How To Create A Blog In 30 Mins ~ 2021 ~ Make A Blog Tutorial For Beginners

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if you're looking to build a blog with easy-to-follow steps in 30 minutes or less at no cost to you then you've come to the right place hello I'm Yoda and welcome to my youtube channel this video use all the current web design and web development techniques to build a fully responsive blog that automatically adjusts to meet the screen needs of any computer laptop tablet phone or any other handheld device to get started the only hard cost we have is web hosting and that's where your website lives that's going to run us three to ten dollars a month with your web hosting you get a free domain a value of $15 as well as an ssl key which makes your webpages secure and that has a value of about 99 dollars as for software requirements there are none everything we're going to need we're gonna do online as for system requirements this website tutorial is compatible with those windows and ios systems all you need is your favorite browser and access to the Internet and you're ready to go I recommend Chrome and Firefox as browsers have choices I've had some students in the past that had complaints about compatibility issues with Safari Opera and Internet Explorer now they're in this course if you run in any trouble just leave a comment below the video and I'll be more than happy to assist you and don't be shy about asking for help I've been a web master instructor aka the web gid for ever 20 years and I'd love to hear from my students but if you could please pay it forward if you'd like the videos subscribe to the video share the video tell your friends about the video those are the kind of things that help get the word out there so other students like you can find this video so let's go ahead and look at the blog we're going to build today this is our home page and any and all posts that we put in our blog will be accessible from our home page next we have an about page which includes some text and a picture me we have a reviews link which is basically a collection of all the posts that we've did that were considered reviews we have a videos link which is a collection of all the videos that we added and then you can click on any of the most recent ones we're going to learn how to add this social media we're gonna let how to add a tag cloud to the side and inside of an individual post we click on one of these we're gonna learn how to add a play button to make a video play and we'll also learn how to add social media options for sharing your posts and finally we have a contact page in case people want to access you and ask questions about your blog so we're ready to start our blog but we need a place for our blog to live that Rick web hosting web Yoda has partnered with Hostgator who has been voted number one host provider by pc magazine for many years running as part of this partnership by Bueller students receive up to 75 percent off plus a free domain name to take advantage of this offer simply go to front slash web Yoda in your browser now this takes you to the partner page for Hostgator and web Yoda and it reveals our three choices for hosting plans currently as part of this partnership Hostgator is going to offer us a free domain name provided we sign up for one of their annual plans and it turns out this is actually the most affordable choice for us if we scroll down we can reveal the pricing for each of the plans all three of the plans come with one-click install so that means when we go to install the software it's going to allow us to build our website we can just click a link and it'll install everything for us they also come with unmetered bandwidth which means we don't pay for the traffic that comes to our website no matter how small or large that might be and finally they also come with a free SSL certificate which typically runs around 99 dollars a year and you say ok what is that what do I need that for well that's that little lock up here in the top left it allows your page to be secure so the information going to and from your website is secure at this point you need to decide which one of the plans is best for you for our purposes I'd recommend the hatchling plan if you have one domain or the baby plan if you plan on building multiple web sites and then if later you find you need additional features you can just upgrade to the business plan and pay the difference so in your case you probably need the hatchling plan which is just a single domain so we'll choose that so our first step is to pick a domain name in our case we're going to pick create dash a dash now notice here the dot-com is already there and if we click to the right it'll tell us if it is available and in our case it is available some are gonna scroll down the next item is domain privacy protection and basically what they'll do is for $14.95 I drew a dress your information like your email and something like that from people being able to see it now for me it's gonna be on the website anyway so I don't feel like I'm giving anything away so I'm not going to choose to pay for that next we ready picked our package type we chose the hatchling plan because we only have one domain so we want to look at our billing cycle within the billing cycle you purchase one month it's five dollars and 48 cent but it's only for that first month and then the price goes up if you go all the way up to 36 months gonna be two dollars and seventy one cent and it's going to be sixty one percent off now to get the free domain you got to pick 12 months 24 months or 36 months so let's go ahead and pick the twelve months it says seventy six dollars and forty simple let's see if we can do a little bit better than that now we're going to pick a username in my case I'm going to pick admin Yoda in a security pin then we want to put in our billing information it'll scroll down to additional services now we don't need any of these services but I'll explain them real quickly the first is an SSL certificate we already get that for free so we don't need to add that the second is for them to protect us from hackers I know firsthand they're going to give you protection whether you ask for it or not so there's no reason to pay for this additional thing they're gonna want to protect their servers from both the internet and from you so they're gonna definitely stay on top of this next we don't need to pay for an email for our domain name I'm gonna show you how to make an email forward for your domain at no cost at all next day off our backup service were two daily backups but I know