How to Make Procreate Brushes // Galaxy Art Procreate Tutorial

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hi i'm lisa bardeaux and today i'm going to be teaching you how to create your own custom brushes in procreate and we're going to be using those brushes to create this beautiful galaxy illustration [Music] while creating brushes in procreate can get a little bit complicated it's not hard to get started and create amazing brushes that can do some really cool effects and that's what i'm going to be showing you how to do today i'll show you how to create three different procreate brushes including one that has some really cool color and lighting effects if you're new to procreate i recommend watching my procreate for beginners tutorial to learn all the basics please be sure to like subscribe and hit the bell icon so you don't miss any of my future tutorials let's get started we're going to be creating some galaxy art today and it's actually going to be a lot easier than you think thanks to some built-in procreate brushes that you already have on your ipad and we're going to be adding to that with our own custom brushes that i'm going to walk you through making that have some really cool lighting effects so we'll begin by starting our galaxy art and then we'll jump into brush making so let's first create a new canvas i'm going to tap the plus sign in the upper right and the size i'm going to be using today is 3 800 by 2800 pixels this is a size i use all the time so i have a canvas template made for that then i'm going to go up to the layers panel and i'm going to start by changing the background color so i'll tap background color and the color of the background i'm going to choose is kind of like a deep blue so kind of like that not completely dark but pretty dark and then i'm going to go over to my brushes and i'm actually going to go into the built-in procreate brush set called luminance and the brush i'm going to use is at the bottom here it's called nebula this brush has some really cool lighting and color effects that you're going to see in just a sec i'm going to go over to my colors and the color i'm going to choose is kind of between this like bluey purple and magenta so it's this like purple color and then make sure i'm choosing like a very saturated version of that color and now i'm going to zoom out just a little bit so i can get all the edges and if i go across the screen you'll see that there's some like different colors happening there's some blues and pinks and this this brush is really really cool like that uh if i go over it a second time it will get brighter i probably don't want it to get too bright but in certain spots it's okay and i can actually choose maybe a different color like a blue and kind of incorporate some blue spots over there i want to leave some of the the dark space so i don't want to go too crazy with the nebula effect i want to leave some background i think that's a good jumping off point so now i want to add some stars and if i go into my brushes there is this brush called glimmer and if i use that you know it's stars but it's not quite the look that i want um they're a little too soft and way too close together um so i'm just gonna go ahead and create my own custom brush so i can get the exact star that i want so let me undo that and let's actually go ahead and exit back out to gallery view so we can make our own brush we're going to create a new canvas to make our brush shape so i'm going to tap the plus sign and i'll tap this little rectangle here in the upper right and i'm going to make a canvas that is 2500 by 2500 pixels and i'm just going to call this one brushes and hit create so now i've got a square canvas which is what it needs to be in order to create a brush the first thing i'm going to do is set the background color to black so i'll go up to my layers background color and then i will double tap to get a pure black value so if i double tap close to black it's going to snap or you can check a value here and make sure that i'm actually turning the color all the way down so saturation's down brightness is down so there's no there's no color at all we want to be completely black and then we're going to go up to our brushes panel and i'm going to go into the drawing set and the brush i'm going to be using is called oberon it's got some nice texture i really like the effect that it has so let's go ahead and choose oberon and the first thing i want to do is just to make like a glowing circle so what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw a circle in the middle of my canvas kind of like that it doesn't have to be perfect and i'm actually going to use gaussian blur to blur it out to make it glow so there's my circle i'm going to go up to the adjustments menu gaussian blur and then i'm going to tap layer and then if i slide my pencil across the screen you can see that it blurs out so we want it to be nice and soft i'm at about 68 and then i'm going to go over to my layers again and i'm going to create a new layer and i want to have more of like a concentrated bright spot in the middle so i'm going to repeat that process i'm going to go ahead and draw another circle it's a little smaller kind of like that and then i'm going to go over to adjustments gaussian blur layer and i'll blur it out a little bit less so i'm at like 23 now so you can see i have like a concentrated bright spot in the middle and then i want to create some kind of like glowing lines coming out like a shining star so i'm going to tap the layers panel and create another new layer so now i'll go ahead and draw some lines going through the center like that and the motion that i'm doing is light pressure heavy pressure light pressure so i get these nice um tapered ends with you know you can see the texture fall off so i'll do that one more time maybe a little bit bigger with my brush size there we go and we'll do it horizontally kind of like that and then a couple more intersecting those lines like that and the last thing i'll do is add some glow to these lines i just drew so i'll go up to my layers uh swipe to the left choose duplicate and then i'll go over to adjustments gaussian blur layer and just kind of blur that a little bit so it has kind of this glowing effect i'm at about 12 percent all right so now we're ready to turn this shape we just drew into a brush first thing i'm going to do is just select all of these layers and just center it in the middle here there we go okay so we're going to copy this we'll take three fingers and swipe down on the canvas you're going to choose copy all that's going to copy all the visible