How to completely Uninstall Android Studio on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] Complete guide

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hello everyone I welcome you to kiky script  today I'm going to show you how to uninstall   Android Studio completely form your system so  you might be having some reasons that you want   to uninstall your Andro Studio completely from  your system so in this video I'm going to show   you in detail how you can you know completely  uninstall it so for that you know in my previous   videos I have showed you how to install Android  Studio so let's you know close this application   first and you know you need to go to search and  to just simply type control panel over here so   as soon as you type control you'll be able to  see control panel over here so just simply open   the control panel and here you need to click on  this programs so you can see programming features   so you can and know click on this uninstall  a program and you can see that we have list   of all programs that we have on this system so  from here the first one is Android Studio so we   have installed Android Studio previously so now  we want to uninstall it so you know select this   and then click on uninstall and it will asks you  for administrative privileges click on yes and   you can see this you know uninstalled window is  right to open select Android User settings also   and click on next and click on uninstall and yeah  remove all component click on yes and you can see   that it is rightly started uninstalling our Andro  studio so it is completed now so but this is not   all all right so now we have uninstalled Android  Studio but still there are several component that   are lying on our C drive so let's go to C drive  and go to users and you can see you'll be able   to see your username over here so I have this  username so I'll go inside that user and you   can see we have lot of files over here right so  from here first thing that you need to delete is   this dot Gradle so just simply select and click  on delete to delete our DOT Gradle you can see it   is properly deleted now it's time for our Android  Studio project so so this project we have created   previously remember so you can always you know  take a backup of this folder so whatever project   so you might be having three or four projects over  here so you can take a backup of this folder into   some other place and then you can delete this so  I'll just simply delete this as it's just a hello   world project all right so it is now removed so  now what you need to do is you need to click on   view and you need to over over show and to enable  this hidden items so see right before that we have   a check icon right so that is enabled so once you  have that enabled you'll be able to see certain   folders like this app data see so this is a hidden  item right so now after you uncheck that you will   be able to see that hidden folder here here as  well so you go inside this app data folder and   then you to go inside this local folder and here  you can see we have in a lot of folders so from   here you need to delete this Android folder so  select the Android folder and click on delete   icon and it going to start deleting our Android  folder from here and you can see see that is   successfully deleted you'll be also able to  see this uh packages like cotlin then main.   kts compile cachy all that so I'll also going to  select this two item and going to click on delete   so those twos are also deleted now right so now  you need to go inside your Google folder and here   you can see we have a couple of you know Andro  Studio Projects created so you need to delete   all the Android Studio deleted stuff from here  as well so that is also gone now now you go back   to your app data and then to go to roaming folder  so here if you go inside Google folder you'll be   able to again see and Studio lying over here so  you need to select that you need to delete this   also as well so all these folders is what you  need to remove so you can close this now so you   have successfully removed all the components so  now if you go to search and simply type Android   Studio so still you are able to see and Studio  over here right so for that what you need to   do is you to right click and click on this open  file location so that will show you again Under   start menu then programs we have Andro studio also  lying over here right so you need to again right   click and to delete this folder as well so once  you delete all that so we can close this folder   now and now again if you go to search and type and  Studio that no longer going to show all right so   that is the just ex that is lying over here but  our app that was there is now completely removed   now you can again you know install Ander studio  if you want or you want to go ahead with your life   that also you can do all right just that's how you  get rid of Ender studio so that's basically all   about this video I have also started geky syntax  channel so please do subscribe our geky syntax   Channel as well so here regularly I'm posting  coding related videos and I have also started   gek vlogging channel so if you're interested you  can also subscribe this channel as well so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 5,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android studio, how to Uninstall android studio, android developers, android studio installation windows 10, how to Uninstall android on windows 11, android studio tutorial, download android studio, how to Uninstall android studio on windows 10, Uninstall android studio on windows, Android Studio Iguana 2024, Iguana, android studio 2024, kotlin, android 14, completely Uninstall Android Studio, android studio uninstall completely, uninstall android studio completely windows 11
Id: dguhLzJD_co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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