firsthand they do monthly backups for you and also if you click on this link at the very top up here I'll go ahead and give you a video that'll show you how to make your own backups without having to pay them a regular fee like that we'll turn that off if web Yacht is not in the box go ahead and type that in so we can get the best possible price they'll notice down here our price is $31 that's basically 75% off and a free domain name so that's pretty good also remember this comes with a 45 day money back guarantee in case you change your mind now all we need to do is agree to their terms and choose checkout now now that your payment is complete hostgator is getting your account ready for you now your hosting account is complete and you're ready to access your hosting account next just proceed your email account and look for an email from Hostgator comm that has your account information if you purchase a domain name while setting up your Hostgator account then the next piece of information will not apply to you if you already owned your domain name and didn't purchase one with this process you're going to need to get your domain name to point to your hosting area to do that you need to point your domain name to the name servers for Hostgator all of my domain names live at so I needed to go into the DNS at my GoDaddy account and point that domain to the Hostgator name servers is shown here now if you're not using GoDaddy calm it should be a similar process and if you have any trouble just contact your domain company and they can give you further assistance to log into our hosting account we're going to need our username and we're going to need a password we're going to take that password and we're going to copy it to the clipboard and now you want to go to the control panel which is how you access your hosting space so we'll click on this link and that takes us to the control panel login page now my username and password are already there so I can just choose login and that takes you to the home page for your Hostgator control panel also referred to as cPanel by some people that's promised I'm going to show you how to make your own email forward so you don't have to pay for email so what you're looking for is email forwards option it could be under your popular links and if you don't see it there you can click on email on the left that brings up all the email options and you choose email forwards there from this screen you choose add it forward in this case it's going to be comments and I want to pick my domain now you probably only have one domain instead of a pot load of them like I do and I'm looking for creative and now what email do I want it to go to in my case it's going to go to my gmail click on add it forward and our email forward is complete now let's go back to our Hostgator control panel and we're ready to install WordPress so we can get our blog going so we're gonna choose WordPress installer now we need to choose our domain again so we'll choose our blog domain we'll hit next we'll get a blog title in this case create a blog and go to user Yetta Yetta and janna it'll automatically create a database do all the work for us we need to accept their terms it install this process takes maybe 15 seconds now our installation is complete at this point we're probably going to have to take a small break and that's because we just set up a hosting account that has a new domain the hosting is immediately available but the domain takes a while to propagate across the internet so that it's able to be accessed to test to see if your domain is ready the first step is to open a new tab so you don't lose access to user name and password what we just set up now go to your domain name and if your domains not ready you'll get a message that says this site cannot be reached so you're likely need to take a break for about two hours and then come back again and go back to your domain and refresh and see if it works when it's ready you'll get a page that looks like this one that says website coming soon so let's go ahead and close that test tab now we're looking at our control panel again so we're going to choose the password copy that to the clipboard because you can't possibly remember that click login now and then from here put in the username and password in my case go to user and here's that new password and login I don't want to save it right now and they're asking you is your e-mail correct yes it is now the first thing I want to do is give ourselves a new password so we'll close that little advertisement they're always going to be advertisement so we're gonna close that one and close that one so we're gonna go to users click on my user and near the bottom is where we can do our password generate password hide it and I'm gonna put whatever I want it to be and if for some reason you picked a weak password you simply have to confirm that you understand it is update your profile and from here if we go up to this corner we can log out and we're back to our login screen well one of the questions is how do you get to your login screen the answer that is go to your domain name front slash WP dash admin and hit enter and that will get you back to your login page so let's put in our username again and our new password and now click login and now it logs us in with our new password with WordPress installed we're ready to start working on our blog the first thing we want to do is be able to see our blog so let's come over here where it says create a blog and under it it says visit site if I right click on that I can open it in a new tab now if I click on that tab I can see what our blog currently looks like it's a whole lot of nothing now if we open up another tab we can go to our sample site in this case sample dot create - eh - blog com and we can see what the site is going to look like so our blog we're gonna create it's gonna take us about ten minutes total we got a long way to go it seemed like but it's actually gonna be quite easy now over here we don't need the email tab anymore so let's go ahead and close that one so our first step in creating our blog is to pick a theme in our case if we go to a browser we open a new window go to web Unicom front slash theme it comes up with the list of all the themes for the different projects we have to do now if we scroll down create a blog is what we're doing we're gonna download the Astra theme so I'll click on that and it shows that it's done now if I go back to our dashboard I'm ready to install that theme but we'll come down here under appearance we'll pick themes so from here we pick up load now