How To Create an Online Course Website with WordPress & Tutor LMS (2024)

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welcome back to the channel party people my name is daryl wilson today in this video i'll be showing you guys how to create an online course website or an lms website to power online universities or schools with wordpress the online course industry is growing udemy reported the top 10 instructors make a net worth of 17 million dollars a year global newswire estimates that the online education industry will be worth 319 billion dollars by 2025 making it one of the highest revenue opportunity possible for young entrepreneurs in today's digital era you have access to successful entrepreneurs with a proven track record of success like how to cook like a professional with gordon ramsay yoga with adrian who offers a series of yoga courses samuel l jackson who will teach you how to act in movies and daniel negroni who will teach you how to play poker like a professional today many people would rather learn something from these professionals or their favorite influencer and get the secrets to their success versus traditional methods and they're willing to pay for it so if you have something you want to teach or offer an online course website is perfect and it's not just online courses many online universities have started to pop up in the country many new schools have decided to dedicate themselves to teach students online only for example is an online school their programs range from kindergarten middle school all the way to high school and college preparatory they even have a dedicated online course for individuals like private sessions and one-on-one private tutoring there is also the florida virtual school which offers quality education to elementary middle school and high school students and don't be shy if you're confident in your teaching ability you can be successful here's some unique online education ideas iap college offers courses and certificates for people who want to learn how to correctly walk their dogs offers a variety of courses on how to be a professional gamer they offer courses on league of legends super smash brothers and rocket league and where they'll teach you to play the guitar like a professional i will also show you how to create sales funnels for your courses to focus on conversions now we're going to build your online course website with wordpress using a drag and drop builder so even if this is your first time making a website you'll have no problem in today's digital era i think a lot of people would rather learn from successful entrepreneurs or business people or who are already successful in those fields versus going to like a traditional school and learning it that way there's virtually no limit on what you can teach others and make money at the same time a lot of schools have also dedicated themselves strictly to teaching online so i think you can see a lot of schools moving in that direction but first let me show you guys the websites and let me just show you guys around and show you what we're gonna be making today in this video alright so here's the lms website that i'll be showing you guys how to make today in this video you guys will also get several free starter demo kits that we have created for you guys all for free just for following along in this wordpress tutorial and i will talk a little bit more about these templates a little bit later in this video so here we go we have a general image about our lms website and we have this message and also where users can click on this and go directly to enroll in courses let's go ahead and just take a quick look at this website we have some just general you know images and just information about our courses like a photography course so you guys can be selling anything right you can have a yoga course a workout course or you guys can turn this into a full-fledged university course website if you guys choose to do that here are our featured courses right so we have how to lose weight a perfect diet plan and a nutrition course so i'm going to go ahead and click on one of these courses all right so here we go we have the title of the course we have the ratings of the course and we also have categories right so if you want to create categories such as health and fitness or math or english you guys can create courses i'm sorry categories for your uh courses as well and this would be like an introduction video right so maybe you want to explain to them what they're going to learn in this course you guys can link a youtube video or a vimeo just explaining what they're going to learn inside of the course and if we keep scrolling down here we have the course information this is just a brief little overview about what they will learn in the course or you know just a little bit about the course we have the curriculum so you can choose to show the curriculum now this is optional you don't have to show this but if you choose to you can show the curriculum also we have reviews as well now again reviews are optional so you can enable or disable this feature at any time and then we also do have questions and answers about the course itself all right and if we keep scrolling down here we have a little bit more information about what they will learn in the course so fundamentals of healthy dieting build more muscle etc and then we have the instructor now your instructors can also receive ratings you guys can also have more than one instructor teach a course together if they choose to do that uh with this website and then we have the number of students the number of courses and a rating for the actual instructor and on the right side we do have a little bit more information so we have the audience so like who should enroll in this course we have tags we have requirements right now you guys can also create prerequisites that means you can have people take one course before they take another and i'll talk more about that a little bit later in this video here we have materials uh included so like let's say for example they enroll in the course you can say all right you get this you get this and in this and so on and so forth and then we have a little bit more information like the level of the course so you can tell people this is for beginners intermediate or advanced and the duration and also the last updated and if they get a really cool certificate and on the right side they can go ahead and enroll in the course or if they have completed it they can complete the course and get their little cute certificates so let's go ahead and first enroll in the course and i'll give you guys a brief overview about how the students will enroll in courses all right so i am in the first lesson right here on the left side and right here i can just click on play so you can actually create uh youtube videos or video videos and give them little like lessons and stuff like that if you choose to do that and below that here we also do have a little bit more information like the overview about what's inside the course you guys can also allow attachments or you can accept attachments from your students so you guys can also assign assignments where users will have to fill out information and give it to you and i'll cover that in the video as well so once they have completed this little this one lesson they can actually click on this arrow right here and they can mark it as completes and they will go to the second lesson right here so now we are on long term losing weights we have this image right here and then we also have a little overview about that so here you can just put more information about the lesson you can you know explain to them what to do or you can put whatever you want you guys can put images here or videos if you choose to do that and once that's done we'll click on this little arrow which brings us to the next lesson quiz time all right we can have quizzes on our lms websites here you guys can see i did have uh quite a bit of quizzes now there's a lot of options for quizzes you guys can actually limit the amount of quizzes attempts users can take you can have one only or two or three there's a lot of options there so i'll cover more of that in the video but let's go ahead and click on start quiz here i'll go ahead and start a quiz let's do this what is the best time to lose weight uh daytime right submit quiz all right correct answer okay cool so uh now that we have uh put in the correct answer it now tells us that we have passed the actual uh quiz pretty cool let's go ahead and move on to the next section so here we actually finish the quiz right and we have at home workout assignments so we can go ahead and submit assignments to the school now once you guys submit the assignments it will then be pending for the instructor so the instructor will have to look at it they will also have to grade it and let them know if they passed or how many points they get for the actual assignments you guys can also edit your assignment here as well and i believe there is an option where you can actually restrict that from students if you choose to do that for your lms websites and here would be like the actual like assignment right like uh tell me about this or tell me about that and they'll have to like write a paper and submit it to you on your course websites on the left side right here we have best foods to eat now this is just an option right here so you can actually just create like some sort of little note for students you know it's not necessarily a lesson but they can hover over this and they can see whatever you want to tell them before they go on to the next lesson so maybe here you can put like before you go on read this and you know something like that you know it's your website whatever you want to do you know knock yourself out but uh we'll go ahead and go to the best workouts and go to chest workout so this would be like the next lesson right so just the same thing we can have an image a video just some information we can actually have attachments or not have attachments here i'll click on next and that's pretty much it and at this point we are 100 done with the course all right awesome so this can be like a thank you or like congratulations for finishing the course or something like that uh once the student is done they can click on this little x arrow and they can view their certificates so we have created certificates for all of our students and look at that how awesome we have this certificate that we have issued to the students saying they have completed the course your students can also download this as a jpeg or a pdf they can also copy this url as well or they can print it from their computer now every student will also have their own personal custom dashboard so right here we have this little dashboard right so this is um this is for the students they can see their profile enrolled courses all this information right here but let's first just go ahead and click on dashboard all right so this is the students dashboard now here we have just some general information right they have the enrolled courses completed courses the total students and the total courses now this can also be from an instructor's point of view as well so as of right now i'm acting both as the instructor and the student however instructors and students will both have their own personal custom dashboard where they can access their courses and update them at any time but uh you guys can kind of get an idea here so we have like the profile enrolled courses now any student that's enrolled in a course they can click on enrolled course and they can continue to learn the course or they can pick up where they left off at and if they have completed the course they can go ahead and download their certificate right here at any time all right pretty cool if they have wish listed courses uh you know you could have uh wishlist courses uh also reviews here as well you guys can uh add in you guys can see your reviews you can also see your quiz attempts so if the student has um attempted some quizzes they can see their attempts here their order history their questions and answers their calendar and all this good stuff right here so again this is from the students point of view and here we actually have the instructor's point of view as well so the instructor can actually update their courses if they want to change the price they can adjust the price for their course they can also create announcements for their students they can ask for withdrawals so once a teacher has generated enough money he can then request a withdrawal from you and you can pay the teacher right here from the actual back end here we have the quiz attempts they can see the assignments they can also have zoom sessions as well i will be covering how to integrate your website with zoom in this tutorial as well however i just want to be very upfront that this is a pro feature but i will walk you guys through on how to integrate zoom with your lms websites and then they can adjust their certificates and also see their analytics as an instructor so it's a very convenient dashboard it works really well for students and also instructors and if the instructors want to start a brand new course they can go ahead right here and click on create a new course so now let me go ahead and walk you guys through on how to create a course and also if you choose to have instructors create a course how they can create courses on your lms websites now first let's talk about how to create a course right it's really simple now this is how you would create a course and if you invited other instructors to teach on your website this is exactly how they would create courses on your website if you choose to have that option uh right here we'll do like a lose weight course right and then just give some general description about the actual course right so just general description now let me go ahead and just show you guys a course that has already completed just to give you guys a better feel of how all this works so right here we have this other course and this is the course title right we have about the course we have some general information so you can set the difficulty level right here saying beginner make this public meaning anyone you know anyone can just take the course right they don't have to register or nothing we also have content drip this is basically saying i want to have bits and parts of the courses available so if you want to have it available on x days or on certain days or unlock this after prerequisites we can enable that right here we can also choose categories we can create a course price right now it's free but we can also charge for this course so now the course would be 250 dollars i'll show you guys how to integrate several payment gateways as well in this video uh and all those payment gateways are free as well i want to make that very clear here we have the course thumbnail so this is the actual image that represents the course we have the course introduction video which is the video that you first saw when you clicked on the course and then here we have the course builder it's really simple to to to do all this so let's say for example you guys want to add like a new topic right here we have one topic and then we have lessons we have a quiz and then we have an assignment in this topic right so i'll just go ahead and click on add a new topic and this will be foods to avoid right foods to avoid and this is about foods to avoid right and i'll add this topic and within this topic you can add lessons quizzes assignments or live zoom sessions so let's just keep it very basic right i'll just you know put a lesson right here so um foods to eat when dieting right when dieting i i don't know guys i'm just i'm just making this up as i go along and this is demo content and below that we have the featured image we have a video if you choose to do that we can also set when we want the video to start which is really cool so let's say for example you want to link them to a youtube video but the information is not until like seven or eight minutes later you guys can actually set the timestamp of when you want that video to start if you guys choose to have the content drip settings we can choose to unlock this at a specific dates we can enable attachments and also enable course preview meaning people can have a quick sneak peek at the websites but later they'll have to pay or enroll in the course and that's pretty much it and below that we have instructors now this is again a pro feature so again this is a free plugin but there are some bits and parts of this that are in the pro version but if you want to have multiple instructors teaching a course we can add multiple instructors to teach this course here we can create a live zoom session and we can upload attachments where users can download those attachments and then here we have what i will learn the target audience how long the course will be the material is included and you guys can add anything you want we have the requirements and instructions tags and also prerequisites and below that we have these really nice certificates which we can pick from now what's really cool as well is that i'll also show you guys how to create a custom certificate as well exclusively for your school there is a certificate builder and i'll be showing you guys how to use that a little bit later in the video and once you guys are done you'll just click on publish course and that's it the course has been published and now students can now enroll in the course it's pretty simple right and here's a quick little overview about this builder this builder is called elementor and it's the leading page builder for wordpress and you would just type in whatever you want so welcome to my new school and we can scroll down and on the left side right here we have elements and you can take these elements and just drag and drop them onto the page so for example i'll take this button drag it there and i can do that again with this button i'll put it on top of this image right here i can duplicate this and i can also drag and drop it and then also if you do have your own images you can take your images right here and drag it right there and then you can simply upload the image so i'll go ahead and choose an image here i'll just pick this phone and there it is so there's the image and as you guys can see this looks pretty terrible but not to worry we'll make it look really good i'm just demonstrating that this is a drag and drop builder so even if this is your first time making a website you'll have no problem so i hope you guys like what you guys saw this is a really easy website to make i'll walk you guys through on how to make it we're going to use free plugins and of course we do have free starter templates for you guys that look great in fact this is the latest one really nice you know we actually hired one of the best designers in the world to give you guys these templates all for free and you guys can simply just go ahead and slap these on your website you guys can adjust the text you guys can change the images you know to fit your criteria for your lms websites this actually does have several home pages here as well so it has home page one home page two and home page three and all pages are very unique right so um they're all different they're not all the same as well so we did put in a lot of work for all these template kits and we do have tons of other pages so we do have uh quite a bit of pages for all of you guys we have various homepages it's going to be a great tutorial so make sure to stick around like this video and with that said let's go ahead and get started and create your lms website with wordpress so we are going to build your online course website in five simple steps in step one i'll show you how to get your domain and hosting a domain is the web address for your website like and web hosting keeps your website online 24 hours a day in step two i'll show you how to import a starter template and then design the website we will first start out with a starter template and get you more comfortable with the websites and then later i'll introduce you to more templates with different niches so it doesn't matter what you're trying to sell or offer there's probably a template for your industry in step 3 we will install a free online course plugin we will be using a free plugin called tutor lms with this plugin this will allow you to turn your basic websites into an online university or an online course website and step 4 i'll introduce you to the pro version we will be using a free plugin to build our website however the plugin also does offer a pro version in this section i'll walk you through how to fully utilize the plugin and get the most out of your online course websites i also do have an exclusive discount that you guys will only find on this youtube channel and step 5 the website overview after you guys get a good understanding of how to design the website and use the plugin i'll then show you how to import starter websites and also give you guys an exclusive template from my website i'll also give you additional resources and more information about how to manage online courses now there is a link in the description of this video and this will take you to step one which is to purchase your domain and web hosting and welcome to name now i'm recommending for years and people love it uh this week alone i've had zero downtime with name hero so you guys will have a reliable website and also my websites load at under one second with name hero so we do test these servers to make sure that you guys do get the best web hosting possible now once you guys are here you'll click on get started now and then it'll bring you to four different pricing options so we have the starter cloud the plus cloud the turbo cloud and the business cloud now i personally recommend the plus cloud if you guys are just getting started out like you're just getting your feet wet for the very first time but for those of you who have been using wordpress for a while and you want to upgrade and get some more performance i would