How to Create an Online Course, LMS & Educational Website like Udemy with WordPress & LearnDash 2019

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he'll fence amnesic from lock to comment today in this area teach you how to create a professional and beautiful online course or LMS that is learning management system website with WordPress this website that we're gonna create in this video is in my opinion the number one solution for fortune 500 companies major universities training organizations and entrepreneurs worldwide for creating and selling their online courses also to create this website you don't need to know any programming or coding languages anyone and everyone can create this website it's just simple drag-and-drop and to save you some money I'll be using a free theme to create this website now in this tutorial you'll learn how to create a course how to add lessons and topics in the course different ways and options available to host your course videos online how to create different types of quizzes like single choice multiple choice fill in the blanks regular sorting matrix sorting assessment etc how to create certificates and make them dynamic so that whenever someone completes a course they can download and print the certificates with dynamic course details how to send custom notifications to students teachers and also the admin how to integrate payment gateways like PayPal and stripe with the courses how to create and design the websites home about contact my account and all courses page all right yes now before we start creating the website let me very quickly first show you a demo of the website that we'll be creating in this video so if you follow my steps and watch the complete video this is the website that we'll be creating so I want to show you the demo website at the beginning so that you guys can understand what is the website that you are going to create what all are the different features available what is the design and everything and you can decide right at the beginning whether you want to watch the complete tutorial or not so let's get into it so first of all the website that you see on his screen this is our website that we'll be creating this is our home page and this is our first section at the left-hand side you will see your logo and at the right hand side you have your menu now this is our main section the hero section of the homepage so here we have a title we have a subtitle and a call to action so you can redirect this button to all courses pages then after that we have three different features actionable training interesting quizzes premium material obviously we can just go ahead and change this logo instead of this star I can you can have some other icon and also instead of this blue color if you don't like this color or maybe if you want your website primary and secondary color to be something different maybe red or yellow or green instead of this blue obviously you can select that color we'll see how to change the styling and designing of the website then after that we have the most popular courses so here we are displaying three different courses as you can see I am enrolled in all three courses you can see the title the description short description we have a call to action so when you click on this button you will go to the course page we'll see how the course page looks like and it also says that I have completed 44% of this course and I have not yet started these two courses then after that we have the About section so about your company maybe about the founder about your vision and mission you can put in something like this and in industry partners so if you have partnered with some clients some big clients big corporations you can display their icons over here then after that we have some testimonials so some students they have taken any courses on your website they can give their testimonials over here which is very useful especially for online courses website then after that you have the bottom section so here we just have another call to action section so we have this button as you can see when you click on this button you can redirect this button to a particular course or to the all courses page and obviously at the bottom we have the photo so this is our home page now after that we have the all courses page so when you click on that all courses link you'll see this page so similarly very similar section over here you have all the courses that is present on your website over here again at the bottom we have the testimonial and call to action section so when you click on a particular course let's see how it looks so let's click on see more so this is how the course would look like first of all we have the featured image at the top then we have the course title and the progress so I have completed 44% as you can see it is still in progress once I complete the course I can print and download a certificate we'll see how to create a certificate and how to download that in the video now as you can see here it says you're enrolled in this course we have some course description what you're gonna learn in this course what are the prerequisites you can put everything sure then after that we have the course content so first we have the title when you click on any title for example any section you can see for example this is another this is the first section introductory section we have a video you can have you can you know embed different types of videos for example you can upload a video on your server you can upload a video on YouTube and only start video and you can you know embed that video on your website you can embed our vimeo video you can also embed our Amazon AWS video so many different types I will see those things in detail in this video so this is the introductory section you can click on this play it will play you can increase or decrease the volume and everything you can do this once you complete watch the complete video you can click on Mac complete this section will be completed when you click on another section as you can see in this section we have added three different topics so you can do this as well so when you click on this section in this section we have three different topics let's click on this is the first topic that is the first topic now the previous video that you saw was hosted on Vimeo and this video that you see this is hosted on our website server so let me mute this and let's play it now as you can see it really plays well no stuttering no buffering anything like that so this is great and when you click on another section or another lesson or topic you'll see some other page now as you can see this is a unlisted video and you can add some content you can add some study material some resources anything like that then after that we have the third section or the third topic and here you can add ok you can even add a audio as you can see I have added a audio here you can download the audio you can play the audio and you can add all these different content so this is how it will look like we'll see in detail how to integrate payment how we can add for example if you want to make a particular course for ten dollars for 50 dollars you can also add some courses for free or you can also add some courses for free but to get that course or to enroll in that course a person has to sign in or sign up so we have many different options you know we'll see everything in detail throughout the video this is just a demo so there you guys can get an idea about what is the type of website that we'll be creating in this video then after that we have the about page so we don't want to just create this website we just don't want to create the courses but we want to create the complete website so to make this website more complete I have also added this about contact and different pages so in about page you have this page you have your maybe found her your CMO so you can type in your story your partner's you know everything like that you had some analytics like how many number of students you have one you know website how many number of courses you know how many people from how many different countries are enrolled on your website how many students you know all these different details you can showcase over here then we have the contact page okay as you can see beautiful contact page and also the my account page so here a person can see how many courses they are enrolled in and they can see all the details over here okay alright guys so this was a very short demo of the website that we'll be creating in this video so I hope you guys liked the demo website if you want to create the exact same website make sure to watch the complete tutorial now because these tutorials are quite long quite lengthy I always give time stamps in the video description below so if you want to jump to some different section you can simply click on that time and you will be redirected to that section but I would highly recommend you to watch the complete video don't skip any section so there you don't have any doubt you understand everything very properly now if you find this video helpful make sure to give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on Facebook Twitter I would really appreciate that if you like this content you can click on the subscribe button and also click on the bell I can so that whenever in future I upload next videos you always get notifications or I guess now let's start creating the website alright guess now to create any kind of website whether it be an online course website an e-commerce website a membership website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account I don't mean name is simply the name or the URL of your website for example mayor shake calm block to calm these things are different domain names so we also have to register our domain name on the internet so someone when someone wants to visit your website they will enter that domain name and they will land on your website the second and the most important thing is a hosting so your hosting is basically a computer where in all your website data all your website file all the pages all the courses will be saved so whenever someone visits your domain name all the courses will be fetched from that particular hosting now it is very important to select a good hosting because your website speed performance your website security everything is directly related to your hosting if you have a good hosting your website speed will be higher it will be much better your website will load very fast and ultimately your user experience will be very good and also websites with better speed and better performance rank higher on Google search so it is very important to select a good and reliable hosting so you don't have to worry about that there are many different companies out there in the market that provide hosting but we will be selecting the best one so you can do one thing you can simply open a new tab and type in / SG SG stands for site ground and you will see this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you will be redirected to this page now here you have to click on this option reliable web hosting click on get started now side round at present in my opinion in my experience is the best hosting solution available I have used many different Hosting's I have used Hostgator a2 hosting Bluehost tmd hosting site round many different Hosting's because I create these you know YouTube tutorials on WordPress I am approached by many different hosting companies they provide me free hosting they provide me free domains many times and they I get to try many different hosting so in my opinion in my experience I have tried many different hosting zan side ron is at present the best option available now here as you can see there are three different plans start up grow big and go geek now the major difference between these three plans is the number of website you can host so in startup plan you can host one website where as in grow big and go geek plan you can host unlimited websites which means that today you are creating this LMS website tomorrow if you want to create some other website maybe another online course website maybe a ecommerce website maybe a membership website any kind of website tomorrow again you don't have to purchase a new hosting you can host unlimited websites in one single hosting so it is very important to select these type of plan the second option is 20 gb web space so we have a capacity of 20 gb web space now this is a lot of space you don't have to worry about that because if you create a website like this if you in fact if you create hundred web sites like this it will be hardly 4 or 5 GB nothing more than that and for hosting our video we'll be using some other options for hosting our video I would never recommend in fact no one will ever recommend you to host your website on your on your regular website hosting never to do that there are many different options available for hosting website free and premium options available in this video we'll see we'll go through all the different options now a very important thing to note over here is that this 20 GB well space is SSD space so our SSD space is way more faster and reliable than the regular HDD space most of the companies out there in the market they use the regular HDD space but here we are