How to cook LOBSTER TAILS | Chef Lorious

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[Music] hello and welcome back to the love lab this is Caliban McCook in with chef Laureus so excited to have you with me today today we're making lobster tails yes lobster tails I love cooking things that seem so complicated but they're really not and right now we're gonna get right into it we're gonna jump in today and we're gonna learn to make lobster tails all right guys let's get cooking okay first thing we're gonna do is look at our lobster tail family I have five lobster tails here we have the Jackson 5 before us and we're just going to start by dealing with how you clean these babies when you get them home from the store you know I'd like to give you step-by-step instructions because I really want you to understand how to do this so I'm gonna take my time and explain it to you so you definitely know how to make lobster tails so I always like to wear kitchen gloves when I'm making lobster tails just because it gets a little messy and I'm not really one for the super messy if I can help it so we're going to start off I'm going to show you how these look these are for our lobster tails and you can get any size at your fish market carries they come like this pretty much hidden on the bottom side a lot of times you see this stuff okay now I have already rinsed and washed these but I want to show you how we cut them and how you get this body part off and then you will rinse and wash them again before you cook them so you want to have a pair of kitchen shears it's very important that you have kitchen shears okay not the school shears that you use to cut up the classroom projects not those you need kitchen shears because this shell is not soft okay and you're going to want to get through it so to make sure you get through it you need good kitchen shears so you're gonna start by going right here hoping you see this undo the top and then just a little snip okay and then you keep going down once you get that first snip she's gonna start to want to open up don't dig in there because if you dig down like this in there you're gonna destroy or or disturb the meet you really want to try to stay towards the top and just cut see that now don't cut all the way through okay because when we prepare the lobster you're gonna go in after you cut her and you see how she starts to come apart here a little bit this is why I wear the gloves because it gets a little messy I can't hate but basically it's gonna come apart just like this just like so see that and then you're gonna do the other side same thing okay it is messy this is the hardest part of the whole process you guys this part okay then once you get in there that if you have this applies to so she'll that kind of break off that's okay just remove them separate like this there you go and that's what you're going to season and when you cook your lobster you're going to cook it like this in the oven okay now you're also going to want to make sure you go back to the underside and get this gunk off here it's how we're going to rinse these again I like to have a little gumbo I call it right next to me what I'm doing this and then see I can just kind of get the gunk out put it in the gun and I'm telling you this is the hardest part after this part the rest of its easy then you're just seasoning them and putting them in the oven and letting them do what they do we're gonna also make some clarified butter to dip these in be careful these little ends are sharp okay I want you to see for real how this is done I hate it when I will somebody tells me how to do it do a lobster and then I watch it and it looks so easy and then I get this thing home and I'm like what in the world this is almost like this thing I saw the video but this is how they actually come okay you see that guys so then you're gonna happen we're gonna rinse this again and then when you go to start to cook it and serve it it's gonna be like this and it's gonna look so elegant and so pretty everyone's gonna just say oh my god I can't believe you made lobster tails and you're gonna say oh no it's nothing it was nothing okay so let's do this one as well and start here okay so we've gotten the Jackson 5 ready the hook for lobsters we're going to season these up in a moment and get them ready to go in the oven but first we're going to start getting our butter clarified for the sauce once they come out now to clarify butter what you're going to do is basically slowly melt it down and then separate the fat from the butter okay and then you'll have this really beautiful clarified butter that won't be a lovely dipping sauce with our Cajun and blackening seasoning seasoning it so I'm gonna let this start going here cuz it needs to melt slowly don't want to rush that process and I'm going to show you how we're gonna season our lobster tails these two just came out of the show completely so I decided to just you know what what do I say listen to the food if it's telling you what it needs don't argue with it just give it what it wants so I've melted just a little bit of butter here olive oil with our lobsters that has something to hold on to start with this top side here see that and when we put these in the oven they really don't take a long time to cook now that is just that's one of the amazing things it just takes them about 10 minutes to broil and don't be done and beautiful you want them to be white so that's how you know they're ready I just make sure what's my future they're just a little bit of butter oil [Music] yeah okay and then the bed here and then I'm going to take a little bit of this blackening or Cajun seasoning and I'm just gonna put it on here to season