, once you decide to create a blog section on  your website, you'll get to choose a template first.   You have an option to preview them and then choose  the one you like the most and then the fun begins.   Once you choose your blog's name a box will appear  showing what blogs you already have published and   what else you want to add. So say you want to add  a new blog, you just press "add new post" and then   a blog writer will appear. Everything is pretty  simple here, I guess. You'll have to write a title,   date, author name, write down the tags and then  complete the whole blog. You can also add images,   videos, lines and different types of headings to  your blogs, which are also quite nice. And once   you're done, click "save post". And here you can see  your published post as well. So all in all, I would   say that HostGator's blogging tool is pretty  good as it gives the basic freedom that would   be needed for, you know, most blog writers. Continuing  this HostGator website builder review, let's talk   about a few more features there are. So HostGator  also allows you to create your own ecommerce   page, where you will be able to sell products or  services online. However, I will not put my focus   here at the moment as I will make a separate video  about that, but I really want to talk about the   settings tab and the feature, which I couldn't  find and I kind of miss. So, firstly, HostGator   offers you a function, where you can track your  website statistics, after you publish your website,   which is nice, but there are some other options  as well, as the ability to save previous versions   of your website, add socials here, manage your  e-commerce accounts, add redirects, play around with   Favicon, track metrics with Google Analytics and  a few options more. But what I kind of miss is the   option to work on the SEO of your website straight  in the options tab of your website. I'm not saying   that your website will not have a good SEO rating  without this setting, but I find it to be really   useful for people who never had any experience  with the SEO and they don't know exactly what   to do with it. It would be beneficial if HostGator provided some information for beginners   on how to improve their website's SEO ratings. So  now, who is HostGator website builder going to be   best for, I would say basically, basically everyone.  I find HostGator to have a pretty decent website   builder with tons of features and freedom and  I didn't find it to be very complicated at all.   If you want to know what complicated is, check out  our Webflow review, of course Webflow has great   functionality, but it just requires quite a bit  of experience in website building, so if you're   just a beginner, I would say that you should be  pretty fine with HostGator, but if you would be   looking for a more simplistic website builder,  I'll put links for those below, but if you're   an experienced or tech savvy person you should be  pretty satisfied with HostGator's website builder. Now before we talk about the price, let's  quickly sum up the pros and cons of this   HostGator website builder review. Basically, I want  to highlight again the fact that HostGator offers   tons of features that you can add to your  website and that automatically results in   a lot of editing freedom. Then there's  quite a lot of templates, which are free   and that's a positive thing because otherwise  I would be totally mad if they would charge   extra. Finally, I would say that the user  interface is pretty intuitive and easy   to use, which is a great feature again and their  fair price is also another pro, which I will talk   about in a minute. Now the downsides, I would say  that even though they have quite a lot of free   templates, but they're not the best as i found them  to be pretty boring and they would still require   some editing to finally look professional. And  also, I didn't like that the website didn't load   once I tried to add a new section to my website,  but I hope it will be fixed and won't happen again. So finishing up this review  by talking all about the pricing.   So as I mentioned their plan prices are totally  reasonable and you can even get a better price   with a deal link that I have down below in the  description, which gives 50 percent off of your purchase.   The basic plan comes at 3.84 cents per month,  which is dirt cheap and it's even cheaper with   our discount link and you'll get quite a few  perks together with this plan such as a free   ssl certificate, but that's not something to  be super excited about because you can get a   ssl certificate for free anyway. What plays the  biggest role here is again the price. Take note   that if you would like to get a free domain for  a year, then you would have to go for one of their   web hosting plans for 12, 24 or 36 months, but I  would still recommend going for Express Site, as   it also gives the option to add a mini version  of an online store to your website, if you would   like to sell something online, plus you'll get  priority customer support, which is also good if   you happen to have some problems, so you'll pretty  much be able to solve them just super quickly.   Lastly, the Express Store plan is mostly for people,  who want to sell more products on their website   and it will eliminate the transaction fees if  someone purchases something from your website.  Again there's a special discount link down below,  so check it out now and check what's the price   right now. I am sure that the final price will  surprise you a lot. So that is pretty much it   for our HostGator website builder review. Thanks  for watching and if you found this review helpful,   please let me know by hitting that like button and  subscribing to the channel. There are more reviews   on my channel, so feel free to check them out. And  there are many more videos coming as well, so stay   tuned with Side Guide. And if you're hungry to find  more information about other website builders, feel   free to visit our website  for more reviews, comparisons and of course   discount codes. I wish you all the best and  a great website building journey. Bye-bye.
Views: 185
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Keywords: Hostgator, is Hostgator worth it, Hostgator website builder, Hostgator websites, Hostgator review, Hostgator builder, website builders, website builder review, are website builders worth it, is Hostgator good, Hostgator website,, make a website, how to make a website, create a website, how to create a website, Hostgator tutorial, Hostgator for beginners, Hostgator tutorials, how to build a website, hostgator reviews 2021, hostgator review 2021, hostgator 2021
Id: j2B4ZNGC6hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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