Etsy High Demand Low Competition Digital Products | How to Create Digital Paper Using Midjourney!

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yes guys this digital paper pattern makes 1168 a month guys and look at it the listings only been up for like one month it's crazy total sales 39 at 30 a pop making 1 168 a month guys and it's literally the newest thing you'll see let me show it to you very quickly guys and guys if you do like digital products and you do like um creating and selling digital products for all that fantastic passive income please hit the like subscribe smash the notification Bell and don't forget I want to show you exactly how to create something like this right now using the journey guys so check it out this is the exact listing guys I just showed you right 1168 uh has been up for like one month and it's already making that much guys and it's not hard it's like a paper digital paper pattern look at it it's these five it says five repeat patterns and um these are the patterns right these are the different style patterns that they've got and it's the easiest thing to create honestly like it's an instant download obviously PDF download um and guys look I mean there isn't anything easier than this to create honestly and I'm going to show you exactly how to do this in this video so stay tuned so guys look this is fantastic passive income you know selling something like this that earns over a thousand dollars that's just been up for one month on Etsy listing um is really cool right now you know I've showed you lots of videos of different digital products but I think this one is probably the easiest thing to do and I'm going to show exactly how to do it right now so you know the digital this this space is an interesting space um and I'm going to show you like um just just show you the product really let me just go on to the page okay let me just get onto the pro onto the page right let me just get out of this I've already typed in digital paper so Titan digital paper guys right and you know you've got all these kind of different sort of types here and obviously the one I showed you is one of them so you got like for example the boho seamless digital paper you've got a classic animal print um paper which is this this is quite nice as well um there's many different types of paper if you like that they are selling um there's there's the animal print style um so like I said there's many different types and It's All Digital it's all downloadable um so these are the things that uh you know are people are selling and some people think oh no are they is it real are they people selling these well yeah because it is selling that's why it's yeah um so you know it's a fantastic Market to get into I believe it's a really cool one and look all these different I'll tell you what's quite popular that I've noticed and that's why I'm going to show you how to create it is the floral types so the floral digital paper um these ones these these types um people seem to like the florals and they seem to sell very well so I think I'm going to create something like this but to be honest with you you know look at here you've got the glitter style you've got the ivory Style you've got this style watercolor flowers he got the spring floral so like I said flowers are really popular but then you've got these really nice ones these uh seamless pink Hues and tones and then you've got these or all these watercolor is also very popular look at this these are quite nice um textured ones so you know there's many different types for many different people and different tastes right quite simple right so um we're just going to look at this very quickly all right we're going to try and create something like this but I'm going to stick to the kind of floral theme because as I've said I kind of I think it's very very popular and people do like them and there's a lot of buying in this kind of Niche within digital paper right and again this is the other thing so when you're looking at typing in and you're trying to rank and sell you know obviously like I said I use everb which gives me the product analytics um and sort of also helps you rank and like I said um check out the links in my description for all the softwares I use um but do check out ever be and then what you can do is you can obviously analyze what ones are doing well so like I said I've just typed in digital paper and you've got it's got a huge amount of results obviously but you see when you Niche down and you do you say like pattern or floral you know it kind of it it kind of brings it down where you're able to rank Within These Niche words because obviously you want long tail keywords to Niche down into so these are more floral only types and obviously it has less competition and again it's about it's about niching down really but anyway um I'm Gonna Leave talking about let's say you know making you know ranking and so on I'm just gonna go into creating this digital paper pattern that I feel like is is a real gold mine as long as you make sure you're in the nice uh the right Niche sorry anyways so so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to jump on to Mid Journey because look mid journey is my favorite go-to um ai ai Creator um it's fantastic I mean look I might check out my videos I love using my journey mid journey is the one so check out this one look Community Showcase look these are the this is I'm just showing you this to show you the quality the kind of the the quality of what it can produce look at that like look at that leopard there on the left amazing look at the look at these images right look at that like look at that look at that it's just crazy the cakes they look real you know the quality that mid Journey produces is