How to Roast a Turkey | Traeger Staples

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Hey guys! I'm Nichole Dailey, Chef de Cuisine here at Traeger Grills. Today we're going to show you a recipe for a traditional roasted turkey. I always like to brine my turkey. I think it gives it a lot of moisture and you can impart a lot of flavor into the meat of the turkey. So what we're gonna start with is a quart of water but you just want your turkey completely submerged so it might take a little bit more, a little bit less - depends on the size of your turkey. You'll dissolve your sugar and salt in just a portion, and then pour it over ice water. It cools it down much quicker. We've got a quart of water here, about a half a cup of salt, and a half a cup of brown sugar. Essentially, this is all you need for a brine. You can use granulated sugar or brown sugar. I like brown just for the flavor. From there, you can add in whatever flavors you like. We're gonna do a little bit of garlic clove and I'll just throw it all in at once in the beginning. Bay leaves, black peppercorns, we'll just kind of let it steep for a little bit and then I like to do a little bit of citrus peel and this is just over medium heat. All you want to do is just dissolve the salt and the sugar. So I just use a peeler and take off just the outside. You don't want too much of the pith. It's really bitter. So we'll do orange peel and lemon peel. You can switch it up and add a little bit of bourbon or whiskey in there. You can flavor your brine with things like apple cider vinegar, wine, soy sauce, you just have to keep in mind that anything you add to it, if it's a high sodium content or it has a lot of acid, it's going to affect your brine. Acid can really start to break down the tissue, so if it's too acidic your meat will end up kind of like mushy at the end. So we're just going to let that come up to a simmer and wait for the sugar and salt to dissolve. The last thing we want to add to that is a little bit of thyme and rosemary. This turkey here is about 16 pounds. you always want to go for about a pound of turkey per person so if you're buying a 16 pound turkey it's good to feed around 16 people. I'm gonna truss this one I usually put a lot of aromatics and seasonings inside the cavity of the bird so I want to take this off so we can get in there. Alright, so your turkey always comes with the neck and then up here are all of the gizzards so this is the heart, the liver, things like that. These are great for stuffing or for flavoring a stock, but I always use the neck for the gravy so save both of them because they have a good use and then there's usually a little chunk of fat that's attached on the inside here I'll just cut that out. You can also roast that and put it in your stock or your gravy if you'd like. You want to make sure there's no ice or anything inside of your bird. Always plan for defrosting time. If you're buying a frozen bird, sitting in the fridge it'll take a couple of days. So we'll take some of this off and our bird is good to go. I've got some cold water here. Once our brine has steeped and the sugar and salt is dissolved, it smells so good so you'll just take this hot portion and pour it into the cold water and it'll cool it down much quicker and you want to brine your bird for about 12 hours. The most I would go is just overnight. I wouldn't do it for much more than that. So we'll dunk our bird in and you just want to make sure it's submerged so I'll usually do it breast side down and then I'll weigh the back down with some plates to keep it underneath the water you just want to make sure you're imparting that flavor to the entire bird. So we're gonna transfer this to the fridge and we're gonna let it sit overnight and then we'll revisit it tomorrow. Okay, so we just pulled our turkey out of the fridge. It's been brining for about 12 hours. Before we pull that out we're gonna get a couple things ready. So we're gonna rub an herb butter on this turkey underneath the skin so we've got a little bit of softened butter here and then we're just gonna use rosemary and thyme and a little bit of minced garlic. So I like to get these things ready before we pull the bird out just to reduce cross-contamination. So you just rip the leaves off of rosemary and same with the time a lot of these stems are really tender so don't worry if you get a little bit in there. We'll just chop it up so you can just eyeball it. I've got one big sprig of rosemary here. It's probably tablespoon and a half maybe, and then about the same of thyme and we're just gonna mince this so it's really fine, and then we're gonna add it to our room-temperature butter. We've got two sticks of butter here that are softened. We'll also season it with salt and pepper and we're gonna slide that right under the skin on the turkey. It helps keep the meat inside really moist as well as browning the skin. So I just got three garlic cloves. We'll just slice through them really quick and then we'll go the other way and mince. A little tip you can do if you're trying to get your garlic into more of a paste, you can add a little salt to it and then keep mincing and as you go the salt will pull out the moisture and start to break the garlic down and you don't have to do this every time you do minced garlic but if I'm putting it in something where I want it really incorporated I'll go for more of a paste and then what you're going to do is you're going to take your knife and kind of crush it. and I'll just run back and forth over this a couple of times until it's where we want it to be. It's gonna be more evenly distributed that way versus just chunks. Alright, in goes our garlic and then we're