How to create a BADGE LOGO in Illustrator CC!

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well hey everybody welcome into this adobe illustrator tutorial my name is Nathaniel Dodson and today we're gonna take a look at how to create a badge in Adobe Illustrator it's a lot of sort of round design stuff where we're gonna have a lot of fun with it it's all pretty basic level stuff but I think you still learn a lot and certainly you'll have a bunch of fun let's jump in and check it out right now okay here we are in Adobe Illustrator we're gonna kick things off by going file new creating a new file and we're gonna make that document 2560 by 1440 create that and I am going to grab a quick rectangle here I'm gonna kind of speed through this and just create a background and I want the color of that background to be I forget now what I wanted to be I wanted to be like 2d for one for a so it's gonna make a dark flat blueish color there we have it something like that I'll pop up in my line panel and just align it center Center this with Center that way and I'll name the layer BG lock it up so we just have our background and create a new layer alright so this new layer is gonna be our badge layer if you like to make it easier for this tutorial I know I'm flowing off-screen there for a second I'm just gonna blow up the size of the thumbnails a little bit so we can see what's going on okay here we're gonna grab our ellipse tool and click a single time we're gonna create a 350 pixel by 350 Pixley ellipse which it looks like we've done nothing because the fill of the ellipse what's the same as our background so let's a swamp fill with stroke and then double click on stroke and here in the color picker we're gonna set our stroke to the color of let's go like a beige color so it's go ye 3 c 8 and then 9a it's gonna be a nice light beige e color that's the color of our stroke you see it and then here at my properties panel under stroke I'm just gonna bump this guy up to 10 points so now we can really see it and before we go any further I will just use my align panel align this to the center of our document okay cool so this is the base of our badge just gonna begin with the circle and you can really go any way you want you can add ridges you can add dots you can add lines you can add anything so what I'm thinking is we'll add a few lines a ring of stars and maybe like a star bursting effect as I did here in in this version basically we're gonna recreate this that badge so here's what we're gonna do select our first path and quickly create another circle we're just going to offset the path object half offset path and we're gonna offset this bad boy well we've got a 10 pixel stroke so let's try offsetting it like 25 pixels preview it boom there we go we bump that right out hit okay we've created a second path looking beautiful now I do want to create another path but before I do let's create the first star so we can kind of get the the space between this path and the next path correct right so we're gonna be creating a second line but in order to see how far we have to push it out let's create our first star so we're gonna do that of course using the star tool I'm gonna click a single time I kind of know the size star I want and it is right here a radius one 15 pixels radius to 6 pixels and a good ol 5-point star that's gonna give me this very military s clicking star which I'm real quick going to swamp the fill or I'm sorry to stop the stroke back to the fill and you can see here we just have this nice little very military looking star which is cool and then because here under view I have smart guides checked on you can see here as I'm moving this around it's gonna automatically align itself to the middle of our circles which is exactly what I want that's great so I just have my positioning there I can see where my next line is supposed to go so now I'm going to take that outermost stroke go object to go path go offset path I almost hit outline stroke we don't want that turn preview on and we can see we're not quite right so just use your arrow key and bump it up bump it up bump it up until it looks about right so maybe yeah maybe I don't know fifty to a little bit more space on the top might look cool so I'm gonna go 52 pixels there and hit okay and we've got that line that's looking good now how do we get the stars to wrap all the way around this there are actually a few different ways we can do this I think just creating a simple pattern brush will be the way to go and they're gonna be fairly simple and easy for us to do so let's go window and open up our brushes panel here and drag brushes up here then all we need to do is take our star and drag it and drop it in the brushes panel illustrators gonna say hey look new brush yeah new brush pattern brush that's what we want we're gonna hit OK and then we've got this kind of convoluted complicated looking dialogue we're going to keep it simple though we're gonna set the spacing to 40% of the width of the star and nothing else we could say add space to fit but I think stretch to fit is gonna work just fine for us here and we'll hit okay you can see there we've got our a little pattern I don't really care about the corner star which is looking kind of janky because we know we're just gonna slap this around in a circle I'm gonna move my star just randomly out here I don't want to delete it because I think we'll use it as a design element later and it is the perfect size right now so I'm just gonna you know kind of set it off there out in the the yonder all right let's zoom in here and we need to create the path on which the stars will run so let's just take our outer most path and we're gonna go object path offset