Get Clients From Social Media (How to Find Clients Online #3)

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this week we're talking all about how to find clients using social media so this is video three in a five part series so if you haven't watched videos one and two make sure you go back and watch those i'll link them down below for you and this series is for you if you're a coach consultant or freelancer and you want to find clients online you don't have to use all five ways to find clients but you can find one or two ways that work best for you so today i'm going to break this down into five ways to successfully find clients using social media but i do want to say that you do not actually have to use social media in your business if you want to be successful this series is showing you that there's a lot of different ways to get clients and you don't actually have to be on social media to make your business work online so you may find that social media is your preferred way to get clients you really love it and it works for you but if it doesn't work for you i want you to know that that's okay too it's definitely not my preferred way and that's why i wanted to throw it out there because i'm a perfect example of having a successful online business while i'm not really active on social media at all i did believe that i had to be on social media when i first got started so i focused a lot of my time and effort on social media at the beginning of my business but i have found other ways that work better for me so again the point of this series is to find the ways that work for you okay so the first thing that you need to do if you want to find clients on social media is that you have to be interesting and this is so so so important because there's a lot of people vying for attention on social media you have to be able to stand out and you have to be able to get people's attention so this means that you can't just go out there and try to mimic what some of the big name people in your industry are doing they already have the attention of their audience so they don't have to try so hard you have to figure out what makes you different and what makes you unique and you have to really use that on social media to stand out and get people's attention in fact this is so important that if you don't get this step down then all the rest of them won't matter so know what makes you different is it your message do you have a really important message that you want to spread that's different from what other people are saying out there do you take a different stand on something within your industry and you want people to know about it you know a great example out there is i'm telling you you can be successful online without social media that's definitely you know kind of going against the grain that's not the norm most people think they have to be on social media so that message could be really powerful and that could stand out although it would be a little ironic to do that on social media or maybe it's your method maybe it's how you do things that are different and you want to share that with people that there's a different way to do something for example maybe you're a health coach who uses mindset coaching to help people lose weight instead of dieting that would really make you stand out in the world of health coaches and maybe it's just your personality at the end of the day and people are attracted to different people because of their personality you can be really bold and sassy or maybe you're really sarcastic and dry you know you can be all ends of the spectrum so if your personality is what sets you apart that is enough but know what makes you different know what makes you stand out and use that all right the second thing you want to do is you want to focus on one main platform and i know this isn't new news so i'm not going to harp on it too much but it doesn't need to be repeated it does need to be said that you can't be everywhere at once if you try to spread yourself across all platforms that is not going to work you really want to focus on one main platform to grow your audience to grow your following to find your ideal clients because the truth is it takes a lot of time and effort even on social media to find clients and you want to put all that time and effort into really learning one platform so you can go really deep and you can make it actually work now i do want to say too that there is a difference between social media platforms and search engine platforms so when we're talking about social media we are talking about the platforms where people go to be social so these are going to be places like facebook instagram tick tock twitter linkedin and even clubhouse pick any one of those as your main platform and you will be a thousand times more successful than if you try to be on all of them at once and that doesn't mean you can't repurpose some content and have it out there on all those platforms but you really want to be focusing on your content for one main platform now make sure that you have subscribed to my channel and turned on the bell notifications because next week we're going to talk about how to use search engines to get clients and that's going to be places like google and pinterest and itunes and even youtube so this would be where you're creating a blog or podcast or youtube videos in your business to get clients those are platforms where the main intent of the audience is to search for something so they're different than social and there's some crossover between social and search engines but the biggest difference between the two of these is what their main purposes are for so the social platforms are to be social and the search engines are to search and find content okay now on to step three and this is super important but you need to share quality content and that means you don't post just to post on these platforms you definitely want to be visible you want to be consistent but you don't want to do those things with lackluster content one amazing piece of content every week will do a lot better than if you create 10 subpar pieces of content all right because you're fighting for attention so each piece of content that you create on social media really needs to serve that purpose to get attention so what does quality content mean on these social platforms that's a little tricky because every platform is a little bit different so again when you focus on one main platform you're going to really learn the culture and kind of the vibe of each of these platforms and you can see what type of content does best but in general what you want to do is share what i call the after all right so your clients want