How to install IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 on Windows 11 (64 bit) [ 2024 Update ] Java JDK 22

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hello everyone I welcome you all to G script  today I'm going to show you how to install the   latest version of Intel IG IDE that is version  202 24.1 on Windows operating system and after   that I'm also going to show you how you can  easily create a simple hell World Java program   within our int idea so this video going to be a  bit informative so I'll highly recommend you to   watch the video till the end and if you face  any issues in Middle you can always comment   in our comment SS I'll try my best to help you  now to install the latest version of Intel idea   that is version 20241 you first simply go to  fait browser and to just simp search over here Intel IG idea download and hit enter and  immediately you'll be able to see this www.jet as a for Source result so to open this  download in idea and it going to automatically   redirect to the official site of J Brand so this  link I'm going to provide right in our description   so you can directly use that link to land over  over here and once you are here you can see that   our Intel IG idea is available for Windows Mac  W and Linux so you can you know use this tab to   switch your operating system so I am going to use  it for Windows so I'm going to you know click on   this Windows Tab and under that you'll be able to  see that our Intel idea is available the ultimate   version so if you scroll down you'll be be able  to see the Community Edition so this ultimate   version will require some license so you need  to buy it product to get that license and for   Community version it is available for all of you  all right so you need to download this community   one so this require no license you can use this  software you know properly so you to click on this   download button and it going to start downloading  our intellig idea the Community Edition so you can   see it is rightly started downloading right I  have already downloaded it so I'll cancel this   I'll minimize my browser I'll go to my download  directory and here you can see that our Intel   IG idea is already been downloaded over here so  to just simply double click on that installer in   order to install it locally on your system and  here you need to just simply click on install   anyway and it going to ask you for administrative  privileges click on yes and there you go welcome   to inel ig idea Community Edition setup so let's  just minimize our download directory so here you   need to just simply click on next so this is where  our intellig ID is going to be installed so you   can see you need to have 2.4 GB of free space on  your C drive as we are going to install it on our   C drive itself so everything is fine just simp  click on next so here under installation options   you can see several check boxes so I'm going  to check it one by one so I'm going to first   select a desktop shortcut then also add open  folder as project so as soon as you select   that what going to happen is on right clicking of  any folder it going to additionally going to show   you this option called open folder as project  so automatically when you open that folder in   intellig idea so it going to show that folder as a  project on your intellig idea all right so that's   why it is you know recommended to select this  checkbox and also you can see that our you can   use our intellig idea for all these different  languages so I'm going to select Java you can   also use it for Gradle groovy cotlin and all these  different languages and this is the most important   part you need to check this at bin folder to  part all right so it is very important to set   the environment variable so everything is fine now  just simp click on next so it going to create a   jetb folder which is again totally fine just simp  click on install and there you go you can see our   installation is rightly began so it will take  some time you know about a couple of minutes so   our desktop shortcut is also created so now let's  wait for a couple of minutes after that I'm going   to come back to this video so we come back and  now you can clearly see that our Intel IG idea   is rightly installed also our desktop shortcut is  also created so now it is telling that you need   to reboot your system so it is highly recommend  to you know proceed with this reboot now so after   selecting this radio button reboot now and you  click on finish so when you click on finish it   going to automatically restart your system so  after successfully restarting your system I'll   be again back to this video so welcome back so  after successfully Rebo putting your system will   be again landed over to the desktop so you need  to just simply double click on that shortcut   to launch our Intel IG idea and you can see that  our Intel IG idea isly started launching that is   version 202 24.1 and here under data sharing you  can always click on the same Anonymous statistics   so that will help uh to improve our product so it  also provide permission to firewall so click on allow and there you go you can see that our  intellig idea is rightly open so welcome to   intellig idea so let's first maximize it so you  can see this is the interface of our intell IDE   version 20241 so you can always create a new  project so for that you need to click on this   plus new project so it going to show you this  new project window so here you can see that   all these different languages are available cotl  Java groovy everything so you can always create   a spring project as well so this video I'm going  to create a simple Java project so I'm going to   select Java and I'm going to name this project  as hello world and all other things are fine you   can see that our default jdk version 22 they have  properly recognized at this folder path so in my   previous videos I have showed you how to install  Java so that time I have installed Java at this   location so you can see under detected jdk it  is properly recognized recognize that path but   for you if if you don't have Java install then  you can always download your latest version of   java using this button so that will going to  f all the files from internet and going to   install it locally on your system so don't need  to Ma you know manually install Java separately   so your Intel IG ID are going to do that for  you all right so that also you can do since I   have already installed so that is what it is  automatically detected so I don't need to do   anything so everything is fine now so it going to  also create a sample generate code so everything   is fine click on Create and it going to start  creating our project and you can see that our   hell World project that is main. Java file is also  created so here is our print method system. out.   printf and we have a hello and welcome note and  then it's going to print number from 1 to 5 you   can see we have a loop right so that is it going  to run from 1 to 5 and it going to print number   1 2 3 4 5 sequentially so everything is fine  it's going to start indexing our jdk you can   see it is currently indexing our jdk so let's  wait for a couple of minute and you can see   that our indexing is properly done you can always  maximize our intellig idea so you can see it is   properly index you can always click on this run  button so that will going to start building our   project and once it gets successfully build  it it's going to show you the output hello   and welcome and then number from I 1 to 5 it is  printing right so let's say you don't need this   Loop so you can totally remove this and you can  just only keep something like hello world over   here so hello world and after writing this much  if you just simply click on this run button it   going to again start building our project and  after it gets successfully builded it going to   show you the output H world on your console so  can always start creating you know different   different projects for your assignments probably  that you have got from your school or college so   you can immediately start you know writing all  the projects within our Intel idea all right so   hopefully these videos are helping you I have also  started geeky syntax channel so here regularly   I'm posting coding related videos so please do  subscribe geeky syntax Channel as well and also   if you are interested you can also subscribe our  G geky script blogging Channel as well so that's   is basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 8,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intellij idea 2024, java 22, install intellij idea 2024, intellij idea tutorial, intellij idea tutorial java, intellij idea java, javafx tutorial, how to install intellij idea on windows 11, intellij 2024.1, install intellij windows, how to install intellij idea on windows 11 for java, Install Intellij IDEA, IntelliJ IDEA for Java, intellij installation, intellij java tutorial, IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains, intellij idea, install intellij idea, java intellij, jetbrains
Id: s0UBWbnzzTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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