HOW TO Cover GRAY HAIR - IN SECONDS! **without coloring your hair**

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Hi guys! Welcome back to Graceful Beauty. My name is Sheri and I'm sure you noticed in the picture that I had a bunch of gray hair or white hair basically and I have it colored my hair so today I'm going to show you what I do so that I don't have to get my hair colored on a regular basis my hair actually needs colored probably every two weeks what you saw in the before picture is exactly two weeks and that's how fast my hair grows so I don't want to keep getting my hair colored and that often I usually just color my own here at home and then every so many months I go to the salon and get it done and maybe get some highlights and things like that but since it grows so fast I don't want to keep paying for highlights and getting it professionally done so I just do it myself at home so I said I don't have hair coloring on my hair but I do have a root concealer on my hair and it's only temporary and they are these three products right here so I'm going to show you how I go from this to this so typically I like to conceal my roots in the bathroom lighting or in Sun lighting but for purposes of this video I'll do it right here so you can just get the gist of what I do this is the first product it's called gray away and this is one that I've used for years this one's really great it's inexpensive and I will put a link down below where you can get it I use the color black dark brown and another one that I love is by Rita Hassan or haze on and hers is also a root concealer this is a little more high-end I do like this one a little bit better only because it doesn't seem to splatter little speckles all over my head it's a little more precise one that I've recently discovered that I am in love with is called cover your gray it's a hair touch-up color this looks like a mascara wand these two products what I do is I use one or the other I don't use them both at the same time this is a spray and so is this one this is also a spray and it's got this little nozzle on it you see right here it's nice and precise where it comes out and I use this spray for like the large areas here and of course if I part my hair that's gray everywhere but I don't spray this all over my roots I just will style my hair however it's gonna be styled spray wherever I see the Grays so I don't waste it cuz otherwise I'd probably go through an entire bottle try and cover all of these Gray's since I was using the sprays and I have a lot of gray around my forehead and right here around the sides and I would try to hold my hand and spray it and I don't know if this happens to any of you guys but when I spray it and hold my hand so I get all of these it literally looks like I have a cap or something of dark matted sprayed whatever it looks horrid so I had been searching for something that I could use to just color these little hairs around the sides of my face so that I can be more precise with the application so this is something I use every single day I wear baseball hat a lot of times in some hats since I do live on the beach so I don't put this on all the time but you can see all of this underneath the Hat so I just slap this on wait a few minutes let it dry and I'm good to go I'm going to show you actually I'll show you the gray away and because since this one's more affordable I I do recommend that you just get this one you don't need to get the Reta huzzah one unless you know you want to spend a little more money on it but this one works just as good and like I said I alternate with them so so all you do is you look at where the gray is and you can see I have a lot of gray and then literally I cover my head because sometimes this gets a couple little speckles and it looks like I have little black pin dots on my head and you just see where it is and then shake it up really good and looks great isn't that amazing now of course it's probably not that precise let me look in a mirror and see what it looks like yeah so I have a lot more touching up to do but you get the point that's really all you do and if I'm wearing my hair down and I want to do a couple more sections I just part it wherever I'm gonna apply it and same thing spray it on I mean what a difference it is having all-over color dark brown hair versus having all this grey hair everywhere now I want to show you how awesome this is so I'm just gonna pull my hair back a little bit just so that I can show you how I do this so my sister suggested I do a video to show specifically how this is done because she actually did not like this product when I recommended it to her and I think because she's doing it wrong so sis if you're watching this is how it's done I don't let it touch my scalp that is the key so you get all the way to the root but you don't actually touch your head your scalp with it and of course I would normally do this and zoom in Mir but I'm gonna do it in the camera just to show you so I pull my hair back and I don't touch my head and I literally just brush it on like you would mascara so I get all of these little hairs and then I just continue to go all the way around my head and down here now you can see gray still so then what I do is I'll section this off then what I'll do is I'll also put it right here it doesn't have to be perfect I'm just working it in there and then I'll just brush it down I only go to where the gray is but I don't want the hair to completely get covered now at this point if you want you could take your grey away and then you could just spray this section right here here we go but again don't spray this all the way around your head if you do spray this maybe pull this part of your hair first and then spray here and then this part of your hair use the mascara wand just like this let me use a mirror for this and again I'm not touching the scalp only touch the hairs so I'm going to run in my bathroom finish the rest of my hair and then I'll come right back I hope you liked today's quick video showing you how you can cover up your gray roots at home without getting your hair colored and if you did like this video I hope you'll give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing and if you do subscribe if you click that little bell you'll get notified every time I post a new video thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys have a great day you
Channel: Graceful Beauty
Views: 5,071,626
Rating: 4.7699013 out of 5
Keywords: GRAY AWAY, HOW TO COVER GREY HAIR, how to cover white hair, gray hair root touch up, best way to cover gray roots between colorings, best way to cover gray hair, hair color for gray hair, how to cover grey hair at home, how to cover grey roots on dark hair, how to hide gray hair without coloring, cover gray hair, cover grey hair naturally, gray hair home products, fast cover gray hair, how to cover grey in between coloring, hide grey roots, hair mascara gray hair, gray hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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