layers and then we're going to go into our brushes and you're going to go all the way to the top and if you swipe down you'll see this blue plus sign and that's to create a new brush set so let's go ahead and tap that and we'll call this stars and hit return and then tap the plus sign here to create a new brush so here you can see we've entered the brush studio and this contains all the settings you need to make whatever brush your heart desires and just so you know how brushes work in procreate each brush takes a shape and a texture and a whole bunch of different combinations of these settings to create whatever effect you want to bake so let's go ahead and put the shape we just made into this brush we're going to go down here to where it says shape and you can see this brush is made up of this circle shape let's go ahead and change that we're going to tap edit and then import and then paste and it's going to paste in the shape that we had copied and there you can see it so go ahead and hit done and you can see that the brush changed here you can actually draw with it in here to see what it looks like which doesn't look like much right now we have to adjust the settings to make the star brush that we want so let's begin by going to stroke path that's the top option here and we'll start with this setting so if we slide that over you can see now that you can see the individual stars on this brush and that's how a brush works it's actually just a bunch of these shapes layered on top of each other sometimes spread out sometimes not to create a brush so i'm going to go ahead and spread that out i've got it to like 90 because i want to make this kind of like scattered star effect and then i'm going to go over here where it says jitter and if we turn up jitter you can see that everything kind of just spreads out randomly so it kind of makes everything irregular and spread out so that's what i want for this brush and next i'm going to go back to shape over here and scatter is another setting this will rotate the actual like individual stamps but i actually want it off because i want them all the same orientation but i do want to edit count and count just adds more iterations of each stamp so if you turn it way up it's like tons but let's go down i think i only want it to be at like two and then the last thing that i'm going to edit on this brush is down here under dynamics and here under jitter there's this size slider so if i slide that over you'll see now that some are big some are small so it kind of varies the size of your stamp of your brush so i don't think i want it all the way up i meant about like 75 and then finally you can go down to properties and you can change the maximum size so if you wanted it to be able to be bigger you know you can move that up so i'll set it to about 200 percent and that looks good for now let's go ahead and hit done and there you can see our brush and it's untitled but we'll make sure to name our brushes at the end um so let's go back to our galaxy art and we'll start putting in some stars so i'm going to go ahead and tap gallery and open up my nebula then i'll go to layers and i will tap the plus sign to create a new layer all right so now we've got our brush selected here so let's try it out see what it looks like all right so we've got some stars um they look pretty good i'm gonna reduce the size of the brush and just see what that looks like so we can get some different like sizes i think those look really nice but i would like some stars that are not this shape like with the you know shine lines just maybe some like little dots so let's make that next let's go back to the gallery and we're going to open that file back up that we used to make our brush and i'm going to go to my layers and i'm just going to turn off these two layers so now i just have like the glowing dot i'm going to swipe down with three fingers again and i'm going to choose copy all and instead of creating a new brush from scratch i'm just going to swipe to the left and choose duplicate and now i can just edit that same brush so let me open it up we'll go over to shape we'll go to edit import paste and now it's just a glowing dot so let's hit done and you can see what that looks like i'm gonna go over here and maybe reduce the spacing a little bit i don't know how spread apart i want them to be with the jitter but let's try that and see what that looks like so i'm going to hit done and we'll go back to our nebula art open that back up and oh i think that looks really cool i'm gonna reduce the size of the brush so these can be like far away stars oh that looks really awesome you can do some bigger let me see i think having a few bigger ones in there is really cool too so you can as many stars as you want now if i want to make these stars really look like they're glowing in relation to the background i can add a blend mode to this layer of stars so i'm going to go up to my layers i'm going to tap the little n right here and this is going to bring up all our different blend modes and blend modes just dictate how one layer interacts with all the layers below it and there's lots of different options i suggest scrolling through and seeing what they do because they'll change on the fly but i'm going to choose this one called add and you can see already that like there's normal and there's add and let's see if i undo redo you can see it just it glows more it also you get a little bit more color it interacts with the color of the layer below it so add is a really fun blend mode especially for doing things like stars it's getting a little bright right here but that's all right like look at how cool these glow over here it's awesome so the last thing i want to do is to add some really fun colored glowing stars like some individual really bright fun ones so let's go ahead and create one last brush i'm going to go up to my brushes and i'm actually going to start with this first one that we made because i want this to have the like glowing shiny lines so i'm going to swipe to the left and choose duplicate and then i'm going to open that new version of the brush and for this one i just want to make like a stamp brush where i can just make like one star so i'm going to turn the spacing all the way up and i'm going to turn the jitter all the way down and so now that makes it really easy for me to just like stamp a star there and i also want this brush to have more of a glowing effect itself so let me show you how to do that the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to go down to my properties and i'm going to change the size the maximum size to be bigger like that