How to Create Ai Artwork for your Project #canvatutorial #canva #ai #aiartgenerator

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[Music] hey there welcome back to my YouTube channel I'm Shalia also known as The Vision pure and I'm your passive income specialist and business strategist here to help you create multiple streams of income so that you can finally start living the life you love and loving the life you live in today's video I'll be showing you how to create AI artwork career project whether it be for a children's activity book or a journal for you to upload to Amazon KDP no matter what you're trying to create there is an AI tool for you to use to simplify the process and help make your project beautiful and not just beautiful but also unique and tailored specifically to your vision now before we dive into the specifics of AI generated art let's talk about why it's a game changer for creatives and entrepreneurs alike time is money and designing Custom Graphics can be time consuming or expensive if you're hiring a designer but with AI you can produce stunning visuals in a fraction of the time without breaking the bank so today I'm going to walk you through the process of using an AI art generator that's user-friendly and delivers high quality results the first step is to choose the type of artwork you need think about the theme of your book or Journal is it motivational is it educational is it just for fun this will guide the style and elements you'll want in your artwork next you'll input a description of your video into the AI tool and you can be a specific specific or broad as you like but remember the more detail you provide the closer the result will be to what you're imagining so let's say you're creating a children's activity book about space you might ask for a friendly alien teaching kids about the planets and then the AI will generate an image based on your description and voila you've got a custom piece of art but we're not stopping there I'll show you how to tweak and refine the ai's creation to make it truly your own we'll discuss how to adjust colors add elements or blend different images together and the best part is you you don't need to be a tech Wizard or an artist to do this I'm all about keeping it simple and efficient once we have the artwork I'll take you through the process of formatting it for Amazon KDP making sure it meets all the specifications for a seamless upload and this is crucial because no matter how great your content is if it doesn't meet the platform's requirements it won't get the visibility it deserves so whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out you'll want to stick around for these Insider tips and tricks and remember if you're enjoying this content don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more videos now let's get started with the creation process first we're going to open up our AI tool so we're in chat GTP in the dashboard and the first thing we're going to do is find our image generator that we're going to use so I'm going to use Del so you're going to go under Deli and you're going to type you're going to choose the image generator opt option and then you're going to start the chat so this step is where your creativity really comes into play and it's vital for ensuring that the artwork you get is as close as possible to what you need for the project first I want you to think about the essence of your project what's the mood what's the theme who's your audience let's say you're working on a children's book about Forest Adventures your audience is kids so you want artwork that's colorful friendly and engaging now let's break down the description process start with the setting where's your story taking place is it a sunny Forest Glade a mystical Woodland at Twilight or maybe a vibrant jungle with a hidden waterfall paint the picture with your words for example you might say a sunlet Forest Clearing filled with colorful plants and flowers add the main subject who or what is the focus of this artwork if it's a character describe them in detail for a forest Adventure it might be a wise old owl a playful squirrel or even a group of adventurous children describe their appearance describe their emotions describe their actions you could say a cheerful squirrel with bright eyes holding on a map and wearing a tiny Explorer hat so let's type that in a cheerful squirrel with bright eyes holding a map and wearing a tiny Explorer hat so once we type in the prompt we click submit and the image gener image generator will create the image for us now this takes a couple of seconds so um we are going to come right back so this is what the image image generator has come up with for us it's pretty cute but if we're not satisfied with the first image that the image generator gives us we can always ask it to tweak the photo in any way that we like so remember when you're crafting your description with this level of detail you're giving d a rich canvas to work with so let's go to let's let's let's type in a more um descriptive uh prompt so we have refined what we we have refined The Prompt and let's see what it gives us it's a vibrant cartoon style image of a cheerful squirrel wearing an explorers hat holding a map and a vintage compass in a sunlet forest clearing filled with colorful plants and flowers the scene is bathed in a golden afternoon light creating a warm inviting atmosphere suitable for children so let's give them that let's submit it and see what they come up with for us so this is the image it gave us and it gave us pretty much everything that we asked for so that's why I want to just make sure that you guys understand that the more detail that you give the better you'll have the better image you'll have for the vision you have for your for whatever you want to whatever project you have so make sure you're taking your time with this step because the more thought and detail you put into your description the more you'll be delighted with the outcome and remember it's okay to play around with different descriptions to see which one gives you the best result um now with your perfect description ready let's see what Deli can do with it so now we're going to try a different prompt and we're going to see what Del can come up with for us so let's type in let's say we're creating a journal for teens ages 8 to 10 and it's a Christian Journal so let's let's ask for a an africanamerican girl around the age of 11 she has curly no let's say she has wavy dark hair wavy dark long [Music] hair she's wearing a pink top and blue jeans and she's kneeling or she's praying let's say she's praying and she's in front of an ocean on a sunny day let's keep it at that let's see what um Del comes up with for us [Music] so this is the image that D has come up with for us it's actually pretty cute you can use this for the cover of a journal or whatever type of um project that you're working on and you can download this and add it to your um your editing software so if we're adding it to ca download it and upload it into canva and then you can edit from there um if we don't like this type of um if we don't like this image specifically then we can also ask them to change it so let's ask them to change um something about the picture can you make [Music] her have a h I did a pretty good job so I don't even really know what to change um let's see can you make her smiling and let's see what they let's see what they do okay so I just want you guys to see this because sometimes these image generators will play in your face so I have asked them to change this image and make sure that she's smiling so you can see my prompt can you make her smiling and they gave me these so I said can