How To Create A Realistic Shaggy Carpet In Blender

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hi guys in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create a realistic shaggy style carpet in blender and cycles so let's get straight into it the first thing that we're going to do is we want to go ahead and get rid of this cube since we don't need it so right-click the selected and then hit X delete then we want to go ahead and add in a plane so all you need to do is go ahead and hit shift a mesh plane just like so then what we want to do is want to scale it out a little bit to become the shape of a carpet copper's tend to be more rectangular in shape rather than square so we're gonna go ahead and hit s X and then just scale it out to about about that much it really depends on you how how wide you want your carpet to be so I want to create mind to be around this size over here what's it done that tap into edit mode and then go ahead and hit W subdivide go ahead and click on this little arrow over here and change the number of cuts to 10 okay since we're gonna go ahead and add some modifiers is smooth and add some thickness we want to adding some loop cuts around here just to tighten things up so this will make sense a little bit later on so all you need to do is go ahead and hit control R on your keyboard left click and drag close to the edge for each of the sides so ctrl R left click over here control our left click drag over here and control our lipstick drag over here until you have all four corners done all right now tap out of edit mode and let's go to the modifiers tab in the properties window go add modifier and select the subdivision surface so this will just smooth out the carpet a little bit you can't really see what's going on but we can just see the corners have just moved out a little bit next up go ahead and add another modifier add modifier this time I want to choose to use a displace modifier so with there it is the displace modifier go ahead and click new texture and we're just gonna call it general on a carpet bump or something I don't matter just Emily whatever you like I'm also going to go ahead and change from local to UV and may as well go ahead and setup the UV map now while we're at it so in the UV editing tab go ahead and click that go to the top view and then select all the vertices over here hit you and then project from view and then in this view over here to send everything by hitting a and then just scale up until it covers the entire mesh so once it's on that tab out of edit mode go back to the modeling tab we're now gonna start off by adding a little bit of a bump to our carpet texture so just to give us a bit more variation to a carpet rather than just having a very flat surface so for the bumper I'm just going to go now and go to the carpet bump texture so let's change to the texture tab of the properties window and we already have carpet bump loaded up here conveniently for us if it isn't just go ahead and inspect the texture over there change the time from image or movie to clouds and you get something that looks like that you can play around with the size but I found that default is actually okay so I'll go I'll stick with the 0.25 maybe a little bit smaller than that yeah maybe point 1 5 is okay depth and you can keep adding something like that but I think yeah the default should be fine just to add a little bit of variation to our carpet so let's go back to the modifiers panel and let's change this strengthens something really low maybe like point 1 yeah something like point 1 will be good and also I'll just bump this subdivision up so that we get a bit more variation and I think that is looking ok so next thing I want to do is we want to add a bit of thickness to our carpet since we have a shaggy style carpet the carpet itself the base itself tends to have a bit of thickness as well so let's go and add a modifier and this time we're going to choose the solidify modifier and also for this one the default is okay I might just bump it up a little maybe to point point to point 0 2 yeah something like that should be fine okay so just to finish it off let's go ahead and add one more modifier again the subdivision surface just to smooth the overall carpet itself and I think the final carpet is now done so I think this may be a little bit too much variation so I might just tone down the strength a bit more yeah something like that just make it really really subtle okay so we have something that looks like that and then once you've done it and I'm just gonna go ahead and apply all this modifier so let's apply this our division let's apply this displacement and let's apply that solidify we'll keep the last subdivision itself don't want to change much of that okay once we're there we also want to go ahead and select all the top phases now to set the top phases is a little bit challenging now that we added with a variation I mean one thing you could try is then we double tap a turn on this one and then somehow selects just the top phases like so and ignoring the bottom faces but I found I was that was a bit challenging so the best way that I tends to find it was just decide everything go to the top view just go to face select mode save some - middle faces around here where the center point is then just go to ctrl + + + on your numpad I just try to select all the top paces that way I think that will cover up everything yes it does so yeah just where you find this your center point of your model just like the faces around it and hit ctrl + + + the point is we don't want to select any of the bottom faces or any of these side faces as well okay so once you've done that go ahead and go to the vertex sorry the object data tab of the properties window and go ahead and click new vertex group over here by hitting this plus sign double click this one and let's call this the carpet area and let's go ahead and assign this a weight of 1 so in other words when you go to from object mode to weight paint mode you'll see that this carpet area has a weight of 1 which is shown in red and away to 0 which is in blue over here so we're going to use this red area to grow out the carpet strands from okay so now that that's done there's finally finish up or we have a bit of weird artifact going on here so just smooth everything out let's go to object shades smooth so that we get something that looks like that so already we're getting a nice looking carpet now it's time for the fun part adding in the carpet strands so to do so let's change to this tab over here the particles tab we're going to be using the particle system to grow out our carpet strands so go ahead and get new over here once you go to the particle system and then change over from emitter to hair and straight away you'll see that we have it locked and also hair strands growing out of our carpet in random directions just to make it easy I'm just gonna rename this from plain to carve it so we know what we're looking at okay so first thing we need to do is just like me earlier we added the white in this tab over here for the carpet area we want to grow out the particles only in that area we don't want to grow underneath our carpet or on the sides of our