using the SSD space and that is the reason your website speed and performance improves now we have different option over here as you can see how many number of visits per month so this type of hosting or this grow big hosting plan is better or perfect for those type of websites that is getting around 25 thousand monthly visits and go geek which I am personally using is better for websites which has around 100,000 monthly visits now it does not mean that if your website has more than 25,000 monthly visitors maybe 40 50 thousand monthly visits you cannot use grow prep and grow big it it is nothing like that it is just for your understanding so that you guys can understand what type of plan is better or best suited for what kind of website this is just for your understanding now with these plans we also have some essential features like we get free SSL certificates which is very very important as you can see this is the SSL certificate if you see my demo website this log pad is the SSL certificate now if you don't have a SSL certificate whenever someone visits your website Google Chrome will say you know what this website is not secure and also if you don't have an SSL certificate you cannot accept online payment and if you want to sell cold is for 10 20 50 dollars you cannot accept payment on your website if you don't have SSL certificate so here we can install unlimited SSL certificates you can also create unlimited business email accounts so instead of something like Nayar at you can create Nayer at okay so you can have your website name as the extension we get free CloudFlare CDN this improves the security of your website we also get free daily backups so even if something happens to your website you have your back up you can simply restore your website and we have 27 support available so if you face some problems some technical problem you can contact them and they will really help you all right guess now as you can see three different plans are available basically you can start with any plan if you want to start with startup you can just go with startup if you wanna start with you know grow big or go geek you can start with any plan but for most of you guys I would recommend you to just go with grow big plan because you can create unlimited websites and you have no more resources than the startup plan so according to me you should start with grow big plan so whatever plan you select just click on this get plan button now here you have to register your domain name so whatever domain name you like just type in that domain name and after that select the perfect domain name extension you have dot-com dotnet dot org dot biz you have some country specific as well dot I n dot e s dot co dot za so you have some countries specific as well and you have some something like dot online dot shop dot bike dot clothing dot me dot shoes dot photos many different your extensions are available so whatever you like you can just select that so basically simply enter your domain name select the extension and click on proceed now if you have already registered a domain name somewhere else maybe on GoDaddy Namecheap or on some other hosting company you can select this option I already have a domain name you can enter your domain name over here whatever domain name you have registered and after that click on proceed now here you have to enter your basic information first of all under account information you have to enter your email address your personal email address and you have to choose a password and obviously under confirm password you have to type in the same password so whatever email address and password you will enter over here this will become your login credentials so whenever you want to log into sight from cPanel you will be asked this email address and password so whatever you enter over here make sure to remember it make sure to write it down somewhere then after that we have your basic information like your country name first name last name your the company name and tax ID is not compulsory so you can just leave it then we have city street code zip code or your pin code and your phone number then after that we have the payment information so here you have to enter your card number card expiry date the CVV number which is given at the back of your card and your card holder name one thing to note over here that Visa MasterCard and American Express is accepted over here if you have some other type of card it is not accepted over here and Visa and MasterCard are very common in every country so you can easily get that card now if you are from India most of the people today in India have the repay card because it is a local card government you know promotes that card whenever you open a new bank account they will by default give you the rupee card so if you have that card you cannot make the payment over here because that is a local card it is accepted only in India and this company is not based in India so make sure you get a Visa or MasterCard if you have a rupee card you can go in your bank and they will exchange your rupee card with a master or a Visa card or within seven days so make sure you do that then after that in the purchase information you don't have to change anything you just have to check whether everything is proper not so under plan we have selected grow big which is fine data center location will be automatically selected for you I am in India so for me Singapore is selected period by default it is twelve month you don't have to change that make sure you don't change that thing let it be twelve months and after that go at the bottom tick mark these two things and if you note that the final price that you have to pay for one complete year of hosting is just $71 so for one complete here you can host unlimited websites you can you know install unlimited domain names and everything for just $71 that is amazing now always make sure to go ahead and check whatever information you have entered and after that go at the bottom and on pay now now once you make the payment you have to go to this website you a dot site ground com now when you visit this website you have to enter your email address and password which we have selected or which we have entered in the previous step under account information so whatever email address and password you have entered in the account information in your previous step enter the same email address and password and click on sign in now you click on this option my accounts option now you'll see this button red go to cPanel button click on this button or I guess now this is our cPanel the first thing that we need to do is for those people who have registered your domain name on some other website for example GoDaddy we have to convert or we have to redirect or we have to point our website our domain name to side round so let's see how we can do that so go to the website where you have registered your domain name if it is GoDaddy go to GoDaddy if it is Namecheap or some other company or some other web site go to that website sign in to your account here you'll see all the different domain names you have registered just click on DNS because we need to change the DNS name servers here you'll see the default names hours available at the bottom just click on change and delete the default name servers make sure it is selected custom don't by default it is default select custom delete both the name servers come back to your cPanel now here the left top corner top-left corner you'll see two different domain names available or two different name servers so copy the first line paste under the line one copy the second line and obviously paste under the second line and click on save now once you click on save it can take up to 24 hours to propagate this setting so by that time you can come back to your domain name or you can come back to your cPanel and click on add-on domain so once you have changed the name servers you have to add on that domain so if this website was femme dot in we can simply enter oh you're femme dot in after that you have to press tab on your keyboard and what this will do is this will automatically enter your e and your document root after that just select a password enter the same password again and click on add domain once you click on add domain that domain will show at the bottom is a see under add-on domain you'll see that domain now here many of you will get an error that you cannot add on your primary domain which means that you don't need to do that step you just need to change the name server ok so if you get that error that you cannot add on your primary domain don't worry about that it is just fine it simply means that you just have to change your name server you don't have to add on this domain ok now come back to cPanel home now it's time to install SSL certificate on our website so this step is for everyone whether you have registered your domain name somewhere else or you have registered your domain name on side ground this is for everyone so if you want to install SSL on your domain name go at the bottom under security tab you'll see this option let's encrypt click on that option now here also at the bottom and from this list select the domain name on which you want to install SSL after that click on install once you click on install your domain name should start displaying oyur now if you don't see your domain name over here which means that SSL is not installed successfully so it takes around four to five minutes for SSL to get installed on your domain name so you can refresh this page multiple times for four to five minutes and once you see your domain name in this list you can come back to your cPanel now it's time to install WordPress on a domain name so for that will click on under Auto install us we have this WordPress I can click on that now click on this blue install button and your first thing that we need to do is we need to choose the installation URL now under protocol under choose protocol make sure either the third one or the fourth one is selected don't select the first or the second one always select the third or the fourth one then after that here we have to choose the domain name on which we want to install WordPress so choose that domain name then after that we'll see this in directory theme make sure you don't type in anything in in directory make sure this thing is blank now with the bottom or you can scroll down here you have your site settings so you have to give your website a name and you have to describe your website in few words if you don't want to do this thing if you don't want to change this thing from here you can do it you know you can change these things later on as well but I just want to change it right now so this is an LMS website so I'll just type in LMS website alright we'll again scroll down and you'll see this option username and password again delete this username enter some username of your choice similarly delete this password and enter your own password and also delete this email address the default email address and enter your personal email address now go at the bottom WordPress starter will be tick mark for you one tick this thing and click on Install Now WordPress is getting installed on your domain name this thing takes around 10 to 12 seconds or 15 seconds so let's wait all right yes so as you can see WordPress is successfully installed on our domain name we'll get two different links the first link is simply your website link the second link is your administrative URL or your dashboard link so let's open both this link and let me cut this page now this is how your website should look like when you first install WordPress so obviously it does not look good at all it looks really bad but we'll convert this boring website into something amazing like this okay we'll see that how it is done now the second link that we have opened is your dashboard link now this is a very very important link or a very very important page because from this page or from this dashboard thing you will be changing and controlling your website so if you want to change this style and design of your website you will do it from here if you want to add some functionality if you want to delete some features you will be doing everything from here so whenever you want to visit this this page whenever you want to come to this page simply enter your website name after that put a forward slash WP - admin ok so you will be redirected to this page now whenever we install WordPress for the first time we have to understand few basic things and we have to do few basic settings so let's do that so first of all from the left hand side you'll see this media many different options available post media pages will be using these options later on first click on appearance now in this option in appearance option you'll see one theme is already installed for you 2019 theme and theme is basically the design of your website so 2019 theme is installed this is how your website design looks like now later on you'll see when we install some other theme our website design will completely change so that is exactly what a theme does it changes this style and design of your website now from the left-hand side you'll see another option plugins click on that option by default you should see one plug-in is already installed over your SG optimizer now you'll