path repeaters offset path trick again but we can actually use negative numbers and push the path back inward so let's go like negative 20 that's not quite centered up let's try 20 maybe 28 something like that looks good it's just I mean it's just off-center but I think that's gonna work well with the star so just off-center giving a little more space to the top is good hit OK and now all we have to do is click on this brush to apply that as our as our stroke and you can see we just have a nice ring of stars there all spaced out and just looking right I mean it's not quite right you can see maybe it could be a little bit bigger so I'm gonna hold down alt or option and just scale it up a tiny bit try to recenter the stars there a little bit better so and I always room for a little adjustment no shame in that alright so we've got the base here now let us go ahead and create the starburst effect so this is gonna be kind of interesting here how we create this but hang with me I think you'll really enjoy this let's go with line segment tool and click a single time and say yeah like 700 pixels is great remember our initial circle is 350 so 700 should way overshoot that that should be pretty good an angle of 90 degrees so straight up and down wonderful and we don't want to fill the line we just want a nice little stroke in fact it has no stroke on it we're gonna select that beige color to give it a stroke and there's our line now our line has an anchor point on both ends and also this point here in the middle or at least this I've really not a point but rather a center identifier and we're going to use that here because we're gonna grab our variable width tool the stroke width tool we're gonna find that Center and somewhere around here I think let me oh there it is right there okay so just kind of remembering that the smart smart not smart objects but smart guides will allow me to snap to that and I'm just gonna stretch that until the center is kind of wide right that's all we want to do and it just doesn't have to be perfectly sent they're just very very close to that point is great we want to do that first and then once we do that long arduous process I made it way more difficult than it had to be we're going to grab both the ends and just pinch them in so they're just these really tight cinched ends let me zoom out here to make the scrolling to the bottom go a little faster and then zoom way back in and I am going to grab my width tool again and just grab that and pinch it in and then at this point we're going to go back to the very middle of our line right there right where we put the kind of widening a piece and the reason I did this was because if we just pinch both the ends the whole line will just go to zero and it will disappear again it won't look good by establishing the middle point you can see here it says look we're with the seven point one pixels down there we're gonna now scroll is back into about you know one and a half to two maybe I'll go right around two for the size of my line and you can see we've got this nice javelin type shape now where the center is thick and it just fades out nicely to the edges all right let's move this over and we could use our alignment tools but I bet you well yeah we'll probably still use the alignment tools let's select all these shapes here on the bottom so you can see I've selected everything here ignore the star for a second I've selected everything except the line the line is not selected just this stuff here we'll go object group to group it up and now we'll also select the line by holding down shift and clicking on that little dot and then out here in the art area click on the path for one of the Rings and what it's gonna do is you can see it's adding this like thick red selection line over everything what we've just done is set that is our key object now in our alignment panel we can align to a key object which is not letting me do let's just select everything and do it the right way there we go and now you can see aligned a key object and we're gonna say look align the horizontal and vertical centers just to get us in there nicely and once we've done that we can select our path and we want to begin spreading this around at the edges but we got to do this kind of in three passes because we have kind of the long spikes the medium long spikes and the shorter spikes so we're gonna do the long spikes first so we'll here to effect and choose transform by the way you probably don't have transformed there it's under distort and transform transform and here in the transform effect dialog box what we're going to do is we know we want four copies of this in total so we're gonna say three copies because we already have one turn on preview we don't see any difference so we just want to rotate it and the angle is gonna be 360 degrees divided by four nine I'm sorry is not gonna be divided by 40 divided by eight so 360 divided by eight which is gonna be of course 45 which I could have just typed in but I wanted to kind of show off the little math and the input I'm gonna hit OK and there is our first our first a bit of lines right so we got a nice nice-looking little movie ship navigation wheel type look we're gonna duplicate this now by going edit copy and then edit paste in the front actually I'm gonna choose edit paste in back and know I should've done edit paste in front I'm gonna take the copy in front here it really doesn't matter I guess and I'm gonna change the color of it just so we can see what's going on here I'm gonna make it maybe like a yellow right we can really see it now select those lines right so I got the yellow line selected we're gonna go object transform scale and now this is kind of interesting I