some kind of change or transformation in their life or in their business and you want to make sure that your content revolves around that after that you're really helping them build their belief that it's possible for them and every piece of content that you share so there's a lot of different ways you can do this you can share stories you can share your story you can share client stories you can share images of you kind of living in the after for example if you help people leave their nine to five and become online entrepreneurs then you can share images of you living as an online entrepreneur just to remind them that it's possible for them and so that they can keep that vision alive for themselves if you're a health coach who again uses that mindset coaching to help people lose weight instead of dieting you know show people how fit and healthy you are show people how fit and healthy your clients are you need to focus on the after that's the most powerful content and those stories and those images are just some of the ways that you can really focus on that after for your clients but there's a lot of other things you can do so be creative here but this is the type of quality content that your clients really want and need to see in order to get their attention and make them a potential client for your business okay the fourth thing that you need to find clients on social media is extremely important and this is probably one of the biggest missing steps out there is you need to always let people know how to connect with you off of that social media platform okay and this can be as simple as directing them to your website and just saying hey if you want to learn more about how to work together go check out my website or if your goal is to get people on the phone with you then you can let them know hey if you ever want to book a free call you can find me at and then share a link to wherever they can book a free call at if you're on instagram you might direct them to the link in your profile you just want to make sure that you're always very clear about how they can connect with you off of the platform another thing you want to do is just to make sure that you have a really optimized profile and this just means that you have your statement about how you help people and that you include a link over to your website or wherever you want them to go to learn more again there's a lot of noise and a lot of things coming at people on social media and when people get on social media they have a tendency to just kind of scroll and consume content so you really need to remind them every single time that you create content that hey connect with me over here to learn more because if you don't they're just going to move on to the next post or the next piece of content and they're just going to keep scrolling because when you're sharing quality content that's reminding them about what's possible if they work with you then you need to tell them how to come work with you make it really easy on them it isn't about you being salesy or pushy at all it's just saying hey if you want this life to go here to learn more like tell them where to go so that you make it easy on them if you don't they're just going to move on to the next post or the next piece of content and they're just going to keep scrolling through their feeds on social media okay and the last step is to be really active on the platform that you're focused on when you are brand new when you're growing your initial audience it's going to take some effort and being active on that platform is the best way to make this happen and i know this can be really hard because starting with zero followers is really scary and a lot of times on social media it can feel like you're putting in a lot of work and effort and there's very little payoff so give yourself a set time frame and a set goal that you want to achieve on here and this is going to make it a lot easier so if you want to get a hundred followers in a hundred days then set that goal and go after it or if you want to get your first 500 followers in three months then set that goal and go after it so i would say that throwing in that specific target probably goes hand in hand with this step where you want to be really active and set specific targets to go after but i'm a little hesitant to even say that because each social media platform is so different and it can be really hard to build up your own audience and i don't want you to be discouraged if you know you've got 10 followers after three months because one of the most important things with building an audience online of any kind is that you don't want to forget that each number is actually a person so even if you only have 10 followers on a platform that's 10 people who decided they were interested in you so you create great content for each and every single one of those 10 people and don't let that number get you down ever i only suggested throwing out a target because it kind of gives you something to work towards and to keep you motivated and fueled and staying active so hopefully that makes sense so being active on the platform just means going out there and following other people commenting and engaging with their content and creating your own content and commenting engaging with anybody who interacts with your content as well it's that simple and there really are no shortcuts here so you never want to pay for followers or pay for a company to build up your following for you like you really need to put the time and the effort in to do this yourself and to really just connect with other people on the platform so again set a time frame set a goal if that helps you don't get discouraged if it doesn't feel like you're getting very far and even if you have one follower or 10 followers or 10 000 followers just always remember that every number is an actual person and create that high quality engaging attention grabbing content for those people tell them where to go find you off the platform and this is how you can be successful on social media so give me a thumbs up if you like this content if you found it really helpful let me know in the comments down below and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss my next video on how to use content marketing to get clients this is creating a blog a podcast or a youtube channel out on the search engines and it is completely different than using social media to get clients so stay tuned and i'll see you again next week
Channel: Stephanie Wrona
Views: 886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephanie wrona
Id: jPInlDL-Sj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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