How To Connect A Mixer To An Audio Interface - 2 Different Ways

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so today in this video i'm going to show you guys how to hook your interface up to your mixer true sound studios is in your ears hey guys welcome back to true sound studios i'm wiesna and today i'm going to show you guys how to hook your interface up to your mixer now we're going to be doing this in two different ways we're going to be using the mixer that is going to send signal into the interface and then that interface obviously then sends the audio to the computer or we can do it the other way where the interface is then outputting signal to the mixer and the mixer then can be hooked up to headphones or your studio monitors or some large playback systems just to have the option of doing it both ways now before we get started check the description box down below for links to these interfaces the mixer the connection cables as well as i mix and master full time here in my studio and all my rates are in there okay so let's get into this video and let me show you guys how to hook this stuff up okay so this is going to be setup number one this is a really great setup when you want to run audio out of your audio interface into a mixer to be able to control different levels of different studio monitors as well as the output volume for a particular pair of headphones this is also a really great setup when you want to be able to use this live with backing tracks where you send signal from your diw it goes into the audio interface then it comes to the mixer so you can send a separate level or a separate signal to maybe the drummer and then a separate signal to the pa system okay so to get started we need to attach cables from the audio interface to a stereo channel on our mixer now if you don't have a stereo channel on your mixer you need to have two mono channels for example on my mixer channels one and two are mono and then channels three four five six seven eight and nine ten are all stereo and you can see that by you can see here it says three left four right meaning this entire channel can be controlled and be used as a stereo channel so there's just one eq point for each and one level for each channel if you were to use the two mono channels you just need to pan channel one to the left channel two to the right and then this would be your overall volume control for the left channel and this would be your overall volume for the right channel okay so now we're going to take two cables and these are balanced quarter inch cables also known as a trs cable so the one cable is trs to trs and this is how we're going to connect these so we're going to take our first cable and we're going to connect it from the audio output left on our interface to let's say we'll pick this channel right here this is channel seven and eight seven is left eight is right so since we're coming out of the audio interface on the left we're gonna go into the input here on channel seven and then we're going to come from the audio interface right output to the right input on our mixer so from here we can eq this whole channel we can add some highs if we want take a little mids add some low end in here and then now this white fader now becomes our volume fader for this channel which is obviously being fed from the audio interface now what's great about this is maybe we want to send a separate audio level from the stereo outputs and separately to the control outputs or the headphone output if we want to hook our headphones up to here this knob down here will control the output for this particular headphone and then if we connect our let's say our studio monitors to here this is going to be our volume control for that so we have our headphones we can connect our headphone jack to an adapter so we can plug it into the headphones and now signal will come through these yellow cables into here and it'll feed signal to the master section where now we can control up the cr which is control room or the headphone level so now we can just turn this up and now signal will come out of here and be heard inside the headphones and now we'll use these blue cables to represent the connection to our studio monitors i don't have any studio monitors that will fit up here but so now we can take our one cable connected from the stereo output which once again is being controlled by this knob and let's say we'll use the left we'll plug this into here and then this will be plugged into our left studio monitor and then we'll use another cable to plug into the right stereo output and this will be plugged into our right studio monitor so now if we turn up the control knob here on the mixer we'll feed signal to our studio monitors so now you can have a different amount of of level going to the studio monitors separate from the amount of level going to the headphones so another thing we can use this for is for a live situation so we can have our signal coming into this channel and then maybe we can send um signal to the headphones that the drummer is going to be wearing so now we can really crank the signal so the drummer can hear the backing tracks and then we can send signal to the pa system using the stereo output and now we can actually alter the amount of signal that the pi system will be getting okay in setup number two now we're going to use the mixer to actually feed signal into the audio interface so then we can use this to record so we could plug in let's say a microphone into the mixer it'll send signal through the channel it'll come out one of our stereo outputs it will go into the audio interface and then be recorded inside the daw so once again we're going to be using the same quarter inch trs to trs cables so we're going to do is take our stereo output left we're going to connect