see this plug-in only if you're using side round because this plug-in is only for site ground web sites and this plug-in improves your website speed and performance so this is exactly what a plug-in does a plug-in adds some extra functionalities and features to your website so right now by default we cannot create any course because that functionality is not present in WordPress by default but we can use some plugins to add that feature and functionality on your website so that is what a plug-in does now from the left-hand side again you will see this setting option click on that as I said you earlier that if you don't want to change your site title and description you can change it later on so this is the place from where you'll be changing that so your you here is it site title and tagline or your description if you want to change it you can change it from here make sure your email address is proper over here and always make sure to tick mark this thing make sure this Membership anyone can register is tick mark now you can set your default date format time format go at the bottom click on Save Changes now under settings you will see discussion click on that and hikmah this thing allow people to post comment on new articles now at the bottom and click on Save Changes so this will allow people to obviously post comment on your courses on your articles if you uncheck this thing no one will be able to post any comments ok now under settings you will see permalinks click on that by default day and name is selected we don't want this we want the post name so just tick mark this thing click on Save Changes let's again come back to our dashboard now one more thing is left you'll see these different widgets now these are not very useful widgets so we'll just dismiss them and we also don't want these so we'll go to screen option will untick everything now later on in this video I'll show you there are many different useful widgets that we'll be entering over here we don't have them right now we'll be will get them later on okay now the first thing that I want to do is install WooCommerce and set up boo commerce so who commerce is the plugin that will make your website ecommerce friendly okay so let's do that so for that we'll hover over plugins and click on add new now here under search plugins will obviously search for WooCommerce and you'll see this option WooCommerce by automatic this plug-in has more than 5 million active installations 3,000 plus reading you know compatible with our version of WordPress and everything's fine so click on install now whenever you install a new plug-in you should always see these things how many people or how many websites are using that what is the rating when was this last updated and whether it is compatible with your WordPress version or not and once it is installed click on activate now when you activate this thing you will get the quick setup wizard let's see all right guess so this is the one if you don't see this thing you can simply type in this or enter your domain name after that put in forward slash WP - admin forward slash index dot PHP question mark page is equal to WC - setup whatever you see on your screen just enter that you will come to this page now here first of all we have to enter our store location your business location so my business or my store is located in India address okay your state name all the basic information what currency do you want to use so I want to use Indian rupee okay if you want to use USD dollars pounds whatever all the currencies are available over here you can select that now click on let's go now by default it will select this option PayPal for you so yes I want to use PayPal because that is one of the best options available for payment integration so yes I want to use PayPal so make sure this is stigma quite the bottom click on continue now you'll see this shipping option we don't have to use shipping so we can antique both because we don't have any physical products this is all digital you know online courses so we can antique that and click on continue now this will recommend you few themes and plugins I don't need this storefront theme because we'll be using another theme we also don't need the MailChimp and Facebook ID you can select this voo Commerce admin and click on continue that is a useful plugin so you can select that now we have to go at the bottom and click on skip this step we don't want to install jetpack now click on visit dashboard okay so we don't want to install jetpack but jetpack still got installed so we have to uninstall that so click on plugins from the left-hand side and deactivate and delete this plug-in jetpack by so deactivate and delete that again come back to your dashboard and now as you can see we have two useful things over here two useful widgets you will see how many sales you have done how many orders what is the net sale this month canceled orders out of stock products and everything so you can see these details over here I guess now let's do one thing let's install the main plug-in that is required to make your website LMS website this plug-in will add all the functionalities and features that is required to make your website an LMS website or for you to create different courses different lessons quizzes and everything certificates and everything so to get that plug-in open a new tab and type in blog TOCOM slash LMS this link again is given at the bottom in the video description below you can click on that link slash lms because we are creating an lms website so we'll be using learn - in this example in this video and learn - is the best option available for creating an online course website and not only that if you see there are big universities using learn - if you go at the bottom you will see that ok as you can see or your case studies you can just select click on View mode let me open this link in a new tab and as you can see we have University of Michigan using this software Infusionsoft and optinmonster is using this or Yoast Academy is using this plug-in so all these options you can see over here you can see some more case studies so many people are using this option or this software now we need this plugin so what we can do you can go at the top and click on pricing you will see the pricing there are three different pricing available you can just start with the basic one which is 159th all this is a one-time payment so you don't have to worry about that but if you want to receive updates for future as well this will you will get one-year support and updates which means let me explain you this thing first so for 160 dollars you have paid this amount you can keep this software you can keep this plug-in forever and you will receive whenever a new update is comes or whenever this plug-in is updated you will receive those updates and support for one complete year after one year you cannot you won't get any updates but you can still keep this and use this plug-in forever and if you need any update in future you can contact them and purchase this plan now with this plan basic plan you can use this on one website and you can create unlimited courses unlimited users we have all the options that is available in these two plans the difference over here is that in plus package you can use this on 10 websites in pro package you can use this on 25 websites and also in + and pro packages you will get pro panel ok if I would recommend you to just start with the basic but obviously this is the best value for money plan package plan is the best value for money because you are also getting this pro panel with it so whatever plan you like or whatever product you like you can just click on Add to Cart and make the payment ok now I have already purchased this thing so I will click on login and once you also make the purchase you have to click on login you will get all your login details are in your mail now here as you can see learn - 3.0 4:7 3.0 0.7 pro panel 2 point 1 point 3 so you just have to click on download it will download the plug-in for you as you can see I am cancelling this because I already have this similarly download the other plug-in pro panel as well now go back to your website and now we need to install and activate that plugin so we'll hover over plugins and click on add new now click on upload plug-in choose file and let's select that file so here it is learn - so first select this click on open install now now click on activate plug-in or I guess so the first thing that you'll see whenever you activate this plug-in you will see that we have to enter the license code okay so that we can use it so you can click on this option you can hover our learn - LMS now we are not getting in any option by default you cannot create any courses and anything if you want to do that first we need to enter the license code so we can hover or learn there at learn - LMS click on settings now click on LMS license now enter your email address that you have used to purchase that software so let me enter that now go back to the loan - cPanel or loan - website and here it is now if you want to get your license details simply click on this option license details now here you have your license key ok for learn - LMS this is the license so I'll simply copied from here go back to this website enter the license key click on update license now as you can see here it says your license is valid and we now get many different options like you know courses lessons topics and everything now when you click on overview ok you'll see that your under overview the first step is right enter your license you have already entered that now let me install the second plug-in so again we will hover or plugins and we click on add new similarly make sure to download the next plug-in from here ok click on download pro panel if you want to use pro panel if you don't want to use pro panel it's fine click on upload plug-in choose file select the pro panel thing click on open install now now click on activate plug-in alright now once you activate that and when once you click on dashboard you can see there are many different widgets now available that is what the pro panel does now I can this you know minimize the WooCommerce thing and we can use these different widgets very important widgets so here as you can see how many total number of students registered on your website how many courses you have created how many sales we have done all the different things we can do it you can see it from here so this is what the pro panel does all right guess now let's start creating courses and different things so if you want to create your first course this tower over learn - LMS and click on courses now to create your first course obviously you can click on this button add your first course or you can click on add new and let me open a course in the demo website so let's open this one social media marketing so that we can understand it much better so first of all this is your course title ok so whatever course title you want you can enter that over here and after that you have to enter some content now let me let us first understand the basic things and after that we'll move on to content and everything so under course title first we have entered the basic thing course title and from the right-hand side you'll see when you click on document we have different options we have to give every course a category it's not compulsory but I think it is very important to give every course a category because if you're creating different types of courses for example for programming languages like PHP JavaScript and some other courses for marketing business marketing something like that so you don't want all your courses to just mix up so you can just you know rearrange them using different courses so this is marketing based so I'll click give it a new category of marketing so whenever in future if I create a new course on marketing I'll always select this option and whenever a person comes to your website and they are searching for marketing courses they can click on click on that category and they'll see all the courses on marketing now you can also give it some you know tags for example in this if you are talking about SEO in you can type in SEO if you are talking about marketing you can give it a tag of marketing and something like that now featured image this image that you see at the top this is the featured image now there is a link given in the video description below when you click on that link you will download few files for free let me show you those files so these are a few of the files so here we have a demo video so that if you want to use this video on your website for demo purposes if you have not already created any course you can use this video a demo audio few demo images and our demo certificate ok so you can download these files again there is a link given in the video description below click on that link and you can download those files now let's give it a feature image so click on set featured image upload files select files and let me select this one click on open select okay this file is added now we don't have to do anything else just click on publish and with this your course will be created when you click on a view course in a new tab you can open this link in a new tab and as you can see right now I am NOT changing the design