How to Make School Management System Website in WordPress - Attendance, Results, Timetable, SMS 2022

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hello friends i am nash again train this really i'll teach you how to create a complete and professional school management system website with wordpress so with this website you can manage multiple schools from one central location schools can receive fees and other payments online teachers can conduct live zoom classes this website will create different accounts with different features for teachers students parents school librarian school accountant and office administrator basically this website has all the features and functionalities that a professional school management system website must have now let me show you a very quick demo of the website that you will be creating in this video now first of all let me refresh this page this is the website that will be creating will cover both the front end as well as the back end so as you can see when we refresh this page this is how it will look like a little bit of animation and so on so first we'll see how to create the front end of the website and most importantly here is the back end of the website like how a teacher can manage students their attendance fees and all those things and similarly how students can log into their website and see things related to their account for example let me actually show you that thing first if i'm a student or if i'm a parent i can come over here click on login enter the student details student logging details and click on login and now here as you can see as soon as this person this student or parent logs in they will see this page this page will have the name of the student the school name or the email address phone number of the school everything and then over here it will have the student details like the photo of the student name of the student enrollment number role number class number father's name id card if they lost their id card they can simply click on this print option and they can print the id card again so we have this option as well they can also see what is the total amount or what is the total fee that they have to make the payment of and how much they have made the payment and what is the due amount then over here if they if there is any notice on the notice board they can see that notice over here as well now there is only one notice that demo notice that i created but you can create multiple notices over here you can control the animation how slow or fast this thing will go you can control everything then if you want to make any payment you can click on fee invoices and you can here as you can see there is one amount due there is some feed you over here so if this parent or this student want to make the payment they can click on pay now and they can make payment through credit card debit card net banking i'll show you how to integrate all these things they can also do bank transfer so everything will see in complete detail then we'll see the fee structure so what is the fee structure for this particular student what is the admission fee monthly fee and admission fees you can see is a one-time fee this is a monthly fee quarterly fee they can see all these details if they want to see the payment history they can simply come over here and they can see that this is the amount of fees they have made all they have already made the payment of if they want to print this thing they can do that thing as well again click on print and they can see all the details what is the amount they have paid and everything so they can print this thing as well if teacher post any study material this student or parent can see that study material over here so whether it is any post any link any videos any images they can click on view and they can see those things over here then if teacher post any homework this person or this student can see this homework they can click on view and if they want to submit their homework they can click on submit homework and they can upload the file or whatever the homework was okay similarly we have seen notice board if there is any note events in the future for example there is some inter school cricket tournament in the future they can see they can click on this view link they can read more about the event and so on if they want to see the timetable of the class they can click on this thing if they want to print the timetable click on print and they can now take a print out of this timetable and if there is any live classes going on they can say this thing so teacher can create a live class i'll show you how that is done and students can simply click on this button and they can join the live class through zoom or through other software whatever you want to integrate then we have the library option if this student has taken any book from the library they can see those details then if there is any exam coming in the future for example there is this unit test one coming in the future you can see the date of that exam if you want to click on this thing you can click and you can see the timetable again if you want to print this thing you can go ahead and print this timetable as well then we have the admit card so if you want to publish admit cards for this exam so people must have this admin card to get the to get into exam hall you can do that thing as well and if you want to publish admit cards only for certain or specific students you can do that thing as well then we have more options students and parents can see the exam results from here certificates attendance for example if i if i want to see the attendance of this person or this student i can see in june 2020 only one day attendance no absent you can see all these things from here if you want to see attendance of any particular month of any particular year you can see that thing as well if you want to submit any leave request you can click on this thing and you can fill in this form and you know it can be approved or declined so this is how it is done now let me do one thing let me log out from here this was a student's account now let's login as a teacher so if you enter the login details of the teacher this teacher will see the backend this is the back end from here they can control the attendance they can create a new timetable they can control they can manage homework they can add anything on the notice board everything will be done from this page so for example this teacher wants to take attendance for today they can click on attendance they can click on take attendance and after that they can select the date so maybe this is for today okay saturday for i can click on manage attendance because i have only i've created only one student so i can see only one student in this class in class 1a okay first a if obviously there are 100 students or 50 or 30 students you will see a list of all the students who is present you can just mark them present who is absent you can mark that absent and if there is for example today it is holiday so you can just mark all holiday and you know click on save change so on this day it will be marked as holiday so this is how it works now again let me just log out from here let me go to the home page and similarly you can create accounts for your librarian for your transport guys the one who manages the transport you can create an account for your teachers and you can also assign certain teachers for certain class for example this teacher is the class teacher for this particular class for third a maybe of a fourth be you know you can assign that thing as well you can assign teachers to different subjects so this is science teacher you can also manage finances for this school from the backend like if you want to give salary to these teachers you can manage that from you so everything will be in record saved in this website's database similarly you can create an account for librarian that librarian can manage how many books are there in the library if any student has taken any book this thing will be saved in the database so you don't have to maintain any books or any papers like that everything will be maintained digitally on your database and doing this thing is super simple i'll explain you that thing in complete detail later on in this video now let's see the front end so on the front end we have a lot of things we'll see the homepage later on first let me show you the fee submission page if some parents want they can simply come over here they don't want to log in they can do this thing from here they can select this school they can select this session class for example class one then they can type the student name for example the student name is student1 so they can see over here they can click on view they can see this is the amount that is spending they can click on pay now and they can make this payment from here without even login in so this is also one option if there is any admission enquiry if somebody wants to inquire about the admission for any class for example maybe for second c or just for second standard they can enter their names over here they can click on submit and obviously these details will be given to your office administrator or school administrator and then they can follow up with this student enquiry or with this admission enquiry similarly we have the register page you or any parent can register that you know student details from the front end i'll show you when this thing will be useful later on in this video we have seen the login page then we have the blog page about page and also so if i come back to the home page this is how your homepage will look like now designing is not the most important part of this video in fact as i said earlier will be you know doing all the technical thing is the important thing designing is pretty easy i've shown you designing part in many different videos so designing will be very simple in fact i'll give you all the layouts you can simply import those layouts and you can create your website so you don't even have to design anything manually so on this school website here as you can see this is the front end this is the first section you can give some title subtitle you can have a call to action button library about how many graduates how many computer studies then if you scroll down what you offer learn you know language for business online learning whatever options features you have you can add your teachers details or the trusty details the people who are managing this school and all these details can be given over here so creating this website is pretty easy if you see we have the about page as well if somebody wants to see about this school they can read more about this school and the trust that is managing this school this they can see that thing if they want to contact the school they can come over here they can see the school details address phone number everything and if they want to see the blog so we can also see we'll see how to create these blog posts as well now these blog posts are really useful because this will help you to generate some extra traffic through google search results and then at the right hand side you can create these kind of things in the sidebar you can create a you know facebook page for your school twitter account for your school and you can integrate that ratio and again notice board also you can give it over here in this sidebar i'll show you how everything is done over here so don't worry about that thing all right so this was a very quick demo of the website that we'll be creating in this video i hope you guys like the demo website now if you like this demo website if you don't create this website make sure to watch the complete tutorial and before you proceed further make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you don't miss any future notifications if you like this video give a thumbs up to this video share with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any suggestions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below and now let's start creating this website it's now to create any kind of website whether it's an e-commerce website a school management website a simple blog business website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the url of your website for example all these things are different domain names so you also have to register domain name for your website or for your school so that people can enter or your students parents can enter this domain name in the browser url bar and they can land on your website now the second and the most important thing is your website's hosting now hosting is basically a server or a computer wherein your entire website is safe so if you see this website all the different media files pages database this entire website is saved in a server and that server is running 24 7 so that whenever someone wants to visit your website from any particular country at any given time they can always see your website live because your website is always up and running now hosting is the most important thing about your website because everything related to your website is directly or indirectly dependent on your hosting so your website speed your website's performance the user experience on your website your website security and even your website's ranking in google search results is totally dependent on your hosting so if you've selected a good and reliable hosting your website speed and performance will be amazing user experience on your website will be pretty good your website will be very secure for anybody to attack or hack your website it will be almost impossible so that is really important and most importantly you'll also get better ranking in google search results now there are literally thousands of different hosting providers available in the market but unfortunately only handful of them are really good enough to consider but you don't have to worry about that you can simply open a new tab and type in host ranger so this is the hosting that we'll be using to create this website in fact you don't even have to type in this thing this link is also given in the video description below so you can simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page okay hosting your wordpress manage hosting page now this is the most affordable and still one of the fastest hosting available in the market and that is the reason why we are going with this one now first of all we are not using a regular web hosting so if you see under hosting we have the web hosting we are not using that we are using the wordpress manager hosting if you click on wordpress manage you can see this is the hosting that will be using okay so whenever you want to go to this page make sure to always type in that link hostinger so you're automatically redirected to the wordpress manage hosting page now if you scroll down over here you can see this is specially made for wordpress websites and they're using lightspeed web server to improve your website speed and they are also using cloudflare you can see that trust pilot review is also pretty good they have great rating great reviews they can also you can see the latest reviews are all positive if you scroll down you can see there are four different plans over here single wordpress wordpress starter business wordpress and wordpress pro now for most of you guys i would recommend you to just select this option most popular option wordpress starter this is the best option to start with just click on select and you can proceed further now let me very quickly just explain you a few things about the hosting what is this hosting and what all features you're getting with this particular plan so with this plan with the wordpress starter plan this is very affordable as you can see with this plan you can create 100 different websites so today you're creating this cool website tomorrow you might want to create another website for another school maybe or maybe another e-commerce website or a blog or something so for that you don't have to purchase a new hosting you can host up to 100 websites in one single hosting plan so once you purchase this wordpress starter you can host up to 100 websites in this single hosting so very important with this you're also getting 100 gbs of ssd storage very important again if you see this website with all the different data and pages and media files and everything this entire website the size of this entire website is hardly like 50 60 mb maximum 100 mb not more than that so with 100 gbs you can create like thousands of websites like this one so you don't have to worry about the data space and most importantly if you see over here these guys are using ssd storage to host and to store your website like most of the other hosting they use the hdd storage and if your website is hosted on hdd storage your website will be very slow so it will load very slowly you might have seen that thing yourself as well once you go to some website it takes a lot of time to load even the first page so we don't want that thing over here so here these guys are using ssd storage and ssd is around 30 to 40 times faster as compared to regular hdd storage so very important now with this you're also getting free business email which is very important especially for school type of website so in school you don't want to use an email like school you want to use a professional email like admin or like contact at so your school name is for example our lady so contact our our so you want to have your email address with your own school name so that is uh you can do that thing with the with this option then we also get free ssl certificate so if you go to