How to cook LOBSTER TAILS - Oven Baked

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hi guys I'm gonna do big lobster tails today and we had purchases at Costco or $15 in Sunday 9 cents and what I want to do is just going to wash them in some saltwater and then we're just going to cut the tail right here and pull the meat out okay add some water into the bowl and I'm going to place my lobster cylinder and it'll take wash all right so what you're going to need to do is to take a pair of kitchen knives and I'm scissors and just cut it right down the middle like I have on this one here so yeah I cut it all the way down and you just take the meat and you'll pull it right through I can't do it with one hand because I'm holding the other camera but this is what can look like once you pull the meat through like that something laying right on top and you're going to stop right here you don't go all the way and then you just split it apart like this and you just pull the meat through and once you've done that you can take a knife and you're gonna cut it split open like that so it spreads out when you cook it okay so that's what I did I went here to pull the tail out and then just take it a knife and just split it right in the middle like that and then we could go ahead and pour the butter on and the seasoning I have a pan which I lined with foil and I'm gonna go ahead and I have some olive oils for your ear so I'll go ahead and just get the bottomless spray and I'll place Oh put on ask the melted butter here so I'm go ahead and put some on to the lobster and I also have two kinds of seasoning here I put the butter on OH look here go ahead sure thing bottling maybe put some right here on a go well we're going to do itself is this for decoration this looks pretty it's like it's piggy piggy backing on the back of the shell right let's put them all over at the end okay that's good I think we did good okay leave it in the middle right here on the UM on the lobster yeah little helmet right there uh-huh all right so that's good enough okay so now we're gonna have one I'm going to use a ground paprika paprika there we go okay as we is we're look green deviled eggs yeah that's right just like Doubledays this one's going to have to pre-cut and then the other one I'm going to use this here which is the looks like a seafood seasoning and that's the cupcake out there okay next oh that's not to me that's another shot extra butter that's okay add some of this on top so we're going to do it two different ways it's raining maybe Malibu rain robbing okay so there you go to different lobsters this one has the mallet the seafood seasoning and then this one here on the side yeah the paprika okay so I heard a head sprayed my pan with olive oil now I'm going to UM put my Lobster on there mom huh why are we gonna do attach to butter no I'm gonna do with it right there we go let's close the shells together at the end and pull them up okay give them a say I'm olive oil and then we're going to put it in the oven is ready my ovens already eight preheated alright that's good so let's place it in the oven 35 degrees there you go 375 degrees and we're going to check on it in about 20 minutes see how it's doing once it turns um once it's no longer opaque then we can go ahead and take it out of the oven alright so it's 20 minutes let's take a look at it um it doesn't look like it's quite done so I'm gonna give it another 5 10 minutes it will check back ok so it's been 30 minutes I just turned off the heat it looks good to me this is what it looks like ok let me go ahead and put on a plate ok so here we have it on the lobster tails this one has the Malibu seasoning which is the seafood seasoning and this one has paprika on it right here on that all right there and we're gonna be eating it with some butter and lemon wedges just be some lemon wedges on top and there you go just like at the restaurant all right umm lobster tails yourself at home very easy and quick thanks so much for watching please subscribe I have tons of cooking videos out there please click like before you leave I would appreciate your support thanks so much have a great day and I'll see you later alligator bye
Channel: emily p
Views: 666,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook lobster tails, how to bake lobster tails, how to make baked lobster tails, lobster tail recipe, baked lobster recipe, how to cook lobster, how to make oven baked lobster tails, oven baked lobster tails, oven baked lobster
Id: OoK6gr-VrfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2013
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