Best Web Hosting 2022 Reviews ~ Cheap Hosting With A Free Domain Name

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if you're looking for the best WordPress website hosting solution that comes with a free domain name and free secure key to surprisingly low price then you've come to the right place [Music] hello I'm Yoda and welcome to my youtube channel to get started the only hard cost we have is web hosting and that's where your website lives that's going to run us three to ten dollars a month with your web hosting you get a free domain a value of $15 as well as an ssl key which makes your web pages secure and that has a value of about 99 dollars now they're in this course if you're running any troubles just leave a comment below the video and I'll be more than happy to assist you and don't be shy about asking for help I've been a web master instructor aka the web gid for ever 20 years and I'd love to hear from my students but if you could please pay it forward if you could like the video subscribe to the video share the video tell your friends about the video those are the kind of things that help get the word out there so other students like you can find this video finding great web hosting solutions in the matrix of hundreds of choices can be frustrating at best you have to understand that nearly all web hosting review sites make sure that the web hosting company they are affiliated with always get the best review so basically that web hosting company is number one to them because they get paid if you decide to use that company I have been hosting websites for over 30 years with the first five years being me supplying my own hosting I've used at least 10 of the hosting companies shown here either personally for my clients obviously not all web hosting companies are created equal and there are only a few that stand out from the rest but how do you reveal the best web hosting provider with all the fake reviews out there as puzzling as this might sound I was able to find my answer while not allowing my own bias to interfere for me I like to turn problems inside out in this case I was looking for the web hosting review that reveals a web hosting company that sucks the least so first the quick answer the question of who is the best web hosting company for me is simple hands down it's Hostgator Hostgator is definitely the best web hosting solution for me my clients and for web Yoda but the obvious next question is why is Hostgator the best choice well what Yoda did some research to try to find some authentic web hosting reviews and they settle on some results from PC Magazine you have to understand that PC Magazine has been around for nearly 40 years providing essential Technology information to the and user for our purposes every year PC magazine doesn't Editors Choice Award to determine the best web hosting companies and shown here the top six web hosting companies for this year with Hostgator being number one it turns out the hostgator has been rated the number one web hosting provider by PC Magazine for many years running basically Hostgator collectively has the features you need their server reliability is amazing their 24/7 support is amazing their prices are good or better than anybody out there I personally been using Hostgator for more than three years now I host over 200 domains and websites with them web you also decided to go with Hostgator for all their needs in fact web you know partnered with Hostgator and as part of that partnership web native students receive up to 75% off plus a free domain name now for you to take advantage of this offer you simply need to go to your browser and type in Hostgator comm front slash web Yoda now this takes you to the partner page for Hostgator and web Yoda and it reveals our three choices for hosting plans and just so you know once you complete purchasing your web hosting you will be directed to a new YouTube video I did on how to build your own professional website ninety minutes time currently as part of this partnership Hostgator is going to offer us a free domain name provided we sign up for one of their annual plans and it turns out this is actually the most affordable choice for us if we scroll down we can reveal the pricing for each of the plans all three the plans come with one-click install so that means when we go to install the software it's going to allow us to build our website we can just click a link and it'll install everything for us they also come with unmetered bandwidth which means we don't pay for the traffic that comes to our website no matter how small or large that might be and finally they also come with a free SSL certificate which typically runs around 99 dollars a year and you say ok what is that what do I need that for well that's that little lock up here in the top left it allows your page to be secure so the information going to and from your website is secure at this point you need to decide which one of the plans is best for you for our purposes I'd recommend the hatchling plan if you have one domain or the baby plan if you plan on building multiple web sites and then if later you find you need additional features you can just upgrade to the business plan and pay the difference so in your case you probably need the hatchling plan which is just a single domain so we'll choose that so our first step is to pick a domain name in our case we're going to pick create dash a dash blog come I'm using that domain name in this video just as an example but we do have a course on how to create your own blog for free as well now notice here the dot-com is already there and if we click to the right it'll tell us if it is available and in our case it is available some are gonna scroll down the next item is domain privacy protection and basically what they'll do is for $14.95 your name your address your information like your email and something like that from people being able to see it now for me it's gonna be on the website anyway so I don't feel like I'm giving anything away so I'm not going to choose to pay for that next word he picked our package type we chose the hatchling plan because we only have one domain so we want to look at our billing cycle within the billing cycle he purchased one month it's five dollars and forty eight cent but it's only for that first month and then the price goes up if you go all the way up to thirty six months it's going to be two dollars and seventy one cent and it's going to be sixty one percent off now to get the free domain you're going to pick twelve months 24 months or 36 months so let's go ahead and pick the twelve months it says seventy six dollars and forty simple let's see if we can do a little bit better than that now we're going to pick a username in my case I'm going to pick admin Yoda in a security pin then we want to put in our billing information it'll scroll down to additional services now we don't need any of these services but I'll explain them real quickly the first is an SSL certificate we already get that for free so we don't need to add that the second is for them to protect us from hackers I know firsthand they're going to give you protection whether you ask for it or