the demo website you can see we have this lock pad over here this is the ssl certificate which makes your website secure so we're getting a free ssl certificate we also gave getting a free domain name so whatever domain name you want to register for your school like whatever you can get your domain name for free then we also get unlimited bandwidth as i said earlier manage wordpress so this hosting plan is specially made for wordpress website so it will improve your website speed and performance wordpress acceleration again they are using light speed caching to you know again improve your website speed and performance now there are many more features but i don't want to waste a lot of time over here for most of you guys as i said earlier just select this thing and click on the select button and now you'll be redirected to this page here first of all you have to choose a period so for how long do you want to purchase this hosting plan so for one month for 12 months 24 months or for four years so by default one year is selected 12 months is selected and here as you can see the regular price is actually 15 but if you purchase for one year you will get it for only half the price in fact less than that you're getting it for only six dollars fifty cents per month so here as you can see you're getting a huge discount 57 percent discount if you're not getting 57 percent discount don't worry once we scroll down i'll show you a coupon code that you can get that you can enter to get some extra discount so basically here you're getting this thing for half the price but if you go with two years 24 months you will get it at even cheaper price for example for just fifty five dollars fifty cents per month and the most important and the most unique and amazing thing about hostinger is that the renewal price is also discounted now most of the times it happens that for the first year many hostings give huge discount for example the regular price is like 20 dollars but if you purchase the for for the first year they will give you for seven eight dollars but here they are giving you four fifty five six dollars and even the renewable price is discounted so other hostings when you renew after one year you have to pay around three to four times higher but here that is not happening even the renewable price is getting discounted so after two years if you renew this thing you will have to pay only nine dollars per month instead of regular fifteen dollars per month so again very important and if you see this subtotal remember we are getting free domain name so you don't have to come to count the domain name price over here if you see this subtotal over here you have to pay only 130 approximately and if you compare with some other hosting for example if you compare this thing with a2 hosting or some other hosting 8 hosting which i was recommending earlier before this hosting for the first year have to pay like 130 only for the first year and here you're getting that for two years so this is really amazing so just select whatever period you want and after that scroll down in the second step you just have to enter your email address so just enter your email address and with this email address they will create an account for you so make sure whatever email address you enter here you have access to that particular email address okay very important and make sure your email address spelling and everything is correct then if you scroll down you can select the payment method so you're gonna make payment through credit card debit card paypal google pay alipay coingate if you're watching this video from india you will get even more payment gateway option for example you will get paytm you will get razor pay you will get you know upi payment many different payment options similarly if you're watching this video from some other country you will get payment option which are accepted in your country so this is another great thing about hostinger because this is a multinational brand it is available in many different countries so whatever payment option you want to select just select that thing and make sure this coupon code is entered over here okay so that you get some extra discount for example the regular price for one year is 84 dollars but if you enter my coupon code for example if you enter a year over here and a double y ar you'll get even more discount now instead of 84 you have to pay 78 so this is another thing now once you do this thing just go go ahead at the bottom and click on submit secure payment and make the payment all right now once you make the payment you will be redirected to a page now in this particular page you will have to enter your password so in the previous step we have entered the email address and in this step we have to enter the password now that email address which you entered in your previous step and this password will become your login id so make sure you remember that email and this password and also make sure to enter some strong password which has some uppercase lowercase numbers special characters and so on now once you select that thing enter your password and click on confirm and now you'll see this page now this is the page that you'll see for the first time your hello world just to welcome you this thing now you just have to go ahead and click on this start now button and this will start this process so first of all they'll ask you a few things like what you're creating this website for so whether you're creating this website for you for yourself for a client for somebody else you can select anything for example i'm selecting myself then there is this will ask you whether this will be a business website portfolio website what kind of website again you can select anything you want now this is just a simple survey if you don't want to fill in this thing you can just go ahead and skip this thing so you can see this link at the bottom skip link click on that thing and skip this process and now this will ask you to select the platform what platform you'll be using wordpress woocommerce some other platform or if you want you can migrate your website as well so if you already have a website created with some other hosting and maybe if you're not really happy or satisfied with that hosting if you want to migrate your website to host danger you can select this migrate my website option and they will migrate your website for absolutely free but if you want to migrate your website don't worry for now just select wordpress for everybody just select wordpress how to migrate your website i'll show you in the next step for now just select wordpress and click on the select button and now you have to enter your wordpress account email id and password so you have to enter some email address and some password for your wordpress account now the previous email and password was for your edge panel it was for your control panel and this email address and password is for your wordpress account so whenever you want to log into your wordpress dashboard this is the email id and password that you would have to enter again enter the email address and password and click on continue and now this will recommend you or this will give you a few templates pre-made templates if you want you can use them we don't want this thing so again we'll just go ahead and skip this thing and now it is time to select the domain name so there are three options first is to claim a free domain as i said earlier you'll be getting a free domain second is to buy a domain and third is to use an existing domain now if you already have a domain name registered on some other website maybe on good id name chip some other website and if you want to use that option then you can use the third option you use an existing domain but i would recommend you to first select this option claim a free domain and first get your free domain and how to link that domain godaddy domain with hostinger i'll show you in the next step so first select this option claim a free domain click on select and now type in the domain name that you want to register for free for example i want to register this domain name so i can type in nayashike and from here you can dot whatever domain name extension you want so for example i'm selecting neoshek dot in so i'll select this thing click on search and it will search for this domain if this domain name is available for you it will say that this is available if not you can just keep on trying and if your dominion is available you can click on continue now i'll be selecting the third option use an existing domain because i want to use an existing domain i already have a domain name registered on godaddy i want to use this domain or i want to use that domain with host changes so i'll select use an existing domain and i'll enter block dude and after that i'll click on continue now in the next step it will display my domain name and it will display that this is the provider godaddy is the provider and this domain name is registered with godaddy this is my current name server now i have to change the name servers i'll show you how that is done for now just again click on continue and in this step you will have to choose your server location by default it will be asia if you're watching this video from india pakistan bangladesh these kind of countries if you're watching this video from europe obviously it will be some european data center location for you so if you want you can just keep it as it is or if you want to you can change the data center location as well i would recommend you to keep it as it is now just select this option and now click on finish setup now wordpress has started installing on your domain name this is a very small process hardly takes around three to four minutes so let's wait right now once it is done you will see this page it will show you a few options like if you want to connect your domain you can do that thing you can use this option wordpress dashboard view your website control panel for now don't do anything just click on this logo at the top you see this host stranger logo at the very top click on that logo and you will now be redirected to your edge panel and this is how your edge panel will look like now the very first thing if you want to migrate your website if you already have a website with some other hosting if you want to migrate to hosting you can select this option you have your account you have the user icon over here click on that and here you will see my great website click on that now you have to follow this step click on add request enter your website detail you know your current website detail all the details you have to enter your you know wordpress dashboard username and password as well so that they can log into your wordpress dashboard and they can do everything so if you want you can select this option okay if you want to migrate your website add all these details and click on add request and they will migrate this website for you now second option second option is that you already have a domain name registered on some other website outside hostinger maybe on godaddy namecheap some other website and maybe if you want to use that domain name with hostginger so how you will do that for that you will click on hosting and here you will click on add website now once you click on add website if you see any notices like this just click on remind later okay now enter the domain name that you want to use now i have some domain names registered on so if i come over here you can see few domain names maybe i want to use this domain or you can follow the same steps for godaddy name chip whatever domain name registrar you're using now you have to change the dns name so first of all you have to copy the name domain name come over here enter the domain name over here i want to use this domain enter some password for your domain name maybe i'll enter some password over here now click on add website now once you click on add website uh this website will be added for you you can again come back to hosting and now here as you can see we have this website and is shake now you have to click on manage now once you click on manage you will see your name servers hosting name servers uh first of all it will show you this notice that this domain is not pointing to hosting if you see this notice you basically have to point your name server to hostinger and how you'll do that go to uh go to good id or wherever you have registered your domain name and select this option okay you will always see this manage dns button click on manage dns to manage your domain name server now in good idea this is this step you have to scroll down and you will see your name servers click on change and select this option enter my own name servers click on this and delete uh these name source uh you know cut these two name servers just remove them from here now copy your name server number one from here paste it under line one similarly copy your name server number two paste it under line two and now click on save now once you click on save it can take up to 24 to 48 hours to link your domain name with hostinger so this is this step if you want to link your domain name with hostninja external domain name now if you or if you have just registered a new domain name with hostinger you don't have to worry about that you can just proceed further just select your domain name under hosting first click on hosting select your domain name and click on manage and now click on dashboard now once you click on dashboard you will see this option basically wordpress will be installed for you you'll see what php version and what wordpress version you're using now if wordpress is not installed for you for some reason you can click on this option at the very bottom site install click on install and you can install wordpress on your account okay click on advanced select your domain name on which you want to install wordpress and click on next it will install wordpress for you normally it does not happen like that wordpress will 100 be installed for you like this so you don't have to worry about that step so very first thing that you have to do here is make sure light speed is on always recommended make sure this is on turn down like this one then the second option is that we have to install ssl certificate on this domain name so you have to click on the setup button and click on install ssl now ssl certificate will be installed on your domain name again this is also very small uh process hardly takes around 30 to 40 seconds so let's wait and now once it is done you will see ssl is now enabled after that force https will also be enabled for you if it is not you can just go ahead and turn this thing on as well and finally you can click on this button edit website now once you do that thing you will now automatically be logged into your wordpress dashboard now once you log into your dashboard for the very first time you might see some notices like this you can just click on this option uh go back to dashboard okay this option or if you want if you don't see how to cut that noise notices you can just type in your website name and after that put in forward slash wp hyphen admin in fact whenever you want to land on this page on your dashboard page you have to enter your website name and after that put in forward slash wp hyphen admin once you do this thing you will land on your dashboard or the second option or second way of getting into your wordpress dashboard is go to your edge panel like this now go to click on dashboard and click on edit website you will automatically be logged into your wordpress dashboard now whenever we install wordpress or a new domain name for the very first time there are few things we have to understand and there are few settings that we have to do first of all this is the dashboard and here you'll see few widgets are installed for you these are not really useful so we can do one thing we can click on screen options and we can get rid of all these widgets from here just untick everything just to keep things very clean for us now you'll see a few options over here at the left hand side now the second option first was this dashboard option second option is your post option and this option will be using to create these blog posts which i have shown you in the demo website if you see the blog section here as you can see we'll see how to create these blog posts and that is done from here then we have the media option now whatever media files whatever images videos media files we have everything will be shown over here under media library everything will show up for you if you want to manage them delete them you can do that from here then we have the pages option which obviously will be used to create different pages like your admission enquiry page login page register page and so on then we have the comments whenever you have any comment on any blog post or anything you will see those comments from here you if you want you can approve them and approve them if you're not reply them you can do that thing if you want to mark them spam you can do that now leave all the other option click on appearance under opinions you will see few themes will be in already installed for you and one of them will automatically be activated for you so in this case 2020 theme 2022 theme is activated and if you open your website in a new tab you will see this is how your website is looking right now now this layout this appearance design of your website is because of this theme 2022 thing if we just go ahead and activate some other theme for example let's go ahead and activate the 2020 theme again if you come back to your website and if you