How To Create a Custom Audience with Email Lists on Facebook Ads

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what is up YouTube Dillon Pearson here and welcome to my video showing you exactly how to use email lists to create Facebook custom audiences and look-alike audiences email lists are incredibly powerful when implemented into the Facebook ad platform I have used email as personally to run very profitable campaigns I'll actually go into my real ad accounts and show you some live examples of what they've done for me super excited to share this with you guys if you're new to my channel I dropped very high quality videos like this a minimum of two times per week so make sure to subscribe and notifications on if you're interested in e-commerce and Facebook ads also if you guys could right now do me the huge favour of just hitting that like button and leaving a comment letting me know if you found this valuable and what you want to see next the like in the comment really help my channel grow and help people find this content so I do appreciate it and we're gonna go ahead and jump right into it so this is how to utilize an email list to create Facebook custom audiences and look-alikes so the power of email lists with Facebook ads email lists contain an audience of highly targeted individuals unless you're like out there spamming and you know misleading people into your email list which I obviously don't recommend doing you're going to have a very very targeted list of people the reason people subscribe to email lists are because they're interested in the offer that you presented they're interested in the content you put out so if they've done that you know that they're probably interested in whatever you're selling specifically related to that niche so if you import that into Facebook they will match individuals to their profiles through their emails and their names email is contain an audience of 2,000 will become audiences containing millions and that's just an example so if you have an email list of 10,000 or 500 you can convert them 500 people into an audience of millions of people so it's a great opportunity to essentially take your email list from this big and turn it into this big just with the power of Facebook so here's a screenshot from my ad account and I'm actually going to open it up right now right here it is is one of the ad accounts that I've used subscriber email lists look like audiences and total so I do have to preface this I searched it by the ad set name sub so there's a lot of ad sets that were excluded from this that I did use subscriber look-alikes but these are the ones that were easily found so I just want to use these as example so as you can see I spent around $12,500 and made around 22,000 dollars some of these you know I'm still scaling so there's just so much opportunity just to take those existing people and use them to generate millions of people that you can sell something to so it does work it's it's usually profitable right from the get-go so if you have an email list definitely recommend utilizing it so I'm gonna show you how to set this up so I'm here in a weber this is an email list i have that has about 5,700 people and all of these people are people that have purchased so this email list is incredibly powerful so i'm gonna i'm gonna actually take this and import it into one of my facebook ad accounts here so with a weber you simply just select them all and then there's a button down here called export csv you click it and it will download it right here so if you're using a different platform like MailChimp or klaviyo or anything else out there all you need to do is go to google and type in how to export email list and then enter the name of your platform so for my example will be how to enter or how to export email list Aweber how to export email list MailChimp etc etc so you'll have a CSV file right here so we're gonna jump back over to Facebook Ads right now once you come to Facebook Ads you want to come up to this audiences tab click on it and this is what it look like if you have never created a look like your custom audience this is a test account that I use just for examples like this so it's clean and fresh and you guys can really see what is happening so what you're gonna do first is come down here and hit create custom audience you have a couple options here what you're gonna want to do is create a customer file custom audience so this one right here go ahead and click it and actually if you use MailChimp there's a direct integration you can use so that'll be even easier you really don't even I don't think need to export anything but most email lists don't include a lifetime value I'm not sure if Klay vo does since you can integrate that directly with Shopify but for example my list on a Weber does not have a value associated in terms of like how much someone's spent on my site so for my example I'm gonna use a file that doesn't include lifetime value I just click it you accept the Terms upload file and I'm actually just going to drag mine in here done oh whoops name your audience so this is important I like to clearly format it the thing with email list is as they grow you will have to manually update them I don't know if MailChimp has that integration feature built in but for my example I like to I like to name them like this email subscribers and then I'll put the date so today is July 5th 2019 that way let's say it's July 25th and I've got a thousand new subscribers on my email list I want to update them but I also want to create a new custom audience so I know that when I create my look-alikes which audience is the latest version so select origin I forgot to do this section so make sure you select the origin so let's see from customers and partners advertisers collecting information directly from the customers directly from customers so mine is directly from customers go ahead and hit next and really the most important thing you had that you need to have is the email Facebook will match the email to that to the profile if you have so like for example Aweber doesn't split it up at first and last name in my situation so it is kind of tough but if you can add that name I think MailChimp will do this too the name is pretty nice too because it can help it's like there's a variance and the emails compared to the subscriber list first the person's profile they can match the name and it helps them kind of better figure out maybe add a couple few that they would have missed otherwise but for the most part as long as your email list includes the email and the the upload file includes it your gonna match 97% of people that's just a random guess but that's what I would seem like 97% accuracy so I'll play it and create don't worry about this if you can as I said map like the first and last name it will help to improve the match rate but not by too much so upload anyways and I'm gonna let this upload and I'll be right back oh well that was really quick so yeah so it's gonna populate now and then I'll be right back okay