and then i'm going to go to my rendering settings right here i'm going to change it to intense blending these are a little complicated to explain but trust me on this one we're going to go to intense blending and then for the blend mode of the brush we're going to change that so we're going to actually choose you could probably guess we're going to choose the add blend mode because it has that glowy effect you can't really see what it looks like here in the preview but if i go up here to drawing pad i can actually change the color of the preview and there we go you can see that if i change it back to normal you can see you know how it looks doesn't it doesn't glow there we go now it does glow so that looks awesome but i want to intensify the glow of this star so i'm going to go over to shape and remember count i'm going to increase that and the more that i increase that you can see how like the the glow gets brighter because the count setting adds more iterations of that stamp and since i don't have like jitter turned on they're all stacked on top of each other so that add blend mode is adding and making it brighter and brighter and so you get this cool effect where it's like glowing in the middle and then it kind of fades off along the edges it's really really cool so let's try that out on our piece i'm gonna go ahead and tap done and i'm going to go to my layers and create a new layer for these and i'm going to choose a color now and choose like an orange maybe so i'm just like doing a really saturated orange and we'll see how this looks well it is like crazy intense but you can see how it like fades off on the edges like that now it looks a little uh awkward because it's like so saturated so i'm going to change the blend mode of this layer as well so that way this new star i just drew interacts with the nebula you know colors so i'm going to go over here to the n and i'm going to go to add and that looks awesome uh it's glowing it's working with the colors underneath it and it just looks really really cool um i can choose a different color maybe we'll do like a pink do a really big one oh that one's really big if i actually like tap right in the same exact spot a few times it's gonna it's gonna keep adding and keep brightening every time i put it down so you can see that i'll do that a few times and it just keeps getting brighter and brighter this is getting really crazy now but you i'm just doing it to show you you know what you can do make it a little bit smaller so here's a blue one put one over there so it's just it's just so fun i think it's really really a cool effect maybe we'll do i don't know you can experiment with colors and see what different colors do see what happens when you choose a darker color probably won't get as bright as fast but you can create some really awesome effects with not a lot of effort when you can create brushes that kind of do that work for you so now with everything we've learned with our new custom brushes let's go ahead and create a new galaxy art from scratch i'm gonna go ahead and go to gallery i'm gonna create a new canvas i'm gonna use that same size 3 800 by 2800 pixels i'm going to change the background color to a nice deep blue like that and then i'm going to grab the nebula brush from the luminance set and a nice purpley color and i'll just add in some cool nebula shapes maybe i'll get a blue color incorporate that in there i have some brighter spots down here i think that looks great i'll create a new layer and let's go to our custom brushes here and i'll start with my just dot stars and i'll do a white and just kind of draw a few in make a smaller brush size and draw those in wherever i think they need to be two different sizes it's turning out beautiful i'm going to change the blend mode of that to add so that they interact with my background a little bit more i'll create another layer for my really bright colorful stars and change that blend mode to add as well and i'll choose that cool glowy star and do like an orange just add in a few of those if i want to make it brighter i could just tap on it a couple times maybe do a different color we'll get like blue try that so fun so as you can see thanks to the awesomeness of custom brushes it did not take us long at all to create something truly amazing that is the beauty of making your own brushes is you can really create something that is your own and make your tools work for you instead of like having to draw these stars like a million times you can make a brush that does that so brushes are awesome i love making brushes obviously i've been making brushes for many many years i sell my own brush sets i have learned so much about the brush settings that i can do pretty much whatever i think of i can probably make a brush to do it but i love making brushes really really fun one more thing we forgot to do of course is to name our brushes so let's do that i'm gonna open up my dot stars i'm gonna go down here to about this brush and let's call this one we'll just call it dot stars and then of course you can put in your name because you made this brush sign your little signature there you can even put a picture in there if you want and if you tap here where it says create new reset point and save if you ever make changes to this brushes you can always revert back to this point which is amazing so let me name my other two brushes so here is your own brush set with your custom star brushes you can obviously use other shapes to make other types of brushes and i would just recommend going through and experimenting with the brush settings and seeing what each of them do procreate actually has a really amazing handbook on their website which teaches you all about the program and goes into detail about what all the different brush studio settings do if you want to learn more i highly recommend checking it out thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you're excited about experimenting and making your own brushes again i'm lisa bardeaux and i help people find their creativity through drawing on the ipad if you'd like to support me i hope you'll check out my premium brush sets that inspire creativity at and if you're sharing your work to instagram i would love to see it use the hashtag bardo brush thanks and happy art making if you like this video please subscribe for more awesome tutorials and check out one of my other videos have a great day
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 10,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s0o7TSwRZZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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