refresh it you'll see your website design is completely changed so this is basically what a theme does a theme changes your website appearance and style now always make sure to have only one theme installed and activated so all the extra themes you can just click on that and you can delete it now we don't want to use this theme as well 2020 or all these themes these are not really great themes will be using a free theme oceanwp but i'll show you in the next step how you can install and activate that theme for now just click on plugins at the left hand side now we have seen themes themes are basically design and appearance of your website what is the plugin a plugin is kind of a software or an add-on that will add some extra features and functionalities to your wordpress website for example all these school related features like admission inquiry login feature dashboard feature these features are not by default available on wordpress so to add these school related features we'll have to use or we'll have to install a plugin called school management something like that we have to use the plugin basically and that plugin will add all these cool related features to your wordpress website now again you'll have you'll see a lot of unnecessary plugins over here so again just like themes we want to delete all these unnecessary plugins so you can deactivate them one by one or you can save some time you can tick mark over here this will select everything now on the bulk action select deactivate and click on apply and make sure everything is deactivated now you can go ahead and delete all this plugin so again tick mark this thing just leave this one light speed cache this is an important plugin this is your caching plugin so this will improve your website speed as you can see so make sure to just leave the light speed cache and delete everything else so select delete click on delete all these plugins will be deleted for you if you want you can do it one by one don't activate the live speed cache plugin right now the recommendation from my site would be to activate this plugin at the very end once you complete the website once you watch the complete tutorial and create your website at the end you can go ahead and activate this plugin now click on settings at the left hand side and here you have to change your website title and tagline so first of all title your website title will be the name of the company or in this case the name of your school for example i'll type in our lady of good counsel maybe i'm creating a website for my school okay so this is the school that has studied in so i'll enter the school name now tagline uh tagline could be your school tagline if you have your school has a tagline you can enter that tagline or primary school secondary school in mumbai something like that okay so enter things like that and after that make sure your email address is correct over here and after that also make sure that membership anyone can register stick mark for you so that people can come they can register on your website your students and teachers or if you want you can leave this thing as well but i would recommend you to just turn it on then after that finally select your time zone based on your country select the time zone if you're from india you can select kolkata time zone if you're from some other country just search for your time zone and select that thing click on save changes now under settings you will see permalinks click on that by default custom structure or some other structure will be selected for you i would recommend you to select this one post name permalink structure this is the most seo friendly permalink structure so select this option and click on save changes again again come back to your dashboard and with this all the basic settings related to your wordpress website are now 100 completed right now let's do one thing let's install all the required themes and plugins first of all we'll need a new theme to change the style and design of this website make it beautiful and professional like this one then we need few plugins and those plugins will add all these features so to download this theme click on appearance now click on add new and over here under search themes you will see that theme on the very first page because this is a very popular theme oceanwp here as you can see this is the theme if you don't see for some reason you can just search for this theme ocean wp okay wp for wordpress obviously this is the theme that we'll be using click on install button okay click on this install button this theme will start installing for you and once it is installed you can just go ahead and activate this theme once it is activated you can now even delete the 2020 or whatever the other theme is left and once you install and activate this theme first make sure to enable auto updates so whenever there is an update available for this theme in the future for example the current version is 3.3.2 whenever 3.3.3 comes it will automatically be updated for you don't have to do it manually so very important thing if you see any notices like this just dismiss it now let's install all the required plugins first plugin that we need is the plugin that will help us to design the website very important plugin the designing basically the designing tool this entire website is designed using that plugin again that is also a free plugin so for that again open a new tab and type in elementor um i'll have to open this link in a new private window but you don't have to do this thing in fact you don't even have to type in this thing this link is also given to you in the video description below you can simply click on that link and you should now be redirected to this page now here first of all you have to click on this get started button if you see at the top right corner if it says get started download whatever there will be a button over here just click on that button get started button in this case and now it will ask you to create a new account so just enter some email and password it will create a new account for you if you already have an account just click on sign in so just enter your email and password and click on create account it will create a new account for you now they will ask you a few things who you're building this website for for a client for somebody are you a freelancer again you can just go ahead and fill in this simple uh thing simple survey or if you want you can skip this thing as well again at the top right corner you'll see this skip link click on skip this thing will skip again click on skip and now we will see this page over here you have to go at the very bottom you will see elementor for free okay select this click on continue and now this will ask you your website name so enter your website link so in this case this is our website link copy your website link or you can just copy it like this come back to this website enter your link and click on check for wordpress if wordpress is installed on your website they will give you this option now click on install elementor once you click on that button you will see this page and here you have to click on this install now button which is again given to you at the bottom right corner i hope you can see this thing install now button click on bottom right corner and this will install this theme for you you don't need to activate it right now just let it be as it is in fact let me cut this thing come back to this page if you now go to plugins you will see this plugin added for you elementor now this is a free version uh that will be using but this plugin is obviously available in premium versions as well if you click on pricing and here if you click on this plugin you can see uh you know there are different types of plans like for one website activation or if you want to activate 20 website if you want to use this pro version on 25 websites on 1000 websites 100 website and you can select this thing and click on buy now so you can select any plan and obviously with the premium version you will be getting very many more features so you can select the premium version as well but you will be using a free version now click on add new to add few more plugins now these plugins we can just download it from here so first plugin is ocean extra so again just type in oceanwp you will get that plug-in just type in oceanwp again you will see this plug-in ocean extra install this plug-in as well then after that this plug-in will add some extra features for the oceanwp theme now the next plugin is the contact form 7 plugin this just search for contact you will see that plugin this is the one contact form 7 install this one this will help you to basically create different types of contact forms very lightweight plugins so you can just go ahead and install this thing and finally we need one more plug-in and water elements not necessary but i would recommend you to install this plug-in because with this plug-in you can get hundreds of different free layouts so this type of website this is a layout basically so in if you want to use if you want to you know if you want free designs for your website you can get it for free with this plugin and what to elements plugin now once you install all these plugins now you can go ahead and click on plugins at the left hand side and now you can activate all of this at once again i would recommend you to activate light speed cache at the very end so select activate and click on apply all these plugins will be activated for you once it is done click on plugin just to make sure that everything is activated and now as you can see everything is activated now you can come back to your dashboard now if you again go back to in fact let's first do one thing let's get rid of these widgets as well come back to your website if you refresh it now as you can see your website design is again changed because we have installed a new theme right now let's install the most important plugin the plugin that will add all these cool related features so for that again open a new tab and type in school again this link is also given to you in the video description below now once you click on that link you should be redirected to this page school management education and learning management system work for wordpress this is the plugin that we'll be using you have to purchase this theme so you will you have to purchase this plug-in so you'll see the regular prices for 49 but don't worry about the pricing because this is a one-time payment once you purchase this thing once you purchase this plug-in you can use this plug-in on your website for lifetime most of the times it happens that you have to renew every year but that is not the case over here here you can use this thing on your website for lifetime in fact even future updates will be free so whenever this plugin is updated bugs are fixed new features are added you can you will keep on getting those new features and updates for free again for lifetime and with this you also get six months of support so if you use this plug-in if you have any problem you're not trying to if you're not able to understand anything or if you're not able to achieve any certain thing that you wanted to achieve you can you know you have six months of free support you can go to support you can raise a new ticket and they will help you out or you can go to comments you can leave a comment and they will reply you back so this is one option so just click on this add to cart button and add this product to your cart and make sure to purchase this plugin once you purchase this plugin you will see your username over here at the top right corner hover over that and click on downloads and over here you will see all the different themes and plugins that you have purchased we want to use this cool management so let me search for that all right so here as you can see school management education and learning management you have to click on download and select all files and documentation click on this thing use the file will start loading for you i'll cancel this thing because i already have this zip file let me show you how that zip file will look like all right so this is the zip file you have to do one thing you have to unzip that file so to do that thing you have to right click over here right click on this zip file and select extract files once you do that thing a new folder will be created for you with the same name so here as you can see codecanyon codecanyon if you open this thing you will see this school management folder and in that folder you will have another zip file school management pro 9.9.7 or whatever the latest version is when you're watching this video now we have to install this file we have to you know upload this file on our website let's see how that is done for that come back to dashboard click on plugins again over here click on plugins click on add new now click on upload plugin and choose that file so again under this code canyon folder school management folder select this file click on open and now click on install now now again once this plugin is installed we have to activate it so we can simply click on that activate button and this plugin will be activated now we have to enter the license code of this plugin to you know get all the features related to this plugin so if you click on school management at the left hand side first of all this school management is because of this new feature new plugin now we have to enter the purchase code and you will get your purchase code over here if you again go back to that link school you will get the purchase code click on support now scroll down and here as you can see you have your purchase code just copied like this come back to your website paste in your purchase code click on activate now once you do that here you will see that this congratulations your plugin is activated and once you see this thing if you again click on school management you will see new options will be added under school management so dashboard options school option in fact many more options sm administrator sm accounting sm student all these options are added for you now to add a new school we have to use this option under school management's you have schools click on that and also by default one school is already created for you default school let's do one thing let's change the details of this school and let's create our first school so to create a new school basically you can click on this add new school button and you can create a new school but what i want to do is because we have all we already have a school default school i want to change the details of this school so i'll click on this pencil button to edit this school and after that instead of this name i'll type in our lady of good counsel okay this is my school name whatever your school name is obviously will enter that school name and if you want to create different uh different accounts different schools for different branches you can add the branch name as well so this is the sign branch sign mumbai branch so maybe sign mumbai okay so this is the sign uh mumbai branch if you if if it has multiple branches you can go back to that same step click on add new school and add multiple uh branches now enrollment prefix so for example you can add something like admission number or gr number in india we have gr number i don't know whether it is supplied everywhere and you can also see a preview of this okay so this is how it will look like so as soon as more and more people when they register on your website this is how their gr number or enrollment number will look like so as soon as more and more people will register on your website the gr number will look like this the enrollment number will look like this first it will have this prefix gr which we added and after that it will have the base number of zero okay and how many base padding so six so six zeros so here as you can see padding is six so total six digits we want so gr then zero zero and six digits obviously the second admission will be zero zero zero zero zero two then zero zero three zero zero four and so on similarly you can add admission prefix as well so for example admission could be a d okay ad001 okay you can see the preview as well then we have the phone number of this call just whatever the phone number is just enter that number email address of this school and if you want to create a business email id uh as i said earlier instead of regular email like school if you want to create business email address you can watch this video on my youtube channel so if you go to youtube and if you just search for new shake business email a business email you will see that thing okay if you search for an airship business email you'll see how to create a free business email and use it with gmail this is an old video but i'm you can still watch it and create a business email but i'll be creating a new video for that very soon okay so you can create a free business email then enter your school address so i'll just enter sign mumbai 4 lakh 22 whatever the address is again after that click on update school and you have created your school now if you go back to schools you have your new school now if you want to create a new school with different branch click on add new school you know same things okay so this is how you create a school now once you create a school you can now assign different classes and different admins to these schools so let's start with classes click on this link assign classes or if you want you can click on classes under school management and here as you can see you can click on first and then you can select which cl which school you want to