I don't know I just think is absolutely fabulous absolutely fabulous guys this is the quality is amazing you know I really think the qualities you know something else so um right so let's get into like creating something okay so after you've signed in now obviously you need to sign in you need to get onto the Discord and then also there are three tiers of subscription to be honest they're very cheap to to get onto I think mine might be either 15 pound dollar one but you know there are there are different tiers to actually subscribe to my journey um so do check it out you know um mine is mine is it's very it's quite the cheapest version actually cheapest here but um like I said it's very very affordable but the amount of things that you can produce is is amazing so okay so what I'm doing here is um okay so what I'm going to do here is literally this is mid Journey this is my uh mid-journey sort of uh Discord if you like Channel where I've obviously you know signed up and I've got my own sort of space to create what I want now sometimes you're going to have to type in different prompts now prompts are like keywords that you're yeah that you're typing up to create a design now this is something that I've created before so what I did was my prompt for this one say was boho style art on white background using brown black and orange geometric shapes and then obviously what's produced is something like that design that you can see in front of you okay so it's about typing up keywords and obviously with all of these I've typed up specific prompts now if you've seen my other video when I talk about coloring pages all I typed up was all I wrote was in in the prompt the keywords was baby lion coloring page and this is the the page that I produced coloring page after it's really cute um little baby lion amazing and and that's what it produced straight away for me okay but the prompts are the words that you use um so you know I'm gonna write a prompt um so I'm gonna say Floral pattern floral pattern pattern in the style because I want a style right of and I might have I I like William Morris right William Morris's an amazing arts and crafts well he started the Arts and Crafts movement anyone want to know about William Morris just done a quick Google there William Morris this guy like when I did because I studied design and I wrote about William Morris and there you go William Morris was a British textile designer poet artist writer uh conservationist printer and created was one of the main guys in the Arts and Crafts movement so he's got a certain style he loves floral styles natural styles and things like that and he was very known known for creating sort of floral designs so I like his I like his style right I do like his style so I've typed in Floral Pattern the style of William Morris right let's see if it actually creates something midgen is going to create for me something in the style of what he produces um like I said so when you look at William Morris and his designs I'm just going to go to images very quickly right so you can see here some of the styles of what William Morris is known for these kind of floral designs okay um look at these ones as well look at these now have that in mind right have that in mind and then obviously let's see what mid-journey produces now look at this look at this now to me the mid Journey's got this on point guys on point look I produced four it produces four different versions of what you've asked it to do so four different styles um and uh you know obviously with these ones these are four different you know Styles that's look at this look at this guys look so it's produced four different designs exactly in the style of William Morris it's crazy look look some of these C's got that similar kind of look right that similar look it's crazy it is crazy right AI is just crazy mad so anyways um so I'm coming back right I like so what it says is you can upscale them and you can look at another version um so I'm going to upscale one two three this one right third one one two three This One upscale that third one that one's you know nice looking nice decent you know the style that I kind of want there you go nice floral style obviously I can make variations or remaster it there you go right open it up in the browser now that's that's obviously a style now if I didn't like that or if I if I wanted to go further look you can actually simply if you wanted to like get another four versions right I could just copy what I've just said the prompt go to imagine because you start with imagine with your prompt words I could paste them in um and then just you know you can either tweak words or keep the words as up to you right so I might say floral floral design and the style of William Morris I might even just change the word from from a pattern to design right I do want to keep their pattern but I just want to see what else it produces you could even write the whole thing exactly the same all the prompts but um but change a word or two right so again you know like it's going to give me you know some floral uh designs um again in the style of William Morris hopefully these are quite nice as well so look you can see also on the corners going up by 62 78 until it gets to 100 right look at these These are nice these are actually oh look at that wow right these are amazing right really nice really intricate I like this uh they're all nice um but I'm gonna stick to the top the first one right I'm gonna go to the first one I'm gonna just upscale that first one that's it I've chosen I'm going for that I really like that now I'm going to explain something right to you guys now taking this thing the thing about mid journey is amazing but one thing I will say now if you wanted to take this