definitely go with the turbo cloud because with the turbo cloud you guys do get the new nvme storage which does just give you a little bit more performance with your website so you'll go ahead and pick a package that works best for you and your budget and then once you guys uh figure your package out you're going to click on order now all right and here you're going to enter in your domain name so this is the name of your new website so uh or you know or whatever whatever niche that you're building you'll go ahead and put it here so i'll just put it in tutorial domain one dot com and see if that's available all right cool it's available now i know it takes time to figure out the domain of your website so you know give it some time you know it does take some thoughts for your new websites once you guys figure it out you guys will click on continue alright cool so next we have the billing cycle and we have three years two years and one year now personally i'd recommend one year you guys do get a large discount and this does give you enough time to decide if this is for you or not however if you guys are feeling very confident i would recommend going with the two or three year plan you guys do get the deal the longer you sign up for so it really depends on your budget but once you guys select a billing cycle we'll scroll down and i don't recommend any of these upsells personally you can do this with free plug-ins so yeah you guys don't need those and then we do get a free ssl with name hero so that's pretty cool uh once you guys select your billing cycle we will then click on continue all right next we have the domain configuration now i personally recommend the id protection guys this will protect your personal information from spammers and people trying to sell you seo packages and viagra and all sorts of nonsense whenever you guys get those weird emails in your inbox it's generally because they found your domain online so this will actually protect you so you don't get spam in your inbox so go ahead and click on id protection and then click on continue and look at that for a year of hosting you're paying less than a hundred dollars you're paying only 70 bucks you guys can also go the cheaper routes and get the cheaper plan if you're on a really tight budgets but i think this is a great deal for web hosting for the entire year for this specific performance so you guys are getting a reliable and a fast server for this price so it's definitely worth it so go ahead and scroll down just keeps growing now you're going to go ahead and fill out your billing information here so your first name your last name additional information you'll put in your password and also a support pin so this would be the pin that uh they would use to verify that it's you and then also we have a payment method so you can pay with paypal coinbase which is cryptocurrency and credit card here you'll go ahead and put in your payment details and if you guys do want to get their spam or their emails they actually send some pretty good emails guys i'm not going to lie they have some cool promotional offers you'll go ahead and check that box and then you'll of course uh agree to their terms of service right i'm sure you guys are all gonna read uh this here right you guys are all gonna read this i don't think anyone ever reads any of this stuff but uh yeah you'll go ahead and uh check the terms of service and once you guys have checked out i will meet you guys in the customer portal all right and welcome to your new dashboard so this is your current dashboard as you guys can see i had many different packages many domains and i also have tickets with name hero and they really helped me out with all of my problems so this is just your interface on the left side you can see your hosting packages these are your current domains you can always register a new domain also billing so if you want to see your payments or you want to add funds or you want to adjust your payment methods you can do that here and also the support so if you guys run into something weird i know with websites things just kind of get weird sometimes you guys can always open a ticket here and they will help you out with all of your problems and they are pretty fast i mean i think maybe under one hour they can help you guys with all your problems so once you guys are here let's go ahead and install wordpress onto our new domain you'll first click on my cloud now here we have hosting packages now you should probably only have one here so just go ahead and click on your hosting package and next we're going to see this login to cpanel go ahead and click on log into cpanel all right cool so now we're going to go ahead and install wordpress onto our domain so up here we'll type in wordpress here we go we have wordpress manager by softaculous we'll click on this all right and from here we're going to install wordpress you guys can see i have many installations of wordpress already but right here you'll click on install and now we're going to look for the domain that we purchased so right here you have the choose domain section so you'll probably see your domain that you purchased i'll just go ahead and select this one but you're going to select the domain that you purchased and for the protocol make sure this is https which is the ssl now for in directory make sure nothing is here all right i don't know why that's there by default but oops whoops but make sure nothing is there because that will install your domain onto like something and you don't want that there yeah just don't have that there make sure that's make sure that's empty now for the admin username go ahead and give yourself an admin username and a password and this is what we are going to use to log into the website so whenever you want to build your website you're going to use these login credentials so make sure you write these down i'll just put admin never put past guys uh make sure this is something unique i'll just put paddywhack and your admin email make sure that this is an email that you have access to because when you forget your password they will send this information to your email so i'll put in my my gmail account here my famous pc order which i do get tons of spam and below that you can always select your language we can always adjust the language as well inside the wordpress dashboard and i'll show you how to do that in just a bit and we're going to keep scrolling down here to the bottom they have these other themes they want us to use but we're not going to use these and right here you'll click on install yeah they said three to four minutes that was not three to four minutes right now here we have installed wordpress and this is the administrative url administrative url so just go ahead and click on this link and this will log you in to your website all right and this is your new wordpress dashboard this is where all the magic happens now if you want to see what your website looks like right now at the top left you'll click on visit site and this is your new current wordpress website so it's using a default wordpress theme uh not to worry we're gonna make it look really good all right cool so now you guys got your domain and hosting now let's go on to step two which we are now going to import a starter templates so in this part of the video we're going to import starter templates i'll get you guys comfortable with the builder i'll show you how to manage your web science and then after that i'll show you how to add courses to your website you guys ready let's get started so let's go back to our dashboard here now before we go ahead and start designing the website i first want to adjust some of the general settings so over here we have the users uh let's go ahead and click on profile now the first thing was we can change the background color here i do like midnights i feel like this is a lot easier on the eye and it's easier to see stuff but there's also modern and there's also sunrise and there's coffee which is really ugly and there's also ocean which is just as ugly so we're going to go to midnight and now we're gonna scroll down here and this is the email that you guys will um put in here that you have access to so if you guys do forget your password this is where your wordpress password will be sent to so make sure you have access to this specific uh email and then we'll scroll down and if you guys do want to change your password over here you can click on set new password and then you can set a new password to log into your wordpress websites and then once you're done with all that we'll then click on update profile alright cool now over here we're going to go to settings and click on general now i'm just going to introduce some of these general settings really quick so if you guys do want to adjust the site language in the back end of your wordpress website over here under site language you can change this to pretty much any language i think they have like every language in the world it's pretty crazy i don't even know i don't even know what a lot of these are you know and they also have different dialects and stuff like that so it's really cool so you can go ahead and select your language there you can adjust the date format and also the time format if you choose to do that and then once that's done you'll click on save changes all right now on the left side also under settings you're going to see this permalinks option go ahead and click on permalinks and for the common settings you're going to change this to post name now the reason why we do this is because when you go to a website it says like about us right or dash contact us so this is where uh post name is useful and it's also the correct method for seo purposes these other permalink settings are really ugly they're really confusing and it's just it's just unnecessary i mean this one shows the date like why would you want to show the date you know so all right let's go ahead and go down here and click on save changes all right and now let's go back and click on dashboard so now let me go ahead and show you guys how you can log in and log out of your wordpress website so you can pretty much work on your website from any location i'll go ahead and go over here and click on logouts i'll then get rid of all this permalink up here and press enter so this would be your domain right so this is your current domain you'll go to your domain and then you'll type in dash wp admin and then press enter you'll then go ahead and put in your username or the email that you guys use sign up with wordpress along with your password and once you enter all that information you'll then click on login and that's it that's how you guys can log in and log out of your wordpress website all right cool so you guys got your domain and hosting and we went through the general settings now in this next section i'll be walking you guys through how to import a demo website and then we'll go ahead and build a website using a drag and drop builder you guys ready let's get started all right and the next thing that we're going to do is that we are now going to install a wordpress theme so over here we have appearance and we're going to click on themes and up here we're going to click on add new now before we install a wordpress theme i quickly want to explain what a wordpress theme is and what it does first let's talk about what is a wordpress theme every website you make with wordpress requires a specific wordpress theme without getting too techy a wordpress theme is a general style and layout of your current website each wordpress theme has different options in the theme customizer the options can range from a header and a footer builder different blog post layouts controlling the width of your website like a blocks or a full width or specific ecommerce features like product layouts or different shop page layouts a wordpress theme generally controls the layout and style of your current wordpress website a wordpress theme does not build the website itself but it's more of an outside shell for the page builders and a starting point to build your wordpress website feel free to check out many of the wordpress themes to find a style that fits for you and your wordpress website so wordpress theme generally controls the style and the layout of your website so every single theme has different features right one theme might offer a different menu style another one might offer different animations for certain icons and the list goes on now all these themes are completely free i do also have a video that talks about like the best wordpress themes but for this specific website that we're making we're going to select a specific theme that's created by the plugin developer so over here under search themes go ahead and type in tutor t-u-t-o-r right and we're gonna scroll down here and we are gonna select the tutor starter so go ahead and click on install and then you'll click on activate now for those of you who use like another theme that i recommended like astra or bloxy you guys can use other themes with this plugin however this theme automatically imports all of the plugins and the starter demo to make things really easy so i'll go ahead and walk you guys through on how to install the demo contents and then i'll show you guys which plugins we're going to be using so it doesn't matter what theme that you're using you guys can follow along in this video all right so right here it's saying begin installing plugin which is called tutormate this essentially allows us to use the demo websites right so right here we'll click on install and then we'll go to return to required plugin installer and then we'll click on activate all right cool here i'll click on return to the dashboard now on the left side you guys are going to notice that we have this new little icon right here that says tutor starter and here we have general and we have starter websites go ahead and click on starter sites all right here we go so we have four different layouts that we can pick from we have a single course an instructor a marketplace or a university so these are just starter demos just to help you guys get started out but we're going to select this university one right here so right here you'll click on import and now it's going to ask which preferred page builder oh we select elementor gutenberg is still not ready yet it's really not really not closed yet but uh here are the required plugins right so we have to install the page builder which is elementor tutor lms which is the actual plugin that turns this website into an lms plugin woocommerce which allows us to accept payments on our websites and tutor lms elementor add-ons which is just a little bit more features and stuff for your website i'll walk you guys through on where to find these plugins in the next section but for now just go ahead and click on import now all right cool so just go ahead and wait like just wait like a minute guys it's it's it's uh importing all the demo contents onto your wordpress website alright so the import has been successful right here i'll click on view your sites and look at that we have a new brand new pre-made website that we have imported with one click and we can go ahead and snoop around here and we can you know just make sure everything looks good right we have our featured courses uh we have just a little bit more demo contents and we have our footer at the end and everything looks great all right so before i go ahead and talk about the plugin let me give you guys a quick 10 minute overview about how to make pages and how to use this page builder for those of you who already know you guys can go ahead and skip to the next section but for my new viewers let's go ahead and run this through really quick right now whenever you guys want to make changes to your website right here you'll click on edit with elementor elementor is the plugin that we use to build out our website right so this is where you can make changes like fonts and colors and all that stuff but when you first try to use elementor it's going to ask you to create a kit so right here go ahead and click on recreate kit this is standard for all of the new sites with this theme but right here you'll click on recreate kits and then click on save changes alright now one more time let's go back to uh visit site here and let's click on edit with elementor all right so this is how the page builder works right on the left side we have a bunch of different elements and you can drag and drop these elements onto the actual page right so i'll go ahead and scroll up right here and let's say for example you want to drag in an image right so i'll just go ahead and drag and drop an image right here and then i will choose the image now you guys can actually upload your own images right here onto your wordpress websites but the demo content does give us a media library and they do give us some sample images that we can use to you know just mess around with and stuff like that so i'll go ahead and just put in this picture right here and insert media and there is the actual uh you know there's the image now to get the elements back we'll click on these little score icons and we can keep dragging and dropping elements right so maybe you want a button right here you see where that little blue line is we'll just drop it right there now the content tab for every element controls the actual content within the element so this is the text right so by this we can put the link right we can change the alignments of the button we can change the actual size and also add an icon to that button if we choose to do that right so i can put a little bell and now there's this little bell right there right now the style tab this controls the actual topography the text shadow and the color of the button so for example if i want to change this to something like uh you know pink or something or whatever i can do that there also it contains a topography maybe you are using one topography i like to use uh poppins that's my go-to font there we go poppins and i do like poppins bold i think pop it's bold looks really friendly right and you guys can also adjust other options right there and stuff like that now the advanced tab essentially controls the space of the actual um button you guys can also use motion effects which gives it a little bit more animations so we can do like fade in right or we can do slide in down i like sliding down i'm actually a big fan of that one or rotate in oh that is really ugly just don't go too crazy with this guys all right don't don't get too crazy your website can look really terrible really fast so just uh just calm down you know to calm down just don't don't get crazy with all those animations because it'll make you sick if you keep adding those in everywhere right but uh let's say for example you want to add in a new section right here i'll go ahead and click on this plus and click on this little plus icon here we can select specific columns right so i'll select three columns right and i'll click back on these little score icons and i'll drag in elements so we have a text editor right and then here obviously you you can add more text and for the style tab you guys can adjust the color to topography and the alignment as well so maybe you want this like darker right now let's go ahead and add in some more icons so here i'll drag in this button and then maybe i will also drag in this image right and then we'll put an image of i don't know someone happy here these guys don't look too happy well she looks a little happy like she it's like she almost made it you know but yeah we'll just add her there we go so we added in this woman right now we can also just duplicate this right so if you don't want to do all this all over again on the right-click option oops right-click you do have some more options right we can duplicate this we can copy this but i'll just go ahead and duplicate this section right and we can duplicate that again right and i don't want these right now so i'll go ahead and right click and delete these columns over here right click and delete these now let me go and talk to you guys about the advanced options really quick so i'm going to click on these little six dots right here and here we can adjust the actual section right so we can give it more space right we can make it full width right or we can adjust the width right so we can make this however big we want it to be right or we can just stretch the section all the way across the screen right we can just like make it like you know all the way to the tips right but uh i'm just going to go ahead and leave it like that right now let's say for example i want to add space you know because see how this lady's just too close to this top image right here maybe i want to add just a little space so under the advanced tab i'm going to add padding so uncheck this little link right here and i'm going to add some padding to the top see how we're creating space right there right got it and i'll put it at 80. and also maybe you want to add padding to the bottom right there right or actually that's kind of fine but you can see we can add padding to this the bottom right there right and that looks good and once you guys make changes that you guys like on the bottom right here you'll click on update all right so now let's talk about how to make pages and then we'll talk about how to assign those to our menu so you see oh you have pages up here this was all created with the demo content however you guys might want to make pages by yourself right so let's do that up here under plus new i'll click on page and this can be something like your uh i don't know your your uh my instructors page right my instructors page and then i'll click on publish and publish next i'll click on edit with elementor and this will essentially let me build the page with the actual page builder i think it's both instructors wrong whatever it's all good and here you guys can just go ahead and build your page just the way you did normally like on the home page right i'll just go ahead and do this really quick with the power of video editing all right how about that