Deliver Multiple Lead Magnets with Mailchimp for Free (Updated for 2021)

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this tutorial i am going to show you how to create landing pages and automations and mailchimp so you can send lots of different opt-ins or freebies to people that sign up on your website or wherever wherever you want to collect email addresses so sending lead magnets to people whether you only have one lead magnet or you have a couple of them like i have here is a great way to add people to your email list and add more value and give more value to people to nurture them into customers and clients and things like that but it can be a little bit of a challenge to figure out the tagging system in mailchimp so that you can make sure that you're sending the desired lead magnet to the right person depending on what opt-in they wanted to sign up for and allowing you to send multiple opt-ins to people so let's say i had a person who came here and they signed up for the content planning worksheet but then they also wanted to get the effectiveness of your website worksheet they could actually sign up on two different landing pages and get both of those lead magnets separately and get them sent immediately so this allows you to have as many lead magnets as you want through mailchimp and people can sign up for as many as they'd like and continue to get those because sometimes in the past it's been a challenge to to have this work correctly in mailchimp so we'll we'll go through that today and just to give you an idea of what this looks like so i have that button linked to so this is my this is my website here but then this links out to the landing page in mailchimp and it's pretty simple it talks about the the lead magnet a little bit so people know what they're getting and then they just give their email address and they click send me the free planner and then they will get an email right away with a link to download the lead magnet so let's talk about creating this planner and the email to deliver the lead magnet so first off what you're going to want to do is log into mailchimp make sure you set up a free account you do not need a paid account for this and go to the campaigns tab so that's going to be this little speakerphone here and click create campaign and you're going to create a landing page and you can give it whatever name you'd like and make sure you pick the audience if you have multiple audiences but for most people it will already be selected and then you can pick a template from here some of them are i think all these are are free i think you can get some more when you have a paid plan but there are just some basic ones here so i'm going to use this simple one but you can certainly play with some of the other ones if you'd like and you can make any changes that you want to this it can take a little bit of time to finagle but to keep it simple you could just swap out your logo here so this will be the logo that you've uploaded in your settings for mailchimp but you can always replace it with another image and we have some text here so you'd want to just like we saw on mine give some description and if you need more uh guidance on this there are some tutorials from mailchimp about creating land to pay landing pages and all of that you can also change the fields that you want to collect from people so let's get out of that and edit this so if you want to also collect the first name unfortunately you can't change the order it always is going to have the email address at the top but if you want the first name if you want to require it you can do that and then you can also have the change the button instead of subscribe obviously it's probably going to be download or send me the guide because they're not actually downloading it right they're going to get an email and then you can also send people to another page so if you have a thank you confirmation page or if you have another landing page within mailchimp or you can just give a confirmation message and then this is what it would be down here you'd probably want to change that because that's not a very friendly customer message i usually say like check your email for your guide soon or something like that you can word it better but that is what that will be and then you can be working on changing styling and things like that if needed so that is getting the landing page designed and we're going to save and close and then you're going to want to change some other things so this is the name that we typed before but the page title is what appears up here so this one's website content planner and it has my business name so you don't want it to be this internal name so you would edit the page title to whatever you'd like um and you can save it know that it will get cut off uh depending on how many tabs people have open so don't make it too long you can change the url you're never going to be able to get it completely pretty um or you know if you use a custom domain you have to connect your domain that's a whole thing but you could change this if you'd like you can also make it a prettier link by using tools like bitly or pretty links on your website to make it a branded link and but this is going to be in a link you would want to use after you publish because to link up all these buttons those are the little these are actually um i already created these prettier links for for i think all of these but okay we can see in the bottom here this one's like the mailchimp link directly in the mailchimp link directly so you do still need those links and then the audience and tags this is the critical part for tagging people so you want to create a tag and you can create it straight from here i have a lot of tags because i send a lot of emails and do a lot of opt-ins but i think i may even have a test tag maybe i deleted it so i'll make a new one now test tag and just click it and that way everyone who gets added will get that tag assigned to them and