don't really want to belabor this point but we're gonna go non-uniform and we're gonna scale 90 percent vertically the reason we're doing that is because technically the effect of transform is not the original artwork the only original artwork is that vertical line going straight up and down so if we uniformly scale this to ninety percent or whatever it would have made the our lines thinner as well as shorter we want the thickness to be there we just want the lines to not stick out quite as far and sure enough you can see like the yellow line goes out to there and stops it's exactly what we want so non-uniform scale and just the vertical of 90 percent cuz technically we're only scaling the one vertical up-and-down path hit okay great and now we're going to go window and open up our appearance panel and here in the appearance panel we can see the effects that have been applied to a particular piece of selected artwork right now we have our yellow lines selected and there's the transform well the cool thing is look at a click to edit the effect but before I do that I want to come in here to my layers panel I don't want to drag it below now that we've seen the sizing change I want to kind of hide it right so it's hiding behind our arte and lines I'm gonna go back to transform now and here what we want to do is we want to begin placing probably three or four lines in between each of these longer lines so I am going to say let's go 19 copies we probably want 20 of these guys in total doesn't look like we made a difference yet we're gonna see the difference here with rotation and by the way we're doing there 219 copies because it's 19 copies plus the one we've created that's 20 copies but each line is creating two pieces of spike right though but spike on the one end and the spike on the other so this is where I got my math wrong before so we want to say 360 for this angle divided by 40 total lines because 20 copies but each copy is going to be one one line so it's 19 copies plus the original that's 40 so 360 divided by 40 is 9 degrees if I turn this on preview you can see now we have our 4 little spikes in between each long spike we're gonna go ahead and hit OK and we've got the second part of our sunburst built out now what we want to do is place two even shorter spikes in between each of these little bursting effects so let's go ahead and grab these lines and duplicate them we can actually grab the original ones again if we want let's go with the new ones and let's go edit to copy and we're going to choose edit paste in front we'll pull these all the way up in front though just so we can see them and once more we'll change the color or maybe we'll go with like let's go with maybe pink here right make it something really easy to see and you can see here we've got our pink lines are covering the yellow but they're they're only halfway going up the the tans so we're gonna select the pink set of lines and we want to scale this down as well object transform scale again non-uniform vertical 90 percent you got it I got it we all got it and then we're gonna drag this all the way to the bottom I just like to drag it to the bottom just because now when it reveals itself we can very clearly see that we have all of our spacing and sizing and everything correct let's go to transform and here I'll keep it short and sweet for you so you're not totally confused we're going 59 copies for a total of 60 lines let's turn on preview and we are now going to divide this we're gonna go 360 what would that be divided by 120 which gives us 3 degrees and you can see here if I hit OK you can see we now have two little pink lines in between each of our lines now this is looking pretty circus carnival ish not necessarily the sort of nice strong monochromatic vibe that I wanted so I'm going to hold down shift and select all these lines and then I'm gonna grab my eyedropper tool and I'm gonna just kind of try to select the top of this path here which still has that original beige and when I do that all of our lines are gonna get that same beige great we can select all these lines and we can group them together object group now over starburst is on the same width in the same group and what that also means is we can mask it here for our badge how are we gonna mask it well we're gonna go down here to this group and we're gonna look for the widest circle so this there's the widest circle right there so we're gonna select this and we're gonna go edit copy and we're gonna crunch that and then we're gonna select the group for our starbursts just click right on the group and we're going to open up our transparency panel now you can do this here in the properties panel as well I find that the masking in the properties panel is a little wonky at least for me I'm gonna double click here on this thumbnail it's gonna add a mask but I'm gonna say look unclip the mask and now I'm going to go edit paste in front which is gonna paste in that little circle I just made I'm going to swap the stroke back to the fill and then here with the fill up in the color panel I can just hit this black color swatch fill it with black and it's gonna hide the entire center let me go back to my transparency panel real quick select the starburst artwork to get back to my normal editing mode and we have just knocked out the middle of the starburst just leaving those nice edges for us alright alright let's create a quick ribbon to drop over this and maybe we'll add a grunge effect and then we'll be out of here so here's how we create the ribbon let's try to get through this quick let's grab the rectangle tool we'll click a single time I am going to make a 600 by 135 pixel rectangle hit OK and I'm gonna swap the stroke over