assign it to the simple method is to click on schools select the school and then click on assign classes okay this is a much better option now maybe this is just a primary school so i'll select classes so i'll select only class one two three and four so only four classes because this is a primary school so i'll select this thing and click on assign classes now you'll see all these four classes will be added over here one two three four now once you assign these classes you can now assign different sections on in these classes for example there are different sections for class one so class one a one b one c like you you already know this thing okay basic things here related to any school so let's see how we can create different sections for each class so 8a8b10a10b to create different sections you'll use the sm academic sm stands for school management so if you want to manage anything related to academic like timetable subjects attendance it will be under sm academic so under sm academics select this option class sections which is the second option and now here as you can see we already have this thing selected you have your school also selected our lady of good council sign mumbai now if you have multiple schools you will get a new option at top first you'll have to select which school you want to assign these classes to okay because we have created only one school we are not getting that option now let's uh assign different sections to this class okay so i'll select first a okay i'll select first and click on manage and over here one a is already created again if you want to change this thing instead of a if you want to make it maybe first one one one will not look good actually so you you know you get the idea instead of a if you want to use some other thing like hindi oh you can use that thing as well i don't want to do this thing so i will i'll keep it a now let's create a new classes so to create a new section we'll type in b click on add new section and now as you can see b is added similarly we'll type in c and c is added okay and we'll type in d so maybe there are four sections for this uh class or four divisions for this particular class one a one b one c and one d now you can go to say you can go back to that option view classes click on this button view classes now select second okay so second and similarly a is already created we'll type in b click on add new section then we'll type in c add new section and the add new section again click on view classes for class three okay a is already created so b and c maybe only three sections for class c then we have the class d or class four so we'll select b for class four c section uh d i mean c uh division b and d division all these things so so you can do it like this if you again come back to class sections you can see first class has four sections then second also four third three fourth four now let's see how we can create the different accounts or different database for different teachers and how we can assign them to different classes and different subjects like this teacher is class stitch of this particular class and this division and this teacher is you know managers or this teacher teaches science english maths whatever so for that we have to create new roles okay we have no roles created yet so first we have to create different roles so for that you will see this option you will see sm admin this is related to administrator so sm admin and under administrators click on roles now there could be many different roles for example for for teachers that could be a role for office administrator for librarian for accountant for bus administrator so we have to create different roles and we have to assign them different uh different duties or we can give them different you know options that they can use on this website so let me actually show you this thing so to create a new role we click on this button add new role and this is a teacher role so i'll give it a title of teacher now what all things a teacher can do what all things a person with this particular role a role can do so they can manage enquiry no this is inquiries and manage managing inquiries and division this will be for your office administrator maybe they can manage students they cannot delete students uh they can manage they cannot manage roles maybe they can promote a student uh they can transfer a student they can manage certificates they cannot manage classes in sections uh but they can manage time table they can view timetable they can manage subjects maybe and most importantly they can manage student attendance and then student leaves manage homeworks to of students uh study material and live classes if they want to add a new life classes they can do that thing and manage exams also maybe and if they want to maybe if you want you can also allow them to manage events manage notice board if this teacher wants to add anything on the notice board and then everything else for these things are these things will be managed by your accountant whoever is you know looking after the accounts of this school expenses invoices fees and everything they can manage that thing or maybe if class teacher is accepting fees then you can you can uh you can give them this permission as well fee management okay so here as you can see manage fee or types and after that manage income so if you want you can give them these details manage income manage invoices if you want obviously it all depends on what roles your teacher are playing your teachers are playing in your school and also i recommend you to tick mark this thing only manage assigned class so a class teacher for one a can manage only one a a class teacher who is for one a they cannot manage students they cannot manage attendance and everything of students outside of their class if you want you can enable this thing as well or if you want you can just leave it as it is click on add new role now this role is added you can now go ahead and add more roles for different people for example for accountant for librarian and so on but we'll see that later on first let's see how we can create different teachers we have created a role if you again go back to roles you will see one role is created now let's see how we can create a teacher so for that under sm administrator you'll see staff list click on that and now let's add a new staff so click on add new staff button and let's add the name so this will be name of the teacher whatever it is whatever name of the teacher is for just for sake of tutorial purposes i'll name it teacher one okay this is the name of the teacher maybe it is a female teacher what is the birth date year and month of that teacher so maybe 1979 august 15 maybe okay address of this teacher so maybe this rich is also from sign okay mumbai what are the complete addresses you can enter this complete address okay then after that phone number or mobile number of that teacher email address of the teacher so i'll just enter this thing uh teacher one at obviously again just to keep things pretty simple uh just for tutorial purposes when did this teacher join these are not uh compulsory things if you want you can leave it as it is but if you want you can enter these details as well so maybe this teacher joined in maybe 2019 uh in may you can add the date of that thing and most importantly you can assign this person a role so this is a teacher so we can assign this role you can add some description like class teacher for for standard 1a okay now what is the salary of this teacher very important to manage expenses and all those things so maybe salary is one like rupees per month and designation is class teacher if some somebody's supervisor somebody is you know head teacher anything like that you can add that designation then we have the class teacher if you have selected class teacher then which class so this is the class teacher for standard 1a maybe okay and if this teacher is also bus in charge for some bus you can select that thing we have not yet created this bus or vehicle later on in this video i'll show you how you can do that thing so once you create a bus so maybe this teacher is coming from the kurla area or bandra area and that bus this teacher is using that bus and students is also using that bus so that we can assign this stitch here we can make this switch of bus in charge for that particular bus okay i'm sure you already know all these things but i'm just explaining you this thing so once we create that bus once we create that vehicle you can assign this teacher bus in charge for this one but i'm keeping making it know because we have not yet created any vehicles now because you have selected this role of teacher all these things that teacher can do is already tick mark now if some teacher is maybe head teacher and maybe some teachers are managing some extra things so you can give them some extra permissions for example this teacher can also manage admissions okay so maybe this is one head teacher or somebody like that and maybe some teacher is also doing inquiry they can also manage inquiry so the default things will automatically be tick marked on for you for this teacher but if some teacher or some staff can manage some extra things some extra permission you can do that thing as well then after that login details you can type in this thing new user and you can create new login details for this teacher so maybe the name or username will be teacher1 okay and your login id login email it will be email address of this teacher and you can also add some password for this teacher now once you do this thing once you create a new user you have to tell the teacher you have to inform the teacher that this is the login id and this is the password for your account you can log into your account and you can control all these things now once you do this thing make sure status is active and click on add new stuff we also have to create zoom api key and api secret if you want to enable this teacher to create zoom live classes we have to do this thing but we'll see that later on because this is a little bit technical so for now just make it active and click on add new stuff again if you go back to staff list you'll see we have created one teacher over here teacher one now let's create different fee structures and now let's go ahead and create the fee structure so what will be the admission fee for which class what will be the monthly fee for which class all those things also if you notice the salary the amount and everything right now is in dollars we'll change this thing if you want to make it in indian rupee pakistani rupee us dollar australian dollar whatever you can change the currency later on for now let's see the basic things now to create the fee structure you have to select this option sm accounting and under that you will see this fee types click on that and here you can create your first feed type so click on add new feed type and this maybe is the admission fee okay so we'll type in admission fee and admission free could be different for different classes maybe this is for standard one and two okay so i'll select one and two okay and this is a one-time fee obviously admission fees are one-time fee and the probably the price is one lakh rupees hundred thousand rupees so we'll select this thing and click on add new fee type and then we can create monthly fee okay so maybe this is monthly fee and this is maybe for standard one okay for class one for class two three four maybe it is different for class one this is a monthly so we'll select monthly fee and after that under amount maybe we'll select 2500 per month click on add new fee type then again or maybe if you also have quarterly fee computer fee okay anything like that you can add these things and for which class maybe a computer fee is same for all classes standard one to four and whether this is a one-time fee annual fee so this is maybe you can make it quarterly you know half yearly or if you want you can make it annually so maybe this is an annual fee of maybe uh 10 000 rupees okay so you can enter this amount and click on add new feed type so this is how you can create fee types if you again go back to feed types you will see for class 1 for class 2 whatever you have added everything will be entered over here again it is in usd will change the currency later on now let's see how we can create different students over here how we can create different accounts for different students so they can come over here they can log into this website and they can see everything so to create a new account you will create to create a new student you will select this option sm student and click on students and now let's create a first student so to create a new student you have to use this option in fact you have to use this option sm student admission once you add the admission you will see those admissions under students so sm student admission and here you have to enter the details of this particular student now if you want to do one thing you can do one thing you can request the parent to go to this website to go to your website and they can click on register once we create the register page they can go to register and your parents can enter this detail so student name gender all these details you can ask the parent to enter this detail once they do that and after that once they submit it this detail will automatically be added to your to your database under students okay or if you want to do it yourself you can do it from the admission option if you see all these steps are same all the you know all the options inputs are exactly same so it could be both ways if you want you can have your office administrator to do it or if you want you can request each parent to do for their own students now let's see let's see how we can do it from the back end so for student name again for tutorial purposes just to keep things pretty simple i'll type in student one maybe this is a male student you can select birth date maybe two thousand two three four something like that okay religion of this student so maybe hindu muslim whatever religion that person is you can select this religion and cast so in in in muslims we don't have caste we don't have uppercase lowercase or anything like that so you can type in open or if you have any cast or whatever the cost is i'm not really an expert in that you can enter that thing then the blood group again very important what is the blood group of this particular student you can enter that thing address of this student okay so maybe room one two three some street okay uh in sign okay something like that you can enter the details then phone number of the student or of the parent obviously uh you can then enter the email address of this student this is a class one student so obviously they will not have their email so we'll enter the parent email address okay maybe this is the parent email address student1 okay just to again keep things simple now what is the city mumbai what is this street okay so state name then country name and after that id number id number of whatever id proof you're uploading so in india we have aadhar card we have pan card obviously in different countries we have different things as id proof identity proof so whatever the identity proof is for example if this person is uploading identity proof of aadhar card they can upload the photo of that proof so they will select that photo for example let me just go ahead and select some dummy image from here okay so maybe maybe this is the uh image of the uh proof and what is the number on the other card so i'll enter that number extra notes you can enter that thing admission date okay so admission date for this student may be today okay june 4 for which class for class one a okay admission number uh you can enter it manually okay and we can add this thing a d or if you want you can just leave it okay then we have the roll number so this is roll number one very first student upload the photo of this student so maybe we'll select uh let me select some images for this okay maybe this is the student photos i'll upload this image then student type regular student privacy student you can enter that thing then parents details so this is for the one uh for the phone number you can add some phone number father occupation okay i'll type in business or whatever the occupation is mother name mother one okay mother's phone number some phone number mother's occupation okay i'll type in homemaker over here and identity proof of any father or mother you can upload the image or the scan copy of that thing now login details again i would recommend you to select this option new user and create a new login account for this student so that you can enter the username okay maybe this is this username this is the email address and after that this is the password again once you create this account you have to do one thing you have to give the parents this username email address and password and you can tell them then they can log in with this email address and password and after that they can see the dashboard that i have shown you earlier they can see or whether their child was present or absent ranks so time table everything they can see from the front end now if this person is taking admission if they are paying the fee for example if they are paying the admission fee of one lakh rupees you can keep it as it is monthly fee if maybe they are not paying the computer fee now so you can cancel this thing they are paying the monthly fee and maybe they are paying monthly fee for you know in advance maybe okay so again i'll type in monthly fee okay and this is going to be monthly fee and maybe they are