Audio Interface Vs Mixer With USB Interface

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in this video I'm going to explain the difference between an audio interface versus a mixer with a USB interface integrated check it out what's up my name is Matthew bring you the best tips and tools to help you create music on this channel I do setup videos tutorials overviews exactly like this one if you're new here consider subscribing so maybe you've been searching the internet trying to find a way to record into your computer and you've come across different options so in this video I'm going to explain the difference between there's a straight USB interface in a mixer that has an interface built into it and a multitrack mixer as well so let's go ahead and get into it right here in front of me is the focusrite scarlett 2i2 right to the right of that is the cue 1202 USB by bérenger and then over here to the right of that is the zoom l12 which is a light rack l12 so these are three different kinds of mixers or should I say audio interfaces that can sin signals directly into your d8w or your doll and this way you could take those signals and record them into your DAW and start to produce music okay so and the reason why I'm talking about these three items specifically because these three items yes they all achieve the goal of recording audio into your doll but how they go about it is a little bit different okay so starting over here with the focus right - I - this is a standard USB audio interface so it has two inputs and it has two outputs now right here is the USB port okay so you plug your USB cable right into here and that goes into your computer now with this particular interface you got two inputs right here and they're gonna show up as two inputs inside of your software okay so that's this one here over here to the right of that is your USB mixer okay so this is the Barringer you know 12:02 USB now this has 12 different inputs okay and the thing about this one is although it has 12 different inputs you might think okay well that's gonna give me 12 inputs inside of my software but this one does not do that you only get two inputs into your software to the right of that I'm not going to pick it up but to the right of that is the zoom l12 this gives you 12 different inputs here you know 12 different physical inputs but it actually gives you 14 digital inputs inside of your doll okay so you're going to be able to plug input 1 through 12 inside of your doll plus the mix of everything that you have mixed here through the master channel into your doll ok so that's the main core difference between what these mean as far as recording into your da W or your doll so let's go a little bit deeper with this so I'm your focus right you got your two inputs you got gain knobs for the two inputs okay so on your behringer you have gain knobs for your inputs on the zoom you have gain knobs for your inputs okay so what that means is if you have a low signal you can boost that signal a little bit with this gain knob okay and then you can get the exact signal you may want maybe you want negative 18 decibels and your software you can get that perfectly right here and it all depends on how you're recording and what you want to do with your recording and that goes the same with all of these items you can set your gain with each one of these items now the thing about your mixers okay is once you set this gain knob in this mixer that's not the only thing that affects the signal on your physical device okay so when you plug your input in here you can affect the signal with the gain knob and the same thing is when you plug your input in here so you plug your microphone into here and you want to get negative 18 on your microphone you could get that with the gain knob but in addition to that you have all this different stuff on this channel okay that that it's gonna go through so you could get your level say you want your level negative 18 so you're like talking in the micro-sim in the mic you get your love where you want it then you got a compressor it goes through okay on your interface here there's no compressor and then it goes through your EQ you have a high you got a mid you got a low and you can got a low cut right here for your EQ so it's gonna go through all of that and then you have an effects in okay so you could put this through your effects and that's gonna come out here okay and then you have a pan and then on top of that you have an additional level to your overall level of your input okay and then on this particular mixer on the behringer you can set all that for each channel each one of these channels okay and then these channels are stereo channels over here you know through 12 you could set your levels and everything set your eq's everything like that all that's gonna channel you go into your main mix here and then your main mix it's actually what gets inputted into your doll so you're only gonna have your left and right inside of your doll or your one and two inputs inside your doll like left and right one two so left would be one input one and then right would be input two for example okay so that's how this mixer works with you know the regular USB interface built into it now with your zoom l12 you can do all that you queueing I was talking about on the behringer like you can select right here and if this was turned on you would actually get access to EQ this channel so don't be fooled by this channel trip this is just they just digitized it it's the same thing as this right here as far as like you got your input you got your trim you got your come presser you got your eq and you got your pan and level the same thing here you got your input you have your gain you got your compressor then you can EQ so pretend like this is under here so you can EQ every channel and then you can set your level for each channel and you can do that for the whole mix okay okay so you can have each one of these different levels each EQ differently that mix is going to go through your master okay and then your master with the zoom okay it's going to show up as channel 13 and 14 or inputs 13 and 14 inside of your dull so in that regard the behringer as a mixer is the same as the zoom as a mixer with the USB interface but the zoom has it leg up because the zoom actually has the ability to take these individual channels and bring them into the doll separately and if you're funny valuing this go ahead and push the thumbs up it helps spread the word and spread the knowledge about these items so I really appreciate that so the zoom has a huge advantage over either one of these okay now it's not to say that you cannot get a USB interface that has multiple inputs that has 12 inputs you can alright but in this example that's where this zoom right here gives you the best of both worlds as far as it's a 12 input interface and then it also is a mixer that has a USB interface built into it for channel 13 and 14 within your doll so your zoom multitrack basically combines like an interface like a USB interface that just has your inputs with a mixer that you channel everything through the mixer and you can EQ it and add the built-in effects or whatever and then CIN those two inputs into your DAW wanted to through the main mix so zoom has individual inputs plus a main mix so it's the best of both worlds alright so there you go I mean that's really the difference between these items that's the huge big difference okay now obviously you can have different USB interfaces in different mixers and in different multi-tracks that do different things depending on what you want but when you're talking about audio interfaces mixers with an audio interface built-in and then a mixer with the audio interface built-in that's actually a multitrack mixer that's the main difference is that the inputs how the inputs get sent into your doll so if you have any questions about this please leave it in the comments below and you know give me your input everything to that effect now I didn't really cover these in depth because each one does its own thing in its own way so if you want a more in-depth video about one of these items let me know in the comments because I could definitely go over this more in depth more in detail alright I just wanted to give you that basic understanding of what an audio interface is and what a mixer with an audio interface is so Sela definitely do future videos about these based on the comments that I get because you know I want to answer your question specifically rather than just ranting for 30 minutes about this I could definitely go in more in detail about this but it'd be more helpful to know like specifically what you want to hear so I'll go ahead and put those other videos over here so click the screen or tap the screen right here that's going to take you to that video series where I'm gonna put all those videos in and remember to subscribe to the channel click the bell icon this way you can get notified whenever I come out with new videos my name is matthew continue creating music and we'll talk soon
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 971,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixer vs interface, audio interface vs mixer, audio interface vs mixer recording, audio interface vs mixer with usb, mixer vs audio interface, mixer vs audio interface for recording music, digital mixer vs audio interface, audio interface vs mixer podcast, audio interface vs mixer for streaming, usb interface, usb audio interface, how to choose an audio interface, scarlet 2i2, MatthewStratton, MatthewCreating, zoom l12, Behringer 1202usb
Id: 8QoaUoFq3O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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