Vintage Badge Logo Design Tutorial - Adobe Illustrator CC

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hey everyone in today's tutorial I'm going to show you guys how to create a vintage style batch design in a row illustrator you can create your own unique designs using the same tricks and techniques from this tutorial so without any further ado let's jump into Adobe Illustrator and get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys here we are in a dub illustrator let's start by creating a new document so I'm gonna click on create new for the document width and height I'm going to leave it at two thousand by two thousand pixels you can go with any document size that you wish for let's call this you can also jump into more settings and change the color mode to RGB and raster effect to high 300 PPI and I can just click on create a new document there we go so first things first let's select the text tool and type in our text obviously let's increase the size a bit up and for the phone I'm gonna be using blender script phone you can use any phone that you want or if you want to use the exact same phone I have mentioned the link in the description let's make this a bit bigger and let's type in our text it can be anything your name your company name so let's assume that we have a fabrics company and the company name is authentic there we go let's set the size up maybe around 200 and also I'm gonna align this into the center if you don't see this aligned tab Pathfinder options you can go into Windows and you will find everything right over your and just click on this so it's gonna pop up the basic panel so that is that so we have our text let's right-click and create outlines from our text so now you can see we get this kind of merge path so to merge them or to unite them I will be using unite tool from the Pathfinder there we go and then right-click go into transform and let's share this up so set this to vertical and let's share this up by -8 let's see the preview and yeah that looks good let's hit OK now we can start building up our effect so to do that I'm going to select the text go into appear in and you can see we have this appearance different options that we can do right over in this section so the first things first I'm going to add a fill on this so for the fill color here I have a small color codes that I will be using for my design so you can use the same color codes if you want to so for the text I will be using an ice cream color so I'm just going to open up the fill hit ctrl-v to copy/paste the color code hit OK so there we go there we have added the color to our text now I can select the text layer and let's add one more fill on this sum now add a fill to this and for the second fill color I'm gonna go with a different orange color that I have right over your hit control-c let's double click and hit control V and hit OK now the reason you cannot see that fill is because it is in the it's behind our first fill so let's make sure you fill is selected going to effects go into distort and transform and let's add a transform on this and it's turn on this options that we have that is the transform patterns and scale strokes and effects and I'm gonna move this by maybe point one and make sure it previews all so he can see what's happening and let's set that copy to 20s and let's see what we get so we get this a little bit of displacement as you can see at the back that is displacing our second fill that we have so let's maybe increase this a bit more I can go with 25 yeah that is looking much better I'm gonna hit okay so you can see we get this really nice look now I can still have it text again and this time I'm gonna add a stroke on this let's pull that stroke at the back of all the fill that we have so we have the stroke let's increase the stroke size to around seven maybe yeah that looks good and it's looking here at the moment because we need to add a nice transform effect on this as well so let's go in distort and transform either transform and this time I'm going to set this to 0.2 that is the move to horizontal vertical to 0.2 and let's turn on the preview let's add some copies maybe 50 let's see what we get and yep that is the look I am going for me bill increases to around 120 yeah that is looking perfect hit okay and for the color I can just select this open that up and use a nice dark blue color that I want so hit control-c let's go right here hit control V and hit OK and bam there we have our text ready to roll okay so we have the text let's create our background so I'm gonna go right over here hold click and hold to select the ellipse tool and let's hold alt and shift at the same time to create a perfect soku just like so now to put this at the back you can hold ctrl shift and open square bracket to put the layer or move the layer to the back we don't need any stroke on this so I'll set this to zero and let's also add a background so let's select the rectangular tool and let's click and let's add a height of mm width of 2000 and height of 2000 so this is gonna be our background again I'm gonna hold ctrl shift and open square bracket to put this at the back align it into the center and let's use the background color hit ctrl-c ctrl-v there we go I can also go into layers and you know let's double click call this V G and let's lock this layer up so it won't get mess up I'm going to increase the text size bit so let's hold alt and shift and scale up the text just like so maybe a bit more okay so that is looking much better for the background color or the background circle I'm going to use the pew color for this so it ctrl C so we alright so now you can see it looks like that takes blends in with the serval and that is the look I want to go for make sure it's aligned into the center same with the all right so that is looking good let's select the circle hit control C control F to copy paste a new circle on new shape on the top of that I'm going to make this a bit smaller I'm gonna hit I and pick up the background color let's select this at control C control F to copy paste a new shape on the front let's make this a bit small again and this time I'm going to use the orange color alright and finally I'm gonna eat control C control f again make this a bit small again and again use the blue color that we have right so we get this really nice look as you can see maybe you'll bring down the size of this flavor bit more just like that and that is looking pretty nice so now we can go ahead and add in our text so let's select this layer hit control C control F which is going to be our path so I can just bring that down a little bit silly the text tool you can click and hold and select the type on part tool and then you can just go right over here and then click to add your text now obviously I'm going to bring down the size of the text bailout or on let's go with something like 8 pixels I think that is a way too much so let's increase the size to this much 36 pixels looks good and for the font I will be using and next bold font I can go into my characters let's make it all caps and now as you can see it's not at the position I want it to be basically first of all let's bring down the size a bit more to around 32 let's scale this down just like so maybe bring that down to around 24 yeah that looks much better and for the color I will be using the background color so it you can just pick with the color from background and I also increase the kerning a bit so let's set this to around hundred or maybe let's go with 200 okay perfect now I can you know simply select this points that we have right over here so until and unless I get this icon of this arrow I can that I have I can move my text just like so and play said you know properly so I can move this one just try to position it properly okay and then you can type in the text that you want so I can double click and you know select this delete it and add in my own text so quality fabrics and garments there we go let's bring down the size a bit more and increase the spacing to around 250 and you can again move this okay so you can see this is looking pretty nice so now I'm gonna add the second ticks at the bottom so I can hit control C control F I'm gonna select this point and let's move this just like Oh like that yes and now to move this to the top I can select this line and let's just snap in just like so perfect and then you can type in your second text there we go there we have added a second X and finally the third text I'm gonna hit ctrl C ctrl F let's bring that down and for the color I'll go the nice orange color that I have there we go now I can move this and this align this properly so basically I'm just eyeballing this you can just take your time and there we are good to go now the final thing that I'm going to do is add a nice shadow to our design so I'm gonna select the circle hold alt and drag this out just like so I'm going to use this as a shadow so let's hit control shift and open square bracket to put this at the back my shades at the top of our background and then switch to gradient just like that set these to a radial gradient and I'm going to just select this one let's stop click make this white color I'm gonna double click to open up the first color and let's add a nice brown shade to this and then let's go into Windows and let's pull up our transparency panel and let's set the transform mode from normal to multiply so we get this really nice look we narrow down the brown a pair just like so and then I can just place this and then I can just it just this basically we can almost like the gradient tool and you know just try to make this proper with something like let's increase the shape a little bit there we go there we have added a nice shadow to our design and as you can see it's looking very very nice so so yup that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this illustrated tutorial after a very long time I really enjoyed it making this for you guys so if you did make sure to subscribe comment like and follow me on instagram at dope thought motions I will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative he's out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 108,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illustrator cc, illustrator tutorials, vintage badge in illustrator, vintage logo design tutorial, adobe illustrator, dope motions, dope motions tutorial, illustration tutorial, illustrator cs6 tutorial, Vintage Badge Logo Design Tutorial, logo design illustrator, hipster logo illustrator, badge design in illustrator, adobe illustrator cc 2018, logo design tutorial
Id: 0MXM0zPA3fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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