not so there's no reason to pay for this additional thing they're gonna want to protect their servers from both the internet and from you so they're gonna definitely stay on top of this next we don't need to pay for an email for our domain name I'm gonna show you how to make an email forward for your domain at no cost at all next I'll for a backup service where to do daily backups but I know firsthand they do monthly backups for you and also if you click on this link at the very top up here I'll go ahead and give you a video that'll show you how to make your own backups without having to pay them a regular fee like that we'll turn that off if web Yacht is not in the box go ahead type that in so we can get the best possible price they'll notice down here our price is thirty one dollars that's basically 75% off and a free domain name so that's pretty good also remember this comes with a 45 day money back guarantee in case you change your mind now all we need to do is agree to their terms and choose checkout now now that your payment is complete hostgator is getting your account ready for you now your hosting account is complete and you're ready to access your hosting account next just proceed your email account and look for an email from Hostgator comm that has your account information if you purchase a domain name while setting up your Hostgator account then the next piece of information will not apply to you if you already owned your domain name and didn't purchase one with this process you're going to need to get your domain name to point to your hosting area to do that you need to point your domain name to the name servers for Hostgator all of my domain names live at so I needed to go into the DNS at my GoDaddy account and point that domain to the Hostgator name servers as shown here now if you're not using it should be a similar process and if you have any trouble just contact your domain company and they can give you further assistance to log into our hosting account we're going to need our username and we're going to need a password we're going to take that password and we're going to copy it to the clipboard and now you want to go to the control panel which is how you access your hosting space so we'll click on this link and that takes us to the control panel login page now my username and password are already there so I can just choose login and that takes you to the home page for your Hostgator control panel also refer to a cPanel by some people that's promised I'm going to show you how to make your own email forward so you don't have to pay for email so what you're looking for is email forwards option it could be under your popular links and if you don't see it there you can click on email on the left that brings up all the email options and you choose email forwards there from this screen you choose add a forward in this case it's going to be comments and I want to pick my domain now you probably only have one domain instead of a pot load of them like I do and I'm looking for creative and now what email do I want to go to in my case it's going to go to my gmail click on add forward and our email forward is complete now let's go back to our Hostgator control panel and we're ready to install WordPress so we can get our blog going so we're gonna choose WordPress installer now we need to choose our domain again so we'll choose our blog domain we'll hit next we'll get a blog title in this case create a blog and go to user Yoda Yoda and Yoda it'll automatically create a database do all the work for us we need to accept their terms hit install this process takes maybe 15 seconds now our installation is complete at this point we're probably gonna have to take a small break and that's because we just set up a hosting account that has a new domain the hosting is immediately available but the domain takes a while to propagate across the internet so that it's able to be accessed to test to see if your domain is ready the first step is to open a new tab so you don't lose access to username and password or what we just set up now go to your domain name and if your domains not ready you'll get a message that says this site cannot be reached so you're likely need to take a break for about two hours and then come back again and go back to your domain and refresh and see if it works when it's ready you'll get a page that looks like this one that says website coming soon so let's go ahead and close that test tab now we're looking at our control panel again so we're going to choose the password copy that to the clipboard because you can't possibly remember that click login now and then from here put in the username and password in my case go to user and here's that new password and login I don't want to save it right now and they're asking you as your email correct yes it is the first thing I want to do is give ourselves a new password so we'll close that little advertisement there always going to be advertisement so we're going to close that one and close that one so we're gonna go to users click on my user and near the bottom is where we can do our password generate password and I'm gonna hide it and I'm gonna put whatever I want it to be and if for some reason you picked a weak password you simply have to confirm that you understand it is update your profile and from here if we go up to this corner we can log out and we're back to our login screen well one of the questions is how do you get to your login screen the answer to that is go to your domain name front slash WP dash admin and hit enter and that'll get you back to your login page so let's put in our username again and our new password and now click login and now it logs us in with our new password at this point you're ready to start building your website so either click on the link at the top or go back to my channel and find the video that has this picture now I truly hope I covered everything you needed in this tutorial now if there was something I didn't mention or you had additional questions please leave them to Allah be more than happy to answer them for you but if I don't know the answer I'll go hey I don't know but if I do know the answer I can find the answer I'll give it to you and maybe we could work on it together so I really enjoyed doing this I hope you had a great time as well the only real payment I'm looking for if I could possibly get a subscribe out of this possibly a like out of this I'd be super helpful but outside of that I just hope you have a great day peace out
Channel: WebYoda
Views: 209,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best web hosting 2022, cheap hosting, best web hosting, web hosting reviews, best hosting for wordpress 2022, cheap web hosting, best wordpress hosting, best web hosting for wordpress, cheap wordpress hosting, best reseller hosting, web hosting, best website hosting, best hosting for wordpress, best cheap web hosting, wordpress hosting, cheapest web hosting, free domain and hosting, what is web hosting, web hosting review, web hosting comparison, web hosting explained
Id: _bPSWABggX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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