of the website we'll change the design of the website at the end of the video first we'll understand this software this plug-in learn - plug-in will understand all the basics how to create courses and everything and once this is done you can move on or we can move on to designing the website okay so right now your website design will look really bad so apologies for that will be designing it later on first let's understand this thing okay so we have this thing ready here as you can see we have the title showing okay everything is present over here now in this thing whatever content you want to display for example when you this is the content okay this is how your content will display now if you want to display if you want to add some content there are two options you can just click on this plus button and search for classic select this classic widget and you will get this option okay just like in Microsoft Word we have all the options like if you want to add some title like know your shake is a title you can select Mia's shake I highlight this and this is a title this is a heading I can select heading after that we have some paragraphs so this is just some simple paragraph okay if you want to add some image you can select add media to add image if you want to add some link you can select that as well if you want to add some short but we will see short codes later on right now we are not focusing on short codes if you want to add a media if you want to add this image click on add media as you can see this image is sided so if you have this option as well if you want to add some lists now let me type in a few words so if I want to make this list I can select everything like this go at the top and click on bulleted list now as you can see this has become list so this is one way of creating it let's update this page come back over here refresh it now when you scroll down you'll see your thing present over here you have your title your image your list and everything so this is one way now you can do one thing you can delete this thing and you can use the regular guttenberg options for example the first thing oh here is this this thing okay so is a title so if you want to use a title or a heading you can click on this plus button and search for that so you can search for heading ok as you can see enter that heading if you want to make it big select h2 if you want to make it small h3 h4 so I want to make it big so I'll select h2 after that we have regular paragraph like regular text so I will copy it I'll just select paragraph by default paragraph is selected so even if you do and select that it's fine select paragraph you know as you can see this is the regular paragraph after that if you want to add something more click on this plus button and what we have after that we have these things ok the list so I'll select list ok now as you can see by default it is list now I can just just keep on creating different lists ok again after that you have simple paragraph and after that if you have some different images for example or maybe you can also add columns so click on this plus button and if you want to add columns you can just search for columns but as you can see we have columns how many number of columns and whatever you want to add in this column so maybe in this column I want to add a video or maybe an image go to a media library select this image select ok and I want to make it full size so I can whenever you select anything you as you can see we have selected the image at the right hand side under blog option you will see similar or related options so I will click on hundred percent full width okay as you can see now this is hundred-person you can select fifty percent you can select 25 percent you can just click on reset for it to be regular settings and now at the right hand side you can add some text so let's select paragraph let me just copy this text ok paste it over here click on update so we have this option as well come over here refresh it ok now as you can see this looks much neater and cleaner so I I would prefer this option the Gutenberg option okay so this is you will add these things cause description so in course description you can add something like what you are going to learn in this course what this course is all about maybe some prerequisites so if you want to learn this course you need to know HTML CSS something like that so all these different details you will add under this course description fine now after that we have another option as you can see we are right now in the page course page after that we have builder settings and group now let's see course builder so click on builder now here we will be adding different lessons and topics inside a course for example if you see this course we have three different things let me expand all so here as you can see we have few lessons introductory lesson after that we have another one developing strategy then we have monitoring and digital advertising and after that we have investment and marketing final strategies and inside this second lesson as you can see we have three topics so this is what we have to add over here so if you want to add that first we have to add a lesson and in that lesson you can add topics so click on this new lesson plus new lesson now let's give it a title of introductory lesson so I will copy this from here we'll enter the title over here click on add lesson new lessons will be added let's add another one so click on plus new lesson and let's give it a title of developing strategy click on add lesson let's add third one monitoring and digital advertising so click on plus new lesson or add new lesson add this lesson and the fourth one is investment and marketing final strategies now note one thing first let let me just add this thing new lesson click on add lesson right now we are just creating a structure we are just creating a structure like that this is the course name in this course or I want this many lessons I want this many topics ok we are just creating a structure in the lesson content we are not adding any content in the lesson or in the topic we'll do that later on from these two different options okay right now we're just creating a structure now inside the second lesson as you can see we have three different topics this is the first topic monitoring and advertising basic investment and social media influencing so let's see how we can add different topics inside a lesson so again we'll come back to this page I want to add under developing strategy so I'll you know expand this thing now click on new topic now let's give it a title offer this is the first topic click on click on add topic now another option is monitoring in advertising so let me copy it and let's create another topic give it a title of monitoring I'd advise advertising click on add topic click on another topic and let's add the last one ok click on add topic so our structure as you can see is now ready if you want to add a new quiz over here we haven't created any quiz will be creating quizzes later on right now as you can see for this course I have created I have built up this structure we have a course in that course we have four different lessons and in this throw in the second lesson we have three different topics ok so if you when once you are done with these things click on update now we have settings so course related settings so let's see that so click on settings now if you want to provide some material for this course you can click on this you can make this on you can add some media for example if you want to provide them some PDF some Word file you can click on that media and you can provide that or if you want to give them some message you can enter your message over here maybe ok this is my message ok I'll enter that over here ok we have already seen how to use this thing then after that course certificates so whenever someone completes this course they will get this certificate we haven't created any certificates yet so we cannot select that but later on I will show you how to create a certificate and how to associate a certificate with any course you want then after that we have course content so make sure everything always said is selected always visible this one is the most important thing if you select only visible to enrollees so if you a person comes to the course page they cannot see the course or details ok so make sure this one is selected they won't be able to see the course content but they can see the table like how many topics and how many lessons are available they cannot all obviously see the content now custom pagination should be selected so make sure this is default and custom lesson order not by default if you want to sort a lesson by different options like title date and many order something like that I would recommend you to leave these two things like this only ok by default now course access settings so if you want to make this course open this course will not be protected any user can access its Khan and without the need to be logged in or enrolled so even if a visitor come to your website they don't even have to sign in or sign up to your website they can just enroll in that course so I think you should never select open or if you want to make a course free select free but don't select open because if it is free it will be free but to access this course they will have to sign up to your website okay so this is important option if you want to make it paid select buy now and select the amount so for example if it is twenty dollars twenty rupees whatever symbol you have selected select that option and like this if you want you can select recurring as well but for courses I think you should never select recurring you should always select by now or free now course prerequisites so to get or to enroll in this course you have to complete some other course so you know you can select this option as well you can make this selected and you can select what course we haven't created any course this is the our first course but this is what it means so that if you want to enroll in this course you should have color selected or you should have completed some other course on the website now course points now here if you want to enable point system on your website and to get access to this course a person must have maybe 50 points and after the they complete the course they will get hundred points something like that again I would not recommend you to use it in the beginning obviously you can later on go ahead and enable these features but at the beginning of your career of at the beginning of your website I would recommend you to just make it as simple as possible course access expiration so whenever someone purchases this course after this number of time or after this limit of time it will expire which means for example if you enter thirty days over here after thirty days it will expire and again they will have to purchase it so obviously again not at all recommended now alter course access list so you can if you enable this thing you can I know enter the user IDs of different people and they can get the course for free so for example whenever someone registers on your website you will see them under users so let me open this users in a new tab right now we are the only one we don't have anyone else and whenever you want to see there you you can click on edit now in the URL bar you will see their user ID now for yourself you won't see because you are the admin but whenever some other user registers on your website when you click on edit you will see in the URL bar it will be like one ID is equal to one ID is equal to five or six so if you enter that idea here they don't have to purchase the course they can get it for free okay so that is what it means now course navigation linear or freeform so if you select linear a person has to go through the know section or through the format that you have selected for example they have to say they have to first watch this lesson introductory lesson after that they can move on to developing strategy and without completing the developing strategy they cannot move on to the last section so I would not recommend that I think you should always keep this to freeform so that whenever a person wants to see any course or any lesson in your course they can see that all right so these are the different settings available so you can see that setting and click on update now let us view this course so let's open this in a new tab okay this is how your course would look like you know as you can see all the details everything available over here this is your course this is the material that you have entered at the bottom you have these information if you open this in a new incognito window let's open this a new incognito window okay as you can see not yet unrolled because now when you open a website in a new incognito window your logged out of the website that is why we open it in this window now as you can see when a person when a visitor visits a website it will say that you are not enrolled in this course the course price is 21 $20 you have to log in but once with a login they cannot do anything so will be we'll see later on how we can integrate payment system they can click on material to see the material you know and when they click on intro when they hover over this often they try