Will Gordon Ramsay Find the Lamb Sauce Cooking Lamb Chops?

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now what an amazing week we've had in Wales and going up against one of the finest chefs in Wales Matt walr super competitive uh you know I like that and to round it off I'm going to show you a quick sort of lamb Cho dish the kind of lamb that is amazing especially when you look at that hill and that backdrop we're in this amazing little Valley and these lamb Grays on that uh side of the Valley all day long so they're happy and it's delicious now the secret just cut these lamb chops up they left got a lot of the fat on there okay cuz that fat is so edible and these lamb are literally 18 months 19 months old so it's sort of not quite mutton not quite spring that bit in the middle but super tasty going to roast some vegetables and make a really nice sort of chimy churi with some comfy garlic in there first off season the lamb okay and then literally a little dust of olive oil in there roll that around okay season season and then again I'm going to use a little bit of seaweed butter on there now get them on the grill over here let's get this nice and hot now get that one there beautiful beautiful now the vegetables get the veg and literally just lightly season them and going put some sewe butter on there okay and I'm going to start grilling all these beautiful veg on there some mushrooms some carrots and again a little touch of olive oil so the butter doesn't burn and then these potatoes I'm going to stick straight on the grill literally just in half so these are pre-cooked and you'll see now the flavor and beautiful sewe butter gives off here we go over we go and on now potatoes go on beautifully [Applause] marked beautiful and then the veget straight into the pan that seawe butter turn the lamp and look that really nice delicious caramelized lamp don't worry about the bones going slightly dark nothing wrong with that I like to lay them on top of there like that and let that fat render now in this pant melt that butter and literally roast those vegetables in that seawe butter beautiful now look at the potatoes try and get that crispy skin on there beautiful beautiful now for the chimy chori it's a really nice sort of exciting way of eating lamb cuz it's almost like a an amazing little marinade just roll the parsley and the mint and the thyme and just chop it once want all that flavor inside that bowl in she goes now from there a little bit of salt little bit of olive oil fresh mint and a little bit of lemon juice in there okay roll that in squeeze lemon juice yeah beautiful now from there take your comy garlic okay and just throw that in with the vegetables lamp nice thing about cooking lamb like this literally 90 seconds on each side and let it rest it does it absolute wonders but I'm going to sit on there and then just spread a little bit of SE seaweed butter on that lamb so as that lamb rests we get that beautiful flavor that Welsh saltiness now vegetables goes in bring your butter over and this is a seaweed butter you just spread that let that sit on top of that lamb and we're going to hit that back on the grill just for one more time but let that but to sit there now and just melt as it melts it's going to literally pour in the center of that lamb and give it the most amazing flavor this is the nice refreshing thing about cooking here in Wales outside the ingredients is incredible the setting is amazing and now look get your lamb just go back on that grill that little bit of butter on there and boom beautiful roll it around back flip it over 30 seconds back on the grill with that seaweed butter that gives it a final caramelization and look that wind fires up that barbecue and that butter just literally absolutely caramelizes beautiful up and over now for the exciting part the vegetables M now let that down literally with a touch of vinegar for the chimy chury that gives that really nice acidic like a little bit of pickled seaweed juice in there and look just before those vegetables come out of the plate just hit them with a little touch of chimy Chuy and toss that through there that garlic is almost like a puree and all I do now is just literally set all those vegetables on and that garlic is delicious get your lamb set that on there there there and then finally one on there and all we do now is just get that chimy Chuy and just drizzle that over the end of the lamb and again the seawe butter the chimy Chuy so beautiful and then finally your potatoes grilled crispy and full of Welsh pride and then we have the most amazing grilled lamb chop finished with a beautiful seelp butter
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 117,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, kitchen nightmares, hotel hell, the f word, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay burger, gordon ramsay steak, street food, pasta recipes, chicken recipe, Gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay hotel hell, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay funny moments, gordon ramsay recipes, gordon ramsay recipes chicken, gordon ramsay recipes dinner, gordon ramsay recipes breakfast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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