we'll choose upload theme and down in this box you got to be careful these little advertisement they can make the box have to be - scroll to get to it choose file in my downloads folder we see there's the theme so we select the Astro theme click open now we install and once the install is complete we need to choose activate now once it's activated the first thing I like to do is to see whether or not it's up-to-date so here's our new theme and right here new version available update now and now our theme is up-to-date next we want to add the plugins we're going to use for our website so we're going to go back to our browser and at the web you at a site under resources where we can pick plugins and we're going to scroll down to this project create a block and we're going to download these four plugins I just click on each one of them the question I get a lot of times is how come you have to go here to get them when you might be able just to do them directly inside a WordPress well the answer to that is is that not all the plugins will be available on all hosting environments in all situations so I want to make sure there's not a chance that you don't have access to the correct plugins and so now we've downloaded the four plugins we're going to use so I'll come back to my WordPress dashboard now we're going to choose plugins and before we install any plugins I want to remove all the other ones because these are for somebody else's website so to do that quickly if you pick the box here at the top called plug-in we can select all of them and just above that it says bulk actions choose that down area and first we need to deactivate them now we hit apply now at this point all the plugins are deactivated now we need to select them all again by choosing that checkbox bulk actions now we can choose delete and apply are we sure ok yes we're sure now all the plugins have been deleted and now all we have to do is upload our four plugins so we're gonna choose add new upload plug-in choose file doesn't matter what order you do these in we're gonna pick that one first open install now activate plug-in three more to go add new upload plug-in choose file pick the next one open install now always activate plug-in two more to go add new upload plug-in choose file pick that one open install now activate plug-in we have one more add new upload plug-in choose file pick that one open install now finally activate plug-in now these new plugins are available and we want to see if any of need to be updated the easiest way to update them used to choose this box again to select all our plugins bulk action now we'll choose update apply and it'll update all of them for us now that our plugins are updated we're ready to start working on our blog so if you want to follow along I have a collection of all the content used in this example so we'll go back to web yatta scroll to the top and resources website content now under here we picked our same one and we're going to choose content great blog zip and that downloads it in from here I can show it in a folder and now I can right-click on it and extract all and it makes a folder that has all that content and so I'll just close that other one and we'll keep this one available for working with also within this same section we have a script for what we're about to build so if we click on create a blog script it'll bring that script up and when you scroll down there's all the content that we're gonna have to put for each of the posts in and all the way at the bottom if you keep going down our step-by-step instructions that we're gonna use to follow along so let's go ahead and go back to WordPress now to work with our blog the first thing we need is a couple of posts so we're going to add some posts first now remember in our script over here here's our instructions for doing that and over here I'm gonna walk you through it so I'm gonna click on post and the first thing I want to do is get rid of the hello world post if I hover over it I can choose trash and that's gone now to start a new post from post you go to add new and now you want to enter a title and the title for our first post gonna be Jim great designs now I want some content for my post so I'll paste in my content now on the right hand side we want to add a category in this case this is a review so we're gonna add a category we'll call it reviews and new category and now that's selected categories are the different types of blog posts you're going to do so for example we're gonna have reviews and we're gonna have videos so let's go ahead and make the second one so I add another category videos add category and I'll uncheck that because this isn't a video next we're going to add some tags tags are basically keywords that are associated with the post so in the case of Jim Gray designs we're just gonna put home theater add tag now we're going to scroll down some more and finally we want to add the featured image so we're going to select a featured image and we have no media content right now now we could click on select files but an easier way to get access is to bring up that folder that we made and I'm gonna actually select all that's in that folder because I'm gonna have everything at once and just drag it over here and it'll insert all those at one time and I'll have all the stuff that I need now being organized is really a great way to make this work quickly for you and they load pretty quickly now going forward everything we need will already be there now for Jim Gray design this is the picture we're gonna use for his feature I make all these 800 by 450 set featured image and at this point we want to scroll back up and we're gonna hit publish now we have a post now if we go back to look at our website we'll hit reload now we have a post so all sudden we have something however it looks nothing like this let's go back to WordPress go back to the top and let's add another post this post is going to be bliss spa by Lauren then we'll put in the content for her post we'll scroll down she's also a review our tags will be spa services we'll hit add scroll down set the feature image and now since they're already all here it's easier to pick one we'll pick this one that's gonna be hers again all mine I made 800 by 450 let's set featured image now that one's set go to the top hit publish now we're going to add a new post and this one's going to be a video post so let's see how that's going to differ in this case is going to be how to create a blog which is basically the post about the site we're making there's our content and above the content I want to put a button that's