carpet I only wanted to grow on the top so I'm in the particle settings I want to go down to where it says vertex groups expand that change the density to carpet area and straight away you'll see that if you disappeared from the bottom and the sides and we also want to change the length as well to the carpet area and I guess the clump is well to the carpet area and this one as well it doesn't really matter but I'm gonna be playing around with these settings anyway okay so once you've done that next thing I want to do is we want to play with the height of the carpet area so go ahead and tick advanced also let's change the hair length down to put it to about the length that you want your strands to be I found that a value of 0.3 0-3 it has to be okay for my case so let me just rotate and have a look at it yeah something like that tends to be quite good okay so once you've done that that's looking good so far we can bump up the numbers but I think I'll do that last we want to now try and make our carpet have a bit of sharpen of bending going on so the secret is doing that is in the physics tab just change the Brownian value over here and let's just change it to something that looks a nice point zero two is okay I might make it even more than that point zero one two yeah it's naked very subtle like so okay so next thing they want to do is we want to play around with the variation of the height of each carpet strand we don't want each strata be equal size we want to have some variation there so to do so in the I think it's in the velocity we play around with that so we can turn up the pool that's the white one I think it is randomized actually yeah okay we can turn up the randomization but I do like that it's playing really really crazy so I've to be even more subtle with it maybe a Michael point zero one maybe even smaller than that point zero zero that's the point zero zero two yeah I think something like that is okay so yeah we'll stick with a randomized value of point zero zero two and we're now starting to get some nice-looking variations in our carpet strand if you zoom in you'll notice that the strands took a little bit blocky it doesn't look very smooth we want to get a more smoother kind of a curvature going on so in order to do that under viewport display I found that you needed to turn up the Strand steps so you get a nicer you know curvature going on over there I guess we can all over here we can also turn on B spline that can also make it look nicer okay so at this point we're done with the sort of the overall shape of how we want our strands to look so the secret to getting that nice furry warm fuzzy look is really in clumping so in order to get that plumping effect we're gonna make use of the children so if I just scroll down you'll see a tab for children go ahead and expand that and we're gonna use the interpolated one so just to give a brief on what this does what children does if you don't know already for each particle that's over here so if I turn up children for a second for each of these strands over here it will add a bunch of children so it will add a bunch of children around the parent parent strand if that makes sense so if I go interpolant right now we can see that's showing a display amount of ten and a render amount of hundred so ten means there are ten child strands around the parent strand and when you render it there's going to be a hundred so you can afford to see a lot more denser a denser for when you render it out okay so over here we need that we can play around the settings to clump everything together to get a nicer shape so under clumping over here in the children settings let's go ahead and bump that up to maybe close to one yeah there's something around there point seven seven four we're gonna add my sack lot or if I do it the other way around actually maybe I might go the other way around it has to look better when for for carpet at least it has to look better rather than clapping in this kind of direction we clump it out in this kind of a direction like so it has to look myself for the shape we can play around with different type of shape maybe I like a more wider look like so but you can play around with that for the roughness I generally don't I just like to touch this this area it's not just to make everything look a lot messy but maybe I can play around with these settings enriched making very subtle the changes yeah but really comfortable playing around with this roughness setting so I'll just leave it the way it is really finely for kink I might change this from matting to curl and you'll see that it goes quite crazy so that you can turn that down using the amplitude so I might go from let's start off with zero and just I just want to start from the beginning shift left click and then just drag out to us to the guys the sort of shape that I want to get so there is something like that copper's don't always tend to look nice and smooth it has to look quite messy so I'll go is something that looks like that the frequency can play around with that not really doing much in this case and now just leaving like that okay so at this stage I'm quite happy with the way the carpet looks let's just have a quick look at how this will look and rendered but before that I'm gonna go ahead and save my work oh one more little setting I need to do before I go ahead and render it out I'm just gonna go ahead and change this length 20.8 what this will do for all the children you know render it out as 80% of its original length so that's one way to add some height variation to our carpet so threshold I'll probably bump this up to the point one so the point one is like 10% so basically is saying 10% of those children will ignore this rule this point 80 this 80% rule so you might have some random children having you know even bigger height so just to add some extra variation to it okay so now I can go ahead and start to render this carpet out so let's just go to the render term over here and currently you will notice that it said on Eevee we need to change these two cycles since cycles at the moment is the best when it comes to rendering realistic fur I mean the future Eevee might do a really good job as well I think there's some demos where Eva does a good job but at the time of recording I didn't I couldn't really pull it off so I'm gonna change from Eevee to cycles and now we're gonna change the viewport shading from solid to this this one over here the rendered view pool so click that and straight away you'll see what your carpet looks like right now it looks horrible so we need to go ahead and fix that so we'll start off with materials so for this one I guess I'll go to the shading tab and change this to the rendered view and this is save our work okay so I want to go ahead and add two materials to this so let's go to the material tab let's create the first material call it the carpet underlay I guess this will be just for this this base over here the bottom part then won't create a new material and call it the so that's going to be for the Justice strands itself for the base I'm just going to give it a sort of getting close to black kind of a color since we're not really gonna see this in the final render