okay so i just kind of made this really quick from scratch i'll just go ahead and update this right so i just made a little quick little preview of our instructors something very basic you know these buttons are pretty ugly but you guys get the point right so i have created a new page uh called our instructors now let's go ahead and assign this to our menu let's go ahead and go back to exit to dashboard and here i'll click on this little uh it's supposed to be a wordpress icon looks like it's kind of glitched or bugged out or something like that i have no idea what happened there over here under appearance we'll click on menus now the tutor lms plugin it does actually create a footer for us and also a primary menu menu for us as well so right here i'll click on primary and click on select so the view all section will display all the pages that are created for your specific website but right here i'll click on most recent and this was the actual page that i created so i'll just click on add new right and there is my instructors page so once that's done i'll go ahead and click on save menu alright now let's click on visit sites i'll refresh this page and there you go we have my instructors page you guys can see it's been added to the menu so let's click on my instructor's page and then it brings us to the page that we created with all of our instructors right pretty cool now one more thing we might want to assign a specific page to be our home page right so let's do that now also i want to add the home page to this specific menu right you always want to add a home page right so right here i'll click on view all and university is what they named the home page for the demo content so i'm going to click on university and add this to the menu but i don't want this to be called university right so let's change the name of this page right here this little drop down menu and i'll just call this home right i just want this to be the home page we don't need a no we don't we don't need to be university right so i'll click on save menu and now let's go ahead and visit the sites all right cool so we have the home page has been added to the menu and also the my instructors page has also been added to the menu so that's pretty easy right now let's say for example you created a new home page and you want to assign that home page to be the home page maybe you want the instructor page to be the home page right so how do you assign the page to go to the first page that visitors are brought to let me go ahead and show you guys up here we'll click on theme customizer now the theme customizer essentially controls a lot of the header and the footer of your website so just a quick little example uh the starter options panel for like the colors this is where you guys can adjust like the colors of the stuff on your menu you guys can also change like the layouts if you want it like a box or full width you guys can also adjust the header here they do have various header styles to pick from you guys can just click on this and then your header will change accordingly right but uh i'll just go ahead and leave this as the default i don't want to get too uh i don't want to dive too much into the theme customizer just yet but uh here you can also put your logo right so you can change the logo so if you guys have a logo for your website you guys can add the logo there and there's just a lot of other various styling options you guys can go through like for example the cart color or the background color or you guys can even take out that button right there so if you don't want that to show you can just disable that as well but uh yeah so this is where you can style the actual uh menu right here on your own free time feel free to go through the colors the layouts and also all of the stuff to adjust the websites to your liking but i first want to go ahead and assign the home page as my home page right so for the home page settings uh here i'll go ahead and select the actual page which was i think it was my instructor's page right so let's say for example this is what you want to be your home page you would just select whatever page you want there right but i want to go ahead and select the actual university which i did rename homepage to be our home page right so this is the home page that i want once you guys select the home page you'll go ahead and click on publish all right pretty cool i just want to make that very clear all right let's go ahead and exit out of this theme customizer now so now really quickly i want to go ahead and change this home page to the current home page that i showed you guys in the beginning of this video it's really simple i'll walk you guys through it and by the end of this you guys will be a little bit more professional with elementor so right here let's click on edit with elementor and this is going to take about like a few seconds we're going to go ahead and delete this box right here delete that and now i want to center align this right so i'm going to click on this and under the alignments i'm going to center this for this text here i'm also going to center align this and for this button here i am also going to center align this now you guys might also notice here that when i hover over this this turns blue i want to go ahead and change it so it's always blue so over here under the style we'll go ahead and under normal the text color i want that to be white so now you see the text color is white but now i want to change the background color to something like blue right so now it's this blue color where it looks just like the actual color when we hover over it right so that makes a lot of sense now also right here i want to add in this little divider module right here so let's go back to elements and i'm going to take this divider module and i'm going to drag it right there and drop it i'm now going to reduce the width of this but we really can't see it that much you see how it's black so let's change this color to white so under the style i'm going to change this color to white right and i also want to make it just a little bit bigger so let's just make this like i don't know 2.0 or something what do you guys think 2.0 and for the contents i want to make sure this is centered and i want to reduce this just a little bit more so that looks a little bit better now one thing i do want to actually reduce the space right so to do that it's really simple just go ahead and click on little divider under the style we're now going to reduce the gap you see how it's now reducing the gap and there you go now the last thing that i want to do is i want to make this full width right so you notice here how this is not full width however this one here is full width to do that let's just go ahead and open this up and i want to right click on this little background and click on edit section right so i'm essentially clicking on those little dots up there but when you hover over it disappears because that's part of the menu and i just want to make sure that the height is fit to screen just like that now all i need to do is change the background image so i'm going to go ahead and edit this section under the style here is the image right so you can add an image of anything right you can add an image of yourself of you know of your school but i'm gonna go ahead and upload that image that i use for the other website all right so i went ahead and i uploaded it i will also leave this image for you guys in the description of this video and i'll just click on insert media and we're done so that was pretty fast pretty simple and we made a really nice looking homepage in about a few seconds so that's how i recreated uh that home page from the actual demo so now that i showed you guys how to use the actual builder how to make pages in a menu now let's go ahead and talk about the actual tutor lms plugin and how to use it pretty simple right after you guys messed around with this builder for just like an hour you guys will get the hang of it it's really simple you know like just just mess around with stuff and you'll you'll get the hang of it so now that you guys know how to manage your website add pages and adjust the menu now let's go ahead and install the free plugin which we are now going to use to create courses so this is a free plugin right there is a pro version to this plugin however you can still make an online course website with this free plugin so in this part of the video i'll walk you guys through on how to use it you guys ready let's get started all right so let me go ahead and walk you guys through how to use this plugin so first let's go ahead and go to our dashboard now in case you guys did not install the tutor starter theme let me quickly show you guys where you can install the tutor lms plugin you'll go down over here to plugins and click on add new and under the search plugins you'll type in lms and this is the plugin that you're going to need to install it is called tutor lms e-learning and online course solution so make sure you install this and also make sure you activate it also you'll want to make sure that you have the tudor lms elementor add-ons installed as well you guys can actually find this right here it is called the tudor lms elementor add-ons so also make sure to install this and activate it as well if you cannot find it just simply go over here and type in tutor lms and it should pop up on like the top three or something like that it's there it is yeah so there it is so these are the two that you need to install you'll also need to make sure that you install the woocommerce plugin uh over here we're gonna go type in woocommerce this essentially allows you to accept payment gateways and start accepting uh you know credit cards and stuff like that on your website using woocommerce so make sure you also have the woocommerce plugin installed and then go ahead and activate the woocommerce plugin once you're done you guys are ready to go let's click on dashboard here and then we'll go over here to tutor lms and then just click on tutor lms this is actually going to pull up all the options right here on the right side you can see our courses right so these are the courses that we have created this is the author the course categories the students the price and also if it's published or not you can always make these courses private maybe you need to edit something by going over here and clicking on privates or what you guys can do is you can completely delete the course if you want to do that so for example this nutrition build your diet plan i'll go ahead and click on these little three dots and i'll just delete the class permanently so i'll go ahead and click on yes i'm sure now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to delete all the courses that this plugin has created and i'm only going to have one course so i'm gonna go ahead and delete all these courses really quick all right so i went ahead and i deleted all my courses just because it was a lot of info and i want things a little bit more structured and cleaner right but before we make our course let's just go ahead and keep going through these settings so next we have categories right and here you can add categories for your courses for example we have health and fitness we have marketing we have uh design business but what i'm do here is i'm going to type in web design right so essentially i'm just saying i'm creating a web design a course or something like that and right here we have the image so you would want to select an image that represents the actual uh category of web design i'll just go ahead and grab uh i don't know we got right here all right we'll just grab in this uh this radio whatever we'll just we'll just use that you know so web design we're using the radio okay and i'll click on add a new category this is actually important because if you decide to show courses based off category the image will display to help users understand about the category itself here we have tags right now tags are essentially just faster ways on you on ways the students can find the courses if they click on a specific tag and the course has that specific tag it will display in the results so i'll just type in web design and click on add a new tag all right so now we have the web design tag here we actually have students now let's first go ahead and go over here to my other website and on this demo website we do have some students right so we have the first name the last name their email address their registration dates the course taken and also details you guys can always go ahead and delete students or you can update their info by going to details and updating their info there just in case they might have entered something wrong like their name believe it or not guys i've entered my name wrong a few times in college and that's just you know that's just that's college problems you know here we have announcements and i'll click on add a new announcement now let's say for example you have a specific course that you want to create an announcement for right so this will be for like the financial analyst course this will be like uh don't forget don't forget quiz tonight and then you know there is a quiz or something like that so the students that are enrolled in this course will see this announcement when they are taking the course and then i'll click on publish and there is the announcements okay and under the details section you guys can always update this announcement at any time that you choose all right let's go back over here now we have questions and answers if there are questions and answers all the questions and answers will display right here quiz attempts so whenever a student attempts a course they will be displayed right here let me give you guys a quick little example of what this will look like here we go so we have the quiz info the course and then we have the questions and also you know did they fail and we get more details here is the name of the actual student as well so you guys can adjust the grades or adjust it as necessary all right uh here is add-ons but we'll be talking more about this a little bit later in the video not now so don't worry don't worry we're not going to do any of that stuff now so here we have tools right and with tools this is just a you know this is just the server settings and this is good just because if there is some sort of problem a lot of this is due to like maybe server settings you guys might need to adjust it so if you guys do submit a ticket to tutor lms they might ask for your server settings where you can view all of it right here import and export this is where you guys can import and export your settings right so once you guys make the courses and the categories and everything you guys can export that and then import it to a new website all right pretty cool and here are the tutor pages so here are the actual pages right so for example if i click on the student registration page and then let's go ahead and preview this really quick it will just display the actual student registration page but since we are already logged in this is what's actually going to show students when they're logged in right so you just need to log out and it would show you the actual registration form okay so these are just the pages that were propagated automatically when you install the tudor lms plugin here we have the setup wizard and why not you know we'll just do this for fun you know we don't have to but uh you know they made the setup wizard for us so let's let's just let's just do it you know just like nike says let's just do it here let's click on let's start so this is a setup wizard and it's essentially just trying to kind of adjust the settings based off what you answer here so who are you making this for are you making this for yourself or for a marketplace i'll just say for myself for now no no no i'll do marketplace why not let's change it up all right instructor profile this allows instructor profiles to showcase awards and completed courses sure why not student profile allows users to have a student profile to showcase the rewards and completed lessons all right why not who cares and this is the permalink right so this is where the lesson would actually be displayed here i'll click on next here we have courses let the students know the instructor displays their credentials experience and more so this is the instructor bio okay next you have the questions and answers so this allows questions and answers for each course here you have courses per row which is where the courses will be displayed like how many courses will be displayed in a specific row and then here you have the courses per page right this is click on next here you have new sign up choose between open and close instructor sign up if you're creating a course marketplace instructors should be open right so if you are inviting other instructors to teach then you might want to turn that on obviously however if you are a single school that you don't want anyone to register and it's you only then you want to make sure to turn that off okay earning for instructors so do you want to have other instructors to make money sure why not now this is again this is only for if you want to have a multi-vendor marketplace where people are registering and they sell courses on your websites and you are selling those i'm sorry they are selling those courses if you want to have a course website where it's only you then you would have to make sure those are disabled okay we clear are we green are we are we cool all right cool here we'll click on next and then we have payments so first we have guest checkout allows users to buy and consume content without logging in now i would not recommend this because if you turn this on and the user buys something and they want a refund it's going to be hard to prove that it was them right because there's no email there's no name there's nothing that provides that it was that person so i would not have that checked because if you are selling courses you do need to have some information on that student just in case they want a refund here's the commission rate so if users decide to sell courses on your websites well how much money do you want as a website owner saying you know what's i want uh i want nothing here i want how much do we do 25 all right so we get 25 and they get 75 of the fee all right makes sense and the withdrawal method we have bank transfer e-check and paypal now this is your own thing right so you would have to go ahead and pay the instructors on your own so this would just strictly be up to you but i'll just select paypal and then i'll click on finish setup all right now it's like oh congratulations you are finished but not really guys so next let's just click on explore add-ons and let me keep going and talking about the other the tools right here so we finished the tool area right so we went through all the tool settings now let's go ahead and click on settings right here and talk about these options right now these options are a little bit more important and i do want you guys to select specific options and that will enable some options to display when we are creating a course these obviously it really depends on what website you want like a marketplace and stuff like that but here we go so we have the dashboard page this is the page of your actual dashboard for your students enable marketplace pagination now here we have instructors so allow instructors to publish courses which we already set and then we have the become an instructor button and this is displayed in the student dashboard okay so if you decide to have people sell courses you can have the um you know become an instructor button in the student dashboard but if you're running a solo website i would not have that on okay let's click on course now these are some really important options right now what we're first gonna do is uh here we have the auto redirect to courses i want you guys to check this box and also this box what this does is it actually makes it so when users purchase courses they are redirected back to the enrolled course right i don't want them to go to other parts of the website i just want them to go to the course that they paid for that makes a lot more sense right and then here we have auto complete woocommerce virtual orders when a user's woocommerce order is complete they'll be enrolled the corresponding courses so that means if they buy the course they will be auto enrolled to that specific course makes sense right here we have the course completion setting we have flexible and also strict so students can complete courses anytime in the flexible mode which i do like however there's also strict which students have to complete and pass all the lessons and quizzes to mark a course as complete so that means if the student fails they cannot they cannot mark the courses complete because they failed the course so let's just take this as flexible do you want students to retake the course well if you do have that checked if not disable it now these are some options that really don't matter too much like automatically load to the next course contents if they finish and enable lesson comments so you can have students post comments on lessons that's really up to you you know i don't know if we need to have students commenting on our lessons uh again i would leave these off personally here we have quiz right now if you guys do decide to have quizzes this is where you're going to adjust the settings now first we have the auto submits which means the current quiz answers are submitted automatically right that makes a lot of sense and next we have auto abandon and this means that if you select a specific timer the student must finish the quiz within that time frame and that just depends on if you want to have timed quiz or not but i'm going to leave mine to auto submit for now the quiz attempts allowed so how many times can a student take a quiz well i'm just going to put like two for now right that's all i'm going to put well actually i'll just put one i don't know it's your guys school you know you guys make the decision and here you have the um