so it's taking a little while to populate so I'm just gonna show you what to do once it's fully populated so right now if yours says audience is populating just let it complete until it doesn't say populated any longer you want to wait until it's completely finished to create your look-alikes that way you have the most data for Facebook to use but to create your look-alike it's very very simple you simply click on this the name of the custom audience come over here to actions hit create look-alike and this is where you can do your targeting so I will usually break them out exactly how I show you here so this is how I like to do my email list look-alikes I break them out in this range I do number of look-alikes I set this to three zero to one percent one to two percent in two to five percent I'm specifically for the US I'll show you what I do for different countries here but the reason I do this is 2.2 million is a good size audience it's pretty targeted and then once you get further out and just look like your audience is gonna slowly become less similar to do people in your email list so when we get out here it's it's fairly broad but I want to give Facebook an opportunity to to have more people to match in terms of the potential to buy my product so as we get further away from those niche down very very similar people I just give Facebook an opportunity to have a wider sea of potential buyers to show my ads to Facebook smart and you give them more they will give you more so that's kind of this is kind of how I lay out my look-alikes for my email list if you have an email list of let's say 10,000 people though you might be better off doing really narrow ones if you want if you have like a budget to test you could do something like this let's see split this out here you could do something like this and test each one of these it's really up to you but if you have an email list of what do what do I have around 6,000 or less I still like to do it exactly like this layout right here so this is how I do my look-alikes for the United States you hit create audience and it's gonna populate these look-alikes with people that are similar to your email list and these look-alikes are some of those powerful look-alikes you can create on Facebook if I'm doing it for a different country I'll create another look-alike let's say I'm doing it for Australia so you're gonna have some smaller audiences so there's about a hundred and seventy thousand in each percentage range so this is how I do this I don't like these small audiences because it's gonna cost more the CPM they're gonna go way up so specifically for this I like to break them out right about here a minimum of five hundred thousand and what I'll do is I run these at a lower budget compare it let's say let's say I'm testing it like twenty dollars a day I'll test that twenty dollars a day and let's say both of these are profitable I don't bump up the ad spend on each edge set what I do is I stack the audience's so I'll create a new ad set and then I'll take this zero to three percent add it to the edge set and then I'll take the three to six percent and also add it to the edge set giving me around 1 million people in that audience that way the CPM czar gonna be a little bit lower I'm just gonna be a lot cheaper to run ads to them and you know they're both profitable so it's easier to add it's just a scale and kind of manage instead of managing separately and slowly bumping up the budget on these smaller audiences so this is how I do it and one cool thing - so let's say we have Australia and then we have like a let's say New Zealand what you're gonna see is the audience only increased by like a hundred thousand people so if you know that New Zealand used to be like if you have you have run ads to New Zealand and you've found some profitable audiences you could actually just create a look-alike with multiple countries like this so New Zealand super small if you add it to this Australian look-alike it's gonna bump up your your audience a little bit more with still very valuable people so you can do this I wouldn't recommend doing something where you like add Brazil because the thing with Brazil is it's it's very large and people in Brazil are completely different from people in Australia just in terms of like the language spoken and I know like the lifestyle is a little bit different in each one of these but you want to focus on like language and purchase behavior and like New Zealand Australia I've I've matched together before in different audiences and I found they work really well together so if you found various countries that work for you feel free to create them in a a single look-alike and just test it like that it's gonna increase your audience size which is good your cost is gonna be lower and you'll probably be able to create more profitable audiences that way so that is how I go about importing my email list and how you can do it too and then also how I take those email lists and I use that data to take an email list of 5000 and turn it to I think I just turned it to 12 million people so the power of importing email lists into Facebook ads is huge and if you're not doing it you're missing out on a lot of money so first thing you need to start doing is collecting emails on your website you can have like an exit intent email you could even do like a lead gen campaign let's say you have an e-commerce brand in a shop up I store maybe instead of directing people straight to a purchase you direct them to a lead generation page where you have like an email list section where your email intersection and you just give people as emails so you can build this email list up and the more data you have the more money you'll be able to make off of that data so I hope you guys found this helpful let me know if you have any questions in the comment I answer all questions in the comments of course unless this video blows up and there's just way too many comments to answer follow me on Instagram and DM me on there also with any questions it's probably easier that way as you guys know I I do make videos per request so this video is actually a request from one of my subscribers who asked how to import his email list into Facebook so let me know in the comments what you want to see mad if you have any specific topics you want to see and I will see you guys then thank you so much for watching Dylan out [Music]
Channel: Dylan Pondir
Views: 25,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, custom audience, facebook marketing, facebook advertising, facebook custom audiences, dylan pearson, facebook ads email list, how to upload email lists to facebook ads, using email lists on facebook ads, faebook ads custom audiences, lookalike audiences on facebook ads, facebook ads 2019, how to create a custom audience on facebook 2019, lookalike audience, how to make an audience on facebook ads, email lists, aweber, mailchimp, klayvio
Id: Zw5p9Ubj45M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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