paying for no 10 months so 25 000 okay then after that you can select a transport route or vehicles so this student is using which vehicle which bus or which transport route you can select that thing as well again i'm saying we have not yet created bus and schools so we cannot do that thing right now we can also add hostel features over here so you can add hostile room number so what is the room number this student is again we have not added this thing we'll see how to do that thing later on in the video now click on submit okay it says fee type must be different so we'll type in advanced monthly fee because this is paid in advance okay now i'll click on submit now admission is added successfully if you now click on students you will see this student okay here as you can see everything related to this student will be present over here all the details related to this student now once the student makes the payment for example this student or this parent made the payment on car through cash or anything you can go ahead and you can give them the fee receipt and so on so for that you can use this option you can use the accounting options so you'll see sm accounting and you will see fee invoices so go to fee invoices you can select this person and this is the price that we have selected maybe right now it says unpaid because we have not selected whether this is collected or not so maybe we have collected the payment so we'll select collect payment okay you can see the total amount okay advance fee this is the monthly fee you know all the detail will be entered automatically you can enter the amount transaction id this was taken in cash in check card payment bank trans draft demand draft we can sell maybe this was taken in check so you can type in the cheque number okay maybe this was the cheque number anything like that and after that you can just click on add new payment confirm and this payment will be added okay as you can see if you want you can select the note if there is any note so check number is the note if you want you can print this invoice and you can give this thing to this parent now let's create different roles for accountant librarian transport guy and so on so for that we have already seen how to create a role we have created a role for teacher let's create a role for first for an accountant okay so that person can manage all this accounting thing fees taking uh expenses invoices and so on so for that again we'll use the sm admin and under that we'll select sm administrator will select roles and we'll create a new role so click on add new role and this is going to be our accountant so we'll type in accountant so we'll type in accountant under role and what all they can manage so they can manage these things manage expenses invoices uh manage invoices income payments okay they can do all these things okay maybe three types also they can manage send notification they can manage settings okay maybe these things okay this person this accountant can manage this thing so click on add new role and this role will be added here as you can see accountant is added now similarly you can go ahead and add some staff as your accountant so under staff list again click on add new stuff and this is accountant so i'll name it accountant one again just to make things uh keep things simple male female birthdate we can select anything like this okay address phone number okay very quickly let's do that thing email address i'll enter the same thing accountant at gmail account and one at gmail okay then after that joining date you can add this thing most importantly make sure to add the role and then the joining date maybe i'll select today's date what is the salary for this person okay 25 000 probably and this is the you know senior accountant maybe and after that if this person is a class teacher for any class so maybe there could be a teacher who is managing the accounts and so on so you can select this person is the class teacher of this particular of this particular class you can do that thing as well and you can make this person buses in charge as well if you're making this person a class teacher then you should also give them these class teacher permissions as well okay now click on add new stuff and you have added a new stuff similarly you can again go back to administrator add a new role and this is going to be for librarian maybe okay so let's add librarian and we want to give them uh this option let's see okay here as you can see manage library just one roll is enough click on add new role again go to staff list and add a new stuff as your librarian so i'll just type in librarian one okay this is going to be our stuff okay add gmail again you can go ahead and add all these details uh and make sure under role librarian is selected rest everything up salary also maybe let's select maybe 30 000 okay designation everything can be added okay now go ahead and click on add new stuff again go to roles now you can create a role for a hostel manager the person will manage will be managing the hostel transport guy you can create different roles for that okay let's create a role for transport guy so transport person who whoever is managing the transportation so for this we'll select this option manage transport okay we'll select this option and click on add new role and now under staff list we can add add new stuff and transport one i'll create this account okay this is uh going to be the email okay we forgot to do one thing for these things so basically let me first add this thing this is going to be the transport guy no salary for them we can transport is added differently we have to add new users as well for these transport person and those persons as well so that they can also log in and see their account okay so for this person this is this is going to be transport one the username this is going to be their login id and after that their password also you can enter some password and click on add new stuff so go to staff list and let's do the same thing for accountant i think we did not do it for the accountant the user thing okay account thing yeah here as you can see new role okay i'll add this as the username this is going to be the email address and some password click on update stuff okay so make sure you create these accounts for so make sure you create accounts for these people teacher transport guy librarian and you can give them again i'm saying you can give them this email address and password and you can tell them then they care that they can manage their account from like this okay so maybe i'll add this thing this is the email address this is the username okay and after that some password and click on update stuff now you can do one more thing you can create different admin accounts for managing different schools so you're the administrator right now you can manage everything like i'm doing i can create students teachers administrator i can give them salary and everything so if you want if you have multiple schools you want multiple admins okay different admins for different schools so for that under sm administrator you can see admins okay you can create a new admin over here click on add new admin let's give it a title of admin one okay not really important these things what is the salary maybe 50 000 is the salary designation you can add this thing roll will automatically be selected admin because they can do everything they have all the permission they can but they bypass all the permission and for them also make sure to create a new account okay admin one at gmail and you can give them this email address and password and tell them that they can log in using this thing okay so you can add different admins for different uh for different schools now how you will assign this admin any admin to any school for that again you have to go back to school management go to schools okay if you go to schools for example here as you can see one admin is already assigned if you click on that one admin here as you can see this admin is assigned because this is the one that we just created so if you have multiple schools just go to assign admin okay instead of one it will say assign admin like it was saying earlier click on that thing and this admin will be assigned to that school okay so this is how we can do these things and now let's see how we can create different subjects so we have seen class teacher and all now we'll see how to create different subjects like english maths all those subjects then we can assign different teachers to different subjects and after that we'll create a timetable with these subjects and these subject teachers and class teachers so let's see how that is done now for that you can do one thing you can hover over sm academic and you can see this subjects option click on that let's first create different subjects so click on add a new subject and obviously for standard one you know basic subjects you can add those okay so maybe i'm not adding for standard one i'm adding for some other class okay so i can select english whether this is theory practical subjective objective you can select that thing and if you want to add this subject for multiple classes you can add that thing as well and then click on add new subject maybe next subject is maths so you can type in mathematics over here and we show under subject code just maths again what is this theory practical you can select and again for which class or for you know you can select this thing as well then we can select art and craft or whatever like that okay so you can add all these things and after that or you know you can just go ahead and now just like that you can create as many subjects as you want now once you do that thing once you have created your subjects you can now assign different teachers to these subjects and for that you have to go back to subjects and here as you can see we have created these subjects and you can see it over here so for example for one for class one for english you can select assign teachers and you can select and you can assign any teacher so we had created this teacher one so i will select this click on assign teachers again come back to subjects okay similarly for each options for for example for class 2 also you can go ahead you can select some other teacher or if it is the same teacher you can type in that teacher name click on assign subjects so just like this you can now assign different teachers to different subjects for different classes now let's see how we can create a timetable so again under sm academic you will see timetable and now you have to click on add new routine and this is maybe for class 1a so we'll select 1a and what is the first subject so maybe the first day on monday it starts with art and craft okay what is the start time you can select some start time and time or if you want you can just enter it like this as you can see so maybe it starts at 7 30 a.m okay and this is maybe one hour class so maybe 8 30 okay till 8 30 a.m on what date so this is for monday and what in which room number so maybe in room number five okay which is the teacher or who is the teacher for this you can search for that teacher so if you search for this teacher it should give you that teacher name but because we have not assigned any teacher it is not coming if i just select english because you have a signed teacher for english and here if i select this option now as you can see you can get this teacher one so let's select english for now similarly this was a 7 30 to 8 30 now till from 8 30 to maybe 9 30 or maybe till nine half an hour lecture or class we can select this thing again 1a okay maybe next subject is maths monday again in the same room number and you can select some teacher if you assign that teacher similarly let's create one more okay 1a this time we'll select art and craft from 9 [Music] till 10 okay a.m again we'll select the day room number art and craft maybe is in room number five or in room number one room number five was already created now once you create this thing you can now click on view all and you can see we have created a one time table or routine for this class 1a if you want you can click on this thing it will display you this thing and this is obviously incomplete you can go ahead and complete this thing i have shown you in the demo website how a complete timetable looks like so you can now go ahead and create and complete this timetable and with this we have seen everything related to this option now let's see how we can create different pages so first of all you will see this option sm schools under that you will see settings click on that and here you will see a shortcuts option which is so here and here you have these shortcuts we have to use these shortcuts to create different pages so first page as you can see is the fish submission page so let me let's open the page and let's open pages option or pages tab in a new option now we can delete this sample page which is not really important click on add new first page will be the fee submission page okay so i'll add the title cut this thing under add title type in fee submission now once you add the title then you have to add you have to copy this shortcode from here from first fee submission come over here click on this plus button search for shortcode element which is over here click on this and paste in the shortcode and publish this page now if you open this page in a new tab let's see whether this is working or not now as you can see this is absolutely working this is the school which is selected now if you want to make payment for 1a you can select class 1 search for student name okay now it will display you this student if there is any uh fees pending right now there's no fee spending but if there was any fee spending which payment was not done then you you you would have create click down that button pay now and you could have made the payment uh we still have to do few things we have to integrate payment gateway and so on which will do right after we create these pages now again come back let's create next page so click on add new and next page here as you can see is this admission inquiry page so again come over here add in this title okay i'll just make it like this and click on this plus button again search for the shortcode element now copy this shortcode paste it over here and publish this page again if you again open this in a new tab and here as you can see we have the admission enquiry for which class this person will enter all these details and this is the page come back again let's create a new page and this is going to be our registration page so we'll select this registration page copy the title now under title i'll just enter registration and under short code i'll paste in this registration shortcode now if i just publish this page opening this in a new tab here as you can see this is how it is looking now for this page i don't want this sidebar because if you see for the fee submission page on the demo website we have this sidebar so we don't have to do anything over here and we also have the title at top for the admission inquiry also we have title at top and we also have the sidebar but if you see the register page we don't have any title uh at top we have the already title but that is not any page title like here as you can see we have a different style different color for the background and then we have the title we don't have that thing so no title bar and also no sidebar so we have to do that thing for this registration page we have this title bar also and we also have this sidebar so let's see how we can get rid of this so first of all under content layout we have to make it full width okay once you select full width this sidebar will disappear now to get rid of this a title bar you have to select title and just disable this thing now update it again come back over here refresh this page now as you can see title bar also gone and sidebar also gone so you have to do it like this now again come back click on add new now we have to create the login page so for this we we will get the code over here if you go to school management click on school management and now under school management click on settings and here also we have a shortcode option and over here you will see this login shortcode copy this one okay login shortcode copy this one under title we'll name it login and then we'll add this shortcode paste in this thing and this will also be full with no sidebar okay or if you want you can also get it the title if you open this in a new tab we cannot see that page because we are let me open this in a new private window just to show you okay as you can see this is how it is looking maybe we don't want to make it hundred percent full width let's keep it at default okay and update this page now let me actually show you one thing let me open this website in a new private window and let me just sign in as a teacher and show you whether everything is working properly or not so i'll open this website in a new private window and teachers and students teacher can log in from the backend so they can come over here they can go to wp admin you have or you you should have given them a username and password so they can just enter the username so they can just enter the username and password and after that they can click on login and from your teacher can do all these permissions that you have given them for example they can go to academic they can take attendance if they go to attendance now this teacher because she is the class teacher for class 1a she can take attendance only for class 1a okay so very important option now if if she clicks on take attendance and they have