final grade calculation now this really depends right so let's say for example the student does really good on one attempt and then bat on another you're basically saying we'll give you the highest grade however you can also say no will give you the average grade or the first attempt or the last attempt i believe when i was going to college i believe it was only the first attempt so when we did have online schools uh cal state northridge uh it was basically the first attempt that you do that's what you get and that's your that's your score you know so that's how it is now for a preferred video source we're going to go ahead and select youtube this will enable us to add videos on our courses this is a very important option so once you guys are done with those go ahead and click on save changes next we have monetization now right here we have select ecommerce engine you guys do need to select woocommerce this will allow us to sell courses okay and we'll walk you guys through on products and stuff like that but for now just make sure you select uh woocommerce now if you guys also do decide to have a revenue share with the actual instructor on the website you need to turn that on we actually set this on earlier but looks like it did not save so if that ever happens to you guys just do it again right here right so instructor takes 75 and we get 25 right that makes sense and here are just some additional fees so you guys can you know that's something for you guys to do on your own if you guys want to add fees to your actual courses and then this is the withdrawal amount where users can withdraw it looks like my options did not save so i'm glad we actually went through this again but uh i selected paypal and uh yeah that's all that's all set and ready to go so once you guys actually select these options go ahead and click on save changes so next we have the design right and this is referring to the courses now on your course list right here you're going to see a list of your courses now depending on how you want these to look you would adjust the design of these here so if you want to only have two courses per row or three courses you would go ahead and select all the options for that right here so next we have the instructor list layouts and this is essentially the layout you can give to your instructor when they click on the instructor inside of the course page you also do have the instructor public profile let me give you guys a quick example so i'll go ahead and save changes right here and select modern i'll go over here and refresh the page and this is an example right so if the student clicks on a course and they go to the actual instructor page and they click on the instructor they will then see this specific layout so this is what this is referring to and if i change this to something like minimal and i go over here and i refresh the page this is where all the settings will be reflected okay so it is the public profile of the actual instructor and you can do the same thing right here for the student public profile layout so for the students if you choose to have profiles for them you can display their profile in a specific way or you can just make it private where you or people cannot see the actual student's profile and for the course details this is where you guys can enable or disable specific options right so let's go ahead and go back to our course page so here we go you know we have this wish list the share we also have reviews right we can go ahead and disable or enable those as we want so i'm going to go ahead and take out the review right i don't want the review i don't want the social share i don't want questions and answers and i don't want to see the duration right so i'll go ahead and save those changes and i'll go back to my course and i'll refresh the page and once that's done you guys can see the reviews disappeared uh the share as well disappeared and also some of the options on the course disappeared as well all right so let's keep going here now we have some colors as well this is where you guys can pick a specific color scheme for your actual courses you can make custom colors as well by picking like custom and then you can go ahead and select the primary color the text color the background color and so on and so forth here you do have a little bit more options if you want to get a little bit more creative and then lastly we have a video player we can go ahead and use tutor lms's player for youtube if you guys want to check that out so let's go ahead and turn that one on and click on save changes so now let's go ahead and jump into the last setting which is the advanced options now there is one setting that i do want you guys to check that i think they should have had checked here by default which is hiding course products on the shop page i don't really want to present our website as a shop i want users to i want us to present it as an actual uh like a course website because if we have a shop page users can actually see our shop they can go ahead and look at it like it's some sort of random product website i don't like that so i want to hide course products on the shop page i don't really want a shop page for this website because this is a course website it's not really a shop website like amazon or something like that so i want to disable that now you guys do have these other options where you can take a look at stuff one thing that's also common is the profile completion this is if you want users to actually complete their profile and this is optional but i have seen a lot of users turn this on or off just depending on if you want your students to upload a picture upload a background and stuff like that then you would have that checked but if not you can leave that unchecked and once we're all done we'll click on save changes alright so we have now completed all of these settings now let's go ahead and jump into how to create a course so to create a course let's go over here and click on courses and let's create our first course so right here i'll click on add new all right so let's go ahead and give our course a name so this is the web design course right so i'm making a web design course and i'll go ahead and put in some demo content there we go i just threw in some random demo content i'll go ahead and scroll down now the author this is the actual the name of the actual person who's creating the course so if you do have a website with multiple instructors you just want to make sure that this is the correct author of the actual course now it's going to ask us how many students can enroll in the course if you select zero this is unlimited but let's say for example you only want 30 students in the course we'll select it to 30. here we have the difficulty level so how difficult is this is this all levels beginner intermediate or expert i'll just put beginner now you can select a public course meaning there is no enrollment if you guys do have a public course i would not recommend to have it paid because then if people pay on a public course you won't have any information about those users so it's up to you if you want to have public or not public here we have questions and answers do you want to have questions and answers for your course i'm going to select yes now right now i'm doing a free course in the next section i will be creating a paid course all right but for now we're just going to select free you guys might see these options right here um don't worry about it i'll talk about that in the very next section when we create a paid course so now let's talk about the main important part of this course which is the course builder here we have add a new topic now a topic is essentially the main topic of the course so this would be like intro to uh css right and then we can put like some just brief description about you know what they're gonna learn in this specific course right here click on add a topic now what will they learn in css you know let's talk let's give some more uh detail about what they will learn in css so the first lesson for css would be like how to create so after you create the lesson name you'd want to go ahead and put the lesson information right here this would be the actual meat of the actual lesson right so this would be the main purpose of the actual uh lesson so you'd want to make sure that this is a very you know informative because this is the actual uh information that the lesson is providing here i'll click on add a media if you guys do want to add in a little bit more images you guys can click on add media and just add in a little bit more to the actual um i'll go ahead and put this thing here to the actual lesson right and we can make that bigger or smaller right big or smaller we can also bold stuff like that so um you know here i'll go ahead and put in this is a css intro and then i will bold this you know you can do that to create like maybe subcategories and and then i will go ahead and just you know throw some random demo content right below that so this is the actual lesson right so how to create animations this would be the actual headline this is the actual information about the headline and then we have just some more information about the lesson so next we have featured image and i'll go ahead and just upload an image they recommend 700 by 430 i'll just go ahead and select this girl right here for now and here we have the video source remember earlier how we selected youtube well this is why because now we can go ahead and embed a youtube url i'll go ahead and select i'll go ahead and select a youtube video alright so i went ahead and i pasted in one of my youtube videos and here we can actually select when we want this to play also if you guys do want to upload attachments like for example pdf files or something you guys can go ahead and select those text files or whatever and you can upload those so users can have access to those specific attachments and once you guys are done we'll go ahead and click on update lesson all right congratulations so we have now created our main topic which is intro to css and within that topic we are now teaching them the fundamentals of css let's go ahead and just create one more quick lesson so with the power video editing i'll go ahead and make another lesson really quick all right so i went ahead and i made a second lesson right so we have two lessons in this main topic now let's say for example you want to add a quiz inside of your actual topic section so right here let's click on plus quiz and now let's go and make our first quiz so what is the name of this quiz let's put css quiz let's quiz you on css skills and here i'll click on save and next so now let's go ahead and add in a question right let's click on add a question and you'll go ahead and put in your question here but css slows down websites and this is going to be a true and false question so i want this to be required now you can also make this randomized if you choose to do that and here is the display points if you want to have a more of a point system on your website i would highly recommend to put this on if you do not care about having a display points then you would leave that off but i'm going to go ahead and display points and then this is your optional description you don't have to put anything here this is if you want to give them hints or if you want to say something while they're answering the question but i'll just put in this is a description just to show you guys where it appears now what is the correct answer you can select true or you can select false so the fact that css can slow down a website i'm going to put true here it's kind of a stretch you know but uh what the hell why not so i'll go ahead and click on add to questions so we have now created our first question now we can add in more questions right so let's click on add a question and this will be another question what is css exactly and i'll make this multiple choice i'll make the answer required i'll display the points and i'll go ahead and add an option so instead of true and false you guys might want to have multiple choice for your quizzes right and for the answer title i'm going to go ahead and put in what css actually is right and i'll click on update answer so now i have two answers and i'll add in one more and css is junk all right and i'll just click on update answer so now i have three different selections right the correct answer is cascading style sheets so i'll just go ahead and click on add to questions all right so now i have two questions for my quiz now for total purposes i'm just going to go ahead and leave it there there are other options you guys can use but i think you guys get the point here so i'm going to click on save and next and now we have some more information we can have a specific time frame for this quiz if you do select zero there is no time limits so the next option is quiz feedback mode this is basically saying do you want to show answers for the quiz if the user answers them correct or not i'm going to put defaults i'm going to say the answers are shown after the quiz is finished you can also show results after the attempt which is also pretty popular in fact i think on my uh my portal for cal state northridge they did have reveal mode i believe or you can have retry mode which is unlimited attempts on each question how many times can a person take this quiz you can select zero for unlimited and anything else it would be just a specific number but i'm just gonna put it at one now what is the passing grade well i'm going to put like 70 of the passing grade so the next one is called max questions allowed to answer now this is a very interesting um setting this is basically saying if you have a very large quiz like a 20 question quiz right but you only want 10 to appear on this specific quiz this is used to prevent people from trying to find out the answers because then everyone's given a random question and also some students might have different questions than other students so this is kind of like a tricky thing to do if you want to have a very large quiz and then randomize 10 questions from that quiz here you have the advanced setting you can have auto quiz starts hide questions numbers and just some additional information here if you guys choose to do that but i'm going to go ahead and click on save and next all right awesome so here we go we have lesson 1 lesson 2 and our css quiz so that's pretty much it but you might want to make a closing lesson so for lesson three this will just be more of a closing like things to know going forward you know and css is this but just remember css is good you know just just to close out the actual topic you know just something to just you know give it a closing and just and just to sort of complete the actual topic section right now let's go ahead and add in a new topic so this would be a new topic right so intro to css this will be intro to wordpress and then you go ahead and put in the topic summary so this is an intro to wordpress and i'll add a topic now what about wordpress well let's go ahead and add a lesson here so i'll go ahead and put so intro to plugins right here i'll go ahead and paste in some content here and i will update the lesson right and we'll add another one this is really easy guys as you guys can tell this is pretty simple so intro to themes this would just be some more content about uh you know themes and stuff like that and so on and so forth so i think at this point you guys are understanding what to do here um i'm gonna go ahead and close out this last lesson so end and this would be like the end of the actual course right all right so i think at this point you guys know what to do with the course builder i'll go ahead and leave it up to you guys we have created uh topics we've created lessons and also quizzes for our course websites you guys can also again leave attachments and downloads and whatever you want on all of those lessons now here we have additional data what will i learn so if you go back to our original course right here you will see that we have this section where it says like what would you learn and then we have these check marks so this is where it's going to appear it's going to actually appear on the actual course page so right here i'll just put in like you know that's you'll learn this you'll learn that's stuff like that uh target audience so who is going to learn this so over here on the actual right side we can see that we do have an audience so this is where this text will display i'll just go ahead and copy and paste that there here you have the total course duration so how long will this course take on the right side above here um we actually hit it but it's actually right here all right it's actually right there it's just it's just hidden though we actually hit it in the options and materials included this is basically saying these are the materials included so i'm just going to go ahead and copy these and paste those bad boys there right and for every line you create it will create a little check mark and then here you have the requirement instructions right and these right here are the requirements so just something you know you can just put in whatever just make sure that it's one line because that is a like every line is one check mark basically and then here you have the course intro video so whatever video that you want to use to represent the actual introduction of the course you're going to paste that url right there all right and once that's done we'll go ahead and scroll up so we've essentially entered everything for the course right now there are some other options on the right side that we do need to cover really quick the first thing is course categories do you guys remember when we created a course category for web design i'm going to go ahead and select web design we also have tags right i want to go ahead and enter web design as a tag here you'll see that web design is already there so i'm going to add in web design and click on add so now users click on web design they will then find our course next we have the tutor starter schema now what this is going to do is that this is actually going to display your course with the actual schema markup for example we can see that i entered in this online course how to lose weight and we can see how this course right here has stars and ratings and reviews and has a lot of information about the actual course this is why you'd want to enter that information because then it will reflect onto the actual schema markup so let's go ahead and select the schema type which is a course right and uh was this web design for beginners and this is an awesome description and the website we'll just put all right and we're going to go ahead and select a featured image so what is the image that represents this actual course well let's go ahead and find one here so i'm going to select this uh i don't even know what this is what what guys what is this is a camera like what is that i'm just going to select that as my featured image you know that that's it so this is the image that represents the actual course now once you guys are done let's go ahead and click on publish all right and now let's go ahead and view the course all right here we go look at this we have our web design course we have our ratings the categories is web design if i click on this it will display all the courses in the web design category right going back here now this is a free course okay so we can make this paid and we'll do that in the next section we can enroll in the course and here's all the information right we have the materials included we have the beginner duration last updated about the course right we have the curriculum where users can actually look at stuff now it's locked at its current time this is due to the content drip right so it's just showing users what's actually in the course here is the reviews here is the instructors uh the design the tags and that's pretty much it so congratulations we have now created our first course now let's enroll in the course now let's act as if we are a new person and we want to now enroll in the course let's go ahead and click on enroll course all right and i'll click on start learning so this is the actual experience that your users will have when they first enter the course so this is the video that i entered for my course and you can see that if i play it it is now playing uh the youtube video pretty cool right and it's also using their their tutor video so you see here how this is like this is not really youtube right this is like their little video player so it is using like their own exclusive video player which is pretty cool here is the overview uh remember earlier we entered in the image this is css intro we have all of the information that we've entered in our previous course and here is the exercise file so if you do want to give users files to download they can click on download and then that will download onto their computer now let's go ahead and say all right well i read this lesson let's mark this as completes awesome now let's go to the next lesson really really i love this it's so easy to navigate you know here we have the overview and here is the actual lesson we are on right how to make css responsive so how to make css responsive i'll say all rights i read this information i checked it let's go to next quiz time all right let's do this here i'm going to go ahead and say all right let's start the quiz what is css exactly code cascading style sheets or junk oh crap what should we do here what should we do here guys let's go ahead and do cascading style sheets all right css slows down websites uh true submit the quiz congratulations i'm gonna go get a beer i'm gonna go get a beer i'm proud of myself i passed the quiz i remember my college days like i used to just get scared when i would submit this i was so scared and that's like oh i got 100 i'm a damn professional you know everyone else is a bunch of losers you know so uh awesome and we can click on details and look at the course but uh when users are done with the course they will then go to the next section