this meat up okay you can use any seafood seasoning of your choice you could use old bay this is a chef Laureus Lynn we have seafood seasoning that I'm using today but really anything you want to be doing here you can even use herbs and make it kind of a herb butter type lobster tail you get both sides so I took that butter and olive oil under there and then we'll go back to properties see how that would still propped up if the Shogun's will just go under you can keep those gloves on if you want to lose to Mexico making sure I use a separate bowl so that as I touch it I'm not messing up all these amazing these will cook up this is beautifully and what you can do at these that are not sitting in the shell is you can actually you can save them for salad you can put them in cheese you can do all kinds of things with them but this is just a way you could do it in the show or out of the show I'm gonna turn them over [Music] okay looking good now we're gonna get ready to put these in the oven for about like I said about 10 minutes or so I'm going to broil them on 450 degrees get a paper towel clean like I'm gonna broil these on 450 degrees for about 10 minutes now a lot of times when you use the broiler you use the top the top rack in your oven not the case with these you want to go ahead and use that middle rack because you're not trying to cook them quickly you're just trying to cook them thoroughly and you want that heat coming down to really give them a nice time okay so we're gonna set these aside I'm gonna put the Jackson 5 in the oven okay and we're gonna get going with our butter [Music] okay so you see here our butter has melted what we're going to do is just take a little strainer and skim off the top this back okay I'm gonna stop turn the heat off I want to make sure there's a separation and I'm going or straight gotta love that guys it's very carefully skilled as fat off the top if you look underneath that you'll see that beautiful clarified butter under their hand and that's what we're going to add some of our seasoning to and we're going to set this and what serve this with our lobster and this will be your butter dispenser you can always just buy some ghee it's the same thing bet you know if you don't feel like going to the store you don't have time and then at the bottom what you'll find is that the milk fat at the bottom and we'll show you the strainer that straight same general reusing in the end to separate them completely control we put in our seasoning there's so many things you can do at home they're not as difficult as you think but there are shortcuts available so don't feel that you have to do it this way look at that see and you thought you have to pay $10 for a jar key you don't just get your phone around and do your thing okay all right so let's just wait for our lobster tails to finish cooking okay so that's about where we want it so now we're going to take our strainer and we're going to pour this butter through the strainer here so that the rest of this fat on the bottom instead separate [Music] now see how its fat is there that's the shoes that we're trying to make sure we avoid so I'm just going to start slowing my poor hoping we try to change my angle a little bit so you can see my slower [Music] all right and that is the clarified butter that we're going to use for our sauce see it's beautiful a little bit about a tablespoon and just stir that up and wait for our lobsters well here are our lobsters out of the oven they came out beautifully exactly ten minutes in the broiler old 450 and I want you to see this is how we know they're done see they're opaque and white that's how it looks when it's done so I'm going to cut into one I set it to one of these that was out of the shell beautiful giveaway to taste it okay I'm trying not to eat these huge pieces on camera that make me appear very unladylike I'm gonna get a little bit of this butter here it's so rich and beautiful I'm just excited oh that is delicious I mean there's no words for that that is just perfect and the seasoning that I use the blackening and Cajun seasoning I use is not overly spicy so it has just a hint of a kick to it but the lobster is tender it's oh my god it's delightful and the butter is just absolutely wonderful well I hope you will try this recipe I'm gonna serve this up on a plate make it really pretty and see if I can get that I hope you try this I'm going to go get my husband so he can enjoy this lovely dinner here just like that together he's gonna be so surprised he's gonna love it I hope you will try this with your special one or with yourself or whatever because this is definitely a meal that you will be so proud of yourself for making you'll be so proud of all the money you save by not having to go to some crazy expensive restaurant and you will have a delightful lobster dinner alright guys thank you for joining me I appreciate you being here I will see you next time in the love lab for more caliban McCook in with chef floria's have a fantastic day be blessed happy cooking
Channel: Calibama Cooking with Chef Lorious
Views: 448,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChefLorious, Chef Lorious, Calibama, Calibama Cookin, lobster tails, lobster tail cooking, grilled lobster, how to cook lobster, lobster tail, lobster tail recipe, how to cook lobster tail, how to cook lobster tails, how to make lobster, cooking lobster, lobster recipe, grilled lobster tail, lobster tails recipe, lobster tails in the oven, lobster tails gordon ramsay, lobster tails cooking, lobster tail recipe gordon ramsay, easy lobster tail recipe
Id: 6cu7LaMef4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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