design obviously you can download it so you can right click right click save image and save it in your computer right that's it you're done nearly however if um to get the because obviously when you're selling this you want the quality the pixels um you want it to be really clear and really sharp now think about mid-journey it's not as clear as it should be or as it can be and what I will say is that you need to take it to take the image save it on your computer and upload it on something like an upscaler now explain what that is so if you go like I use a few but if you check out AVC labs for example and I'll I'll leave a link in my description so AVC Labs if you if you bring in an image so let's say you've got an image there that you can see on the screen you can see the mountain with the with the people let me just scroll across what I'll do is it'll make it really really clear it will upscale it make the resolution you know it will increase the image resolution and make it really clear with great quality and that's what you need because when you upload it onto Etsy you want the the resolution to be super clear um so that's what I suggest you do save it and then upload it on something like ABC Labs which will give you a fantastic upscale ready to kind of you know print if you like or ready to use digital paper on Etsy um so yeah and then what you would probably need to do is yep you can you can use it as it is like I said you can do that and just use it as is but let's say you've copied it and you've upscaled it now I'm just going to just show you for example then you can jump onto something like canva like again canva you see the link in my description canvas like my go-to place for various things po so let's say I've got my A4 size let's say it's an A4 size digital paper and I've upscaled it and I'm pasting my design onto canva let's say right um so what I would do is I'll I'll just make sure I got my paper on on A4 so maybe something like this and then obviously if I want to add more pages if you've got other Pages then you can add them here or I might just take it as a PDF because obviously you can sell this once you upload it as an Etsy list thing um on on let's see as a PDF so look I can uh I might use it as a sort of PDF um okay I might use a PDF print or PDF standard wherever it is you can save it whatever you like what I suggest you do is to go and check out what the stores how the stores are selling these so for example I come across here you can see that this digital download one PDF right see what the people that are working that that they're selling really well how they're doing this um you know what file types they're using and also look at the sizes as well you can see here's the length and sizes that they've also included and all the good sellers you'll see that will give though they'll have maybe some um sizes and that work so you need to kind of just just check for that as well but let's say for example let's say um it's a PDF that is used so you might just go for PDF and then you would um download it okay so I might just click download once I've put it onto that page I've used an A4 size however you just double check and see what the probably the standard is used for this type of thing and then look in my corner here in the bottom left you can see my PDF document is done right there's my PDF and that's my PDF document now obviously looking at this you're going to see that the image is not as clear but remember what I said when you add scale it this is going to be super clear so that'll be absolutely fine um but yeah guys that is all you need to do and then obviously you're going to create your listing and then bring up and like I said with uh what's fantastic about um my SEO software ever be is that it gives you an idea about you know let's say the good listings you know what keywords what tags they're using okay because you want to see the tags so for example with digital paper patterns you can see digital art watercolor colorful floral all of these are the volume that people search for on a monthly basis so adding these key keyword tags in your listing would obviously give you a fantastic chance of ranking and on top of that remember remember what I said about niching down so Niche and down being obviously make sure that you're niching into not only um digital paper because that's got a lot of volume but it's hard to rank but make sure you're ranking in digital paper flowers for example and flowers is really good because not only um is it something that's really popular so hopefully you'll get a lot of sales but obviously it's a smaller Niche and obviously there are many many other niches you can get into with digital paper but that's just an example of one so guys if you did like the video don't forget to hit the like subscribe smash that notification Bell don't forget check out the videos that are coming at the end and also don't forget check out all my links in my description um I'll show you all the software that I use to create everything that I do so guys take care and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Just Teachin Stuff
Views: 8,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create digital paper, digital products to sell online, digital products to sell on etsy, how to sell digital products online, digital products, digital product ideas, make money online, etsy digital products, etsy, midjourney, etsy seo, how to sell digital products on etsy, best digital products to sell on etsy 2023, midjourney tutorial, etsy niche research, etsy seo tool, sell digital products on etsy, sell digital products online, selling digital products on etsy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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