so it doesn't really matter too much but for the fur we weren't good for a slightly light grayish kind of color and we also want to render out the strands and using this fur but the moment is rendered out as the base which is incorrect so we need to change that in the particle settings as well so let's go to the particle settings and under I think it's the render will change the material from carpet base to carpet fur so now we can see it being rendered out using the carpet fur texture also while we're here in the particle settings we need to change how this this strands look it don't look right it don't look like carpet strands so when they change this shape so to do that in the particle settings you'll see one a tree called hair shape go ahead and expand that and we need to change the radius root to be something really really low I found point two to be quite good and the tip of point one to be good we don't want it to be fully like you know going tapering into nothingness we want it to be a little bit fat all the way through and then ending quite nicely so something like that would be quite good maybe I might explain this two point three make it a little bit more feather but for the most part I think that's okay now let's just keep it at point three point two two yeah that's looking quite good okay and next up well let's just increase the number of strands might open up to three thousand all right this is something like that alright so now it's time to look more like a carpet but the material of the carpet is not looking right so let's go ahead and change the material of the carpet for itself so we covered first selected I want to go ahead and control-c to copy the color over here so just hover over the color hint control see remove the principal psdf then shift a shader I don't want to use the principal - hair psdf and then plug the B SDF into the surface output and then change this color over here so hover over this color and good control V to bring that color in and I don't quite like the look of the the hair that's the hair color that we're getting over here so I'm gonna turn up the roughness quite a lot and also the Rayleigh roughness as well and then it starts to look more like a proper hair can add a little bit of coating I guess but yeah it doesn't matter too much so let's just give this a render just to see how this looks oh no no it's not looking good we're getting too much strands all together in one area I mean it's looking fuzzy but it's not looking that good so I need to go ahead and reduce the number of children that we're putting around each parent so to do that maybe I might just reduce a few things in the particle settings just turn this one down to 2,000 and turn the children I can find it down to about say 50 and let's render that and see what it looks like okay so we have something that looks like that which is quite good so I know there's a lot of empty spots on there but don't worry I'm gonna go ahead and fill those up with yet another particle system so just it this is purely just to add more variation to our carpet just to get a bit more texture and to make it look a little bit more interesting so to do it is quite easy but we're going to require a little bit of duplicated work so go to the particle system panel and then go ahead and click this plus icon over here I want to call this one you can go to the original one we'll name this one the white or the white strands and for particle system 2 we're going to copy the white strands and then hit these two over here to duplicate it and some will call it the black strengths okay so all the settings here are copied over so we don't need to do anything to it the only thing we need to do is change over the material so in the material tab let's go ahead and click this plus icon to create a new material kid new and we're going to use the carpet firm material and then hit number two over here I guess I didn't hit new there but anyways we'll call this one carpet and the only difference here is I'm just gonna change the color all the other everything else is being copied over like the principal hair shader and the roughness settings and everything that's all copied over I'm just gonna make this one significantly darker maybe something like that and in the particle tab I want to change for particle system - I won't change from the material from carpet to carpet for black so if I'm going to viewpoint we can't really see anything going on that's because it's you know the since I've duplicated the particle system its overlaying the second particle system exactly on top of the first particle system all we need to do is change this seed value over here just hit that and then straight away we should be able to see our new particle system and I think that should be good to go so it's quite invisible but I think in the render it should be clearer so let's give that a quick render and see what that looks like okay so it's looking quite good but there's still some empty spots over here so I might bump up the black strands a lot more so that it covers those areas so let me just do that real quick in particle systems - that's just to change this one to 3000 and the children - maybe 65 or something just made up those values there just make sure that the field weights the vertex groups oh sorry the vertex groups have to be copied over as well you didn't copy over the carpet area so let me just do that real quick as well I think that should look even better okay so there should be nothing on the bottom yeah as expected and we can see a little bit of that new strand coming through now so let's give that a quick render and see what that looks like and there we go that's looking really cool we're getting a nice looking texture looking warm and fuzzy and our carpet looks a lot more interesting so that's perfect let's just render this out using better lighting just to see what it looks like so for the lighting I'm gonna change over let's just go back to solid mode let's change this lighting over here to maybe this is some map for the final a carpet scene render that you see in the thumbnail previews that's in the dining table video so if you go ahead and check out that video you'll see that carpet being used in a proper render using HDR lighting and all of that other photo realistic stuff but I'm not going to focus on photo realistic lighting in this tutorial or any of that stuff just purely just rendering a carpet so I'm just using a normal Sun lamp we pop it off the strain to about 10 that's it let's just see what that looks like when rendered and that's it that's the final result of our carpet perfect to use straightaway in any realistic kind of indoor scene I hope this video has been useful to you if you like this video and want to see more of it please go ahead and like share and subscribe and I hope to see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Thilakanathan Studios
Views: 33,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender realistic carpet, blender carpet tutorial, how to create a carpet in blender, how to create a shaggy carpet in blender
Id: bFV0y2-g1Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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