to the fill because this is the fill that I want now here's what I'm looking for I basically wants to align the top of my my little ribbon with maybe like this spike here so it's not going to be perfectly aligned vertically because we're going to create a second part of the ribbon that drops down and shoots outward so we're gonna sort of intentionally offset this now one thing we can do is we can select this and select maybe something in the background and then make the thing in the background the the key object and align to that let me just move the group with the Stars up above everything that'll make it a little easier to select Bing and then select that group we're gonna go a line or if they look a line just the horizontal alignment the vertical alignment we know it's off we like that but I'm gonna duplicate this rectangle be going edit copy and I'm gonna actually paste this in back because this is gonna be the little ribbon tails that shoot out to either side I'm gonna open my properties panel I'm gonna unlink maintain proportions right you see that unlike that we're gonna set the width here to 740 pixels it pops it outward and then in order to see this we're just gonna change the color we're gonna make it like a yellow right yeah yellow is fine let's go with yellow and this is how we're going to make the little ribbon II ends that stick out from each side of our ribbon all right let's select the shape and again this is where it's really helpful to have smart guides turned on view smart guides we're gonna zoom in here and what I want to do is just use my pen tool when I hover over the edge and I get to the exact middle it's gonna say look you're intersecting with the path and you're aligned with the middle of the shape do you want to add an anchor point click once absolutely yes I do and you can just hold down your arrow keys hold down shift and tap the left arrow key maybe three times let's nudge that inward about 30 pixels and I'm gonna do the same over here just I'm gonna nudge it to the right and just nudging inward 30 and there we have it there are the edges of our ribbon now we want to use this piece of the rectangle to kind of punch a hole in the yellow part of our path so it's going to kind of waste to this rectangle so we want to duplicate it edit copy and then edit paste in front and we'll shut this copy of it off and then we're just gonna select the yellow ends of the ribbon and the center rectangle piece we're going to go to our Pathfinder panel and we're just gonna choose this guy right here - front Bing and we just have the edges we can turn on the piece of the rectangle we shut off and we're golden now let's grab this other piece of the group the two edges and we're going to nudge it downward a hold down shift and tap the down arrow key maybe twice doesn't have to be anything crazy but you can see how by offsetting our path now it looks a little bit more centered kind of like it's popping up and just looking more proper but I want to add to this 3d effect even more so I'm gonna zoom in here and on the bottom of both pieces of my outer ribbon I'm gonna grab the pen tool again and I'm gonna drop a path right I can't quite intersect here because what its gonna do is just create a new path starting exactly on that point so I'm just gonna hover over the path down here I'm gonna concede that edge and then what I can do is use my white arrow my direct selection tool and drag it upward and smart guys will snap it right to that edge that's gonna sort of be the hinge because now we're gonna grab the bottom inner corner and just nudge it in Morden downshift tap the left arrow key yeah probably twice that looks decent there let's go to the other side and do the same thing so we just add that little point what we need to make sure we select the shape first and then we're going to add our point use the direct selection arrow and if we just drag it upward you'll feel it snap right to where it should be select the the bottom inner Anchor Point and then just shift and there I'm nudging right twice so now you can see we've added even more of this depth you look in effect I can select those outer pieces grab my eyedropper tool and sample the color of the ribbon and now the ribbon looks a bit more cohesive with our badge as well alright let's select both these shapes group them together so there we go got them selected I just shift-click them object a group and then we're gonna duplicate this command or ctrl C and then to paste in place command or ctrl F and what I'll do here is swap the fill in the stroke so there we have it doesn't look like anything really happened let's make the stroke something really obvious like a pink I'm gonna go to my properties and we're gonna bump this up to the same width as the circles in our badge which is 10 points I'm gonna click on the word stroke here and I'm gonna choose to give these rounded corners I just think it kind of rounds it off nicely no pun intended now the pink is not gonna work a hundred percent for us you could do a couple things here we could do something as simple as just select your pink color and make this the same as the background color so I could select this and my background color if I remember the hex code was something like where was A to D for 1 for a probably something like that the issue with doing this while it looks cool the issue with this is the moment that you change the background color like if we select this and and we say hey we actually want this to be a little bit had just a tiny bit more green in it you can obviously see the whole border shows through so that's not really the greatest what I would suggest you do is select that group and just make the stroke that deep rich black