gonna season this really well. I always use unsalted butter so that I can control the salt content in anything just get this nice and incorporated. I always start with a little bit of celery and a couple of carrots and an onion. On the carrots, I usually just wash them. Don't bother peeling them we'll just cut this end off and then just cut it into 1-inch chunks. We're gonna strain this out at the end we're just trying to flavor that gravy and get as much out of it as we can and then I use the leaves and all of the smaller stems for this as well again because you're just gonna strain it out and then we'll just cut the root end off here, throw these in the bottom, no onion we want it all about the same size so we'll just take the tip and the root off and then cut it in half. Peel off these first couple layers and then we'll just do a rough chop large dice 1-inch pieces whatever you want to do and then we'll use a few garlic cloves as well and some more rosemary and thyme and again you're gonna just strain all this out so you can leave the stems we've got about a quart of chicken stock here we're gonna pour it in the bottom of the pan and then we'll situate our turkey right on top of here. Now pull this guy out of the brine and you want to get off all of the spices or aromatics that have kind of stuck to the skin and then you want to make sure the cavity is completely drained and then you want to take some paper towels and pat the bird dry. Now to prep our bird, you want to season every part of the bird including the cavity the more you season the more flavorful it's going to be. Put a good amount of salt and pepper in here and then we're gonna stick a couple sprigs in there and another rosemary and then I'll take a whole garlic bulb and just cut it in half and we'll throw that in there as well. Okay now on to the butter. So what we're gonna do is we're going to separate the outer layer of skin from the breast that's underneath and the thighs. It's usually easiest if you find a spot towards the legs it's a little bit separated already and then you're just gonna go in with your fingers and kind of peel it away from the breast you don't want to puncture through this outer layer of skin that's what's gonna protect your meat while it's cooking. So we'll just separate it all the way down same on this side what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this butter a little bit at a time and just slide it underneath the skin and then you can use your other hand to kind of like massage it down. You want to cover as much of the bird as possible and then whatever butter I have left I'll kind of slide it into the cavity. It's just going to give your bird that much more flavor and keep it moist so we're gonna go ahead and truss this. I kind of do it the easy way. I just tuck the wings back in underneath and then for the legs we're gonna just take a piece of twine about that long and what you're gonna do is you're gonna slide it right underneath sort of like the hips so it's gonna be right here down the middle of the bird and then you're going to take your twine and pull it down. What this does is it keeps the skin over the breast and it pulls it together and then you're gonna cross these over I'll do a little swoop here keep it tight and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna go under the legs like this and then you'll cross in at the top and pull that tight so then you just take your twine and loop around the legs a couple of times and then just tie a little knot here and your birds ready to go. For the outside what we're gonna do is we'll just take our olive oil and go lightly over the top and just rub it in and then you want to season the whole bird. So we're just gonna go pretty liberally with our salt even though it seems like a lot of salt on the exterior that salt has a long way to go you've got a big piece of meat to season so don't be shy with it and then just a little fine ground pepper and then we've got our grill preheating outside at 300 degrees. We're gonna pop this guy on and it'll take about three to four hours and we'll take it off and let it rest and then we'll finish our gravy. So we've got our grill preheating. It's been preheating for about 10 or 15 minutes on 300 degrees we've got turkey pellets in for this one. It's a mix of hickory, oak, maple, and rosemary. Goes really well with the turkey. You could use something else like apple or just straight oak you can use mesquite for a stronger flavor. We're just gonna stick with the turkey blend. So you just want to throw this in the center of the grill we're gonna come out and check it periodically we might rotate it and turn it around to make sure it's getting an even brown we want to look for an internal temperature of 160 degrees so it's gonna go for about 3 or 4 hours but we'll check it around 3. Ok so it's been about four hours we've rotated our bird around a little bit so the outside is nice and evenly browned we just tempt it, it's about 160 degrees which is where you want to pull it off. you want to make sure you don't wait until 165 because it'll continue to cook once you take it off the grill. Okay so we've got our bird off the grill we're gonna let it rest. While it does that we're gonna make the gravy. First thing we're gonna do on our gravy is make the roux. So roux is just a thickener and it's equal parts butter and flour we'll start with our butter first and you can use different types of thickeners if you'd like. I like the flavor and mouthfeel of roux more. You want to do this over a medium-high heat you're gonna melt the butter until it starts to bubble. This is where you're gonna add the flour in and you want to add it and stir right