to select this teacher has to select the date so maybe we will select this state click on manage attendance and maybe i'll select present absent we have created only one student enrollment number roll number this once you have multiple students you can see all of them you can mark somebody absent present undefined holiday everything and click on save changes okay so attendance is taken for this class similarly this teacher can see the timetable for this class okay they can come over here they can see this is the time tool for this class they can see these subjects and all so it all depends on what all options or what all a permission you are giving to any teacher or any staff member now this teacher can also manage leave okay so the student leaves so for this now what we have to do is we have to now open this website in a new again in a new private bin but in a different browser just so that we can login in that browser as a student so let's open this in a new microsoft edge browser now students will log in from the front end students and parents so they can just go to this login page that we have created obviously we'll add the login page and all those links later on in the menu so they can just click on that menu and they can come over here now they can enter the details click on login and here as you can see okay we also have to make login pages full width okay that is the reason why i thought i was doing some mistakes so login page will edit this thing and make sure to make it full width okay and i don't think we also we also don't need this title bar so again title we can disable this thing update it again come back to this page refresh it now as you can see this is looking much better now we have to still do a lot of styling but don't worry about that right now let's see only the technical part styling and everything we can see later on so you can see all the details related to this student if you want to print the id card you can just click on that thing print the id card now let's see this leave request if this person wants to give a leave request for a single day or for multiple days this person can select maybe from this day to this day and reason maybe go wait or whatever the reason could be click on submit leave request okay now this request will be attended by your teacher so let's open this private window and let's go to student leave refresh this now as you can see this there is a new request leave request over here yeah this teacher can see by which student from which class everything that can be seen and if the teacher thinks that this is good and they can approve the request they can just edit this thing and approve the request okay so this is how it works now let's see this study material homework these things so you'll see the study material over here if this teacher wants to give some study material they can click on add new study material they can give it to in one section or if they want they can give it in multiple sections okay so maybe in all sections i'll select and uh for which subject so maybe this is related to subject english and some title study material for chapter one okay maybe there is some chapter related to that you can type in the description about this thing if there is if you already if you are trying to redirect them to some website some link you can enter that link or if you have any images or any pdf files any word file you can just attach those files and click on add new study material now this student let's again go back to that students page and if they click on study materials they can see one new study material is added if they click on view they can see this is the image this is the title if they click on this thing this image will load in a new tab if they click on the second image this will load in a new tab okay so as you can see this is how it works now let's see the homework option so under homework this teacher can give homework to uh homework again for chapter one maybe again okay for which class okay which section which all section uh you can select multiple section if you want you can select all sections and for which date so this is maybe for monday and for which subject again description homework and you can also send this person can automatically send sms to parents and students so parents will automatically receive this sms that your student or your child got some homework today from this teacher okay so this is also you can add this thing as well and again they can just go ahead and attach some image some videos for that okay like this and click on assign homework now again go back to that students page if they click on homework they can see there is okay let's refresh this page okay now they can see there is this homework they can see about this thing images attached everything now if this student or this parent wants to submit homework they can click on submit homework and you know they can select for which chapter so this was related to this subject they can choose the doc file pdf file image whatever they can add the description and submit it and now let's see noticeboard so if this teacher wants to give any notice for example some random text all right so this is some notice probably this is an attachment again they can attach a file if there is any uh event or anything or if anything uh notice they can attach again some pdf file image file whatever file they want okay or if they want they it could only be just text okay so uh we can just type in holiday on monday okay something like that and this is for which class which section okay and or if you want only for specific students you can give this notice only to specific students for somebody or some student has not submitted the fee you can just select that particular student or those students who have not selected if you are not paid the fee you can select those students and you can send them some notice so this option is also given add new notice this notice will be added for all the students that you have selected and obviously if you go to the students page go to dashboard or go to notice board you can see this thing you can open it if you want if there is any link it will open that link in a new tab then we have events if you want to add a new event you can give it any uh event title so maybe there is some drawing competition on uh any day you can just type in that title entire title on which date maybe on thursday okay and then you can type in the description about this event okay whatever the description is let's get some dummy text for this description okay so i'll get this dummy text from here and i'll add this under under this teachers section okay and now click on add an event and you you could you can also actually do one thing let's edit this event we can also add some you know cover image so maybe i'll add this as the cover image update event now obviously you can go to this uh students page go to events you can see this is the event all the details related to event date and everything everything is given if this teacher is if this student wants to join the event they can just click on this thing and teacher will know which all students have you know opted for joining this student for joining the event and they can see total participants for now is one and now let's see the live classes option so if you see your uh if you are try to add a new live class uh we cannot do it right now uh you can see all the option but this will not work now to in order to make this thing work you have to create some api key for zoom live so let's see how that is done for that you have to again come back to your main dashboard admin dashboard and when we were creating this teacher if you go to this administrator option under staff list let's go to this teacher edit this teacher we had to enter this zoom api key and secret and here as you can see to access the api key and secret key creator jwt app on marketplace so for that you can go to zoom dot com in fact you can go to developer page for zoom or you can just search for jwt zoom okay zoom app you will get this link open this link and you have to create a new app i've already created and i've already created an app so i cannot show you that thing but you will basically get this option if you see this option under marketplace you'll have to obviously first sign into your zoom account so enter your email address password and just sign into your account if you don't already have an account it's free you can just create your own account for now now if you want to build a new app once you sign up you will see this option build app click on that and now you have to select jwt just like we have these create buttons here also you'll see one create button i'm not seeing that because i've already created an app so i see this button view here instead of that you will see create button just click on that enter your website name okay they will ask you your website name so if under under information as you can see you have to give it some name app name you have to give it some website name or name okay email address just enter all these things and after that under app credentials you will get this option api key just copy the api key come over here enter under zoom api key then copy this secret key come again over here under staff list enter the secret key and click on update stuff and now this stuff can take zoom live classes so here if you refresh it now this teacher can select for this is for standard 1a maybe this is english lecture okay they can select the teacher okay and whether whether it's a recurring class with fixed time or it's just a scheduled class maybe only for uh tuesday okay and what is the time you can select the time maybe 9 a.m okay this is the time for how long uh 30 minutes and this teacher can also give some password so students can use this password to login they can add the agenda what is the topic english lecture whatever okay you can add some topic approval type automatically approved attendance register once uh uh once and can attend any one of the occurrence you can change the stake registration type and if it is a recurring course and then whether it is wrecking every day so every day at this time one thing or this this thing will automatically be created this zoom live class will automatically be created if it is a recurring thing you can select that thing then after that just click on add new live class this thing will be added if you go to the students page and if you go to this option live classes this student can see that this there is this class scheduled on this date for this duration and once the time is up they can click on join button they will if they are using the mobile phone they can launch the app they can enter this password and they can just join in oh it's a very useful feature now let's say examination related things so when there is examination teacher can create timetables for a different examination they can generate admit cards and once the result is out they can also add the result for different students so that parents can also see these results from the backend now first for that we'll have to create different exam groups so again if you come back to dashboard in fact you can do this for the teacher so let's go to the teachers screen okay over here so under sm examination we have exam groups manage groups click on that and let's create uh click on this button add new exam groups now this is maybe unit test okay so we'll type in this is one group then maybe we will have semesters okay so just semester okay then we'll have the final annual exam now you can click on add new groups now you can click on manage exams click on add new exam and over here maybe this is unit test one the very first exam or just unit one what is the exam center it is this school so we'll just see sign okay or when is the uh start date so maybe next month uh first july to maybe again or till maybe seventh july or maybe just four exams so till fourth july okay class one okay exam group we are selecting unit test first subject is maybe english okay and again you have to select the subject type maximum marks maybe 20 or 20 or 25 paper code you can type in that thing paper date so this is maybe the very first exam july 1 timing is maybe 10 a.m to maybe 11 30 a.m okay obviously it depends on how you want to do this thing this is maybe on third floor room number 32. okay now another one this is going to be maths for example okay you can select this thing theory practical whatever it is and total marks paper code you can type in the paper code then exam date and time okay so i'll change the date to second of july and timing is same 11 to 11 30 so i'll just copy and paste in this thing room number 32 and you can keep on adding this thing and you can also add the overall grade okay so for what marks what a grade and so on now if you want to publish uh admit cards if you want to generate admit cards you can add this thing if you want to publish the timetable right away you can do that thing if you want to publish the room numbers exam results whenever the exam results are published you can add this thing and click on add new exam now if you click on this option uh admit cards and you can generate and print admit cards for your students so click on print admit cards in detail select uh class then select sections then select for which exam let's select the exam again maybe okay groups maybe we did not maybe we did not create the exam properly you did not click on the publish button i don't know what went wrong so let me do it again very quickly now let's try it again uh it says exam added let's see go back to this option and now as you can see so maybe we did not click on that button i don't know what went wrong but here now as you can see this is working if somebody wants they can see the timetable and all and if you want to print admit cards you can click on admit cards and now you can generate admit cards for your students click on generate and you can select for which all students if you want to leave some students you can do that thing as well and click on generate admit cards okay okay we have to enter the so we this is unit test one so this will be my prefix and then some number click on generate admin cards and now it will be generated okay admit card prints you can print that thing in fact this student can print this thing if they click on admit card and if it is generated for him this student can now print this admit card and once the exam result is out this teacher can add all the results they can click on exam results they can click on add result maybe this we have only one student so let's add at least one student's result so out of uh 20 maybe 18 marks okay remark then 25 after 20 or 25 okay so add some remark and after that t-shirt remarks full remark after that they can just go ahead and click on add exam result now this person this this student can go they can see the exam result okay the percentage obtained everything can be seen from here so this is how all these things work now similarly you can log in as an accountant librarian transport and you can see those things so maybe let me cancel this student because we don't need to see the student thing and here also actually let me go ahead and cancel this thing now let me open this in again in a new private window and now let's uh sign in okay let's sign in as an accountant so i think it was a content one okay so we'll type in this thing click on login and now as you can see you can now see only things related to sm accounting if you want to manage income expense if you want to add new expense you can first create an expense category then you can add an expense so here as you can see you can select that expense category maybe this is for salary you can type in salary invoice number okay and then under note you can type into which teacher you have given salary okay or to which staff you have given salary you can add these things and similarly we have seen the invoice thing if you can see or which all payment you have received and whether the invoice was raised for that or not you can also bulk invoice print you can print the invoice in bulk okay so this is the accountant thing this is working now if you log in as a librarian let's see whether this is working or not and now as you can see you get this sm library option this teacher or this person can see all the books if they want to add a new book in the library they can give they can add the book name book title they can add the author's name of the book then they can add the subject prize in how many quantity maybe five quantity uh what is the rank number book number isbn number they can click on add new book now this book will be added in the list okay in this database and if they if they issue this book to any student uh they can issue it for example first they'll have to issue the library card so let's go to library card let's issue a new library library card to this a student so lc1 will be the prefix for this and some number okay i'll select this class section okay and date it should we can select now click on manage library cards there is one only one student over here so maybe we want to generate or we want to issue library card to this student and now we can uh issue this book okay issue this book to this person okay class one section a and now you can see only those students who have library cards so you can see their library card if you click on this thing you can check the card and now you can select the quantity date issue date when they will return and click on issue card issue book okay obviously date is compulsory you can issue the issue this book to this student okay so