going to allow us to click to view the video so I'm going to put the cursor just before the content right there then click on add media and I made a button in advance so we'll click there we're gonna insert it and now I'm going to click on the button the image and I'm going to tell it to be centered and now I'm going to click on the pencil and I want to give it a link and so under display settings you see link to will get a custom URL and we're going to put that link for now obviously we're making the video so the link to the video is not available yet I'll have to go fill that in later so hit update and we'll scroll down also a video for tags I have a bunch of them it ad and those are all associated with this particular video this particular post will scroll down set a featured image feature image for this one that's right there set featured image and let's make one more come up to the top notice there's no add post button that's because I haven't published this one yet we'll hit publish now the add button shows up we'll add one more this will also be a video post this one will be make a website for free but in the content now we also want a button here so we'll put the cursor there add media choose our button again insert into post click the button click the image hit the center now it's in the center pick the pencil under display settings link to choose URL in this video we do have the URL for it and if you wanted to build a whole website not just a blog this would be the one you'd want to go to we'll hit update so we'll scroll down it's also a video scroll down well put it in our tags ad roll down pick our featured image set featured image scroll it to the top and we're ready to publish now for some reason you wanted to publish this at a later date you could click Edit and set a date and it wouldn't publish immediately it would publish it on whatever the date you set there is I just want this to publish now so I'll just hit publish now if we go back to our page and hit reload you see that these are all they're the four we made also they're in the reverse order of how we added them so we added that one first and then this one and then this one and then this one so what happens if you want this one to be at the top all the time meaning we want to pin this to the top of our blog so I'll go back to WordPress now we'll click on posts now we want to select the post that we want to pin so in this case it's how to create a blog then I can either click on this or click on edit and then go back in and I'm editing that on the right-hand side over here it says visibility public if I hit the edit next to that I can choose that box and that'll pin it to the top now instead of publish it says update I come back to our site we hit reload now we scroll to the top and now that will always be at the top and we add newer ones they'll be between these two I'll come back over here and go back to post so we currently have four post I'm going to use a little magic to add a bunch more and there we go now now that we've added a bunch of new posts notice under categories and tags if you scroll up and down you can see if you missed any by accident the next thing we want to do is to learn how to add a link within a post so let's choose the josè one post right here we'll choose edit and within the content select Jose one now we can choose the link tool enter the URL hit enter on our keyboard and now there's a link there we hit update if we get back to our blog and reload we'll see that it's not here in the review of it but when we click on more now there's a link to it if we click on that it takes us to their website and these guys do a really good job if you're looking to improve the SEO for your website blog or a video what not alright so back to our blog now at this point I want to add an extra couple of pages and I want to make a menu right here and right now it just says sample page which was one that came with the product so we'll go back over to our dashboard for WordPress let's click on pages and sure enough there's that page that was the sample page now if we click title here at the top it selects all those under bulk actions move to trash hit apply we can go ahead and get rid of all of those so let's add a couple of pages we're not going to put anything on him yet but we will just add them first and so we're going to click on add new and the first page is gonna be about and we'll just publish it and let's make a second page add new this one will be contact and we'll publish it now we have all the pages for building our menu to build a menu you want to go to appearance menus and the first thing we need to do is name our menu so I'll name it main menu create menu now we can add items to our menu so we're gonna add our contact on our about page add menu and then I'm gonna add our categories I'll choose both of those add menu and then some people like to have a home button if you want to do that we'll go to custom links put in the URL for your website and which name at home add to menu and so now we have all the items and then we can drag them around and put them where we need them out and I like that so we can hit save menu now we scroll down we need to choose where we want the menu to show up I'm going to choose primary menu and then click save menu again come back over here reload and there we have it we hit home it takes us back to our blog now let's replace this text with a fancy logo so we'll come back to the dashboard and now we're going to go to appearance customize header site identity and under logo choose select logo and we already have a logo let's use that one we'll hit select and we don't want a crop so we'll skip cropping and it'll show up there and we don't need a different logo for mobile devices so we'll turn that off and now for the logo width let's just put 350 and now I scroll down and we're trying to get rid of this text right here so we'll just turn this off and it goes away let me hit publish get back to our page hit reload and now we have a great logo and now you're seeing yourself but you know I don't have a logo guess what I got a free solution for you just click on the link at the top right it'll take you to a video that I made on how to create your own professional logo free of charge online and about five minutes time now that our header is complete let's update our footer so if we go to the top we can hit this back arrow hit it again and then we can choose footer and we can choose footer bar and right here where it says theme author I'm just gonna put web you dink now you can put anything you want in this box now I can