so things to know going forward which is just like a closing section all right mark is complete intro to wordpress so remember earlier how we have that description about the topic this is just like a little uh section here where um you know they can just get some notifications or information or whatever so now let's go ahead and go to the next section intro to plugins all right here we go now we're on intro to plugins we're going to mark as complete we'll click on next all right mark is complete and the last section which is the ending section which is the end mark as complete all right guys congratulations we have now finished this course congratulations we are 100 finished we can also go ahead and ask questions and answers right here i'll ask a new question did you like this video maybe i should leave this up for you guys you guys can be like you know daryl you went way too damn fast man you suck you know thumbs down bro you know or whatever but uh and then someone else can obviously respond by saying like yes all right so congratulations we have now made a course i think at this point you guys know how to create courses now with the tutor lms plugin however we are not done yet let's say for example you guys do want to have a paid course right let's go ahead and do that we're going to add a paid course and we'll also create coupon codes for this course as well up here let's go to dashboard all right so let's get started first let's go over here to products and we're going to click on add new products now guys i'll be very honest the payment checkout or the way to add paid courses with this plugin is a little unorthodox but it still works right the product name is going to be web design course right we're not gonna put any description okay this is a virtual product and this is for tutor lms how much does this course cost well it costs about a hundred dollars makes sense right now i'm gonna click on publish all right so now that we've created this product we now need to assign this product to the actual course which makes it a little interesting over here under tutor lms we're going to go to courses now we are going to assign this web design product to this web design course so right here you'll see that it says select a product i'll go ahead and select the web design course product which does cost a hundred dollars and once i do that i will then click on updates now this is required for paid courses okay so i just want to make that very clear we now need to adjust some other settings and also install a plugin really quick so over here we have woocommerce we're going to go to settings and we're going to click on account and privacy and we're going to make sure for the account creation that we have this selected and also these two selected as well we're then going to scroll down and click on save changes next we're going to install two plugins over here under plugins we're going to click on add new and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to type in paypal and we're going to integrate this with paypal so that we can accept credit cards from anywhere around the world so right here we have woocommerce payment payments i'm gonna click on install now and then i'm gonna click on activate all right now it might bring you to like a screen where it wants you to sign up and we don't need to do that we're going to go actually back to add new and there's one more plugin that we need to install over here under search plugins we're going to type in order status control all right and here's the plugin that you're going to need to install it's called order status for woocommerce make sure you guys activate this and that's all you have to do just make sure that it's active i'll explain why we installed this plugin a little bit later the next thing we need to do is we need to now connect our website with paypal now for those of you who are brand new to paypal paypal is a free service it does not cost you guys anything whatsoever it allows users to check out with credit cards or pay directly with their uh paypal account so users can use credit cards and not even have to log in to paypal so your customers will not have to even have a paypal account in order for you to accept payments with paypal so right here you'll click on sign up and you're going to make sure that you select a business account once you guys do that you'll click on next and then you'll just go through the process right here of signing up with paypal and once you guys do that you guys will be redirected to your paypal dashboard now i already have another paypal account and i'll link it up here in just a bit but i'm going to just go ahead and just go back to for now and let's just go back to our website so let's do that now we're gonna go over here to uh where's it to plugins and click on install plugins and now i'm first going to connect uh paypal with our website so right here i'll click on settings all right so first we want to go ahead and we have this checked we also want to do advanced credit card processing and we want to make sure we accept credit cards from all networks right so we're going to scroll down and then we're going to click on activate paypal now i'll be very honest guys paypal has made this way easier uh before this was very difficult to use paypal with uh with woocommerce in fact you have to hire a developer but now it's really simple so you'll just go ahead and enter in your paypal email click on next and i'll click on login now it's going to ask us if we want to connect paypal with our woocommerce developers i'm going to click on agree and connect all right now the next thing we're going to do is over here under paypal card processing we're going to click on this little tab and we're going to make sure that this is enabled here as well all right and once that's done you'll click on save changes all right and there's one more setting we need to adjust and that is under the general tab so over here under general we're going to scroll down and under the order status to completed you want to make sure this is selected to all orders now what this does is instead of actually making the course pending until payment is received this will just automatically approve all of the payments so the users will have access to their courses right away if you don't have this plugin that means when the user purchases the course they will not have access into it until you complete it in the order section so right here just make sure this is selected to all orders and go to save changes so let me just go over here to orders just kind of explain what i'm talking about here so over here under orders right by default if someone purchases something it'll say processing until you actually go to the actual order right here and you select completed once you do that then the user will have access to the course however i do believe it's better to just have these completed automatically so if the user does pay you they will have access to the course right away because if they do buy a course for 500 or a thousand dollars and they don't have access to it right away they're going to be very upset and they're going to start emailing you and you could lose a customer so i highly recommend to have that plugin so it'll automatically set all the orders sets to completed all right so that's why we use that plugin now that we've actually adjusted all of these settings we have our payment gateway set up now let's go ahead and add in a coupon code so maybe you guys want to offer coupon codes for your customers over here in our marketing we're going to go to coupons and we're going to click on add a coupon all right this is going to be wilson25 obviously i've made many coupon codes before just messing around with it over here we're going to do percentage discounts of 25 right so if someone uh enters the coupon code wilson25 they will then get a 25 um discount but i'm going to enter in one more since i'm not going to use real money i'm going to enter in a 100 discount code so i can just show you guys the checkout process here we go so now that i've created these coupon codes let's have a walkthrough of how a customer purchases a course all right cool so here we go i'm going to go ahead and i'm a brand new visitor right and i'm going to go to course list and let's just imagine i'm brand new the website you know here we go we got uh we got the course right so here i'll click on the course and i will uh add this to the cart and i will view the cart and uh here i'll enter in my coupon code of daryl 25 right so that will give us 25 off the course but i have a better coupon code we're gonna enter in duro100 and this coupon code uh will give us 100 off right and i'm just doing this just for the total purposes uh here i'll go to proceed to checkouts next we're going to enter in our name here i'm just going to enter in some just random information you guys can see i'm just throwing in some random stuff here so i'll just go ahead and put all this stuff in i want to create an account i have read to the terms of service right and once we're all done with that we will then go ahead and click on complete payments all right awesome so our order has been received right away you can see that the portal has been automatically created for our students and the student has access to the course right away so if i click on this course they can then click on start learning and all that good stuff also let's just go ahead and take a quick look at our dashboard so the dashboard is created for the user automatically right and we have all this stuff here on the left side where they can go ahead and you know check out their course they can go to enrolled courses and they can start learning the course so let's take a look here we go we have the course itself awesome mark just completed all right we're going to go to the next course here or the next lesson mark is completed all right we're cruising we're going to skip the quiz here you know we're going to skip yeah we can skip the quiz right mark is completed here we go next lesson mark is completed pretty cool and let's keep going here mark is completed and the next one and mark is completed now we are only 86 done so that means we have to actually take the quiz all right let's do that we will start the quiz css slows down the website true and what is css exactly cascading style sheets i will submit the quiz and we are done we have passed the quiz congratulations now the user can go to their dashboard here and under the um enrolled quizzes they will then see that the quiz is 100 complete and you can go ahead and verify on your end as an admin all right so that's a basic rundown of the tudor lms free plug-in now there is one thing i do want to mention over here under woocommerce you guys can actually see how much money you're making over here under the report section now this is a pro feature with the tudor lms plugin however you guys can actually see how much money you're making right here by going over to reports and stuff like that you can also see the customers as well so you can see uh the actual information about the user uh and everything else so uh when you're looking at money and stuff like that and also the users you might want to look at the woocommerce settings uh over here in the orders as well if a user says like oh my gosh this isn't working or something you can always go ahead and view their orders right here and uh if the user just says you know what i don't like you i want my money back you guys can click right here and click on refunds and if you have connected this with paypal it will go ahead and refund them through the api with paypal automatically so it's a very convenient process and that's how you guys can kind of you know take a look at your reports and your money and all that good stuff with the tutor lms plugin and woocommerce all right well i hope you guys enjoyed this part of the video make sure to like this video now on the next step we are now going to talk about the tudor lms pro version i'll meet you there okay so before we go on any further i want to show you guys how to turn your course website into a funnel course website for example let's say you guys are selling one course right and you want to create a funnel for your traffic right so your visitors will come to your sales page from the sales page they're then taken to the actual product from the product you can offer additional upsells like additional products to buy and then they're brought to the thank you page where they'll go ahead and check out and purchase the product this is ideal if you want the customer to directly buy something instead of navigating the website and getting lost this is also ideal if you're selling maybe one course right for example over here this is a website that i use for a lot of my projects and you can see here the customer is brought to your main sales page this is where you're trying to convince them to buy something from the checkout page they can purchase it and then they're brought to a thank you page i'm sure many of you guys have seen a page that looks like this before right i mean from way back when but a lot of people use these funnels because they work so here's like a big video we have the title and if they click on this they can go ahead and purchase the course on the very next page so let me go ahead and walk you guys through on how to create a funnel on your website it's really easy to get started if you guys are selling courses it might be something that you might want to consider because it does help with conversions and we're going to make this for free using a free plugin how about that so let's go over here to our dashboard and we're going to install a free plugin we'll go down to plugins and click on add new now for the search plugins we're going to type in wu funnels this is a really good plugin to create funnels on your websites and this is the plugin right here it's called wu funnels it also comes with tons of templates and it works with all page builders so you can be using any page builder and it works really well so let's go ahead and click on install now and then we'll click on activate all right cool now once you guys install the woofundles plugin you'll then see wu funnels right here go ahead and click on funnels and we're going to create a new funnel for your websites so the first thing that we have to do is we have to add a funnel now this also integrates with the woocommerce payment gateways okay so you don't have to worry about creating another payment gateway or anything else this integrates with woocommerce so we're going to be using the woocommerce payment gateways the ones that we set up earlier so right here i'll click on add a funnel right and just give your funnel a name right and you guys can rotate these funnels you know you can try various funnels to see what works best and this will be like the main funnel right the main funnel and i'll click on add all right so once you guys create a funnel it'll take you to the main funnel page right here where you guys can see tons of templates right so they do have a lot of templates that you guys can use um these right here are pro so you guys will need to purchase the pro but we don't need to do that just yet you guys don't need to purchase the pro for this plugin uh here you have opt-in pages sales pages checkouts and so on and so forth now one thing i also do want to mention is the one-click upsells is exclusive to the pro version but um the other pages you guys can use in the free version you guys can also fully design and customize your own page so these are pro however you guys can make your own so you don't have to purchase the pro but let me go and show you guys how to set this all up so what i'm going to do right here is i'm actually just going to pick from a template and we're just going to kind of cruise through this i'll probably make another video that goes through this all in detail but for this video i'll just give you guys a brief overview about how to use it it's really simple so right here i'm going to import this template right we have four different steps so i'll click on import and here we go so we have the sales page the checkout page and the thank you page very similar to our chart right here right we have the sales page the checkout page and the thank you page so this is the first page users are brought to right so right here i'll click on the three dots and i'll click on edits and we can actually edit this page and i'll walk you guys through how to edit so you guys can create your own so this is the template that we're using right but right here i'll click on edit templates and we are now going to design this using the page builder that we used earlier so you guys can actually go ahead and recreate your own funnel page i mean you guys can get as customizable as you want so this would be the first page people are brought to when they go to your websites so here you guys can obviously change the title all right and here we have the video placeholder now one thing i do want to mention is that when you guys do use the video there's a lot of options right you have auto play you have play on mobile i would put the mute on as well so what happens is when users come to your website this will auto play yet it'll also mute so there's no sound and then you guys can also hide the youtube information right here with the modest branding like that and then also you can also turn on privacy mode if you choose to do that so once you guys actually go ahead and design this page you guys can go ahead and bring them to your next page now one thing i do want to mention if you guys want to go ahead and just get rid of this entire page and start from scratch this button right here you'll see this link right here all you have to do is copy this and let's say for example you guys want to make like a different button or you want to do something else you'll just go ahead and say you know i don't want to use this button i want to use my own button go ahead and drag it right there and i'll just go ahead and you know i'll just delete this just for total purposes and whatever page that you make you just need to go ahead and paste that link like that this enables users to go to the next step of your funnel right so i'll go and click on update so on your own time you guys can go ahead and create your own funnel you guys go ahead and check my website i might have funnels for you guys i might be making them i'm not sure just yet but just feel free to check out my website and i probably will have free funnel pages for all of you but once we go ahead and design this page i'll click on view page right and this is the landing page you can see that the video plays right away and users can see what's going on they can then go ahead and scroll down right here and click on click here this will then take them to the next step which is the checkout right so for example you guys can also edit this page as well and then you guys can also design this page just like you did on any other previous page right so here you can put in like oh jenny craig or you know jenny craig and she said something really cool about your uh you know your your products and then we got the do we have stars or is that only the pro version yeah we got the star ratings here hold on the stars there we go yeah you know the stars make everything good you know so we'll just go ahead and and just everyone gets five stars five stars for everybody you know so this is how you guys can customize this page right and this is the actual uh checkout form right here so here you have the customer information tab and this is where you can modify your form if you want it bigger or smaller and so on and so forth or if you want like your first name to be full or something like that you guys can customize this as well and then also the next tab we have the payment gateways this is referring to this section right here where you can just adjust the heading you can also adjust the subheading and then you can change the actual um you know place order now to buy now or something like that and then also you can put this text below whatever this is right here right text below and then this will create text right here below that so that's also something that you guys can add but yeah you guys can go ahead and customize this checkout form any which way you guys want but i'll go ahead and click on update here all right and then i'll view the page so now that we have this page right here we now need to add a product for this page right because you can see here how we have this product but i'll show you guys how to assign your own course right remember earlier how we use the product to create the course i'll show you guys how to assign that so let's go back over here to dashboard now let's say for example you guys want to assign a course to be sold in this funnel you'll go over here to funnels right and here's our main funnel right so i'll go ahead and click on the main funnel so here we have the landing page right we customize that and we also customize the checkouts here we have the no products we'll click on this and we'll add a product right so let's say i want to add a product here well i'll just put in something like i think i have one course product here that says like perfect something there we go yeah so my meal plan course right i'm going to sell this course and i'm going to add this product to the course or add this product to the funnel right so let's go back over here to the uh the funnel i'll click up here to funnel and this will bring us back to our main funnel right here so now let's say you guys have this funnel and you want to use this on your website let's do that so to assign this to your home page all you have to do is you'll go over here to settings and you'll click on reading then you'll see this home page right here you'll then go ahead and select the landing page the one that we created so landing page right and then i'll click on save changes once that's done you'll then go ahead and click on visit sites and voila this is your new landing page so we have the landing page here they'll click on get here this