away. It's gonna steam so it's really hot. You got to be careful not to burn yourself and we're just gonna stir this and kind of mash it up so the butter blends with the flour and it'll go from just smelling like melted butter to like a toasted popcorn. I'm gonna set this aside so it doesn't continue to cook and then what we'll do is we're gonna take our bird off of here onto the cutting board to let it rest and then we're gonna strain this into our saucepan here. Okay so we've got our liquid here from the bottom of the pan you can use a fat separator or you can just skim the fat off the top. You want to get as much as possible so we've got our gravy coming up to a simmer. I've skimmed all the fat off the top. We're gonna add our roux back in to thicken it. I'm gonna add a little bit more turkey stock to this. I know that at my family dinners, they always go really heavy on the gravy so I like to have more than what I expect I will need so we'll add about a cup to this. Okay so we're back up to a simmer we're just gonna add this in a little bit at a time and you want to whisk pretty vigorously to try to work all those lumps out. Do it gradually and incorporate a little bit at a time. Make sure the first batch is incorporated before you add any more so what I look for in a gravy is to coat the back of a spoon you can see not a lot of it's sticking here so I'm gonna probably add the rest of this roux and then let it come back up to a simmer again and we'll check where we're at. You can see much more sticking to the back of a spoon and you run your finger down the middle it stays that way so we're gonna let this hang out for a minute and then we're gonna carve our turkey. So our turkeys been resting for about a half an hour we're gonna go ahead and carve it. One thing I always start with is just by untrussing the bird. I usually tie mine in a bow so it makes it really easy. So first thing I'm going to start with is by taking off the legs you'll just slice through the skin between the leg and the breast and then I pull it open a little bit and there's a bone right in here and you just want to be to the left of that bone so you should be as close to the bone as possible but not hitting it and then you're gonna slice over the joint here down to the cutting board and then you can see where the joint attaches. Sometimes I'll just pop it out and there's our leg and then on the legs I leave the drumsticks and we'll carve some of the thigh off of here to take the drumstick off. You can see where the joint is in between these two and you want to go right between there you shouldn't be cracking any bones you shouldn't hear that noise at all it's just right through the joint. You can leave them whole like this if you'd like but I like to take it off the bone so you can see the bone goes from here to this joint so you're gonna slice right on top of there and then on either side to kind of pull that bone out and then I'll lift this side up and just kind of shave it away from that bone you just want to make sure with that comes this joint you don't want to leave any of that cartilage there and then once you have the bone out you can just go straight through it. You can see because we've let this bird rest there's some juice on the table obviously but it's not all filled in my little canal right here so if you were to take this right off the grill and cut into it, there would be so much that it's like flowing off the table you want to give it that time to rest so that you don't lose all of that. On the breast, you're gonna go right down the center of this bone on the top and then once you get down here you can feel the wishbone and you're just gonna go follow the curve of that wishbone right down to the joint so you can kind of start to pull it away from the ribs here and I just you let gravity kind of do its thing pull it off and it'll start to pull itself. If you see close enough here you can see that little smoke ring something that you'll get on the grill and nowhere else. It's beautiful. Then you just cut the side off and then we'll go do the same over here then you're gonna take the breast and just slice them on a diagonal here and you can see just under the skin all those herbs from that herb butter that we put in there if you left any extra meat on there you can kind of pull it all off you can serve it with this. You can use it for something else maybe a leftover sandwich the day after, you can throw it in a soup, but the carcass you can use as well. You can use this carcass and throw it in a pot. Cover it with cold water and use it to make turkey stock so I don't throw any part of it away. So I know some people like to chew on the wings a little bit so we're gonna take these off again you shouldn't be going through any bones it's just the joints and just like we did with the drumsticks you can see this seam in the middle if you find the right spot you shouldn't be going through any bone just the joint itself. So last thing that we want to do is bring our gravy back up to temp. You want to taste it for seasoning. So good. Need a little bit of salt, some pepper I think we're good to go. Fill our gravy boat here and there we have our turkey and gravy. Let's give it a taste. It's a little bit smoky, perfectly seasoned, and so juicy. Be sure to check out our website for this recipe and many more as well as the Traeger Grills app.
Channel: Traeger Grills
Views: 328,767
Rating: 4.8952537 out of 5
Keywords: Traeger, Traeger Grills, Traegering, Pellet Grills, Wood Pellet Grills, BBQ, Grilling, Pellet Smokers, thanksgiving, Grill
Id: WX2t7690SOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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