that you have this thing in your database that this person or this student has taken this book on this date similarly for transport you can see this thing let's create let's open this transport option login okay we have the transport option first you can create a different routes or routes and then you can create different vehicles click on add new route this is maybe bandra sign route or route okay what is the fire maybe thousand rupees per month and first we have to actually create a vehicle so let's create a vehicle click on add new vehicle okay bus number what vehicle number you can add this number what is the model driver name okay driver's phone number all these things can be added some model again now click on add new vehicle now go to root or route and again edit this thing and now select this vehicle for over here and click on update root or route now if you want to make any stuff uh if you select this stuff list now if you select any stuff from here for example let's select this teacher and now we can do one thing we can make her bus in charge for this route for this bus okay this is the bus number and now click on update stuff so as you can see this is how it works similarly you can now uh use the hostel option you can create hostel you can create different rooms in that hostel you can control you can manage which all students are in which room and all those things now finally let's see the settings related to the plugins so if you see under school management first let's see the simple thing under school management setting you will see what is the active session so 2022 23 is the active session we have seen the short code thing rest everything is not really important main settings are under sm school so under sm school hover that and click on settings over here first of all we have to set the currency so instead of usd i want to set a inr indian rupee admin will be able to print school student copies of invoices if you want to make it yes or no you can select that thing okay uh you can upload your school logo your school signature so that this logo and signature will display on those admit cards those results wherever or you know whatever option you're printing or these things these logos and signature will display on that now we have the email carrier now for this you will have to watch my smtp video to learn how to fix this thing how to you know fix the smtp thing uh this is especially useful if emails are not getting sent from your website to your parents or to your students so whenever you send any notification anything there should uh one email should be delivered to the parent as well if that is not happening you can follow these steps or you can just again go to youtube and search for naya sheikh smtp you'll get that video now you can again uh control the email template for example student admission let's see the simple email template i'll explain you how this works so here if you see student invoice due notification so you can generate or you can create a format this format will be selected first of all you can add any uh in a subject over here for example this subject could be invoice due for then you can add this student name [Music] for student and then it will automatically display the student name if this student name is john doe then it will display john doe okay class and all and over here dear parent your child and then you can add this name dynamically okay student name of standard okay so of class this section this okay this is to inform you that there's an invoice due for your child of this then after that you can also add the invoice title somewhere okay and invoice due date okay so you can type in due date of invoice okay and then you can add this shortcode so this is how it works okay you can type in this same format so this will create this format and make sure to also enable this thing okay very important so that these emails will be sent then we have the sms carrier so if you want to send sms whenever the student is you know on leave absent or whenever the results are published then you can select any one of these carriers and we can do settings for that so select any carrier for example if you select twilio this is for international if you're watching this video from uh india you can select so many different for nigeria for ghana for pakistan basically if if you don't see your country over here you can just select twilio or text local these two are international brands which i think works in almost every country so you can search for that you can go to youtube or you can go to google and search for this thing uh twilio setup okay so you'll get this setup how you can create an account and after that you can enter these things so here and click on save now sms template again just like email template you can create a template whenever a student is absent or whenever a student registration is done student homework notification whenever new homework is given to the student sms will be sent student admission to parent all these templates you can create using these short codes then payment method now here we have to integrate some payment gateways so here as you can see many different payment credits are available again stripe is for global payment paypal also is for global payment razer pace international you know in multiple countries and most of them uh some are for nigeria some are again international some are india and peace appel or whatever it is pronounced um mostly available in most african countries so you can see whatever payment gateways available in your country let me show you a few of these options how to set up them so that you get an idea about how that is done so for example first one is try payment gateway again international payment gateway first make sure to enable this thing first you have to create an account on stripe so you have to go to dashboard.stripe so first go to and login to your account once you log into your account you will see the developers tab click on that and now here at the left hand side you'll see the api keys just copy and paste in the api key from here so you will see your publishable api key come paste it over here you will see your secret key copy it and again come back over here paste in this thing similarly for paypal in fact paypal you don't even have to do this thing just enable it and enter your paypal email address okay now we can accept fees through paypal as well then after that we have razor pay for india i've shown these things multiple times in my videos again just like stripe now you have to go to and make sure to first create an account very easy once you do that thing just click on next login to your account now here the left hand side you'll see settings click on that so just like razer page here also you'll get your key id and key secret just copied from here and paste it under key i get the id and also you'll get key secret i'm not getting that i'll have to regenerate it but i have my key id so once you generate it for the first time you have to download that file and in that file you'll have your key id and secret both so click on save for all the other option as well paytm press appel whatever page tag whatever option you're getting same option you have to go to the dashboard and enter the these keys that you get so that you can link your website now inquiry admission inquiry this is the title registration online registration dashboard what option you want to go given your dashboard shortcuts we have already seen uh live chat this is not for zoom this is for big button if you don't want to use zoom if you want to use big button just like zoom you have to go and enter your url uri and secret key okay all right rest everything is fine with this we have completed this setup we have completed this plugin setup we have seen everything related to payment to attendance teachers staffs everything students and everything only the designing part is now left so let's see how we can start designing the website so for that first again come back to dashboard now let's start with the home page so for that we'll have to create a new page so click on pages add new and let's give it a title of home and here also you can see on the demo website homepage as well we don't want any sidebar and also we don't want the title bar so again we have already seen under content layout this time you have to make it 100 full width and under title you can just disable this thing and publish it so if you see the demo website here we don't have any sidebar and also we don't have that thing so we want a blank page now this page that you have just created this this is just a regular page now we have to set this page as a home page so to do that thing you have to come back to the dashboard again now hover over settings and select reading so under settings click on reading and select this option under your home page display select the second option a static page and under home page select home click on save changes again come back to pages and now as you can see over here besides your home page it says front page and this is now your official homepage now you can go ahead and edit this page now to design this thing you can click on edit with elementor now because the video is already so lengthy i don't want to get into designing i'll give you all the layouts and everything you can just import it and you can have your own website you can design your own website i'll show you how to do some changes and editing on that but still if you want to learn more about designing more about elementor you can watch my video okay you can see this video uh in fact this one how to create a free website but if you don't see this video if you're watching this in future you can just search for new shake elementor 2022 or if you're watching it in 23 24 25 hopefully if i'm creating videos till then then you can you know type in the current year so new shake elementor 2022 you can see the latest video uh how to create a web how to create a wordpress website for free using free resources designing masterclass 2022 make sure to watch this video so that you learn and you understand how to use elementor and how to design a super professional website you know using that thing using free tools but here we are not seeing that now you can just go ahead and import that page i've given you these things as well in fact i have given you all the images and everything whatever you see on this website i've given you everything for absolutely free if you see there will be a link in the video description below if you click on that link you will go to my website and here as you can see for every tutorial i create these kind of blog posts if you open this one for example social network blog post here you'll see the video that you're watching right now you'll see this video at the very top and after that you will see these things you know link some important links at the bottom you'll see download free images and you'll see the download link and if you click on that download link you will download a zip file and once you unzip that file you will get the media folder so again right click on that file click on extract files once you unzip that file you will see the media folder in that you have all these required images no blog images okay all these images are given to you and you will also see this page pages folder and we have the homepage contact and about page these pages now we have to import it so for that click on this link or this button in the middle add button click on this button go to my templates and we need to import these templates so click on import template select file and go to media folder pages and select home page first click on open and enable and import now if you face any problem importing these pages you can open your dashboard and click on this option you will see this templates option click on templates and click on import template choose file and you can import these templates from here so you can import the about page select this page now click on import now so once you click on import now you will see this will be imported just like the home page so if you have any problem uh from that front end you can come back to this templates option and you can import it now as you can see home also about also similarly you can go ahead and import your contact page template as well right now because we are creating the homepage we want to insert the homepage template so click on insert and here you have it everything including media files everything you have this complete website in front of you now based on your needs and everything you can do the changes you can just change the content for example if you want to change this line here it says learn with us improve with us so instead of this maybe i want to type in uh our lady of good and here i'll type in council school a high school all right so you can do it like this so just click on this thing at the left hand side you will get that thing if you want to make some changes on the button or on this thing for example if you want to change this thing library with 5 50 000 books instead of this if you want to change this thing to maybe uh 1500 books you can do that thing learn more you can change all these things if you want to change the text what we offer you can change that text so everything can be easily changed from your teacher's image you can click on this image instead of this image if you want some other image for example let's upload this image click on insert media all right so here you can see teacher's name click on this instead of this i'll type in john doe alright so here as you can see so easy to do this thing click on update again i'm saying still you find it difficult make sure to watch that video elementor video so that you learn you know more about designing this website again come back to your dashboard click on pages click on add new let's add the about page let's give it a title of about us again this will also be 100 full width and no title now publish it edit with elementor again and again do the same thing add template go to my templates about us okay insert this thing and again a simple thing if you want to do any changes you want to change this image click on this image instead of this image maybe or you want to add this image or this image click on insert media you have this image so this is how it is done instead of this text or whatever text easy just click on this thing and at the left hand side change the text and so on all right click on update so very easy again come back pages add new let's create the contact us page all right again this will also be 100 full width and without any header publish it edit with elementor again and this time we'll import the contact page template contact page template so import the contact us page and here you have it if you want to change your uh you know skype id address and also so instead of skype id i'll type in a phone number or email i'll type in email and type in school at gmail or whatever your email is and instead of this icon this logo i'll select this thing i'll use the envelope icon for email okay now as you can see so it is very easy now once you do this thing you can again come back to your dashboard pages are now all 100 completed now yeah we have to see how to create this blog post so if you see the blog post you can create your own custom blog post or if you want to give any you can use this thing as your notice page as well or as your events page as well so if you want to type something about your school or if your school was featured on some news paper or was televised or anything like that you can add no article about that thing about your school so to do that thing you can click on post delete the hello world this is a dummy blog post click on add new so you can use this thing to add news and articles about your website so this will be the title we'll have to enter the title over here and after that whatever the content is so just simple content you can just go ahead and add in this content like this now at the right hand side click on post make sure you select the post option under categories let's uh maybe this was related to events so maybe this blog post is related to some events so we'll create a category events and we'll add this under this now under featured image you can add some image as your featured image as this image so that it shows like this so maybe i'll add the blog post option come back blog images i'll add this image as my blog post image obviously if you want select some other image and add that image as your blog post image click on set featured image and publish it if you again come back you have your blog post published now you can go ahead and create a page wherein you can showcase all your blog posts like we have created this block page so let's give it a title of blog and don't do it anything just publish it okay no need to change the layout or anything just publish it and just like we set the home page we have to set this page as a blog post page so again hover over settings and click on reading now on the post page select this block page and click on save changes again go back to pages and now as you can see this blog page is now is your post page now you can go ahead and create your menu uh we don't have our menu created yet it is just a simple blank space so to create your menu you can come back over here to your dashboard however appearance click on menus let's create a new menu let's give it a name of main menu click on create menu and what all things you want in your menu so home page about page admission inquiry contact page fee submission as well and login page which is going