will then take them to the forum right here where they can go ahead and put in their information and then they'll go ahead and just say i have read to the terms and complete payments and that's it your funnel is complete you guys have just made money so it's really easy to create your funnel right here i really do like this so if you guys do want this approach on your websites i highly recommend going with wu funnels it's a really good funnel builder now just remember to use your payment gateways in order to integrate this with wu funnels right so i use cash on delivery but uh this is obviously a different demo websites because i'm using a different plugin so over here i'll go to the woocommerce and go to settings and then over here under the payment section this is where you're going to enable your payment gateway and this will integrate with blue funnels so earlier that we did talk about credit cards and paypal will funnels integrates with all those payment methods here i just use cash on delivery but you'll just want to go ahead and enable the payment gateway that you want will funnels to work with so that's how you guys can create a funnel website or a funnel course websites for your website so i hope you guys enjoyed this part of the video feel free to check out wu funnels and also their other pro version i'll probably be making a separate video for that i didn't want this video to get too long but uh yeah so now that you guys know how to create funnels let's go ahead and move on to the next section pretty cool right so now that you guys know how to manage the website with this course plug-in now let's talk about the pro version now if you guys do decide to upgrade there is a link below with a coupon code for 25 i will leave that in the description below of this video but in this part of the video i'm gonna walk you guys through all of the pro features and show you like where they're being applied and what they do and how you can extend the power of your online course website using the pro version you guys ready let's get started all right party people in this part of the video i'll be showing you guys how to use the tudor lms pro version now i walked you guys through the free version however tudor lms also does have a pro version and i'm going to walk you guys through on how to use it i'm also going to show you the features and everything and what it comes with now over here we have the add-ons right so with the tutor lms pro version you guys do get a lot of additional add-ons like for example you guys can use their certificate builder which makes really nice certificates for your course or for your school or for whatever you can have subscriptions and it has tons of integrations here with you know buddypress and wpml where you can change the language of your websites to pretty much any language that you choose there are some other really cool features in here like zoom i'll walk you guys through on how to integrate zoom in this part of the video also it does have reports it has enrollments a certificates the gradebook which i think is actually required if you want to run like a school websites because the gradebook will actually show you a list of progress for the students and i'll show you guys how to use the gradebook also you can create assignments prerequisites you can have customized emails course attachments course previews and a lot more so yeah you guys do get a lot of features with the 2.lms pro version now if you guys do want to go ahead and purchase it and check it out there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to their pricing page so i'll go ahead and explain to you these pricing models and i think these are actually pretty fair when you compare them uh to a lot of the other platforms so if you guys do want to go ahead and purchase like just one for your basic website it's about 119 i do also have a discount for you guys that will give you 25 off uh any of their plans so here we have the individuals right and this is good for one website and then you have the freelancers which this is good for five websites and then you do have the agency plan which is good for unlimited websites now they do also have a lifetime plan here so if you guys do want to purchase the lifetime plan you guys can also do that as well i find that lifetime plans are probably the most valuable because you only pay once and you never pay again which is pretty cool uh so it's the same thing here right so you have the individuals right one license the freelancers which is five websites and then the agencies which is unlimited websites so what you're gonna do is that you're gonna go ahead and pick a pricing model that works best for you whether that's annual or lifetime so once you guys pick a plan just go ahead and click on buy now all right so next it'll take you to the checkout section this is where you're going to put in your billing information like your credit card and all that stuff and you're going to agree to the terms of service which i know you're all going to read right but uh over here i do have a coupon code so where it says have a coupon you can enter the coupon code darrel25 and this will give you guys an extended discount now at the current time of making this video they are celebrating their 2.0 version so they already have a discount in place however this discount code i'm providing you guys does save you additional money so right now it's 159 with the sale but if you guys do use my code it'll drop it down just a few more dollars but this will give you 25 off any purchase that you guys have with tutor lms that includes lifetime plans so that's where it might actually be beneficial if you guys do want to purchase uh the lifetime plans now go ahead and go through this checkout process and once you guys do purchase tutor lms i will then meet you in your customer portal all right cool so this is the customer portal right here uh you can see that i am logged in we have our downloads we have our subscriptions and then we have our licenses what you're going to do here is that you're going to go ahead and download the latest version of tutor lms pro and then also make sure to download the certificate builder because i'll walk you guys through how to use this so i'm going to go ahead and click on download latest and then also download latest once you guys do that go over here to licenses and just make sure that you add your website so right here you'll go ahead and add your website and then that will sync up to your original website with the tutor lms pro plugin all right i'm going to close this now let's go back to our website here and i'll show you guys how to upload it so let's go over here to my dashboard go to plugins click on add new and then up here we have upload plugin choose the file and then i'll go ahead and upload the tutor lms pro plugin i'll go ahead and click on open and then i'll click on install now all right and then i'll click on activate plugin all right and the first thing that you're going to see is that there's this error it says uh you need to update your license so right here just click on please check license and this is where you're going to enter your license key you guys can get this information over here under licenses all right cool so my website is now connected with tutor lms also in your licenses section make sure to go over here and you need to activate the domain so just make sure that the domain is active so that it syncs up with your current uh website and once you guys do that uh you'll get the green check mark and then your website is synced up with tutor lms all right so now that we turned on the tutor lms plugin now let's go over here to add-ons all right so this is a list of the available add-ons you guys can use uh what i'm going to do here is i'm going to turn on all these add-ons and i'm going to go ahead and walk you guys through a majority of these add-ons there are some that i'm not going to talk about like for example paid membership pro and other plugins that require additional plugins because some users might not want to use those and i'm not going to make this video about you know paid memberships pro because this video can easily get another one to two hours long but i'm going to go ahead and turn a majority of these on right here so the calendar the content drip the enrollment which they it's which they spelled wrong right it's supposed to be two l's right here it's in roll and then here it's they see that yeah just just tell them you know tell them to fix that uh i'll go ahead and turn on the grade book i'm not going to use uh google classroom integration here we have the quiz import exports assignments certificates course attachments course preview emails multiple instructors so what this allows you to do is have multiple instructors teach together on one classroom which is pretty cool here we have notifications prerequisites reports the zoom integration which is pretty cool and then the woocommerce subscriptions which is an additional plugin that you guys will need to activate for it to work so once you guys turn those on let's first now go over here to settings all right so here is the settings tab and uh right away you guys probably noticed that there's more tabs right there's gradebook email notifications and certificates now before i talk about those tabs i just want to go ahead and let you guys know that this plugin tends to update quite often and they are constantly adding in new features so uh even though you guys probably didn't see all the options here like for example like on the course section uh just always go back and check for updates because they always add new features they add new options and i think probably in like a month from now or two months from now they're gonna have a lot more options for uh this section here in fact at the time of making this video for the strict section i believe uh now it's passing all lessons and quizzes but when i first used this plugin it was only quizzes so uh yeah you guys will have to go ahead and just take a look at all the options and if there are some other options you guys can just go ahead and take a look at those just always make sure to read the update change log when you guys update the plugin so here we have the gradebook now if you guys do want to run like a school website we can go ahead and add in the gradebook what's also really cool is that you guys can use points instead of grades now universities tend to use points instead of grades well they use the point system but then they give you a grade at the end right but they essentially give you points for like quizzes and stuff like that you guys can also enable the gpa gpa scale and then you can also set the gpa scale limits like 4.0 or 5.0 or however you want to do that right so once you guys select those options you'll click on save changes all right next we'll go over here to emails now if you guys did get like a little notification at the bottom right that says you need to enter an email just make sure that the email address right here is filled out and this will allow you to save the changes on the page i did get this error when i tried to save it and uh yeah you'll have to put in your uh email address right here so uh you guys can actually you know put the name right so this will be like the name of your school but i'll just put daryl wilson right daryl daryl wilson and then you can go ahead and design the actual footer as well and here you have email to students so let's say for example they have enrolled in the course right this is the email that is sent out to students we can edit this email so go over here and click on edit and they give you a really nice preview of what this looks like so it says you are now enrolled in the course and then you can go ahead and talk about it right here like you know thanks for signing up and there you go so you guys can go ahead and turn on these emails and then you can add your own text here like welcome to the university of whatever or welcome to our uh get rich quick course whatever you guys are trying to make you will go ahead and uh fill everything out right there and then once you're done you'll just click on save changes for any email that you want to customize over here let's go back really quick i'll just use their their tutor starter one right there right and uh if you guys do want to enable more emails to be sent you can go ahead and turn them on right here so for example if a person completes a quiz you can give them a notification saying hey congratulations you completed the quiz or congratulations you completed a course or uh we graded your assignments go check your grade you know we you can go ahead and turn on all these emails as you wish you guys can also send these emails to teachers as well so let's say for example a teacher makes a course on your website uh we can notify the teacher saying hey someone enrolled in your course and then over here you'll click on edit and then you can go ahead and you know modify this as you need what's really cool here is that uh the teachers get this like this cool go to dashboard and also they can see the student they can go check out their profile that's really cool i really do like that option because uh that makes it very uh transparent on who you know who signed up and they can go ahead and check right away just to make sure that the student enrolled you know safely and stuff like that so i'll go ahead and turn this on and then i'll click on save changes all right cool let's go back so i think at this point you guys get it right so you can go ahead and turn on emails to students you can turn on emails to teachers and then also email to admins as well and then you also do have some other options here for like cron and stuff like that but yeah so that's how you guys can now modify the emails that are sent to students and also the teachers next let's click on notifications now what's really cool here is that when you first visit the website there's a little push notification bar that says um you know do you want to get notifications and people can accept those or they can reject them however if they decide to actually uh accept them then you can notify you know for a course course enrollments right uh cancel enrollments assignment graded right or a you know new announcement posted so what this means is that the user can be on any random websites and once you guys actually make changes it will send push notifications uh to those specific users now we also do have the on site right here this means uh if the user is on the sites then they will also get notified via push notifications but this is only if they are on your website so the push notification refers to if they are anywhere on the internet and they're using the browser and the on-site is just referring to uh they're actually on your current website at the time right so you'll just go ahead and put whatever one uh you know whatever that you want just be mindful that if you do have tons of push notifications on here that can get very annoying and a lot of students might actually take off the push notifications so just have a few on you know don't get too aggressive don't get too crazy right over here click on save changes all right now let's go over here and click on certificate now here we have the authorized name right so this is like darrell wilson and then this is like the paddy wack company right so this is the actual person right and this is probably the name of the school right so this is the company name you can show the name on certificates certificate link in course completion email sure and then also what's really cool here is that you guys can upload a signature so you if you guys do have like a signature somewhere you guys can just go ahead and upload it i'll just go ahead and just grab something here all right i'm gonna upload file select the files and i just downloaded something random here i have no idea all right i'm just going to go ahead and use this media and this is my signature all right and i'll click on save changes all right cool now before we go into the courses section i also do want to upload the course builder plugin right so over here let's go back to the where is it the plugins and add new upload plugin choose the file and then we'll find the certificate builder open and then install now all right and then i'll activate the plugin all right so now let's go ahead and say all right if you guys do want your own certificate builder let me quickly walk you guys through on how to set that up over here let's go back to our settings really quick and if we go over here to certificates you will then see that we have more options right so we have the original settings that we just set but if you guys do want to create your own certificates i'll go ahead and walk you guys through that right now so right here let's click on create a certificate now what's really cool about tutor lms is they have tons and tons of templates to work with and personally i'm just going to go ahead and use a template here and i'll show you guys how to modify it you guys can create your own from scratch but i feel like this is a lot easier and um yeah once you guys learn how to modify templates i'm sure you guys can go ahead and create your own and get really customizable and make it look beautiful so here we have landscape option and then we also have portrait right so portraits like more for like pictures and then landscape obviously it's more like horizontal and stuff like that so right here i'll click on use this template all right and you know we'll go ahead and say certificate of excellence this diploma is given to this will be the student's name and then here we have the uh you know the completed course and then the course title and then here you have just some random signature but we can always replace that and then over here we have like another just png so you guys will need to replace these so what i'm going to do right here is i'm going to go ahead and delete this one and i'll delete this one remember earlier how we actually used our own signature i'm going to take the signature box here and just drag and drop it right there and you can see how this is already self-propagated so there's that signature and then there is this signature here as well and then if you guys do want to drag in text just drag it there you know and this can be like you are awesome right like you are awesome all right and then we'll go ahead and stretch that out and then we'll move this right there okay you guys see how easy that is i love this i love this this is so amazing i gotta be honest if you guys use learn dash their builder is terrible it is like from like 10 years ago i have no idea where those positive reviews are coming from but uh anyways you guys can go ahead and drag and stuff right here like a grade this will actually self-propagate the student's grade as well you know if they got like a c or something you might not want to add that in there but um you can put in the grade right here you know put in their grade and then over here you can put something else like you know your current grade right you can let them know and then you can go ahead and put that right there so when the grade is propagated that will show them the actual grade right and then you have some other options here like you can upload media and they do have a really cool integration for unsplash so you guys can actually drag and drop these beautiful pictures from which is really cool and then here we have a library and this is where you can drag in shapes illustrations like really cool illustrations here and make these really really fun and cute you know really really cute you know and then you can change the color here as well so there is a lot you guys can do with this course builder i really do like it and then we also have this backdrop where we can add in like you know different backdrops over here uh if we choose to do that right i'll go ahead and select uh let's see here which one should we like here let's put in let's put in that one all right that's that's that's the one we're going to go with i'm going to go ahead and just save this right here so once you guys are done modifying your certificates and you feel like it looks great just click on the publish button all right cool and there you go so now the certificate has been created and now i'll go ahead and close this and here is the actual certificates and if you guys do want to give this a name just click on the little pencil icon and don't forget under the entitled templates just put like main certificate right main certificate and then click on publish all right awesome so let's go ahead and close this now now we have a beautiful certificate that is awarded to users who finished the course so congrats so now that we talked about the actual settings and the course builder now let's talk about the actual add-ons so over here let's first click on add-ons now what i'm going to do over here to demonstrate the features is i'm actually going to open up a second window and i'll compare each feature and show you where it's being applied now the very first feature that i want to show you guys before i go into the add-ons is the new front-end course builder so here i'll click on course list and i will click on any course you now have the option to edit all your courses from the front end which is a more visual experience right so here i'll click on edit with front-end course builder and now we can go ahead and build this uh course from the front end right so we can go ahead and see exactly what's going to go on here so we can set the category the price and uh you know it's just a more visual approach here and here we have some course upload tips just reminding us about what to do but you guys can just go ahead and fill all this out right here and then once you guys are done you'll then click on publish and you guys can do this for all of your courses so right here i'll go ahead and just click on add a new course and let's say for example you guys want to make a new course using the front-end builder over here i'll go to plus new and click on course and this will