How to cook Golumpki (Polish stuffed cabbage rolls)

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I'm going to experiment with a recipe today that a fan of the website sent me and the story goes that it was something he remembered from his childhood that his late aunt made he said I could use her name it was soo BAE Jack if I'm pronouncing that correctly and after she passed away he but begged bugged his cousin to send him this recipe then he photographed it and sent it to me it's in her handwriting and it's a Polish dish called Ghulam ki he said he was from upper state New York where they pronounced it gunky I went onto the internet and looked at several recipes on YouTube several videos and some people pronounce it in Columbus some people pronounce it gunky and it's got different spelling as well it's a Polish dish it's stuffed cabbage leaves yeah I don't know how I feel about that my mom used to make corned beef and cabbage I actually leave the house because the house would just stink of sulfur but he said this has nothing this has none of the odor and flavor that you normally associate with cooking cabbage requires one or two heads of cabbage depending upon how much filling you have I bought two heads of cabbage just in case make sure I would have enough what do you think of my cabbages hopefully these will be okay if I have one left over I can always make it again right and then freeze it I can freeze them in small portions one or two per package and I can enjoy them all winter long it sounds like they're going to be delicious so let's make Ghulam ki but the first thing I need to do is take you back cuz yesterday I did some of the prep work I did actually quite a bit of the prep work so here we are the previous day I'm gonna do some of my prep work because I have a meat grinder I just don't want to buy ground meat that much anymore I just grind my own so I've got some beef chuck roughly two pounds of beef chuck and one pound of pork shoulder that I'm going grind up today so 2 pounds of beef would be about 900 grams therefore 1 pound of pork would be about 450 grams I'm using the medium size grinding disc and I'm only going to grind this through once I don't need it to finely ground I'm gonna set this on number 4 and start grinding first thing I need to do is cut this core out of the cabbage so working with a really sharp knife you want to go through there like so this will help it to cook better and it'll help the leaves to separate you can take a little bit more of that out one of the cooks said to take this piece out that it's sweet I'll save that okay take a little bit more this core there it is that looks good and a plane going overhead that's done I have in the meantime been heating a large pot of water to boiling this is my old pressure cooker it's no longer a pressure cooker I took out the pressure regulator because it was it failed and then I very carefully want to lower my cabbage down inside that'll float beautiful and then I want to cover this again and then bring this back up to the boil and cook it for about 15 minutes maybe 15 to 20 minutes so my cabbage now has been boiling for 20 minutes lots of steam don't drain it keep the water because as you're removing the leaves you might find that the inner part of the cabbage isn't completely cooked yet you can always return it to the pot then carefully remove it from the boiling water letting that drain a little bit then I'm gonna place that in a bowl and finish draining there and I'm gonna let that cool down a little bit until it's safe enough to handle so as I showed you earlier I did some prep work yesterday there's my ground meat that's my pork and that's my beef I'm adding to this two and a half cups of cooked rice I cooked that yesterday put in the refrigerator some people most people under cook the rice they'll cook it for about 12 minutes and then it'll finish cooking later on in the oven when it bakes so that's two and a half cups by weight that's 14 ounces 400 grams what I started with was 1 cup of rice which was 6 and a half ounces 180 five grams that was dry rice 2 cups of water 475 millilitres that yielded way more than enough that I needed for this recipe this is one of the unique ingredients I didn't see this in any of the videos that I watched this is a quarter pound 115 grams of lightly browned bacon I started with a 12-ounce package 340 grams of raw bacon at bacon and then I sauteed it until it was lightly browned and I had more than enough just enough for some nibbles because you can't cook bacon without eating some of it I mean come on right okay so that was one quarter pound 115 grams of lightly browned bacon that I chopped up yesterday okay and then I have two medium onions that I diced rather small and I sauteed those until they were tender translucent and just maybe a little bit browned I'm gonna add to this two whole eggs these are large eggs from the refrigerator and this bowl is looking so full it's gonna be fun to work with then salt to taste I'm gonna put in a generous helping of salt and it may need to add more salt later I'll taste that by frying a little bit of that mixture and seeing how it tastes for salt plenty of fresh ground black pepper I just want to grade a lot of black pepper in there maybe 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon of black pepper another ingredient that some people used that wasn't in the original recipe but I thought I would try it I'm gonna put some maybe a tablespoon of freshly chopped parsley let's chop fresh parsley and then you can if you want but I'm not gonna do it you can add some people add some cloves of garlic 2 3 4 cloves of garlic that a minced or crushed through a garlic press ok I've got to mix this up before I do that I'm gonna put some gloves on everybody pretty much agreed that the best way to do this is by hand and then work underneath this is gonna take awhile to gently mix this and what I'm not doing is not using my hands and crushing things because I don't want to crush the texture out of that beef and pork okay there's my patty see what that tastes like I'm pretty sure it's gonna need more salt yeah it's good