one cable to it and then this cable is then going to be plugged into line input 1 or line input left then we're going to take our second cable and plug into stereo output right and then plug this cable into line input two or line input right so then we can take for example a microphone okay this is gonna have a yellow cable on it so we're gonna plug our mic into channel number one and put the microphone right here and now we can have signal coming into the microphone which then connects to this channel we can turn up the gain and have a good amount of signal come into here maybe we can eq it a little bit send the overall level which then comes over to the output section of our mixer then from here we're going to turn up the stereo output and then the signal then comes out of the stereo outputs comes over to our interface comes into the line inputs on the interface and then runs out through the usb cable to the diw this is also a great setup for podcasts where you have multiple microphones plugged into multiple channels that then can be sent to your audio interface and recorded inside of your daw so you can have multiple people talking and record this entire conversation you can have a live performance this is another great way to capture a live performance with multiple signals multiple microphones the only negative part about this is that all of these microphones for example all three of these microphones are going to be recorded and into a stereo channel inside your diw and unfortunately they won't be separated so you won't have channel 1 2 and 3 separated in your daw as channel 1 2 and 3. if you do wanna record two microphones at a time and have separate control over both microphones after it gets into your daw what you can do is have channel one be panned all the way to the left and have channel 2 pan all the way to the right so then this microphone would be left this microphone would be right so you can record it as a stereo channel in your daw and then in the diw you would have a separate recording just of this microphone and a separate recording of just this microphone but only if you pan these channels totally separate because what you're really doing is taking the left channel and recording it as channel one and you're taking the right channel and recording it as channel 2. now there is a situation where you don't have online input on your audio interface for example this persona's audiobox usb only has a mic and an instrument input so we're actually going to be using the instrument input but we have to use a different cable this is a ts quarter inch cable also known as an unbalanced cable and we're going to use this type of cable connect to our interface and then the other end of the cable also has a ts to ts unbalanced connection where we plug into our mixer so to be clear if your interface doesn't have a line input on it it only has a microphone or an instrument connection this is what you're gonna have to do i find that maybe half the interfaces have line inputs and the others don't especially when it gets to these like budget friendly interfaces anywhere from 150 dollars under my persona's audiobox usb does not have line input connections i have an irig pro duo that doesn't have line input connections um but that that tone port from line six that one does and then i also have another one from lexicon that has line inputs on it so it just kind of really depends so if you only have these instrument quarter inch connections you're going to be using an unbalanced so it's known as a ts to ts or a quarter inch unbalanced connection now i know this isn't like the most ideal situation because now you're using an instrument input instead of a line input but i promise you it really does sound really good in fact all the audio that i'm using to uh to record this entire video is using this um unbalanced instrument connection to record the audio so it really does work really well um once again this is not the perfect situation but it is a way around it so guys thanks for watching this video now i have a lot of other videos showing how to hook things up uh one of my most popular one is how to connect a compressor to a mixer in a couple different ways depending on what kind of mixer you have and what kind of connections you have i will link those videos down in the description they'll also be at the very end of this video and if you guys are recording at home and just looking for a really professional mix and master please go ahead send me an email i love to work with you guys it doesn't matter what skill level you're at there's always a way to take your production your song just to the next level and really make it sound professional so as always guys thanks for watching this video don't forget to find truesoundstudios on instagram i post there every single day alright guys thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video so thank you for watching this video if you guys enjoyed this video click that like button and consider subscribing for more content so not only do i make youtube videos but i also produce tracks and i can mix and master your music so once again thank you for watching this video i'm wiesda in trusound studios is in your ears
Channel: True Sound Studios
Views: 42,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weezna, TSS, connect mixer to audio interface, connect mixer to interface, connect mixer to pc, audio interface, connect mixer to computer, usb audio interface, true sound studios, interface mixer, how to, yamaha mixer connections, analog mixer, digital mixer, hooking up a studio, mixer connected to interface, interface connected to mixer, studio mixer setup, studio interface setup
Id: EP9zVernOwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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