063 ZBrush 2021.5 - ZModeler Slice Edge, Slice Point, Poly Fil, and Crease Shortest Path!

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so zmodeler got some new updates and if you want to know the basics of the modeler the zbrush for ideation video series the first 56 right here you're going to see video 30 31 and 32 z modeler polygon engine actions edge actions point actions and same thing in my youtube channel go to my playlist tab new intro to z branch z verse radiation view pole playlists this is the basics of zbrush and again 30 31 and 32 is going to take you through all the basics of z modeler so if you're a little bit lost go to those videos first don't yell at me in the comments but for this new functionality let's uh go ahead and just uh scrub uh go into your tool palette here grab anything you just grab a cylinder drag it on your canvas go into edit mode make poly mesh 3d turn on your poly frame and in fact i'm going to go over here to our materials and say skin shader for so we can see this a little bit better now basic z modeler functionality if you hover well first you got to get it so b z m grabs the z modeler brush if you hover over a face and hold down spacebar you get polygon actions and all sorts of cool stuff edge actions hover over a point hold down spacebar point actions and you're going to see we have some new options that are a new option in here so we have slice mesh and point under edge we have slice mesh and under face we have slice mesh so now what we can do is we can you know hover over a point so you go point to point and it'll slice those points between those edges or you can go point to edge it's going to slice those all the way around you know what we'll go ahead and just close that off and now we have an enclosed shape and you're going to see if i hover over an edge you're going to see there's a crease edges here and then when we do the point as well there's a crease edges and then the face crease edges with those on as you're slicing you're getting a crease and there's another option if you hover over a face go to polygroup you're gonna see there's a fill option so go ahead and turn this on and you're going to see it's a modifier so i'm going to say stop the creased edges or pass through creased edges but we want them to stop at those creased edges and or stop on different polygroups so if you have other polygroups in there it'll stop when it hits a different polygraph so with stop decreased edges select if we hover over a face and just tap it's going to fill in until it sees another creased edge so i mean if you want to you can actually go through here and hover over an edge hold down spacebar say crease edge and you can go through here and literally just manually crease edges as you see fit and then over here polygroup fill boom you can fill that up or you can go over here to your geometry crease menu say run this crease with a tolerance of 45 degrees it's going to go ahead and put a crease ring around here and then you can just fill this in of course you can also go in here say polygroup flat island because these are all flat it'll do the exact same thing and if you want to change the polygroup just tap and then tap alt and that'll cycle through different colors so a lot of different options in here depending on your desired workflow but long story short that's the zmodeler update hover over an edge make sure you have slice mesh hover over a point slice face slice or if you like having the face be your polygroup action and you're just going to use points and edges in order to slice through your mesh and then polygroup fill stopping at creased edges so again if that's a that's a brush you're going to use a lot feel free to save this out as your own zmodeler brush so in fact what we can do is we have this z modeler brush we've modified if we were smart i would have gone in here to z modeler clone and cloned it off but i can go in here to brush save as if i go into c program files pixel logic zbrush 2021 z startup brush presets you're going to see i already have some stuff in here we'll call this one zm slice so now if i close out a zbrush relaunch zbrush grab a cylinder edit mode make poly mesh 3d poly frame switch this out to skin shader four and if i hit the b key or go up here to my brush palette you're gonna see i now have zm slice loaded in and you're gonna see i also have zm topology so these are z modeler brushes that i've made for myself so if i want i can hold down ctrl alt tap zm slice assign a hotkey let's say alt z custom hotkey assigned successfully so now uh you know i'm in my standard brush and i'm sculpting and it's like okay i want to use that slice brush alt z i'm in my slice brush and now i have slice actions available to me so i can go through here slice through geo poly fill and i'm good to go so instead of assigning a hotkey to just an edge action or just a point action or just a face action you can assign a hotkey to a z modeler brush that has all three actions in one brush you can load it in on startup assign a hotkey to it and then you have very very fast access to it now there is one more one i forgot to show you if we go through here and you know let's do something different let's hit the comma key let's go into tool let's grab that dog z tool and hit the comma key to get out of there so now if we hover over a point there's a crease point or shortest path so now you can crease in between points so if you want to like make a crease that you want to fill in with polygroup layer you can go through here and instead of decreasing those individual edges you can say crease here down here over here up to here fill so very quickly you can just go through here crease different sections fill and it's also shortest path so if you if you wanted to see like okay zrush you decide increasing from this point here to this point here what that path is going to be and it goes okay which that's the path i think is the most correct and i say you know let's give it a little bit of a harder test i wanted to go from here uh over to here and it's going to go okay that's the shortest path so you can actually use this again to just very quickly go through and divide up your mesh into different polygroups here again hovering over a face and saying polygroup fill and then using a ring of a point and say increase shortest path very quickly go through and start dividing that up and of course after this you can go through here with your z modeler brush qmesh polygroup ball or i mean you can use you know qmesh polygroup ball and pull this in or pull this out or we can go through here and we can say inset polygroup island because these two polygroups aren't touching i can just inset just this island here and let's switch this back over to legacy so i can inset this a little bit and then switch it back to cue mesh probably your ball hold down shift and push this in along its surface normal again if you're brand new to z modeler hit this poly uh playlist up z modeler actions 31 30 31 32 it'll get you through all the basics a lot of really neat stuff you can do with z modeler but that's the new 2021.5z modeler functionality
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 8,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush New Features, ZBrush Whats New, ZBrush Update, ZBrush 2021, ZBrush 2021.5, zmodeler update, zmodeler brush, zmodeler slice edge, zmodeler slice face, zmodeler slice point, zmodeler cut edge, zmodeler cut face, zmodeler crease, zmodeler crease shortest path, zmodeler poly fill, zmodeler polygroup, zmodeler polygroup fill, zmodeler functionality
Id: dr6sXJBPbTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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