but it definitely needs salt all right I'm gonna put my gloves back on mix that salt in then I'll cover this and set this aside okay I'm starting to work with the cabbage here and this is cooled down enough that I can handle this they recommended taking some of these outer older leaves off and setting them aside because they can be used later on for lining the casserole dish ok to roll one of these leaves most people started by shaving off part of this rib down the center of the cabbage-leaf then turning it over putting a good sized dollop of the filling toward one end I'm using the stem end and then start rolling up fold in the sides tuck them underneath and there is a cabbage roll some people will secure it with a toothpick and what I'm doing is I have a tray over here that I've lined with parchment paper and I'm just going to put the cabbage rolls on that it's gonna take me a while to do all of these I'll show you what it looks like when I'm all done I'm working with smaller leaves now and I can tell you a little trick that I just discovered no we mentioned this on YouTube when I get down to the bottom where it started to get really small it wasn't cooked down in there rather than boiling it in the water playing going overhead I put it in the microwave for a minute and that softened it up now I'm working with these smaller leaves so I'm using a smaller amount and one video that I saw Martha Stewart said that the smaller ones are good for appetizers her mother was making the loom key so there's a little bit of a smaller one maybe two of those would make a nice meal they they I have to say they do roll very nicely very easily and in the mean time because I have so much feeling left over I started cooking that second head of cabbage while I'm waiting for that other head of cabbage to cook I'm gonna start making the sauce I have here two 28 ounce can of plum tomatoes these have to be crushed when I put my gloves back on I'll get the other can in there and then I'm just gonna get my gloves in there and just basically crush these up till they're all nicely crushed it'll take a few minutes my other a head of cabbage is now cooling so I'm gonna start working on my sauce as I mentioned I have two 28 ounce cans they're about 800 grams each of crushed tomatoes or whole tomatoes you crush them yourself I thought this was odd I've never seen this before but I want to try it this is 1/2 cup or 75 grams of brown sugar okay salt and pepper she recommended a teaspoon of salt just gonna put a couple of good pinches in there and then some pepper about half a teaspoon of pepper maybe a little bit more and then some lemon juice I thought this was odd 1/2 cup of lemon juice I'm gonna move this to the stove stir this bring this up to a low simmer I have a lid that I can put on that and I'm going to cook this maybe 20 to 30 minutes I filled that baking sheet with ghulam key so I know I'm gonna use my largest cooking pot to put those in so they have to be baked I still have plenty of feeling left over but I have some more leaves to fill so I'm out of room on my baking sheet I'm gonna get some of these in the pan now and this is where you use these older leaves she doesn't say old or the outer leaves they were too torn up and not as nice to use you put those on the bottom I'll put one more right there and then start laying your clump key again seam side down inside the pot and then start putting in sauce I cooked this for about 20 minutes to tenderize those tomatoes a little bit this is gonna bake for quite a while so anything that isn't cooked thoroughly will be cooked thoroughly and you can make this sauce as thin or as thick as you want some people actually add water to it because they want more liquid in the pan I'm just gonna use it as is because I'm trying to follow that recipe as closely as possible sube Jack's recipe okay a little bit more maybe right over here and then I'm gonna put some of these smaller leaves on top these are the ones that are just too small to uses ghulam key but get them in there and a couple more big leaves here uses up all the leaves that I have so far but I still have another piece of cabbage that's like part part of the head of cabbage and then I can start layering again I'm gonna layer these a little bit differently there shouldn't be any problem separating them but just in case those are the larger ones so there's my second layer now in there I'm gonna put just there were few remaining leaves that I have left over on top these were too small to fill okay and then I'm gonna spoon plenty of this sauce on top in fact I might just do this I think it would be easier yeah we go and spoon that all over the top spread it around and the recipe said you can finish that with salt and pepper so I'll put some salt on there pinch of salt and then grind some black pepper over it all right I'm gonna put a lid on that and in the meantime I'm heating my oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit which is about 160 165 Celsius I'm gonna bake this covered for one and a half hours then I'll remove the lid and bake it for an additional 30 minutes oh there it is out of the oven that is a lot of ghulam key or glue key or gun key whatever they call it one recipe said to let it rest for 30 minutes and then it'll be ready to eat I don't mind doing that but I'm gonna tell you I want to dig in right now but I'm gonna be patient I'm gonna wait I'm seeing bubbling around the edges a little bit of bubbling so I know it's plenty hot inside okay there it is I'm about to taste for the first time in my life go lumpkey it's good wow I never thought I would really enjoy that but that is really really good my house doesn't have any of that sulfur smell like my mom's did when she made corned beef and cabbage it's got a very mild flavor but a good meaty flavor to it that's good so excuse me I'm gonna go enjoy an early dinner we'll call it an afternoon snack of galumphing you
Channel: Mobile Home Gourmet
Views: 117,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR
Id: v9FCy54osH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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