How To Install WordPress With Softaculous Cpanel ~ 2022 ~ A HostGator WordPress Install Tutorial

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were you in the process of purchasing hostgator hosting getting a free domain name and or installing wordpress for the steps to do that no longer matched up then you've come to the right place hello i'm yoda and welcome to my youtube channel now during this course if you run into any troubles just leave a comment below the video and i'd be more than happy to assist you and don't be shy about asking for help i've been a webmaster instructor aka the web yoda for over 20 years and i love to hear from my students but if you could please pay it forward if you could like the video subscribe to the video share the video tell your friends about the video those are the kind of things that help get the word out though so other students like you can find this video because youtube videos can't be edited after they're published there's a chance that hostgator will make a change to the wordpress install process that'll no longer match the video if you find that's the case simply go to support and then click on this video at the top left and that'll take you to the latest hostgator wordpress install instructions so let's go ahead and get started now the large majority of you watching this video probably already have website hosting it's not a requirement that you have hostgator hosting to benefit from this video so if you already have hosting with another host provider there's still a strong chance this video can help you install wordpress this video will walk you step by step through the process of getting wordpress hosting if you need it and installing wordpress this includes how to get hostgator hosting how to log into your hostgator cpanel how to create a free email forward how to find the wordpress installer app how to fix a wordpress install error how to install your wordpress how to log into your wordpress admin and then how to choose the best tutorial for building your website for free and finally as a bonus i'll show you how to get access to web yoda's free website resources examples include how to find free stock photos how to edit your photos how to make your own logo for free how to make a video intro for free and many many more if you have a hostgator hosting account but don't know how to log in your cpanel just jump ahead to 9 minutes and 42 seconds to proceed but if you know how to log into your cpanel for your hosting account just jump ahead to 10 minutes and 54 seconds to proceed and this will take you directly to the wordpress installer app so if you haven't jumped to another point in this video that probably means you still need website hosting so let's go ahead and dive into the web hosting matrix to learn more about why hostgator is the best web hosting solution for me finding great web hosting solutions in the matrix of hundreds of choices can be frustrating at best you have to understand that nearly all web hosting review sites make sure that the web hosting company they are affiliated with always get the best review so basically that web hosting company is number one to them because they get paid if you decide to use that company i have been hosting websites for over 30 years with the first five years being me supplying my own hosting i have used at least 10 of the hosting companies shown here either personally for my clients obviously not all web hosting companies are created equal and there are only a few that stand out from the rest but how do you reveal the best web hosting provider with all the fake reviews out there as puzzling as this might sound i was able to find my answer while not allowing my own bias to interfere for me i like to turn problems inside out in this case i was looking for the web hosting review that reveals a web hosting company that sucks the least so first the quick answer to the question of who is the best web hosting company for me is simple hands down it's hostgator hostgator is definitely the best web hosting solution for me my clients and for web yoda but the obvious next question is why is hostgator the best choice well webiota did some research to try to find some authentic web hosting reviews and they settled on some results from pc magazine you have to understand that pc magazine has been around for nearly 40 years providing essential technology information to the end user for our purposes every year pc magazine does an editor's choice award to determine the best web hosting companies and shown here the top six web hosting companies for this year with hostgator being number one it turns out the hostgator has been rated the number one web hosting provider by pc magazine for many years running basically hostgator collectively has the features you need their server reliability is amazing their 24 7 support is amazing their prices are good or better than anybody out there i personally been using hostgator for more than three years now i host over 200 domains and websites with them webiota also decided to go with hostgator for all their needs in fact webiota partnered with hostgator and as part of that partnership webview to students receive up to 75 off plus a free domain name now for you to take advantage of this offer you simply need to go to your browser and type in front slash web yoda now this takes you to the partner page for hostgator in web yoda and it reveals our three choices for hosting plans currently as part of this partnership hostgator is going to offer us a free domain name provided we sign up for one of their annual plans and it turns out this is actually the most affordable choice for us if we scroll down we can reveal the pricing for each of the plans all three of the plans come with one click install so that means when we go to install the software it's going to allow us to build our website we can just click a link and it'll install everything for us they also come with unmetered bandwidth which means we don't pay for the traffic that comes to our website no matter how small or large that might be and finally they also come with a free ssl certificate which typically runs around 99 a year and you say okay what is that what do i need that for well that's that little lock up here in the top left it allows your page to be secure so the information going to and from your website is secure at this point you need to decide which one of the plans is best for you for our purposes i'd recommend the hatching plan if you have one domain or the baby plan if you plan on building multiple websites and then if later you find you need additional features you can just upgrade to the business plan and pay the difference so in your case you probably need the hatchling plan which is just a single domain so we'll choose that the first step is to pick a domain name that works best for your purposes in my case for this example i'm going to use choose my domain name and if we click to the right it'll tell us if