be like intro to javascript or whatever you know javascript and then i'll click on publish i can now click on edit with front end course builder and then i can go ahead and build this course from the front end you know it's just a little it's just a different experience you know i do like this front-end builder i think it's a lot more simplified and i think it's a lot more easier for you know instructors to create courses here from the front end and also remember that yourself and other instructors will be allowed to use this front-end course builder so that's a pretty cool feature all right so i've got my mangoes here got my fruit i got them all energized let's go and walk you guys through these add-ons now the first one is the calendar right now this is found in the actual students dashboard over here under calendar so if they click on calendar right here they can actively see what courses are coming up when they're assigned or whatever right so they do have a little calendar here that they can use and they can see when they're certain dates or when there's specific deadlines the next feature is content trip what this allows you to do is unlock lessons by schedule or when the student meets specific conditions and this is found in the edit course section so when you are actually building the course if you scroll down over here to the course settings you'll then get a new tab right here that says content drip you guys can choose to enable this and what this does is that this actually schedules your course depending on specific conditions so let's say for example they enrolled in the course right but the course doesn't start till like uh you know like maybe two weeks from now maybe three months from now you know for universities uh you can enroll in the course like like a year or something before like when it's actually uh sets so here you can schedule the course by dates you can also schedule it from x days from enrollment so that means like hey you know what you got to wait at least 10 days before we you know give you the course or you can say you know what i want the course content available subsequently or you can go ahead and say this can only be available if you meet specific prerequisites now let's say for example you guys do want to schedule a course content by date to do this you'll click on the course schedule content by date you'll then click on update and then once that's done you'll scroll to the actual course builder you will then open up this course builder and then you need to apply the date for every single lesson and quiz and assignments i know that can be a little tedious hopefully in the future they find a better way to do that but um that's that's all we got right now you know and it still works just fine it's just it's a little bit more work you'll go down over here and for the content drip settings you will then go ahead and select a date on when this lesson can open all right and then once that's done you'll then click on update lesson so now that specific lesson will only be available until the 30th right so if you guys do decide to use the content drip settings for the date that's how you guys can apply it and next we have enrollments enrollment is where you can manually enroll students in the course this can be found over here under the enrollment tab and you can just go ahead and assign anyone to any course so right here i'll click on enroll a student now right here it's asking for searching a student right and you can actually create your own students in the user section of wordpress so right here you're gonna go down to the um where is it the users and then just click on add new so let's say for example you wanna invite like your girlfriend or something right uh i'll just put like so first you'll go ahead and make a username right so i'll just put in like rebecca here all right and then rebecca and then rebecca and then wilson and then you can just go ahead and put whatever you want here i'll just generate a password and this will actually send a notification to the user that we have created an account on this website for the role we'll just leave it as subscriber and then click on add new user all right and once that's done you will see that rebecca is now there so now that we've done that we'll go back to two dollar mess we'll go to enrollment and now we can go ahead and enroll that specific student so enroll a student search students we'll type in rebecca right rebecca rebecca wilson and i'm going to enroll rebecca in the web design course and then click on enroll student and there you go and now rebecca can go ahead and come to the website and then she can log in using the credentials that wordpress sends to her you guys can always adjust the passwords as well for all these users over here click on all users and i will um you guys can you know first you can you know if they forgot their password just do a password reset that will allow them to change their own password or i'll click on edit and you can go down here and set a new password for rebecca and then just say hey rebecca this is your new password uh this is your temporary password and then go ahead and make your own once you log into the account right so that's how you guys can enroll students onto your website all right next we have the gradebook this is actually a pretty important feature this shows the student progress from assignments and quizzes over here let's go over here to tutor lms and then we'll find the gradebook tab now the first thing we have to do is that we actually have to import data so over here under grade settings right now there is no grading system so we need to import some so right here i'll click on import sample grade data all right and what that's done uh what it's done here is that it's actually created a a grading curriculum for us so for example 90 to 100 is an a and then we have 80 to 89 is an a and then also a 70 to 79 is also an a you guys might need to adjust this because these are probably not correct this should actually be an a a b a c a d and an f right so for example over here i'll click on edit and this is a b okay and i'll update the grade so you can see here how uh this is now a plus right but this is a b you know i'll take that from a plus you know it's just an a right there we go you know what's funny i went to a uh school it was a private school and 95 to 100 was an a it was a really hard private school like i'm not gonna lie so uh here we have uh 70 to uh 79 all right i'll update that all right so you guys will need to also adjust the points here right so we have 4 3 3.0 2.5 and then 2.0 uh personally i'm not really sure how you want to grade your school but i'm just going to just keep this very basic uh if they get a b that's going to be three points right if they get a c that's going to be two points right and then you know obviously an f you know we'll just give them one point for this for this f right all right and then obviously uh i i don't know if you want to give them something for this one right here maybe 0.5 or something you know they have to get some points right i mean they actually they actually attempted the assignment and you know i i don't really know you know however you want to put your grading curriculum uh you'll just do it here right so we have an a a b uh here we have the d right the d is also gonna be what we'll just do one point as well and we'll do 1.5 you know i don't know you know here we go 1.5 right just so this all makes sense a b c d and then f f right so this makes sense and a is four points a b is three points a c is two points a d is one point five and then an f is one and if they get a very low f then they're just getting like it's like a point five grade point right so yeah you guys can go ahead and set this up and um yeah that's how you guys can have a grade book now over here click on gradebook one more time this is where the grades will appear once a student has um you know taken a quiz or they've you know you graded assignments this is where all of the grades will appear for your students all right so just to help you guys out i made a new account here and i decided to take the free course and i got a 50 on my quiz right i still finished the course but i did get a 50 now let's go ahead and take a look at the grade book and see what's happened all right so here's an example the students failed the course right uh he completed the quiz there was no assignments so obviously there was nothing for him to do right and uh yeah he got an f because obviously he failed the course so this is what the grade book will look like when students start to enroll and take the courses so all the grades will appear right here so this is the quiz and if they did have assignments you guys can add grades to those assignments as well and then this is the final grade of the actual course so that is the gradebook also just remember if you guys do want to see how the student performed on the actual quiz over here under quiz attempts you can see the actual full details of what they selected and why they got answers wrong right so we'll go over here and click on details and here you can see uh what the students uh you know what what the question was and you know what the student puts and then also what was the correct answer so the student put code however the correct answer was cascading style sheets so what is css they put in code that is incorrect so they got that incorrect and uh yeah so that's how we can see what they got wrong on the quiz all right and the next feature is the quiz export imports this is a quick one right so let's say you're building a course uh if you guys do create a quiz you'll see that there's this little download button and you can download that and then right here you can actually re-import any quiz so this is good if you're building a website from one website and you want to send it to another website you can click on import quiz and then you can just go ahead and import the quiz that you downloaded so that is the export import quiz feature the next is the assignments this is the tutor assignments is a great way to assign tasks to students and this is actually pretty important because a lot of schools and universities do have assignments right not everyone only uses quizzes so in the course builder you'll then see this assignment section so right here i'll add an assignment and this is tell me how to make a website with wordpress this can be like an essay this can be pretty much anything right like tell me about united states history tell me about the ottoman empire whatever you're going to talk about you can go ahead and put all of that here it's all right so tell me how to make a website with wordpress and then you can give them like a brief a summary right so explain from the basics right from hosting to wordpress what do what do i do you know whatever this is just going to be the summary so this is basically saying the the details the it's going to talk more about the assignments right and then you can also upload attachments here if you choose to do that so let's say for example you want to give them a study guide you can go ahead and upload an attachment here and the students will have access to this attachment so let's say for example like this is a study guide or you want them to talk about you know christopher columbus and his in his journey to the to the isles or whatever you can go ahead and upload that attachment there you guys can set a time limit if you guys choose to do that so you know i'll just say yeah this is a one weeks right or two weeks whatever and this is the maximum points a student can score right so here i'll put 10 points and the minimum pass point is 5 right and this is basically saying allow to upload how many files well i'll just say one file here and the maximum file size limit this is referring to mb okay so this is the actual size so they cannot upload more than 2mb they'll have to optimize their work in order to upload it to our server and then once that's done i'll click on update assignments and then i'll go ahead and click on update now let's take a look at this from the student's perspective and then i'll show you what happens once they submit it all right so this is the same student that failed the course so sad you know but uh all right we have a new little tab here tell me how to make a website with wordpress let's click on this so this is the actual assignment tell me how to make a website with wordpress explain from the basics from hosting to wordpress what do i do and then this is like an attachment that they can use to download and here i'll click on start assignment submit now there's a few options right the student can go ahead and type everything in i don't recommend doing that because personally i have done this before on universities and what happens is let's say for example they write a really really long assignment and something happens to the server or their browser or something happens everything gets erased from a student's perspective i would like to have the option to upload the assignments where we can go ahead and download it and then you can grade it later but i'll just give you both examples so this is how to make a website with wordpress right and then here i'll go also and choose a file here and i'll just go ahead and uh let me see here what should i what should i use here i'll just use this signature whatever i'll open this and then i'm going to submit the assignments below that we have the description here as well i think there's they're both right there yeah is it oh no no it's not it's just down there again i didn't even see that so i didn't know that all right so once that's done i'll click on submit assignments all right so the student has submitted the assignments and as of right now it's currently pending so we'll have to go ahead and wait for the teacher to score it let's go ahead and score it all right so i'm back on my admin portal and here you can see that we have the assignments darrell wilson uh he submitted the course and here we have to evaluate it so let's click on evaluate all right so this is what the student said and also this is the actual assignment file now i'm gonna say you know what daryl not bad you know we'll give you a seven you know we're gonna give you a seven out of ten and uh next time talk about plugins and then i'll go ahead and evaluate the submission so what that means is i'm giving them a grade now for that specific assignments and now we can see the student's grade has been adjusted so it went from an f to actually a d because the student i'm sorry the assignments gave the student a little bit more points the student did get a c right because we gave him a 7 out of 10 so now the the grade has correctly uh been adjusted so that's how you guys can add assignments to your courses and just as a parting gift let's just go ahead and refresh this page and let's just see what's going on here all right so the student you can see uh has passed we have the earned marks the pass mark which was a five and then we have the instructor note next time talk about plugins so there you go the student got feedback from his assignment all right next we have the certificates and i did show you guys how to build a certificate however on every course uh there will be a template that you guys can apply at the bottom of the page so over here under edit course i'll scroll down to the bottom and you will now see that we have the certificates templates so i can just go ahead and use any of these templates i'll just go ahead and use this one here now we also did set this in the settings and if you guys uh do use that it will override it so it's considered a global option however these right here will also self-propagate so for example we can see the student name is always self-propagated um the course title you guys can actually click on preview here and just take a closer look just in case you want to see it so you know this will be like the student's name the course and then the instructor and stuff like that so you'll go ahead and select a template or you guys can just go ahead and use the one that we built using the certificate builder all right so next we have course attachments this allows you to add unlimited attachments to any course and this can be found on any lesson right here so i'll just click on any lesson right and click on edit and if we scroll down right here you will then see that we can go ahead and upload attachments so this means when a student takes this lesson they will have the option to download any attachment that you upload next we have course preview this will unlock some lessons for students before enrollment over here let's go ahead and click on any lesson and at the bottom of the page you're going to see this enable course preview now if this is checked the user can go ahead and preview this course even if this course is paid right they can go ahead and take a look and enroll in the course uh just to see like the instructor how he teaches his teaching style and also just to see if it's a right fit for him now a good strategy here is to always have this option available for like the first lesson or even the second lesson because that might commit the user to purchase the course so for example if they see this you know if they see this course they're not sure if they want to buy it or not they say you know let me just see lesson one you know if i like the teacher and i think he's cool sure i'll go ahead and buy the course so a lot of users and instructors tends to have this option available for like the first two lessons next the email section i already showed you guys the email earlier in the settings tab so uh yeah that is what emails are you guys can go ahead and find the emails in the settings options right here and click on email and this is where you guys can go ahead and design and customize or even enable specific emails to be sent just depending on what you want to do with your website so next we have the multiple instructors now there's a few things that you guys might need to do in order for this to work properly the first thing is you need to have two instructors so over here under all users you want to make sure that you have tutor instructor right so you me you need to make sure that whatever uh person signs up or instructor signs up that they have the role for tutor instructor for example if you want to change rebecca over here to a tutor instructor where they can teach on our website and then we'll scroll down right here and under the role we will then go ahead and put tutor instructor i'll scroll down all the way to the bottom and click on update user what this allows rebecca to do now is that rebecca can now go ahead and upload uh courses onto our website so we'll go over here to all users and now you'll see that rebecca is now a tutor instructor so now that i've done that i need to make one more option available right here under tutor lms pro i'll go over here to settings and you want to make sure that enable marketplace is enabled this will allow multiple instructors to upload their courses once that's done now we can go to pretty much any course here i'll just click on web design course we'll scroll down to the bottom here all the way to the bottom and now you can see instructors so we have the admin but we can also add rebecca here right so we can say rebecca is also teaching the course as well and save the changes all right and then we'll scroll up here and click on update now if you guys decide to do this you guys will probably need to work out some monetization with the actual instructors because i believe as of right now we do have this like revenue share for monetization so i believe like the uh the instructor will take 75 so that will be divided into two between those two instructors okay so if you guys do have multiple instructors just make sure that you have the proper revenue set here just so there's no problems later in the future all right cool so let's keep going here next we have the notifications this will essentially turn on notifications on your websites or in their browser this can be found in the tutor lms pro settings under notifications so i already did talk about this and this is where you can find this feature so you guys can go ahead and turn on notifications on either your website or on their browser by selecting the push notification checkbox next we have the prerequisites this means the user must complete specific courses before they enroll in other courses this can be found in the course tab right going down here under the course prerequisites i can say you know what you must finish the intro to javascript before you enroll in this course and then i'll click on update all right so i went to a new browser here and if i scroll down you're going to see course prerequisites it says please note that this has the following prerequisites which must be completed before it can be accessed they're basically saying i have to finish the intro to javascript course and you know they're given a link here where they can go ahead and enroll in this course before they take the other course because it does have prerequisites so that's how the prerequisite add-on works all right and next we have the reports so check your course performance through the tutor report stats this can be found under the tutor lms under reports this essentially just gives you stats right so published courses courses enrolled lessons quizzes questions instructors students and so on and so forth here you guys can get a little bit more information on the sales you can see the most popular courses the last enrolled courses you can see the reviews on your school the new students and then also new teachers that have also registered on your websites over here under courses you guys do get a little bit more analytics you can see the lessons the assignments the total students and also how much money that course has made uh the reviews you can see uh you know you guys got some reviews you guys can go ahead and delete bad reviews on your website uh if you feel like you know you got trolls and they're just like you know just leaving you negative