to click on any one of these content or section it says you don't currently have access to this content because this is a paid course but they can see what all are the different topics and everything so very important thing now let me cut this thing or I guess now we have created the course layout the basic layout now let's see how we can add different content in different lessons and topics for example when you click on introductory lesson as you can see there is nothing over here it's just blank so let's see how we can add some content in a lesson so again we'll come back to the dashboard now under learn - LMS you will see lessons click on that option now let me open a lesson over here so that we can see the content introductory lesson okay as you can see we have a video over here now if you want to let's select this option introductory lesson click on edit now you'll see this page so whatever content you want to add maybe before this video we just have a video here so let's only add a video so click on this plus button and search for video select this video widget now there are four or five different options or there many different options are of uploading a video so if you want to upload maybe if you have only two or three courses nothing more than that okay maybe on your entire website you want to you have only two or three courses so in this case I think you can upload videos on your own server so if you want to upload video on your own server click on upload select the video click on open okay now as you can see it is successfully uploaded if you want you can give some caption so what is this video about so you can do that as well and from the right hand side you can control few things for example whenever someone clicks on this lesson if you want this video to autoplay you can select that if you want this video to be loop maybe which means it will replay if you want this video to be muted by default you can select that as well okay so you can select these options and after that click on update so this is how easy it is to add some content in your lesson if you want to add some option like some text you can click on this plus button select paragraph and you can add some text as well let's go to some other option okay like as you can see we have a we have here some text so if you want to add some text like this you can add some text as well now this is this video is hosted on our server now there are other options as well for hosting your video now the most important one I think the most amazing one is the YouTube unlisted video so what you can do is you can go to your YouTube channel if you don't have a youtube channel or a YouTube account you can create one for free now here you can click on add video upload video and just make sure that the video that you're uploading is unlisted video ok as you can see instead of public just select unlisted video what is a unlisted video is only those person who have the exact link of the video can access this video which means that whenever someone searches on YouTube they cannot see your video they cannot see the video on your channel they must have the exact link of the video only then they can see that video so I think it is very important you can just do the same thing click on plus button search for video click on and select this video click on insert from URL now let me go to any YouTube video of mine now let me select any YouTube video of mine let me select the latest one right click on that video click on copy link address whether it be a you know a unlisted video public video you can do this for every type of video come back over here paste it click on OK or apply and as you can see this is how your video will be embedded so this is another option third option you can do the same thing click on plus search for video ok third option is video so you can go to Vimy or comm alright so you can also host your videos on Vimy or you can see different plans for free also you can host many different videos let's see the pro plan Vimeo Pro click on upgrade so as you can see here also we have different type of plan for different limits of usage so you can select this option whatever you like and for free also you can try it for example I have created a free account and I can upload few videos there is a limit in the free account I don't know what is that limit but if you want you can host your videos on vmu if you want if you don't want to host on youtube and whenever you host a video for example whenever you upload a video again just select this option more more actions or you can just click on copy link select copy video link come back to this page click on insert from URL enter this link click on apply and this will embed that video as you can see this is another option then we have another option Amazon AWS you can just search on Google Amazon AWS s3 ok this is another option again very cheap option to host your videos online Amazon AWS s3 ok whatever it is Amazon AWS s3 so here also you can host your videos for very low price I don't know very surprising but the pricing is very low for hosting and you know seeing your video the pricing is quite cheap so you can host your video here as well and you can similarly do the same thing copy the video url come over here and paste in the video url and embed your video now let's click on update so there are many different options available so this is how you do now we similarly just like the course we also have some settings related to lessons so click on lessons now most of the settings are similar for example as you can see if you want to give some material only for this lesson ok you can select that add that file PDF file word file or you can just enter some text now next option is video progression so if you want a person if you enable this thing you can enter a video so before proceeding further a person has to watch that video as you can see before completed sub steps after completed or maybe after they complete this step they have to watch this video so you know you can do this as well assignment uploads if you if you enable this option for example in this lesson I was talking about something and I have given some assignment to the students and I want them to upload that assignment so that I can check that so you can enable this option so a person or a user who has enrolled in your course they can upload their assignments you can select the file types accepted like you can see PDF XLS zip file file size limit and if they upload an assignment they can get some reward for example this many points ok so you can select that and grading type we use you can select Auto approve or manually grade okay so you can select this as well now let me disable this now forced lesson timer so this thing's says that the lesson cannot be marked as complete and that time set has elapsed so if you select one hour the person has to stay on this course for one hour and after that they this thing will be marked as complete now lesson access settings so this lesson is associated with this course we have already seen that if you want to make this lesson a sample lesson you can enable this iron I think you should enable this or what does this mean is that whenever someone visits your website they will see one they should always have at least one lesson as sample so that they can see the lesson sample and they can decide whether they want to purchase this thing or not so remember we have made this a sample lesson now lesson release schedule so if you want you can schedule your release of lessons if you select immediately the lesson is made available on course enrollment if you select enrollment based the lesson will be available after X number of days and you can enter that number over here so if you want you can select this option as well now click on update now let me do one thing let me again go back to courses copy this course link okay copy link address and let's open this in a new incognito window now when we scroll down again same option we are not yet enrolled in anything but when we hover the second a lesson it says you don't have access you don't have access you don't have access for all these lessons but the first lesson as you can see here we have we have made this a sample lesson so a person can just open this thing they can watch the video and they can you know watch everything they can see the content and they can this has become basically a sample lesson so they can watch this sample lesson and they can decide whether they want to purchase the course or not okay now let's come back let me cut this page alright so we have created course we have created lessons now let's see how we can add some content in a topic very similar option similar to lesson so let's click on topics and we have created three different topics as you can see this topic is assigned to this lesson developing strategy and this lesson is assigned to this course social media marketing so you'll always see these details now let's select the first one steps this is the first topic so click on edit as I said you earlier similar thing you can just click on publish you can the video you can add some content now let's try to add a audio here so let's select audio you can upload our audio I our you can do you can insert from URL so you can embed some SoundCloud or do some other audio as well now I am uploading a audio here ok now as you can see the audio is uploaded and again after that if you want to add some image if you want to add something else you have all the options available over here ok after that maybe if you want to add some you know some text some paragraph let's add this paragraph you can do that as well ok now click on update we also have settings related to topics very much similar setting so if you go to settings as you can see topic material we have already seen this video progression we have seen this assignment upload a topic timer we have seen all these options so nothing special over here click on overview or I guess so with this we have completed the first course now you you won't see that on your website but we will see how to display that course on our website later on now let's go to courses let me show you one thing now if we again click on we just copy the link address and open this in a new incognito window ok let's see what happens so we have seen these multiple times we are not yet enrolled in everything is happening over here now suppose if the person is interested in this course and if they want to purchase this code this course how can they do that because here they don't have any purchase but in any purchase option so let's fix that thing so for that you'll see under LMS you have the settings click on settings now here as you can see we have you can have your accent color you can have your progress color so we are not doing any designing right now we are will be doing that later on but for now you can do one thing you can upload your logo ok and you can enable this thing login and registration ok so we have another will have some other login and registration option now when you scroll down we have some more options I do not want to touch this pagination and rest everything is fine just make sure here this thing is enable login and registration now click on save now go to custom labels so instead of course if you want to say something else so you can do that so wherever it is written code if you open some for example here as you can see it is written course in this search bar in this URL course or courses instead of that course or courses if you want to type something else you can do that as well so custom labels instead of that label if you want to add something else PayPal setting now let's see how we can do very simple PayPal setting now there is another problem if you remember in the WooCommerce setting I have selected Indian rupee but here we have this dollar sign I don't want the dollar sign I want the Indian rupee sign so what I can do I can just change the currency to I n R okay Pay Pal currency a country I n for India my paypal email address and click on save now let's again come back to that incognito window refresh it now as you can see here instead of twenty dollars here it says twenty rupee and now we can we get this option take this course so when you click on that option you will be redirected to PayPal to make the payment and when you come back when you click on login as you can see this is the option that we have enabled let me show you in the general option okay login and registration customize registration enable this is the option that it does if you don't enable this thing it will be very bad let me show you it will the design will be very bad if you if we disable this and click on save if we come back here refresh it and now when we click on login okay now as you can see we have we have this kind of page we don't want this page we always want this thing enable login and registration click on save come back over here again refresh it now again when we click on login now as you can see either you can login or you can click on register ok we have a very beautiful pop-up over here then after that data upgrade whenever you want to upgrade your data you can just select this option in support you will see some information about your website your server and everything if you want to translate your website you can