How To Edit Photos For Free Online ~ 2021 ~ A Photo Editor Tutorial For Beginners

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are you looking to resize crop rotate add text to your photos images and graphics and need that online graphics editor to allow you to do all this at no cost to you then you've come to the right place [Music] hello i'm yoda and welcome to my youtube channel now during this course if you run into any troubles just leave a comment below the video and i'll be more than happy to assist you and don't be shy about asking for help i've been a webmaster instructor aka the web yoda for over 20 years and i love to hear from my students but if you could please pay it forward if you could like the video subscribe to the video share the video tell your friends about the video those are the kind of things that help get the word out there so other students like you can find this video so let's go ahead and jump in and talk about resizing and cropping resizing is where you take a photo image or graphic and make it smaller or larger but the image within the graphics stays the same resizing photos and images should not be confused with optimizing photos and images optimizing photos and images is where you make the file size of the images smaller without any reduction in quality the main use for optimized photos and images is in your website if you can reduce the size of your photos and images by two your website will load twice as fast if you're interested in optimizing the photos and images in your website just choose the link at the top right it'll take you to a video i made on optimizing your website so where resizing takes an image and makes it bigger and smaller but keeps the image intact cropping isolates individual pieces of the image the examples within this video are going to use a combination of resizing and cropping so to get started you want to open a new tab in your browser and then go to front slash web yoda design cap is the graphic editor that we're going to learn about today now in this video we use a lot of our own graphics as well as graphics found within design cap design cap is a real easy graphic design product so for example if you click on templates you can see they've got a whole bunch of different things there's different categories over here and then inside of each of the categories are things that are already designed and you could choose one of these and make updates and changes to it and have a final product so this isn't only for web graphics it does lots of other things so you can see there's lots of things that design cap would do but we just want to use it as a simple graphic editor today now the first thing you need to do is you need to set up an account and it's absolutely free so you'd click here you enter an email and a password click sign up they'll send you an email you confirm and then you're ready to log in now i already have an account so i'm just going to click on login i'm going to use my yoda so i'm going to log into my account this product is completely free for the things we're going to do being the free version can be a little bit annoying but we're going to make it work and you'll see where these things are and so now we're logged in and on the right hand side if i click this down arrow i can reveal the my designs and if i click on that i currently don't have any designs now at this screen you can see we can have five designs total or we can upgrade and get more we can also add our own fonts but that's going to be a premium as well so we're going to use the fonts they have because they have plenty and with this button we can create a new design so we're going to click on create new and we're going to make a profile picture first so let's go ahead and click on custom size and typically when i do a profile picture it's going to be portrait so i'm going to say let's say 400 across by let's say 500 down hit apply and now it has the canvas for where we're going to put our image now in my case i want to do a profile picture for bethany and if you've watched any of my other videos you know exactly who she is so i'm going to click on uploads over here and now i want to upload an image so in my case i have a folder with it already and i'll just drag the picture of bethany into that box and it shows up over here to move it from here you can either drag it over or you can just click on it i want to make this picture fill this spot so i can resize it by dragging on any of the tabs like so and then i can move it down if i need to and drag one up and bring it up so you see it gives me a lot of control but the size of the image we already set to begin with so it makes it really easy for all our profiles to be the same size so now i have the picture exactly where i want it and now i can just click download and hit that button and wow we've already got a copy on our computer now let's use a couple of theirs just as an example let's go into photos let's pick fashion let's say we want to use this one i can drag that one over there it is download and boom i've got another profile picture let's delete that one first now we'll pick this one stretch it out bring it up and slide it around we got it where we want it we hit download hit download again and now we have all three of those files downloaded our computer so it's really that easy to make profile pictures now two things you'll notice one under the uploads we can only have five which means we only have five at a time not five ever we can just remove some when we're done and also when we go back to our designs we can only have five so let's go ahead and make a new design because we still have plenty of slots here so we're going to create new now i want to make a profile picture that looks like a circle so for this one we're going to do custom size and we'll do 400 400 and now we want to choose elements at the top and we want to scroll up a little bit and what we're looking at is these frame masks so i'm going to drag a circle over and i'm going to make it bigger say like that now what's neat once i get it centered exactly the way i want it let's go back to our uploads we can drag our picture of bethany in there and now we have a circle now if on your website the background color for where you're going to use these profiles is white then you can leave it as white but if you need a different background color you can come in here and let's say we pick that background color we hit download and now that one's been downloaded to our computer just like before we can come back over to photos i can drag some of these other ones hit download now that one's done and let's pick let's say this one download and that one's done and it's that easy now there's also other things that you can do there's other shapes so let's get rid of that let's go back to our elements let's say we wanted to do a star we'll take a star and we'll drag it out like this and then we'll go back to the photos that they have and let's pick the x right here because that'll take us out of fashion mode and these are just the categories but we can type in anything we want there as well so let's pick kids and let's say we pick this one drag it in there super cute right hit download hit download again gotta copy that on our computer you see once we've got the size we want we can just keep dragging stuff in and make as many as we want let's take this guy he looks pretty cool like that i can hit download download again and now let's look at our other elements and over here there's an all