it is available and in our case it is available so we're going to scroll down the next item is domain privacy protection and basically what they'll do is for 14.95 a year they'll hide your name your address your information like your email and stuff like that from people being able to see it now for me it's going to be on the website anyway so i don't feel like i'm giving anything away so i'm not going to choose to pay for that next we already picked our package type we chose the hatchling plan because we only have one domain so we want to look at our billing cycle within the billing cycle if you purchase one month it's 5.48 but it's only for that first month and then the price goes up if you go all the way up to 36 months it's going to be 2.71 and it's going to be 61 percent off now to get the free domain you have to pick 12 months 24 months or 36 months so let's go ahead and pick the 12 months it says 76.40 but let's see if we can do a little bit better than that now we're going to pick a username in my case i'm going to pick admin yoda and a security pin then we want to put in our billing information and we'll scroll down to additional services now we don't need any of these services but i'll explain them real quickly the first is an ssl certificate we already get that for free so we don't need to add that the second is for them to protect us from hackers i know firsthand they're going to give you protection whether you ask for it or not so there's no reason to pay for this additional thing they're going to want to protect their servers from both the internet and from you so they're going to definitely stay on top of this next we don't need to pay for an email for our domain name i'm going to show you how to make an email forward for your domain at no cost at all next they offer a backup service where to do daily backups but i know firsthand they do monthly backups for you and also if you click on this link at the very top up here i'll go ahead and give you a video that'll show you how to make your own backups without having to pay them a regular fee like that we'll turn that off and finally hostgator offers some seo tools for nearly three dollars a month but there's plenty of free tools out there so we're not going to worry about that if we scroll down you want to make sure the web yota coupon code automatically spawned in here so you get the best possible price and we look down and we see that now we're at 33 dollars which is really a great deal that's money for the whole year it also includes our free domain name at no cost to us and that comes with 24 7 365 support instant activation of our account money back guarantee which is awesome 45 days collectively all these features leave me feeling very confident that i'm making the right decision today so we're going to scroll down we need to agree to their terms and now we're ready to check out but in my case i own the domain i'm going to use so i'm going to do one last thing at the top so scroll to the top and i'm going to choose i already own this domain and i'm going to change this to say choose that's the one i own so now we go back down to the bottom and we're ready to check out now and my purchase is complete it is now setting up my account once our hostgator hosting account is complete and ready to go you're likely to get a survey that looks like this one but at this point we're going to go ahead and go off script and save ourselves a lot of time and a lot of questions if you didn't have this video to follow obviously following these steps would probably get you to the goal that you wanted to do but we're going to be able to get there faster and easier we're ready to set up our email forward and install wordpress so to proceed you're going to go ahead and head to your email and you want to look for an email from that says your account info at the top if you purchase a domain name while setting up your hostgator account then the next piece of information will not apply to you if you already owned your domain name and didn't purchase one with this process you're going to need to get your domain name to point to your hosting area to do that you need to point your domain name to the name servers for hostgator all of my domain names live at so i needed to go into the dns at mygodaddy account and point that domain to the hostgator name servers as shown here now if you're not using it should be a similar process and if you have any trouble just contact your domain company and they can give you further assistance to log into our hosting account we're going to need our username and we're going to need the password we're going to take that password and we're going to copy it to the clipboard and now you want to go to the control panel which is how you access your hosting space so we'll click on this link and that takes us to the control panel login page now my username and password are already there so i can just choose login and that takes you to your hostgator control panel also known as your cpanel as promised i want to quickly show you how to make an email forward under popular links you can find email forwards here if for some reason it doesn't show up under popular links you can click on email on the left and that'll bring up all the email options and then you can choose email forwards now we're ready to set up our email forward we're going to choose add forwarder and we're going to put in this case i'm going to put yoda there's my domain name and where do i want it forward to i want it to forward to in my case yoda at scroll down add forwarder and now any email sent to yoda at will be sent to my email address yoda at obviously this would be your domain name and whatever email you wanted to send to now we're ready to install wordpress if we click on hostgator at the top left it takes us back to the control panel at the time of making this video there was a wordpress installer inside the popular links but this particular method of installing wordpress is going away for a much easier method so on the left hand side under our website section we're going to choose softasticulus apps installer and that takes us to the softasculis options at this point simply choose wordpress as the option and this will display the wordpress installer now before we proceed with our wordpress installation i wanted to address how to deal with wordpress installation errors in very rare occasions when you're trying to install wordpress you may get an error i've already installed wordpress so that i can demonstrate that error then i can show you how to correct the error then we'll install wordpress correctly so let's go ahead and click on install now like we think this is going to work and don't worry about the settings right now we'll worry about that next time through and i'm going to click on install at the bottom it starts the install and then it gives you an error now in this case it's just telling me it already exists but this error could be any area where something