go to translation then after that LMS license we have already seen pro panelized license if you have not entered you can enter under pro panel license ok right here so with this the basic settings are also done now let's see few things that are left for example creating quizzes creating certificates and so on so let's see how we can do that now to create a quiz you will see under LMS setting learn - LMS settings you'll see quizzes click on that now similarly we just have to create a new quiz so you can click on this button or you can click on add new at the top so we click on add your first quiz button now you can name it anything you can give it any title so let me just give it a title of general quiz now similarly the right-hand side you can give it a feature image and everything not necessary you can just click on publish now once you create a quiz you will see this setting options so if you can associate this quiz with a course so we have created this course you can associate this quiz with a course and in that course in what lesson do we want to include this so we I want to include this in developing strategy lesson and in this option in this topic okay the first or maybe in this topic basic investment and social media influencing now again if you want to set some prerequisites for this quiz for example to get this quiz to enter this quiz you have to you know you have to you know select or you have to complete some other quiz you can select that as well now if you want only register users to take this quiz you can select this option now what should be the passing score you can select that and once the person is passed you can create a certificate for them after this we'll see how to create a certificate so once you created a certificate you can select that certificate over here and once the person achieves this percentage they will get this you know certificate now if you want to restrict quiz retakes you can enable this so if you want this quiz to be retaken only five times maximum after that they cannot retake this quiz you can select that retries appliable - what kind of user all users registered users only anonymous users you can select that option as well now question complete completion all question required to complete you can take mark this thing now time limit if you want this quiz to be completed only within five minutes or ten minutes or one hour half an hour you can select that as well now rest all the options are very much similar quiz material order start if you just want to select this thing so whenever someone clicks on this your course social media marketing in whenever someone clicks on that topic it will automatically start this quiz timing will automatically start okay so that is what it does now if you don't take mark this will get a button start quiz when you click on that button after that the quiz will start we'll see how it works now how do you want to display question one at a time or all the questions at once so we can select one at a time and display result after each submitted answer or display result at the end so this one is much better option at the end question do you want to show the question overview table so they can see okay this is the first question next question is related to this and all those things okay they won't see the exact question they will see only the overview of the question okay if they want to give some additional options related to question you can select that for example if they answer the question they will get some point you can enable this and you can number answers and you can do these things but we are not you know getting into that now result message you can enable that so if you want to give them some message for example if the person gets below 25 percentage or they will receive this message maybe like you know you know perform poor do more practice and something like that you can click on more messages you can you know have that option click on a graduation now between this percentage to that percentage for example if they get here you can say zero percentage if they get zero percentage this message will display if they get until 30 percentage maybe you can display this message then a till 50 percentage method below 50 percent is they will receive this message so you can control this thing as well now restart quiz button so if you want to enable this option so they can get an option so even if they have Creek impleaded the quiz they will get a button restart quiz when you when they click on that they can again take the quiz so if you want you can enable this as well custom result display it is by default on you can have average score enabled so at the end of the quiz a person will say what was the average score of the people who who have taken this quiz oh you can display the overall score number of correct answers time spent to complete the quiz in all these things okay if you want to enable you can enable that so in this leaderboard the person can see okay out of all the people who have entered all who have taken this quiz who ranked first to rank second and all those things you can display that you can enable email notifications so that a person or the admin can get email notifications we have some Advanced Settings browser cookie answer production I think it should be enabled and you can add some set timing over here so even if the person for example if the person completed if the quiz was long maybe 200 different questions in one quiz if the person attempted maybe 30 questions and after that they you know they cut the tab they exited the website now when they come back they can again see that they they can still see that 30 answers available and after that they can move on to all the other questions so if you want you can enable that and set the cookie time limit okay so that is what it does alright so once it is completed you can just click on update and once you do this thing once you have created the quizzes again click on quizzes and under this quiz that we have just created general quiz you will see this option questions click on that now we have to create the actual questions that will come under that quiz so let's click on add question and you can give it any title this is for your reference this title will not be shown to the person or through the visitor so I'll just name it question 1 now how many points if they answer it correctly so you can select that now what is the question so maybe the question is what is WordPress now after that you have message with correct answer so if the person selects the correct answer they will see this message if the person selects wrong answer they will see this message you can also give a hint so you can enable that you can type some something so that will be a hint for the answer now what type of answer do you want single choice multiple choice so let's add some options first of all so WordPress is a CMS a content management system so we can add this option CMS we can click on add new answer maybe we can add it's a website it is a website but that would be a wrong and because know the right answer is CMS after that it's a blogging platform now this can also be a right answer because yes WordPress is also a blogging platform so I can select this if I select this option single choice only one answer can be correct if I select multiple choice we can mark two answers as correct and similarly we have different options where is that gone here it is free choice fill in the blanks and all this options so once you add the question and select the perfect or the right answer click on save alright now let's see how this question how this quiz looks like so we'll go back to this course refresh it and let's select we have one quiz over here let's click on that it was under this is the one general quiz click on that now as you can see we have this option start quiz click what is WordPress CMS and a blogging platform click on finish quiz ok results are being recorded ok now as you can see your time was four seconds you have received 1 out of 1 points that is hundred percent okay you can click on click here to race and continue or you can restart the quiz you can click on view questions and all the options are available over here ok so this is how a quiz is created now let's see how our certificate is created so again under LMS learn - LMS will see this option certificates click on that and let's click on add your first certificate or you can click on add new and I'll name it certificate of completion alright now what you have to do is you have to set a featured image and that featured image will be used as your certificate background and on top of that background we can enter some dynamic details for example we don't have to every single time we don't have to enter the person's name and the course name we can make it dynamic we'll see so first let's see how we can get this featured image so the best option to get a featured images to go to and here you can search for certificates let's let it open first okay so it for certificates you'll get an option okay this is the one certificate 29.7 by 21-centimeter select that option now you'll get many different options many different styles available here many different styles as you can see now I would highly recommend you to select the one where you have a lot of space to work with for example if you select this one this is also a good one not bad ok this also is a good one I think this is nice we can use this ok this is also a simple one so just select a something where you have a lot of space to work with all right so I think I should select the first one so this is the one that we are selecting now let's change some content over here so this is this certificate for completion so I'll type in the title so the title is certificate of completion and after that we have we want this text this is awarded too but we want we don't want this text the name because we want to enter this name no dynamically and maybe I don't want this logo at the top so I can delete that I'll bring this thing at the top okay and I'll do one thing I'll cut this text from here I'll add a new text so we can click on add text select this simple text for his outstanding performance of instead of this text what I want to do is for successfully completing completing the course and after that we will dynamically show the course name ok you can also displace date and everything like those options as well now I don't want this so I'll delete it and I'll bring this thing over here at the bottom change this name to my name or your website name or something like that so I'll name my website for example if my website name is LMS dot-com so I'll type in LMS com website whatever and let's bring it a little bit below alright so this looks good this looks decent so we can just click on this option at the top right you will see this option print flyers after that we have this option so click on download and instead of PDF select PNG now select download this file will download so let it download first as you can see the file is downloaded now let's use that file so you have to use that file as your featured image so under featured image we'll click on set featured image upload that file I have also given you this file for practice so you can use that file as well we have just added this one so let me select this click on open now click on set featured image now once you set the featured image just click on publish once you publish this page now if you go to visual you'll see this certificate is now displaying now you can do few things for example you can just use you should do one more thing over here you can upload your signature so for example let me just go ahead signature PNG let me just grab some signature on from internet maybe this one so I just save this image and will upload the image over here click on uploads upload an image okay this is the one click on open now this is the signature let me decrease the size and bring the signature over here it looks good alright now you can save this file that would look much better you must have your signature over here now let's see how we can style this thing so you can enter a few times so that you come down in this blank space now once you come over here click on this option align center and here at the top you'll see this option learn - shortcodes click on that option and search for a user mehta and select user first name click on insert shortcode now give a space ok first click over here then give a space and after that users last name so it will say certificate of completion this is awarded to you know now your shake whatever the first and last name is and after that again enter enter enter enter now come over here again select this option center-aligned and here we want to display the course name so again we'll click on this shortcode go to course information and select course title you can enter you can add the course ID over here so if you go to your dashboard and if you click on courses and if you click on edit if you edit this course you will see at the top post is equal to 15 so 15 is the ID so let's enter 15 oh you click on insert shortcode ok now this might not look good but when you click on update now the only way to see whether or the only way to see whether this thing is working perfectly or not is to complete the course so let me