by hitting that black stroke there we go and then cut this go cut and what we'll do is use this as a group so we have the badge well we've not yet but we're going to select the badge and the ribbon just like that all the pieces and group them together objects group and now what we do is apply a mask to this group again go back to your transparency panel double click to add a layer mask unclip it and then just go edit paste in front and it's going to paste that black mask knocking out those pieces of the badge artwork and the ribbon and now no matter what color we change the background whether we make it that that same blue that we just had or we keep this green it's going to still look pretty pretty great and look at that I think I landed on the same exact hex code 2d for one for a okay okay now that we've gotten to here let's just zoom out a touch maybe what we can do at this point let's lock up the backgrounds and we don't do anything funky there you can drag a star in as a little piece of artwork maybe duplicate it probably assume in a little bits or get rid of those bounding box handles whoops I just did exactly what I didn't want to do I'm gonna bring the star up above the group and maybe we make this star just a little bit bigger down here or something I was maybe a little ridiculous but you get the point right make a couple little stars like this something like so it's not aligned perfectly but close enough and you can use your text tool and we can add some text we're gonna make this say in all caps gritty badge and I'm going to make this text a bit larger let's go into our properties panel here I want bebes for my fonts I'll just type that right into there and I think we'll go with bold I think that that works for us and this I think it should probably be the same color as the background so I can grab my eyedropper tool sample the background of wallah there we go of course this would change if we do change the background color we would need to change it I'm saying I'm gonna make the size about 120 points let's really bump it up and then I'm just gonna manually align it in here just to my eye what I think looks decent bump it down a couple touches something like that okay good enough for now maybe I'll nudge it down one because I can never settle with what I do the first time I was at the mess and fuss and then the last thing is going to be adding a quick a bit of like a vector or texture to this a grungy texture to this so how will we do that well relatively simple but all the same it requires a couple little steps but it's basically creating a mask and if you have the resources like the gritty texture you'll be all good now you can download the gritty texture here at this website called effect easy it is free I'll have a link for it down in the description to this video and when you open up the AI file which is what I have here you can just select the bottom layer which is all these black speckly bits and copy them and bring it over to our file which is this here and maybe what I'll do I'm going to quickly group the stars into our group so I'll just drag them right into the group let me grab all of them there we have it and then with this group I'm going to open up the transparency panel remember we already created a mask but don't worry no problem we can just go into the mask and paste our artwork in here it's filled with black already and then I could move this around maybe zoom out I think I want to make it a bit bigger so something like that and we have all this extra artwork around here so I'm gonna use my direct selection tool and I'm just gonna drag big swaths over all this stuff and just delete some of the extra junk that I know I don't need and I'm just deleting once all those once all those bits of path have been selected just get rid of them we don't need them and we could also go in and maybe like on the badge we're looking at it and saying there's just too much gritty stuff so we could just make selections like this and just delete chunks of stuff out of there what we don't want to delete our original our original piece of the mask which is that outer that outer path I'll just quickly deselect that and you can just go through and clean up the mask as you see fit just something like that I'm gonna go back to my badge and you can see we have created from scratch nothing more than a little circle in the middle this whole badge here in Adobe Illustrator alright well that's it for this one folks I do hope you enjoyed it and if you did you got to check out this other video on a type on a path here in Illustrator it's a basic thing but it's an important thing and it's really cool and there's so much to it and you can check it out by using that link that's appearing in the screen right here right now and you can see it uses the badge that we just created in this video so that's pretty cool that's it for this one thanks for watching this video and sticking around all the way to the end get it got it good with a no Dodson thought vidcom I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: tutvid
Views: 55,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to design a logo, how to design a badge, badge in illustrator, illustrator tutorial, illustrator tutorials, graphic design, graphic designer, vector artwork, logo design, badge logo, illustrator logo design, adobe illustrator tutorial, logo tutorial, logo design illustrator, badge logo design, adobe illustrator cc, adobe illustrator, badge logo illustrator, illustrator cc tutorial, illustrator logo, illustrator tutorial for beginners, logo design tutorial, tutvid, AI
Id: hMnLyREtqFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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