that's really really important this is how we are going to tag people to receive your opt-in and we already worked on the design so we don't have to deal with that if you want to change how you're tracking i would recommend track with mailchimp if you have a facebook pixel and other things like that you could do that if you do google analytics you'll have to enter your code at the very least check with mailchimp because you want to see unique visitors and conversions and things like that there will be a little cookie bar at the bottom of your landing page for that so then you want to hit publish and now you are going to move on to creating the email automation so if we go the next thing we want to do is go to the automations and mailchimp does make you pay for more complex automations but you can still use the classic automation so it's kind of hidden here a little bit so it's right up here go to classic anime automations and you're going to click on tags and email subscribers when they're tagged and then you can change this to be again the opt-in that you have so that you can keep things straight and we are going to edit this the trigger because we don't want the we want to um have the trigger be immediate so you don't need to click change trigger um the the trigger is the tag that's fine and then we want the test tag so we want people to get the email as soon as they receive that tag and they'll get that tag as soon as they enter their email on the landing page so we're going to have that set there and then we are going to you don't have to change anything here you don't need to filter if you want to add them to another list or tag them in some other way after the automation's done you can do that you can even have a whole email sequence in here you can add another email have delays and things like that so that's totally fine to do that but otherwise what we would want to do is just do design email and you're going to this is an internal name but so again not really a big deal that but then you um want to do your subject so here's your free guide and if there's any preview text that you want that's optional if you want to change the from name like your business name or something like that then you want to move on to next and pick the email template and after you've created the created one of these if you want to continue to reuse them you don't have to keep creating them from scratch i definitely just duplicate all of my landing pages and all of my automation emails at this point because they all have my little social links in the footer and my colors that i want and the fonts already set and i just change the text each time so i would recommend once you do this once to just keep duplicating stuff and i'll show you where you can get to that in a second so just change the text as you would like do anything you'd like to add your logo or anything like that i always prefer to kind of keep things simple when it's these emails it feels a little bit more personal when it's just just some copy so you know say hey thanks for downloading this and you can either add a button or you can link the text so let's just use [Music] your guide so here's the linked text and what you would do is do a link and instead of doing a web address you would do file and this is where you would have your pdf already uploaded and you would just click insert and therefore there would link to the actual guide that you want to deliver to people and what i found is typically mailchimp doesn't like handling word docs or really any kind of like editable documents so if you are wanting people to get something that's editable i would recommend making it a view only google doc and then copying the link that is a view only link and pasting it here so it would be a web address but otherwise if it's a pdf just add it here and you know if you don't have it uploaded yet just upload it directly and then you can link it and so then you're going to insert so that's one way for that link to happen but then if you do want a button you could certainly have a button instead similar process here you're just going to change it to file and have it linked there change the button text and that is that and then save and continue and you're not done yet keep going so you want to you're done with the email so that's great then click next it's going to ask you to review everything a final time you can expand the email details make sure okay trigger after they've gotten the tag the subject line replies that kind of things you can ignore the social cards and then you can say start sending so until you get to that point you're not done and i would recommend going to your actual landing page and testing it out with another email address and make sure that you get the the email right away sometimes mailchimp does take a few minutes to send out those automations but you should be able to get it within a few minutes and you may also want to be checking that you can sign up for one landing page once you start doing multiple landing pages and make sure that you can get on to sign up to multiple landing pages and lead magnets and tags and things like that and when you want to repeat this or make more just come into your actual campaigns and you're going to see that email that we just set up as well as your landing page all in the same spot so you don't need to keep going to different places when you want to make these in the future just hit replicate for both of these and then you can build additional ones and just have multiple ones sending you can see i have um i have multiple landing pages and i also have multiple automations going out for my various landing pages that are all running all at once and that is how you set up and deliver lead magnets through mailchimp
Channel: Whitney Bateson Digital Strategy
Views: 613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wellness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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