went wrong our goal is to get rid of the install error so we can reinstall correctly to get started click on softaskulis at the top left and right here is a list of our installations if i click on that it shows the one installation we had we know that we don't want it because it didn't work so we can simply click this x we can scroll to the bottom remove installation are you sure yes we're sure that installation has now been removed and now we're ready to install wordpress so at this point we can go back to softasculus choose wordpress and now we're back to the installer and we'll click on install now and we'll go ahead and proceed to install our wordpress the first option is which version do you want to use the default will be the latest version we'll use that next you'll choose your domain if you have multiple domains they'll be in that drop down now over here it says what protocol do we want to use the problem is it can take a little while for the secure key to be activated so we're going to go ahead and turn this off for now we can activate it later so we'll just choose the regular one like that and it shows that currently our ssl certificate was not found and that's because it takes hostgator about 24 hours to get that up and running under site settings the site name is the company name so let's say this was for web yoda i'd put webviewer and then the description is whatever the description for the company is so let's say i put free online courses you can leave this unchecked we want to pick a username and a password i'm going to pick yoda user then you want to pick a secure password so let's hide that so i can put a secure password in there now the admin email is where any email associated with your website will be sent so for example if you needed to reset your password that's where it would go now since we didn't set up this email forward that's not going to be good enough for us so in my case i'm going to pick one that does work so for me it's going to be yo for you it'll be whatever your regular email address is you can choose a different language if you like we don't need to select any plugins we're going to do all that ourselves no reason to make any adjustments to the advanced options and no reason to select a theme now we're going to do that ourselves as well when the installation is complete where do we want to send details to i'll use the same email address and now i can click install this says that it could take three to four minutes i've found it doesn't take really that long at all now that wordpress has been successfully installed we're ready to open up a new tab and look at our website at this point we're probably going to have to take a small break and that's because we just set up a hosting account that has a new domain the hosting is immediately available but the domain takes a while to propagate across the internet so that it's able to be accessed to test to see if your domain name's ready simply open up a new tab in your browser and go to your domain name and if your domain's not ready you'll get a message that says this site cannot be reached so you're likely need to take a break for about two hours and then come back again and go back to your domain and refresh and see if it works when it's ready you'll get a page that looks like this one that says website coming soon or you might get your new website home page so let's go ahead and close that test tab now we're looking at our completed wordpress installation page again now that wordpress has been successfully installed we're ready to open up a new tab and look at our website to access our website we simply go to our domain name and go to our website before you can start editing your website you need to be able to access your website admin to do that you simply go to your domain name front slash wp admin hit enter a login box will come up now simply enter the username and password you created during your wordpress installation so in my case yota user password paste that in hit login and now we're logged into our wordpress now that you have access to your wordpress account the easiest way to proceed is to go to front slash continue this takes you to a page with the various wordpress how-to videos that web yoda has to offer if one of the webiota videos here looks familiar because you already started on that video simply click on that video to proceed with that video at the wordpress login process otherwise you can choose from any of the videos shown here as a starting point to create your own website as a frame of reference the ones on the top row are the most recent so now on to the bonus material if you go back to support you'll see that not only did you have access to the latest version of this video but you also have access to all the webview of free resources to make building your website simple fast and mostly free now at the time of making this video these were all the resources we had available but we're adding plenty all the time so definitely check back for example if you want to make your website three times faster visit that video if you want to be able to back up and restore your own website choose that video if you're looking for free stock photos and images for your website check out that video if you need to edit your photos and images online for free check out that video if you don't have a logo yet build a free logo here online if you want a video intro you can check out this video if you need a favicon icon that's the icon that sits on your browser tab this video will help you with that and finally if you decide to set up your own youtube studio like i've done to be able to make your own videos and check out that video now i truly hope i covered everything you needed in this tutorial now if there's something i didn't mention or you had additional questions please leave them below be more than happy to answer them for you but if i don't know the answer i'll go hey i don't know but if i do know the answer i can find the answer i'll give it to you and maybe we can work on it together so i really enjoy doing this i hope you had a great time as well the only real payment i'm looking for if i could possibly get a subscribe out of this possibly a like out of this that'd be super helpful but outside of that i just hope you have a great day peace out
Channel: WebYoda
Views: 79,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install wordpress with softaculous, softaculous wordpress, softaculous wordpress installation, wordpress installation softaculous, how to install wordpress in cpanel, how to install wordpress in cpanel softaculous, install wordpress softaculous cpanel, hostgator install wordpress, how to install wordpress 2022, install wordpress 2022, how to install wordpress on hostgator, hostgator wordpress install, how to install wordpress cpanel, how to install wordpress, softaculous
Id: tOuggIyI9Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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