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hello love today I want to talk about resizing your images for Etsy there tends to be a lot of confusion surrounding this topic because most people don't realize that resizing your images to meet Etsy's image recommendations is a three-step process you may have heard the terms aspect ratio image size or even file size mentioned before but you may not understand what each is or how they correlate and you may even be wondering why making these changes are important by following Etsy's and recommendations it allows you to keep full control over how your images are displayed in etsy search within your shop page and within your listings when you don't use Etsy's recommendations let Siebels do their own cropping and compression of your images this can decrease your image quality or create odd cropping that crops out part of your product this matters because you want your images to be displayed the way you intended and in a way that makes your product look its best in this video i'm going to clarify the three steps it takes to resize your images why each step matters and show you how to resize your images for EXCI using Snapseed step one is adjusting your aspect ratio which refers to cropping your image the aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of an image X's best practices says to use an aspect ratio of 4:3 for the listing thumbnail but there's often conflicting information within the Etsy Help Center and the NC seller manual so I did my own testing and as of March 2022 listing thumbnail on desktop and mobile and Etsy search and on your main shop page is still showing as a 5-4 aspect ratio based on this information I will continue to recommend a 5/4 aspect ratio as Etsy has in the past however my suggestion to you is to always leave negative space in your images like this in case Etsy decides to switch that thumbnail to a square or a 4:3 aspect ratio if you crop too close to the product like this and Etsy to size change to a square thumbnail or a 4:3 thumbnail your product could get cut out so we're going to talk about Etsy's recommendation of a 5-4 aspect ratio for this training this recommendation is based on the thumbnail image used in NC search and on your main stock page most smartphones will produce images with an aspect ratio of 4:3 when you go to upload your images to a listing you can upload any aspect ratio and within your listing and will appear in that ratio and look normal this listing photo has an aspect ratio of 4:3 landscape and this listing photo is an aspect ratio of 5 for landscape this one is for 3 portrait and this one is 5 for portrait and this one is a square they will also appear within the listing as you upload them on mobile as well so for 3 landscape 5 for landscape for 3 portrait 5 for portrait and square so if our images appear in the aspect ratio we upload them then why does the aspect ratio of 5 for matter the recommendation of 5 for landscape aspect ratio matters because that is how your image will appear in the search on your desktop and in mobile and on your main Etsy shop page on desktop and on mobile so what happens when you don't crop your images to an aspect ratio of 5 for landscape well nothing unless it's the first listing and thumbnail image in this case Etsy will crop the image for you from the middle of the image out to a 5 for landscape aspect ratio cutting off some of your image if it is a 4:3 landscape you don't lose much of the image as you see here but a 4:3 portrait or a 5 for portrait will lose a significant amount of the image when as he goes to crop that thumbnail image even a square loses part of the top and bottom when cropped to a 5 for now you may be thinking if my first thumbnail image is the only image affected by this then why should I change all of my images to a 5-4 landscape aspect ratio first if you want to test thumbnail images to see what your audience responds to then you may eventually be using a different image than you initially intended on and second uploading the same aspect ratio for all listing photos will create a more cohesive browsing experience for your audience you can easily crop your images to a five-four landscape aspect ratio and Snapseed by going to the tools and then selecting crop and scrolling over to 5/4 and then adjusting the crop to your liking once you have it the way you like it you hit the checkmark and you're all set step 2 is adjusting the image size image size is the pixel dimensions and refers to the number of pixels in an image and is identified by the width and height of an image so the aspect ratio as well as the total number of pixels in an image so what does this mean the more pixels you cram into an inch of space the sharper the image will be as our displays become more advanced with a higher ppi rating that is a pixel per inch rating Etsy continues to raise the pixel dimension recommendation of images to keep up with higher resolution displays this ensures that when the zoom feature is used your images stay sharp and aren't pixelated when I opened my Etsy shop back in 2015 the minimum recommendation was a thousand pixels now the minimum recommendation is two thousand pixels and Etsy will let you know when you aren't meeting the minimum the iPhone produces an image with four thousand thirty two by three thousand twenty-four pixels part of the reason we reduced the pixel dimensions is because the more pixels we have the larger the file size we'll get into that in just a minute but first I want to show you how to adjust your image size and Snapseed and the Snapseed app you're gonna click the three dots in the top a right hand corner then you're going to select settings and from there you will select image sizing and then set it to 2,000 pixels now for the selected settings to be applied to the saved image you need to click export and then select export when you crop your image to the proper aspect ratio you will set the image size to 2,000 and based on the aspect ratio it'll fill in the height creating an image with 2000 by 1600 pixels at a 5-4 aspect ratio step 3 is file size now the file size is in bytes and refers to the amount of data stored so when you have a higher image size you have a larger file size the more pixels the more data larger file sizes take up large amounts of storage and they make your dot-com site pages load slower and they affect your google SEO the plus side when you adjust your aspect ratio and your image size for each platform you're losing pixels causing a loss of data and a smaller file size however most of the time this isn't enough and we have to do a quality percentage to reduce the file size to meet that's these recommendations NC recommends your file size be less than a one megabyte my professional recommendation is to try to keep your file size around 600 kilobytes for fast loading times especially if you have your own comm and intend to use the same images on your site let's take a look at how you adjust file size in Snapseed in this Snapseed app you will click on the three dots in the top right hand corner then you're going to select settings from there you will select format and quality and you'll notice that you have multiple options when tested on an image from my iPhone jpg 100% had a file size of 2.6 and megabytes that is huge JPEG 95% had a file size of 814 kilobyte which meets Etsy's recommendation but jpg 80% gave me a file size of 584 kilobytes which is the option I recommend to make sure you're optimizing your images for Google SEO if you have your own comm or plan to in the future now for the selected settings to be applied to the saved image you need to click export and then select export I know I went over a lot of information today so let's do a quick recap to meet Etsy's image recommendations you want to crop your images to a 5 for landscape aspect ratio this will ensure that they look great and searched you also want to reduce your image size to 2,000 pixels and I suggest keeping your file size under 600 kilobytes so if I went into Snapseed and just cropped my image and set it to an aspect ratio of 5 for landscape my image size the pixel dimensions would be 2914 by 2332 pixels and this number is based on how much of the image I cropped out and my file size is still pretty large at five point four megabytes now if I crop the image to 5/4 and set the image sizing to 2,000 pixels I still get an image with 2.6 megabytes that's still a lot of data but if I crop to 5/4 and then set my image sizing to 2,000 pixels and set my format and quality to jpg 80% then my image is under 600 kilobytes and meets all of X's and Google's recommendations hopefully this helped you connect all the dots but if you have any questions drop them in the comments below if you want easy access to Etsy's image size recommendations then click the link in the description below to download my quick guide on sizing your images for Etsy in 2020 please take the time to like this video if you found it useful and hit that subscribe button if you want to learn more about taking your own high quality product
Channel: By Kristina Nicole
Views: 8,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO CORRECTLY SIZE YOUR IMAGES FOR ETSY USING SNAPSEED 2020, Handmade Sellers, Etsy Sellers, DIY Product Photography, Learn How to Take your own Product Photos, Snapseed Editing App
Id: dROLF0akZxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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