hit publish we'll get back to our page let's scroll to the bottom and hit reload and now it says web get it right there now if we scroll back to the top let's work on our about page right now our about page is empty we're going to back to WordPress exit out of that to go to our dashboard from here we're going to go to pages and then we're going to either click on about or edit either one of those takes us to the Edit and we already have a title so we'll put our text in there sometimes you got to take extra spaces out and now I want to make this bold and I want to make it clickable to our video again since I don't have the link yet I just have to put something in there as a temporary placeholder and now I want to have a picture to the right-hand side and so we're going to choose to put our cursor there again right there at the beginning of our content add media choose a picture of me hit insert now we're going to click on the image we're going to choose this to align right and we can hit update go back to our page hit reload and now we have an about page finally we need to work on our contact page to put a form in here actually quite simple we're going to go back to our wordpress in the dashboard there's an item called contact I'll choose that and then for the contact form it's already built for us we can click on that and highlight it copy that to the clipboard now if you click on this particular form under the mail tab it shows you what email address this form is going to go to it's the one you use to set up your WordPress but you can change this to whatever you want that's the email it's going to go to so let's go back to our pages well click on our contact page now we're going to paste in that shortcode we'll hit update go back to our page hit reload I can send a message from Bethany to me hit Send message sent successful now that our pages are complete I wanted to make a few updates to the individual posts themselves so if we click on home it takes us back to our main home page and if we click on any one of the read mores or on the graphic it takes you into a post now if you scroll down one of the first things you'll notice this says by yota user well maybe we want this to say something different than that and when you click on and it comes up with this information that says you go to user what if I want to be able to customize that information we go back over to WordPress and then we go to our users we click on our username and in here if we give it a first name and then we give it a nickname and then you can give it a display name in this case Yoda obviously you can put what you want I'm just giving you an example and then you can put a biography in there if you needed a picture to change the picture you can click on that link to do that you hit update profile hit reload and now it has really nice information about the author now if we back up notice where it says you had a user when we reload now I'll say Yoda hit say whatever your name is now we want to add social media to our blog post there's two ways of doing that one is social media that shares your post and that's what's right here when we added a plug-in one of the plugins automatically added that to the bottom of all of them another thing is we want people to be able to go and visit our social media so we're going to add some links over here to the right to do that so we're gonna go back to WordPress and under appearance we're going to choose widgets and one of the plugins that we installed does just that so we're going to choose this social media widget now let's drag it here right under recent posts we can scroll down and now you need to add your social media and to do that you first need to click this Add icon button and I'm gonna do three of them so I'm gonna click this button three times so make it a little easier to understand and then I'm gonna pick an icon so first one I'll pick is Facebook a second one I'll pick is Twitter and the last one will do is Instagram now I need to put the link for my social media for each one of these there's Facebook and Twitter and Instagram will hit save and go back over we hit reload and there it is ready to go another neat thing to do is to have the tags that we added to our pages show up in the list on the sidebar as well so let's go ahead and add that so we'll go back to our WordPress we're already in the widgets section so we can go ahead and add the tag cloud here I know this last time we just drug this over you can also pull down on this choose which one of the areas you want to go to in this case it's already choosing main sidebar and then when you scroll down you can do add widget and it'll show up in the list so we can close that back down and now it shows up at the bottom of the list and you can drag these wherever you want just like that so now we can go back to our page hit reload and now we have a tag cloud notice some are bigger than others that means that that word was used more often and what's neat is if you click on one of these let's say I click on free it brings up all the posts that have that in it notice how the tag is capitalized well it's capitalized because I capitalized it when I added it so if you want them to look like this you need to make them capital to begin with back to our home page and believe it or not our blog is complete now I truly hope I covered everything you needed in this tutorial now if there was something I didn't mention or you had additional questions please leave them - I'll be more than happy to answer them for you but if I don't know the answer I'll go hey I don't know but if I do know the answer I can find the answer I'll give it to you and maybe we can work on it together so I really enjoyed doing this I hope you had a great time as well the only real payment I'm looking for if I could possibly get a subscribe out of this possibly a like out of this I'd be super helpful but outside of that I just hope you have a great day peace out
Channel: WebYoda
Views: 177,786
Rating: 4.9901929 out of 5
Keywords: how to start a blog, how to make a blog, starting a blog, how to create a blog, build a blog, start a blog, how to build a blog, how to create blog, how to create a free blog, how to make blog, create blog, create a blog, make a blog, create a wordpress blog, create a blog 2021, make a blog 2021, build a blog 2021, build a blog free, how to make a blog 2021, how to start a blog 2021, how to build a free blog, make a blog free, how to make a free blog, blog tutorial
Id: W9ED11cU594
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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