you recreate the previous image but just with her smiling and they gave me this which isn't exactly the same as the one that I have requested up here this one was really beautiful um and then I asked can you make it more of an illustration and they gave me this and then um I upload re-uploaded the video and asked Can you recreate this specific image but just with her smiling and they gave me these two and asked them to try again and they gave me this which is semi close um but I just wanted you guys to see that it's not always perfect sometimes you have to you know keep regenerating regenerating regenerating until you get the image that you like for whatever your project is um so this one is okay it's not exactly um it's not exactly what I was thinking when I asked for this smiling but um I have tried numerous times and have failed so if if this thing if this happens and you want to use a different program then you can um but I just wanted to show you that it does work in um specific circumstances so I did create um a Bible study activity book or Bible study workbook or something like that um and I just wanted to to show you the images that it created for me so I'm going to go over here and show you some of the images that it created for me these are very beautiful images um that I wanted to that I wanted to use for my Bible study um Bible study workbook so as you can see they do create really great images and um see I generated this image for the workbook and then I asked it can you make it more colorful it didn't give me the exact same image but it did give me a really colorful and beautiful image that I love for the activity book for my Bible study um so I just wanted to show you guys that you know it can work for that but sometimes you just have to keep trying um and it can get really frustrating because you know you're really trying to get this stuff done and then you only have certain amount of prompts for chat GDP the um the bigger or the paid version um so it can get really frustrating but just you know keep regenerating and ask it to give you what you want and you'll get what you want so the next um AI tool that we're going to work with is consistent character GPT um I believe I showed this in another video um for Pixar generated characters so we're going to just go through this process so the first thing we going to do is click here to start creating your design and we're going to choose a gender I'm going to choose female and it says please provide a name for the person character I'm going to go with Mia so could you share details about the character Age Country um hair outfit Etc so you this is where you can really get creative and give as much information about what you want your character to look like so I am going to go with um an africanamerican because I'm African-American an African-American girl around or aged 11 she has long dark wavy [Music] hair light brown eyes freckles and she likes to wear the color yellow and blue jeans I forgot the W and [Music] and let's see what consistent character GPT comes up with sometimes they'll give you um a different type of illustration than you're looking for what I wanted was Pixar so we'll see what they generate for us so this is what they generated for us um she does not look African-American maybe lighter skinned so maybe we need it to be a little bit more specific so we're going to start over so let's just click consistent character GP PT again and we're going to start over um so we're going to type in female please provide a name for the person character we're going to go with something different um let's [Music] do Angela and could you share details about Angela uh she is an African Aman girl she's 11 years old she has long wavy dark [Music] hair she likes to wear the color yellow and blue jeans and now this is better they gave us us a better depiction of what um we wrote in the description so this is an African-American girl she looks about 11 maybe 13 um and then now if you want to make some more consistent characters you know just different pictures for different scenes of like a book or you know a journal or whatever you're creating then you would be able to um type in what expression or action or pose that you want her to do so [Music] let's let's ask them to make her smiling sitting on her front porch in a beautiful neighborhood with her cat sitting the beside her and let's see what they come up with so this is the picture that they have created this is really cute this is really beautiful I'm going to download it just to use for you know a project that I could be working on and then you know they they going to they're going to keep asking you what's the next variation you like to see with the Image Wall keeping Angela consistent and then you can you know keep generating different images that you want Angela to be in or the name of your character so that is how you use consistent character GPT now if you're creating something for Amazon KDP you're going to want to make sure that um the size that you're generating is correct for you know whatever project you're creating so that it will be approved on the Amazon KDP platform so I would recommend editing inside of canva so if you're making like a children's book um you're going to want to make sure the the dimensions are correct now Amazon does have a few tools that you can use to make sure that your book is the proper sizes and it's called the Amazon KDP cover calculator so if you go to KDP cover- calculat you'll find the cover calculator you would select your binding type paperback or hard cover select your interior is it going to be black and white premium color or standard color um and then the paper type and the page turn direction which is typically left to right and then the measurements in inches or millimeters you can choose which whichever one and then you would choose your book size and make sure your book is one of these sizes um and we'll do for the purposes of this video we'll do um let's do 8 by 8 and 1/2 by 8 and 1/2 so that's like the square book and then we'll do the page count is let's see 27 and then you're going to click calculate dimensions and then it'll show you the full cover the front cover the safe area the bleed and the margin so you'll need to know you'll need to um know these Dimensions to put into canva so that you'll know um how to format your book properly so that it will be accepted by Amazon KDP and not denied because of the sizing now remember these tools are here to empower your creativity not limit it experiment with different prompts and settings to see what amazing designs you can come up with and if you're interested in a deep dive into any of these AI tools let me know in the comments before we wrap up I want to leave you with this final thought the future of content creation is here and is accessible tools like Del leonard. a and chat GT P are Democrat democratizing um design and Publishing making it possible for anyone with a vision to bring their ideas to life so no more relying on graphic designers or you know just other people you can literally bring your idea to life using these tools so if you found this tutorial helpful please give it a thumbs up and share it with someone who could benefit from it don't forget to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you won't miss any of my future videos I'm Shalia the vision pure signing off keep creating keep innovating and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: TheVisionPreneur
Views: 284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, Dall-E, Ai, Artificial Intelligence
Id: qmCPhpn_Pig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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