do one thing let me view the course and let's complete that course very quickly so this is the course let's select the first option okay we are in progress I'll mark this as complete maybe have watched all the video we'll move on to second select this option first lesson okay let me first mark this thing as complete as well so similarly whatever thing you are getting just mark everything complete okay now as you can see 57% completed let's see what we have left three topics okay so let's mark these things as company we have completed the quiz already let's complete these things as well click on Mac complete our last one click on Mac complete ok next lesson I think it is hundred percent completed let's click on this option go back to course ok now as you can see it says 100% completed now we should be getting one option download certificate but we haven't you know we have created this certificate right now but we haven't linked that certificate with any course now to do that you can go back to courses select this course click on edit go to settings and here from this course certificate just select the certificate that we just created a certificate of completion and click on update now again when you come back to this page and refresh it now as you can see you have earned a certificate because we have completed this course you can click on download' certificate let's see how it looks now as you can see it is displaying the course title social media marketing but it is not displaying my first name last name so first I'll have to set my first name and last name so I'll go to edit my profile and here as you can see I have not yet set my first and last name now we can go at the bottom click on update now again refresh this page ok now as you can see it is now also displaying my first name last name it is displaying the course title it is quite small so let's increase the size we'll come back to this page what is that corn click on certificates I did this again now we have to repeat the same process you know changing something here and there until we see a perfect structure or a perfect template over here so I'll again go back to visual now I'll select this option and I will increase the size so to increase the size you can select instead of paragraph you can select heading 1 okay and for this course title I want to select heading 3 okay click on update again let's try it refresh it ok now as you can see this size is in increase but it is still looking quite small so we can do one more thing we can come back to this or a text section and here as you can see it says tile is equal to whatever it is after this semicolon type in font - size put a colon and enter something some big number like 180 pixels 180 px ok let's and let's do the same thing copy the same code from here and do it for the course ID ok and decrease the number instead of 180 let's just keep it 80 click on update come over here refresh the page ok now text size is perfect this is also perfect now we just need to get rid of some space so these whatever you see over here NBD SP this is all space non break in space so I just need to get rid of few spaces so let's delete two spaces from here click on update try it again refresh it okay much better now let's delete some space over here as well so below this thing also we need to get rid of two spaces click on update refresh it ok now it looks much better now you can do some more things if you want to change the color of this you can come back over here click on visual and this does not look good at all on visual but you can select this much you can select the color so you can click on toggle toolbar you have the text color select whatever color you like if you like orange whatever color you like you just select that click on update and it should be now orange or whatever color you have selected okay so once you find the perfect option you can just leave this setting to that and now a person can just download this certificate as you can see just like this so this is how a certificate is created and how this is how we link a certificate with any course you want now let's cut all these different pages alright so with this we have done all the basic things now there are few add-ons free add-ons available with learn - so let's see how we can use those add-ons so to use those add-ons you will see at the bottom learn - and under learn - you'll see add-ons click on that now there are few useful ones so we'll be using that first of all we want to use this one learn - course grid so install this one once it is installed you can click on activate plugin now what this plug-in does is if you go to the demo website you can see you it will enable you to display course grids like this okay so it is necessary for us because we want to use this on our home page and also on our all courses page the next one is again we'll go to learn - under learn learn - we'll click on add-ons the next there are many different plugins but I am not getting into most of them if you want to use stripe or for payment you can install stripe for learn - as well click on activate plug-in again come back to the same page we'll learn - add-ons now let's use this one Abu comas fell on - click on install now activate this plugin then we need one more so you can hover the same thing and click on add-ons the last one that I need is this one learn - notifications so I'll install this obviously if you want to install some more you can select that they are also third-party this is learn - inbuilt we have some third-party add-ons as well so if you want those you can click on third-party you will see there are many different third-party add-ons available as well so you can install these as well ok so it all depends on you all right now all the plugins are in successful installed and activated now again hover or LMS and click on settings now we should see one more option over your stripe setting as you can see so if you want to enable stripe you can just go to your stripe dashboard dashboard dot stripe calm let you just have to enter your secret key and publishable key so you'll see you'll see that under developers at the left hand side you have developers and under that you have API keys now I don't want to use the live one so I'll be using the test data so I'll enable this ok because this is only for testing purpose then we click on reveal click on authenticate it will ask you our password after that you can see your publishable key secret key let me copy the publishable key here also i want to enable test mode because i don't want to use the real thing publishable key similarly copy the secret key now currency I'm not putting INR because stripe does not accept Indian rupee it accepts dollars ok so I'll click on update options ok so this is what it does now another add-on that we installed was notifications so if you click on notifications under land and learnt - you can create new notifications and you can send custom notifications to users - you know students to yourself admin for example if you go at the bottom you can trigger our email notification when user enrolls in a group when user in enrolls in a course when user completes the course so when user completes our course whatever course it is you can select all course who receive our mail you can select user you can select group read leader you can also select admin so all three will receive a mail or if you want to receive a mail only for user you can select that option as well so these are the things and whatever you want to enter under this title or under this content whatever should be the mail it you will enter it over here and we have some short codes that you can use for example what is this this is user completes a course so we can use this shortcut for example displays user first name and last name so we can use we can copy this much first name after that we'll copy last name and before this we'll just type in congratulations congratulations and after that it will display their username first name last name so congratulations in a year shake instead of this short code it will display the name okay the first and the last name so congratulations New Year shake and after that for we'll type in for completing the course and let's enter the course shortcode here it is course title so this course and we can also enter the URL of the course many difference so this is how it is done okay with with this much percentage with this much score so all these different URL short codes can be used after that click on publish okay once you create you know whatever notification so this is how this notification option is used all right now let's see whether the payment is working or not so we'll again open this website in fact we'll open this course link let me grab that course link let's go to courses copy this course link open in a new incognito window okay this is how it will look now we we can click on take this course and now we get to option PayPal or credit card so if you click on PayPal you'll be redirected to PayPal if you click on user credit card you'll see this pop-up once you make the payment let's make a dummy payment okay so I'm entering some dummy card details after that and let's also enter the email address after when you click on pay $20 the payment will be made as you can see so this is working fine and after that we can we have the access to this course we can do all the things we can take this course we can enroll in this course and we can do all the things ok so this is working fine now we can cut this thing now let me show you what happens in the demo website ok when you click on login we have this option now in the demo website let me open that now when you select any course for example if you select this course and when you select login to enroll ok this is a free course let's select a premium one or this is the these two are free this is a premium content marketing let's open this one we have this option let it load first here you will see this option take this course when you click on that option you will be redirected to checkout page so here you can get person's first name last name and all the details address and everything so let's see how we can get this thing and how we can design the website now all the things related to learn - are complete and now let's see how to design this website so if you want to design this website first of all as I said you earlier in the beginning of the video we'll use appearance and we'll use a new theme to change the style of the theme so we'll click on add new and we'll search for Astra theme now as Trice a free theme that's a great thing so we'll install and activate this theme and with this theme you also get many pre-made layouts and there is one layout for learn - specially for alone - ok so we'll use that layout we'll see how to use that layouts now click on activate now we have just installed and activated the theme after that again come back to your website and now let's see how it looks now as you can see it looks totally different if you go to course page the course page also looks totally different okay now we will design it much better so we'll go back over here we'll hover over plugins click on add new now under search plug-in search for Astra starter sites you will get this plug-in Astra starter sites by brain storm force install and activate this plug-in now once you activate that plugin you can hover our plugins and click on Astra starter sites now select Elementor because we'll be using element of page builder click on next now here you have to search for learn - so just type in learn now as you can see learn - Academy so let's use this one so whatever you want to import like customizer setting import content import wizard we want to import everything right now so we'll click on import site and this will take few minutes so let's pause this video or I guess as you can see within a minute or two this complete thing is installed now we can click on done visit site now you'll see your website will look exactly like the demo website and it has installed few you know it has installed all the media all the pages for you and you have your this is the one that we created social media marketing and these are the these three are the one which is imported now you can click on all courses you can click on about we have all the different pages available over here now this thing has also imported few plugins for us so let's understand that plug-in first so if you click on plugins you will see two plugins at least I guess let's see now here as you can see a card flows and the other one is WP forms I guess here WP forms light so these are the two plugins that it has installed for us now what does card float do so let us understand that so if you open this this is the one that we created in as you can see when someone clicks on that button that is enroll in this course they get two option either they want to make a payment with paypal or stripe but if you select a card flow for example this one is using card flow content marketing so let's open this one and let me open this in a new incognito window so let's see what happens when we click on take this course so we are redirected to this checkout page and men and this is how a checkout page is designed as you can see top we have secured checkout at the bottom we have few options and when