button and it shows you a whole bunch of really cool ones let's get rid of this one and one of the ones i like a lot is this guy right here let's drag that over here let's make it bigger now let's go back to our photos and in here let's put beach and you'll see there's a bunch of really cool beach ones here now what's really nice is that when you grab one of these and you drag it in it gives you this really nice effect on the edge you see you could change your background color to match whatever you need it to be our case we'll leave it the same i can hit download and download again and it's done you can take another one drag it in there download download it again it's done so you can see i really don't need more than the five slots i can just continue to use the ones i have and use the same ones over and over again and we'll do one more let's drop that in there looks pretty good i'll download like that now if we wanted to add some text to this we could choose the text tool over here and we could have some default text so you can pick from any of these if you want to use one of those or at the top you can pick one of these three so i'm going to do a subheading so i'll just click on that and it added it right here in the middle of the screen and we'll put let's say life is great and now i can come up here and i can change the color of that text let's say i want to make it white and i can come over here and change the size of that let's say i want it to be 28. now i can take this text and i can move it up like that if i want it i can come in here and i can change it to a different font let's say we use this one and maybe i want that to be bold and then in here you can change the spacing between the letters and now it's two lines and i can change the height in between the lines i didn't really want to change those because it worked fine where it was at just showing you how to do that so now we've added some text we've got our picture we can hit download and download again so once again we only have five slots but we can make as many graphics as we want so we'll come back over inside of our designs now we have two designs and now i want to do a design that's going to allow us to make images for a carousel or a set of slides within a website so we'll hit create new and again i'm going to choose customize size and this time i'm going to do 800 and 600 this is your discretion but these numbers work real well for what i'm trying to do what i want to do now is i want to make all of my carousel images the same size so let's go ahead and upload some i'll come to uploads i don't need this picture anymore so i'll get rid of it and now i want to grab some new images so let's come in here and i'm going to get some for my jim gray site let's drag those into that box like that if you'd like to learn how to access the best royalty-free photos and images on the internet just choose the link at the top right it'll take you to a video i made on finding the best free photos and images online now i have five images and notice they're not the same dimensions but i want to make them the same dimensions so let's just pick this one for example we'll bring it over here i can size it up like so i drag it down i can make it bigger so you see you get it's kind of fun to play with and so you can do it from either side like this then when i get it the size that i want i can bring it down and now that box is going to be exactly what it's going to be for the slider so i finished with that one i can hit download now i'm ready for the next one once that's selected i can hit delete and get rid of it now let's bring this one over here now i really just want the little fan guy there so let's make it bigger so notice again you can come from either side i'm just dragging this around there we can just put that in the middle i can hit download hit download again and that is another slide same thing with the last three so i can click on that and hit delete grab this guy like that and if it's too big again you can go back the other direction i can go like this just giving you some general ideas how this works so now i've got that to fit in the box i can get download so now i've got three of those the same we'll delete that let's pick this one now i just want this part at the top in there so i'm going to bring it down here like that bring it up bring it across bring it down see i can just stretch this out in any of these different directions and see how i can get some control over it and get it kind of where i want it so there's a new slide like that hit download and then the final one let's delete that we'll drag this one over i see this one would be too wide but what we can do is just fill the box like that and we hit download now the other thing that you might want to be able to do is to do rotate let's give you an example of rotate we'll go back into the pictures we'll close that and we're going to choose fashion and there's a girl down here that's already upside down just out of curiosity we'll grab her if i click on it notice it brings it in the picture this little circle right here if i grab that it allows me to turn it so i can fit in any angle i want if i hit ctrl z i can undo that when it's selected you can also use these to turn things see like that and it goes the other direction and this one flips it and this one flips it the other direction so those are ways that you can rotate those pictures as well so now we can look at our download folder so if i go to this tab here i can say show in folder and here are all the images we just made if i click on one of those you'll see there it is so see how they're all ignites the same size and how those all work together it really was that easy that's all we had to do now for some reason we wanted to have extra flexibility to have our own fonts or we wanted to be able to have more than five designs or more than five uploads you can click on upgrade and then you can see their plans and they're really quite reasonable i have yet to need one but if you decided that you wanted to upgrade and use one of these plans remember to use the coupon code webiota 30 off if you take that code and you use it during your purchase you'll get 30 off of whatever the package is now i truly hope i covered everything you needed in this tutorial now if there was something i didn't mention or you had additional questions please leave them below be more than happy to answer them for you but if i don't know the answer i'll go hey i don't know but if i do know the answer i can find the answer i'll give it to you and maybe we could work on it together so i really enjoyed doing this i hope you had a great time as well the only real payment i'm looking for if i could possibly get a subscribe out of this possibly a like out of this that'd be super helpful but outside of that i just hope you have a great day peace out
Channel: WebYoda
Views: 72,117
Rating: 4.9945188 out of 5
Keywords: photo editing, how to edit photos, best free photo editing software, how i edit my photos, photo editor, photo editing tutorial, online photo editor, image editing, best photo editor, edit photos, how to resize photo, photo editing for beginners, photoshop alternative, how to edit images, free photo editor, how to edit graphics online, edit website images, how to edit images online, photo editing 2021, how to crop images, how to resize images, how to edit photos 2021
Id: U1HlgZNL6eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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