to be your dashboard page if you want to rearrange them for example let's add the block page at the very end then about page also maybe over here all right now make sure to always tick mark main over here if you again come back refresh this page you can see you have your menu at top now we can do actually one thing we can also create a one menu for the footer this is also menu so let's create one more menu click on this link create a new menu i'll name it footer menu okay click on create menu and maybe we want to okay maybe these many things we don't want to take mark anything at the bottom just leave it as it is click on save menu and now we can add these options for example right now if you see your footer is blank we can add these footer elements okay these elements at the bottom for that under appearance you have to click on widgets and basically we don't we don't want to use this widget we want to use the classic widget so we have to get rid of this widget so we can do one thing we can again go to plugin add a new plugin you will see that at the very beginning this classic widgets click on install now if you don't see this for some reason just you can search for this option under search plugins search for classic widgets or just classic you will see this widget option classic widgets install and activate this plugin now again if you go to that option under appearance if you go to widgets you can see now we have a different screen so first let's see the footer option the footer first we have this option first we have this logo and then we have some text so i'll copy the text come over here now search for text widget this is the text widget which at the very beginning at the very end select this select footer one click on add widget first i want to add my logo okay this white logo and then the text so i'll click on add media to add my logo click on upload files i've given you these images as well if you want to use them for demo purposes you can do that so i want to use this logo for example click on open click on insert into post if you want to change the size okay like this you can do it then press enter paste in the text right now click on save then the next thing is this important links and we have to display this menu that we created footer menu so for that we'll use the footer too scroll down again you will see navigation menu select this select footer to click on add widget under title type in important links or whatever you want and select the footer menu that we created now click on save again now footer three we have the recent post okay so for that we'll select you'll see this thing at the very top uh in fact maybe not at very top here as you can see recent post you can simply drag and drop it under footer three how many recent posts you want to display you can select this and finally under footer four we have the contact info which is so here so drag and drop this contact info i don't want any text now under address if you see don't change the icon class and title just change the content so instead of street name this i'll type in one two three we'll just see sign mumbai okay something like this so leave the icon class and a title just change the content similarly for phone just change the content mobile change the content delete the facts not really useful these days email you can change your email website it is already on our website no skype links click on save now if you again come back to your website refresh it you can see all your options it is looking a little bit different we'll style it after this thing first let's do one thing let's also go to blog page if you see here also we have this sidebar we have to add some widgets in the sidebar as well like a search widget student login widget then we have the followers widget notice board and facebook widget all these options so we'll use the same option widget option but this time we have to use the default sidebar first delete everything that you see over here okay all these blocks very first thing that we want to add is this search widget so if you search for search widget go to s here is search select default sidebar click on add widget under title i'll type in looking for something okay if you want to type in something else obviously you can do that then we have this student login widget which you will see over here if you see student login form select this add widget and good then we have the followers widget this is your social icon widget so you can just go ahead and drag and drop these uh social icons over here if you see we have this colorful icons so instead of style light select colored so that we have colorful icons now just enter your links so your twitter link facebook link instagram link linkedin link and youtube link okay all these links just enter that and click on save and then finally okay we have two more we have notice board and we have the facebook thing so first let's see the notice boards uh school notice but select this select default sidebar click on add widget okay you can change the size animation everything for this noticeboard from here and finally we have this thing follow us on facebook okay so i'll copy the title and if you search i think it should be your facebook like box okay title follow us on facebook enter your facebook url okay so this is my facebook url if you want to increase the height for example if you want to show streams show walls change the color scheme you can do everything now again if you go back to blog refresh it okay here as you can see this is how it is displaying because you're already logged in you don't see the login thing you see log out option here because we are not logged in student if they are not logged in they will see this option all right and basically with this almost everything is done except for the final customization so let's see how that final customization is done so we can add our logo we can change the color of the text style of the font okay so basic last thing so for that you have to click on this customize link at top and now let's start from very top here if you see at the very top we have the we have this top bar with some icons and this detail and then at the right hand side in the top bar we have this social icon so let's see how that is done first you will have to use the top bar option select top bar select general and under this if you want first of all uh you can change this thing we don't want to change this thing padding and all text color if you want to change the text color to black color you can do that thing then link color what link color do you want okay you can change these things from your background color instead of white if you want orange color blue color red color okay you can select this thing now come back and select content under content we want to type in the email address and phone number from here so we'll just copy and paste it over here if you just copy and paste it over here it will display the text phone and everything but it will not display the icon okay so to display the icon you have to go to this dot website slash v5 make sure you type in slash v5 okay font awesome dot com slash v5 slash search okay very important so that we get the version five now here search for envelope icon here as you can see very first icon let's use this one now copy this thing just click on this thing it will be copied come back over here paste in just before this email now as you can see your envelope icon similarly for phone icon search for phone okay you will see the phone icon click on this okay this is the one just copy it click on this it will be copied and paste it just before this phone and now as you can see i have the phone icon as well now you can save it come back and now enter your social links again just enter your social links it will display those over here at the right hand side you're going to change the color go ahead and change the color to red color blue color whatever color you want okay many different color schemes are given to you whatever color scheme you want to use all right so you can go ahead and use this color publish it come back now let's change the second header this was the top header now let's select the second editor so select header general first of all i want to change the header height is very much 74 i want it to 60 pixels so height i want to decrease this height background color again for this also if you want to change the background color you can do it if you want padding and everything you can change this thing now header logo let's change the logo let's upload our logo so i'll upload this logo click on open select crop or skip cropping it will display the logo and then also make sure to add the retina logo i'll upload this same logo because the file size is a little bit bigger now it will look much better publish it come back again now select menu and menu color link color i want this black color or if you want to do one thing we are using some other color throughout if you see this color code inspect element so if you select this thing and click on inspect element you will see this color code over here 1b2f4c you can paste in this color code okay black color but it you know different kind of bluish black color and when you hover over this thing color changes but we'll fix that thing hover color link color active color you can change this thing for example current menu color we want to this this is going to be our primary color so we'll inspect element and if you scroll down uh okay let's see this option here it is okay this is the color code i want so when you hover this thing and when you're on the current menu now as you can see because we are on home page this is the color for this publish it come back and again come back in fact i want to set this color as our primary color so you can do one thing you can select general option general styling and add this color as your primary primary color and under primary hover color i want to add the same color but a little bit darker like this publish it now if you scroll down all these options logos icons this has become your primary color okay if you hover this thing okay this is how it will work come back now let's see this option first typography option now by default i want to use the poppins font family so if you go to body change the body font family let me actually show you this thing if you open the blog page right now we are using some other font family if i click on this thing color is also a different font family is also different if i just change this thing to poppins now as you can see font family is changed looking much better also i want to change the font color i want to make it darker so maybe if you want you can just go ahead and select the black color or if you want to select this color again which was this color you can go ahead and select this color code okay paste in this color good and now this is this is going to be a color paste publish it then again if you come back you will see all headings for headings i want different font family here as you can see this is your heading we don't want poppins we want this kind of font family so for headings we have to select this dominate font family okay now as you can see heading wherever there is heading this was heading this was heading everything is now changed again publish it come back then we have a top bar for top bar if you want different menu or or if you want to change the size for menu main menu select main menu and this should be poppins this is already poppings but you can change this thing and i want to change i want to increase the font size instead of 13 i want to make it 15 okay come back then we have a page title and everything you can control that sidebar widget heading these headings are looking very small so i want to increase the size of this thing to maybe 17 pixels now as you can see pretty big also i want to make them bolder so these are lighter i want to make it bold okay better come back again you can again go ahead and change the color as well widgets so widgets for widgets also we want to make sure we are using poppins and for widgets i want to actually make it lighter so i will select 300 come back now widget heading which which are these things these are also small so i want to increase the size footer widget heading okay 17 pixels and want to make it bolder okay 7 700 come back now footer copyright okay the very in fact let's see widget heading yeah for one color is white which is good widgets is fine now select this option footer copyright which is this text at the bottom here i want to change if you want you can increase the size in fact come back we have to change the color of these things for example you have to change the color of this text this text at the bottom so under general options if you go to general options and you're under general settings you you will have few more options if you want to control that thing you can do that thing as well i want to use this option for example if you see this is the scroll to top button okay these buttons if you want to do some changes on that you can select scroll to top what icon you want what size you want if you see my demo website here the color is different for scroll to top button okay this is the color that we're using and also this button is bigger and rounded okay circular button here if you see this is the button so if you want to change the size first of all change the background color to this color okay and if you want to make it circular increase the border radius to 50. now as you can see circular if you want to increase the size let's make it maybe 60 okay and also icon size maybe 30 okay now as you can see this is also bigger publish it come back theme buttons uh um before that theme for form settings very important if you see for example the uh registration form i think we have not added the registration link i think in the uh in the menu you should add that link but by default if you see this is the form this is how the form is looking i want to add background color to these inputs okay so i'll select the border color is good background color under background color i'll add f9 f9 f9 okay now as you can see this will add this background color in all these inputs click on publish then we have a theme buttons if this is the button if you want to change the default color to some other color you can do that come back again then we have the block page if you open the blog page this is how the blog archive page is looking i don't like this style so i'll go to blog entries and i'll select this style blog style instead of large image will select thumbnail now you'll see this style will change this is the one that i like so i'll publish it then we have header we have seen the header i guess let's see the footer widgets okay very important because we want to change the color so first of all background color i don't want this color black color we want this color a little bit uh light black color i can see okay 1 e 1 e 2 c this is the color code so background color this will be this color then text color will be white good and then border color and all is fine and come back select bottom footer and over here first of all copyright let's change the text so i'll type in made by nayshik instead of oceanwp will remove this thing background color is good black text color will be white again for this as well publish it and finally just for some of some more things go to custom css and under pages folder you have the css file open this copy everything from here and paste it over here now click on save okay click on publish this is for the dashboard page you cannot see the dashboard page from here but if i log in to a new private window let me show you the dashboard page now it will look a little bit different let's login now as you can see the color and everything is changed especially this color hover color it was black color earlier if i remove this css publish it again come back to this page refresh it now as you can see this is how it was looking we had this line on each link so i've removed the line i have i've changed the color background color and also i've adds i changed the link color of these things so again if i paste in the code not this code css code copy everything paste it to here publish it you can now see the changes if i refresh it okay so that is what it does cancel this thing and with this we have completed this tutorial so you can just cut this thing and now with this this tutorial this video this website is now 100 completed i hope you guys find this video helpful if you find this video helpful if you are if you want to watch more useful content like this one make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon now if you like this video give a thumbs up to this video share with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any sessions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below and finally thank you so much for watching this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 139,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school management software, school management system, school information management system, wordpress, make a website, create a website, school management, wordpress school management system, wordpress school website tutorial, wordpress school management system plugin, school website, lms, lms website with wordpress, lms school, lms wordpress, wpschoolpress wordpress plugin, wpschoolpress, nayyar shaikh, school website wordpress, wordpress school management, school software
Id: KlWQMu59mWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 26sec (8066 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.