you make the checkout you will be redirected to the Thank You page so that is what this plug-in does so you can control that thing if you don't want that if you just want anyone can come and make a payment with PayPal and stripe you can deactivate this card flows plug-in and if you want to control that you will see an option card flows click on that one flow is already created for you and this is the one which is active right now as you can see they will be first redirected to the checkout page then they will see the thank-you page if you want to edit this thing you can do that so let me show you how we can edit anything so let's start with the home page once you learn how to edit the home page you can also edit these things because this is also made with Elementor so this is our home page now first of all if you want to delete the courses that just got imported you can go to learn - LMS and you can delete those three different courses that we just imported okay these three click on courses okay these three are so you can just click on trash you can just delete them if you want now let's see how to design it so we can click on every single page we'll have this thing at the top edit with element or you can click on that option and let's see how we can change everything from here so first of all this is the title if you want to change this title just click on that here it says learn from industry experts and in instead of this you if you want to change maybe learn from near shake whatever you can just type in this thing if you want to change this second text let me delete this much you can do that as well as you can see now if you click on this option view quads courses this is not redirecting to any page so I want this to be redirected to all courses page so I'll type in all courses and as you can see we get this option all courses page now this will redirect to all courses page now if you want to style it a little bit for example I don't like this blue color I can click on this option edit section I'm just going very quickly over here but if you want to learn in detail how to use element or there are many different tutorials on my channel you can just go to youtube and search for a year shake element or there are many different videos in which I have shown for example this is the perfect example there are many different videos in which I have shown how to use Elementor okay so you can watch these videos now if you want to change the color you can go to style now as you can see there is this image is used in the background if you want if you don't want to use this image you can delete this and if you want to use some other image for example let's use this image or maybe this one some a bigger image okay you want a little bit bigger image okay this one can be used so let's select this one click on insert media now as you can see that image is used in the background and we can change the color click on background overlay and this is the blue color that is used if I want to change this to some red color like this orange color okay orange and green common obviously this looks really bad but I am just showing you that you can do this settings if you want to make it a little bit lighter you can control these things from here you can also change the transparency let's make the orange a little bit less transparent okay so you can control these things I just wanted to show you that you have all the controls similarly if you want to change the color of this instead of this blue color for view courses you can go to style change the text color to maybe black okay now as you can see so this is how it is done if you want to change this image in instead of this if you want to put in your own image click on this image and select some other image of your choice and click on insert media and as you can see that image is changed and instead of this dr. John Smith enter your name or whatever name you want founder and CEO you can change that thing as well if you want to change this just click on that says you can see it is quite easy to change you just click on that thing and change the content now as you can see here instead of build relevant skills if you want to type something else you can type that as well so very easy to do all these changes after that after you make all the changes of your choice you can click on update again come back to your page let's click on exit to dashboard now let's move on to some other page maybe all courses page ok similarly you can do the same settings again then we have the about page same settings again very simple easy to do all the settings and then we have the my account page obviously we cannot get into detail about how these pages are created how to design it I just shown you how to design it or how to change the design of the homepage of it Elementor but again I am saying if you want to learn in detail make sure to watch some other video in which I am focusing more on mentor in this video we are focusing more on learn - plug in okay so that is how it is done I guess I've just noticed that one thing is still missing on our website so let's fix that first first let me explain you what is the thing so if you open our website in a new incognito window now we have this option when you click on this take this course we have already seen you can make a payment with PayPal you can make a payment with credit card I have also shown you in the introduction that you can also do this thing you can have any in this is the demo website when you click on this take this course button you can redirect them to the checkout page and from here they can be redirected to the PayPal or some other pages so let's see how we can do that using cart flow so we have already talked about cart flows let's see how to fix that so we'll come back to the dashboard now the first thing that we need to do is first of all I have already explained I guess but let me just show you again if you click on cart flows you will see one flow is already created for you when you click on edit you will see there are two steps over here so when you when someone clicks on that button they will be redirected to the checkout page when they make the checkout they will be redirected to the Thank You page now to use this process or to use this flow on your course you can do one thing first of all you can open courses let me open these courses in a new tab so for example I want to use that on this course social media marketing by default when you open the social media marketing as you can see this is this social media marketing course this is the default style if you don't use cart flows this is the default style when you click on this see n select a credit card or PayPal it will just make the payment but here suppose we want to use that option so first what we will do is we will create a new product with the same name and the same price so let me edit this course go to settings and let's see what we so we have priced it 20 dollars or 20 rupees so what I'll do is I'll create a new product so I'll hover over products click on or open this add new in a new tab now as you can see the title is social media marketing so we'll copy this same title paste it over here I rest everything you can just leave it blank just under product data select course and the C price should be same so we are entering 20 rupees over here okay and we have to select the related course so this is related to social media marketing course that we have created now you can also enter the image and again make sure to have the same image so here we have this laptop image so let's upload the same image maybe this is the one okay so whatever the images make just just make sure that we have the same image now click on publish now once you create the product this is the first step to create a product the second step is to go to cart flows or edit this flow now edit this checkout layout scroll down and here you have to add that product so we'll click on add new product and that product was social media marketing so we'll search for social you will get this option select that and after that click on update so this was this second step and the third step is to go back to the course which is this page refresh this page now scroll down and instead of buy now select this option closed and here I enter the same price so we have entered 20 and under button URL what you have to enter is lettuce let us see if you open card flows and if you open the card flow setting scroll down you will see this option step base copy this much okay card flows step now come over here first put a forward slash then after that paste in this thing card flow step again put a forward slash and now we have to select the flow that we have created so click on flows now this is the flow that we have created click on edit now select this option checkout and again click on edit now here you'll see permalink and here in the permalink you can see it is your website name slash check out course check out so you have to copy this thing you have to just enter this much course - check out whatever is entered after your website name so if you click on this edit just copy this much okay this section come over here paste in this thing okay so I hope this is cleared you have to select three steps there are three steps first you create a product you add that product under the option under this option okay like oh you select that product the third step is to select that course change the access mode to closed and enter this button URL and again the button URL you will have to first enter this thing slash Cart flows underscore step slash and after that whatever your thing is whatever your permalink is for your checkout you have to enter that so by default it is course checkout so basically if you also import the starter site this is how your link should look like okay once you do this thing click on update now again go back to the incognito window now you can refresh this page scroll down now click on this button take this course and now as you can see you are redirected to this page you are redirected to the checkout page now what we have to do is we have to set up PayPal and whatever payment gateway you want now this is for other reason we have set up PayPal and stripe that was for the default layout and this is another option available to you so if you want to use this option you can just go over here how our WooCommerce and click on settings now click on payments and we have PayPal checkout already enabled or you will have PayPal both the options are fine you make sure you enable any one of these click on manage because at present as you can see we are not we cannot make the payment because it is not fully integrated so we have to come over here we have to enter our PayPal a API username password and signature so you'll get that under PayPal so just go to PayPal calm and here you'll see this options seller tools click on seller tools you will see this link click on that link now besides this API access you will see this update link click on that link now under this you have to select this option NVP soap API integration click on manage API credentials now you'll see all your details so here you simply have to click on show copy this thing from here come back to your WooCommerce settings page and paste it under API username similarly you can just click on show your password in signature I'll have to hide this thing again so I've successfully copied the username password and signature now you can just go at the bottom and click on Save Changes now when you come back to this page in the in this option in the incognito window when you refresh it now we can just make the payment okay you can just click on Pay Pal and you can make the payment so this is how it works now what I would recommend you to do is don't use cart flow or any other thing just use the default option available okay that we have seen earlier because cart flows do you have to do some other steps and so on and so forth but again I just showed you both the options so that you guys can decide what you want to you know integrate on your website all right yes so with this we have completed this tutorial I hope this tutorial was helpful for you I hope you guys learned something new now if you have any doubt any comments any suggestions for me you can leave them in the comment section below if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter I would really appreciate that make sure to subscribe and click on the bell so that you don't miss any future notifications I am always working on many important and useful videos so if you don't want to miss them make sure to subscribe and click on the bell again thanks a lot for watching guys now see you in the next video
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 93,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an online course website, wordpress lms, how to create an online course with wordpress, how to make an online course website with wordpress, how to create an online course wordpress, how to create an online course, learndash lms wordpress plugin, learndash, learndash tutorial, wordpress, lms, online course, how to make a website like udemy, how to make a website like skillshare
Id: 8_Ha3SlInAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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