reviews for no reason uh you can you know delete that or whatever you know uh here we have sales so you can see uh all of these sales from your courses here you guys can see i did do a lot of testing uh for this video so i did have to buy a lot of courses to test stuff out and then also here you have uh just some students where you can take a look at all your students and you can search for them uh you know by course whatever you know so uh yeah this is the report section and this is how you can get detailed reports uh for your course websites all right and the last feature is connect tutor lms with the zoom to host live online classes students can attend live classes right from the lesson page so before we actually use zoom we first need to connect zoom with our website up here we'll go to the tutor lms pro and then you'll then see this zoom tab right here now you guys will need to make a zoom account so this is and in case you guys don't know zoom is a platform where uh students can connect all from one location it looks like right now their website's having problems or something it's a little weird but a lot of workplaces are also using zoom in fact a lot of workplaces are now integrating to a a remote location where people can now just work from home using zoom so it's a very popular website uh you guys will need to make an account in order for this to work so right here you guys can see that's i do have my account already created so you'll first go ahead and make an account with zoom right now we're going to go ahead and connect zoom with our website let's go back over here and we need to first enter an api key so it says right here go to the zoom websites all right and once you're here you will go ahead and go to jwt and this is where you're going to generate your api key and also your secret key so you're going to go ahead and put your api key here and also your secret key right here so i'll go ahead and click on view here now you guys will have to go ahead and create it it probably takes like one minute right you just go ahead and enter in some credentials and stuff like that and here is my api key all right i'll go ahead and copy this go over here paste my api key in there right and then i'll go ahead and also copy my api secrets and then i'll also paste that there i will click on save and check connection all right cool so now you can see that our website is now integrated with zoom and over here settings you have some options here you can join before host i'll go ahead and turn that on mute participants and you do have some other really cool options here for zoom you know i think this wasn't an update i don't even remember this being here so yeah if you want to mute people that's also pretty cool like you got some kids who are really loud and obnoxious you can just go ahead and mute them so now that i've done that let's go over here to the courses section and now let's go click on a course all right i will then scroll down over here and we'll go ahead and just open up any one of these little uh lessons and now you're going to see this option right here that says zoom live session so let's click on zoom live session and this is going to be like class discussion right class discussion and this is a class discussion the meeting time is uh we'll just put today you know today and uh today right now you know we'll put you know we'll put right now here see the 14th year let's see here we got the 14th right it's about 4 40. so i'll do here at 4 dots 40 p.m and this is about 60 minutes long all right my time zone here gmt plus 7 right you'll go ahead and select your time zone all right and you can select a password if you choose to or not once you guys are done with that you'll then click on create meeting here i'll go ahead and enter a password so i'll just put paddy and then i'll click on create meeting and then i'll click on update all right so now i'm gonna go back to my account right here and go to host and i'll do screen share only would you like to start this meeting class discussion i'll click on start so zoom already knows that we have classes that are already supposed to be launched uh here i'll just click on open first i'll go ahead and share my screen and i'll just create like a a whiteboard you know whatever we'll use the zoom features here and this will be like hello you know or whatever you know all right so i am now the student and i'm gonna say all right so let's go ahead now and enroll in the class discussion so here you can see that this is already started so i'll click on join in browser all right so now i'm gonna join the meeting and my name is robert right so let's say the student is robert and here i'll click on join and there you go so now we can see the uh student is now viewing daryl's screen so that's how you guys can create a zoom meeting so i did get a little bit of reverb so i decided to take it down but you can see that uh daryl's in here and also robert are both in here and now i can share the screen to uh you know pretty much anything right i can you know share my screen i can create a whiteboard and all the students in here will be able to see exactly what i'm doing so that's how you guys can integrate zoom onto your online course website welcome back party people so at this point you guys are like pros with wordpress and you guys also know how to use the tutor lms pro plugin so congratulations now before i let you guys go i just want to make one more section that talks about the act of selling courses what to include how to keep it structured and also things to avoid right because i think a lot of people they jump to those third-party websites right away and that's not where you want to go man and i'll talk about why in this part of the video all right so let's get started all right guys in this part of the video i'll be explaining how to manage and sell your online courses i'll be talking about the pros and cons i'll also give you guys my personal experience selling online courses and things to avoid i'll also be showing you guys template kits and also free templates that we have made exclusively for you guys for just watching this video now the first thing that we want to talk about is uh the courses itself now i found this article by which is actually pretty helpful the first thing that you guys want to do is decide on a course topic so you guys don't want to create a course where you're mentioning various other topics you just want to focus on one topic and be dedicated to that specific topic the next thing that you guys want to do is research your course subject obviously you guys are probably knowledgeable about this stuff so you just want to make sure that you guys you know research what you're actually talking about because i have seen course creators make courses on things they have no idea what they're talking about and that's like a it's like an epidemic it's almost a problem that i've seen especially on youtube and then you know you can outline your course i actually do this for my videos if you guys actually go to any one of my videos you can see here how everything is structured right number one we get hosting number two we install wordpress number three general settings you wanna create that step-by-step outline so users feel very structured and they also think that you're a better instructor when i first started selling all my courses guys it was a disaster i was all over the place i was just randomly teaching stuff everywhere and it looked very unstructured and people thought i was a noob so you want to avoid that's right it looks like right here they went from three to two but that's okay no problem setting your goals objectives so as you do this what do you want from this you know what is your goal how much money do you want to make how many students you want to enroll in the course just said something you know like for the first year i want a hundred students you know just something very basic you know but just send set a milestone right and the next thing we have is creating the content so just make sure that you guys create valuable content that's something that you would read right so for example if i go to any of these videos here i want people to watch it right and if i were to create a video that i myself would not watch then the content is not good enough so i'm just saying to you make something that you would want to read yourself right and don't use your old content guys i have seen creators do that as well they do that because they're lazy right in all my videos i'm very you know we we go in detail into different topics i don't just rehash all the same material because that's lazy and people will catch on to that here we go how to price your online course now this is a very debated topic right and there's pretty much two methods here and they actually mentioned this and i do want to talk about this the first one is a free course now how do you make money with the free course right well number one you guys would make money through affiliate commissions for example here i'm offering this course on how to create a social media website with wordpress and they have to purchase buddy boss which is a wordpress theme if they go over here and they click on the buddy boss link right here and they decide to make action and purchase the actual product i will then receive a commission of this product i think i get around thirty percent of whatever this product's worth so for example if i go over here to pricing and a person buys one of these i get thirty percent of their sale that is how a free course can generate income that is my current approach right there are people who sell paid courses on this topic but my approach is i want to give it for free and i hope that they uh you know that i get commissions from it which i i do you know i see it all the time so that is one approach but i wouldn't recommend that if you're not doing it on youtube because i also make money through youtube ads so i would only use the free method if you are offering courses only on youtube but you guys obviously made a course website so the free method would probably not be the best solution for you guys and i recommend this one right here the basic one-off payments this is the best one to go with because a user purchases the course they get access to it and the transaction is done right and when you guys create a one-time payment you always want to have groups right you want to have like a facebook group and you want to have a group or community where people can come together and talk about uh the topic the worst thing is when you don't have a personal connection to your audience because the thing is once you guys actually create a facebook group here you can sell them more courses and you can offer more products right so you want to build that community base but you also want to maintain that personal connection with your audience because now the worst thing is just selling a course and disappearing and then everyone thinks you were a scammer right this is a very common thing so uh just be mindful about that right and over here we have the subscriptions i do not recommend subscriptions i think this is a terrible model i have seen two people on youtube do this and it has backfired tremendously the reason why this does not work is because if a person offers a subscription and they do not add anything into the course later the people feel like they have been scammed right so i feel like this is a very bad way to sell online courses right also for the one-off payments i did mention that you guys can create like a facebook group here for your community however i also do have this video you know on how to create a social media websites where you can have people join your community and there are a lot of big influencers and big companies like that actually use this same software and have watched this video so it's like a little mini facebook right it's a little mini facebook where you have uh people that are posting liking you have followers uh you have members right here uh people can like people can add others to the group they can even create their own groups i think this is very good for course creators you can also even you know sell your products inside of your community website so uh yeah if you guys do want to check this out uh this is a great video that goes hand in hand with course creators all right and we talked about subscriptions do not do that do not do uh whatever premium i guess that's just a one-time payments do not offer installments okay guys do not offer installments i don't recommend it i feel like it's a quick way to get charge backed and where people just don't pay for the course right that's my opinion on that and let's go ahead over here a successful online course page which you guys already have because you guys can easily uh just link people to your course page and you guys do have a really nice course page in fact they are actually using almost the same structure as we are using right here now i do want to mention that selling courses on your website is way more profitable and lucrative than going to other third party websites and selling your courses i myself have had the same experience and i want to walk you guys through because this guy also had the same experience i did for example if you guys go to you guys can sell courses and they make it really easy to sell courses right but the thing is you're probably thinking to yourself this guy made a lot of money right 98 000 students uh the course was 130 uh it's only 16 still he's made a lot of money not really so what udemy does here is they actually uh take off your original course price that you listed they dictate the price and guess what if they actually found the course through the instructor only gets fifty percent of this sixteen dollars however it gets worse if they found an ad that redirected them to this course you as a creator would only get 25 of this 16 which to me is total bs because they have already listed the course at 130 dollars udemy then drastically reduces the price and then you only get 25 percent of this price if someone found it through ads so it looks like this guy right here roy archibald whatever his name is he actually had the same experience like i did for example 100 of the revenue share on students that instructors bring to you to be so this course right here would only get the full revenue of 16 if the creator gave this student a link that directly brought them here and they immediately registered which is really not likely right and if a person found the course through just in their search engine they the course creator only gets 50 right so they would get 50 of this 16 right and if they found it through an ad they would only get 25 and the worst part is is once they actually find the course with these really cheap prices the students expect support and updates right they expect support they expect you to interact and help them and that's actually part of the udemy rules is you have to engage with your students and who the hell wants to engage with their students when they're getting 25 of 16 it doesn't make any sense so i highly recommend to teach courses on your own website where you have full control and you get all of the revenue right so that's my personal experience selling on other websites um is not the only one there are other few websites that i've sold on and i feel like selling on your own website is the best solution next i want to talk to you guys about my templates so here we have the learning template right and we have various pages right we have home page one we have home page two and also we have home page three we also do have other various pages right we have like the about us uh coming soon landing success stories student registration we have tons of pages for you guys that you guys can import we also do have the layouts where we also do offer various home pages as well we have homepage one home page two and also home page three where students can or you guys can use these layouts on your websites and these are like the full shebang right because every page is different uh we have created this specifically for you guys and they're like they look really nice i gotta be honest i paid about two thousand dollars just for these layouts to be honest so i just wanted something very good for you guys now in this video i'm not going to be showing you guys how to upload it however these products are available on my websites if you guys go over here to view layouts you guys will go to the elementor templates and then the template will be available however at the current time of making this video it's hidden because i don't want people to go and uh you know go and add it to the cart because it's exclusive for this video right so this is the template kits i'll also put the other one in the shop now you guys might be asking yourself well how do i use this right uh here we have instructions and on this page right here we're going to have product description so all you guys would have to do right here is actually click on the product description it will show you exactly what you guys need to do uh step by step in order to import the entire kits uh one thing uh one thing to mention you guys will need elementor elementor pro tutor lms and the tutor lms elementor add-ons right we also do have a video that shows you in detail how to upload these templates and we will leave all this in the product description i will also make a second follow-up video showing you guys how to import both of these templates right but at the current time i'm not going to have it right now just because i don't want people to add them uh to their cart and use them right so i'm just going to put these in the description for you guys and by the time you're watching this it will be all filled out and ready to go so no problem lastly i want to talk about a theme that you guys can use to get more templates so obviously my templates are the best right i mean my templates are amazing i got to be honest guys like my designer is like the best out there you know well me and my designer you know i we we go hand in hand on this and we uh go back and forth on these designs however you guys can also use the astra theme the astro theme also does have tons of templates that you guys can use we started with tutor starter you guys can keep tutor starter no problem however the astra theme also does have tons of templates that you guys can use for your uh online university or your course websites so just to give you guys an example i have now activated the astra theme i went over here to the astra options and i'm going to click on install importer plugin now with astra i got to be honest people only use astro really for their templates i mean that's really why people use it i mean all the themes today are the same thing right here i'll click on build your website now i'll choose elementor i'll refresh this page because i don't know why but it's always like that it's weird and uh they have tons of websites right here right so we have personal sites like you know online health coach they have you know all these different layouts you guys can pick from and there is quite a bits so you guys can go ahead and go through this list also there is a community one right so for like preschool uh let's talk about university right let's see they have they have some they have some free ones a free one another free one let's check out another one here kindergarten oh check that one out well it looks like a lot of these are pro right but if you guys do want to upgrade to the pro i'll leave a link below to purchase the pro version but they do also have just regular like layouts that you guys can use that's if you guys don't want to use mine or the one that came with the tudor starter this is also a really good resource on where to get some more templates for your websites but alright guys that's pretty much it for this part of the video feel free to let me know how this video was if there's anything else i can do to help you guys get started with your course website also let me know in the comments below if you guys do want to join my facebook group uh we have a group here with around 10 000 members and i do give out tons of freebies in fact over here i actually did give out more uh demo layouts for the divi theme so that's also pretty cool people are really excited about that obviously you can tell there's like almost 200 likes on over here so uh yeah but uh again thank you guys so much for watching this video you guys have any questions for me again let me know in the comments below uh feedback's always welcome so if i did really good let me know if i needed improvement also let me know and until then i'll see you guys later congratulations guys on your lms slash course website you know i don't really know what you want to say because you can make a course website but you can also make a whole university uh website with this plugin as well so uh you guys saw the whole video i'm like saying both because it's the same thing right but let me know how i did guys you know was this a good video let me know in the comments below i feel like today online courses and online education is evolving and a lot of people rather learn something from their favorite influencer or they just want to take a school online where they can learn by themselves maybe they have like social anxiety and it just wants to you know have a attended online school and i think that's where a lot of the online education is going in the future so uh yeah make sure you guys like this video leave me a really nice comment below and until then i will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 225,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an online course website, tutor lms tutorial, tutor lms, wordpress, how to make lms website with wordpress, tutor lms wordpress tutorial, darrel wilson, online course with wordpress, how to make online course website, sell online courses, sell online courses from your own website
Id: kMIIfC6ddHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 13sec (10213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.