How to completely design and setup an Active Directory Domain Infrastructure - Part 1

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hey what's going on everybody on the last video I showed you how to statically assign your home network well I kind of just showed you what I did so I kind of felt bad so in this video I or my whole network down I tore my whole domain down we're going to restart and I'm going to show you how to do everything in this video I'm going to see how long it's been recording but we're going to set up all the servers we're going to assign a new IP addressing scheme for the my house my home network you can use this for even a real life environment like we're going to set up everything we're going to have about you know six or seven servers we're going to have our primary domain controller secondary domain controller we're going to file a SharePoint SQL read only domain controller backup server first of all I just want to show you how to change your home network so you can you know maybe follow along so what you want to do is browse to your your gateway your router you can get that by doing like an IP config and then just check it out what your your router your gateway address is and then just put that in your browser and you'll get to it see Yeah right here default gateway one 92168 0.1 so that's what I did so I'm just going to log in here okay so I'm in and again this might not look the same as yours but mine is a Cisco router so like yet it might not look like yours but you're kind of looking for the same type of terminology here so I'm going to go to my setup and I'm going to go to my LAN setup for my local area network and here is just this is pretty simple so I just want to disable DHCP service for my local area network I believe it's an administration your gateway this is going towards your internet service provider so you can leave this as DHCP because you're just getting that from your internet you're in a service provider so leave that alone but for your land that's your own personal network and you can change that so we're going to disable DHCP so just to say belit and then for our gateway we can change it to whatever we want so I'm going to go 1010 10.1 okay so that's my that's my new default gateway so I'm going to hit save might lose my connection here to the page it's taking a bit because it's going to read kind of recalibrate my my network here and as you can see now it says you know it's identifying the new network it's going to say disconnected we can open up our troubleshooting here but it's just it's still identifying so it's just taking a bit for the router to make the changes ok so yeah that's not resolving so what we're going to do know it I don't know why it just clued into me but we are going to have to configure our own settings now because we turned off DHCP so now we have to configure our own all right so to do that you can just right click on your little network display down here or you can just go to start and just in the search just type in network and you want to go to your network and sharing center this will pop up and over to your left here you can go to change adapter settings and then here's your you know network card that's in your computer so you right-click on it choose properties go down to your tcp/ip version for hit properties and now we want to give ourselves an IP address so 10 10 10 dot I know for now we're going to use 50 255 255 255 0 is our subnet mask so 24-bit subnet mask just means the first 3 octet cerrar our network ID so we have 255 IP addresses we can use and then our gateway that we specified in the router settings right there and for now we'll use Google Google servers they're free so and we can validate settings here upon exit close and it's just going to validate and it's going to work you can see here it already detected pretty much so you go everything worked close that off so now we have a statically assigned Network so now we can start configuring all of our servers so you're going to want to start off with obviously your primary domain controller and you're going to want to get that set up you can get your DHCP server running just so you can start segregating the IP addresses and you know we're distributing IP address as to how you want specified so I'm just going to pause the recording now because now I got to set up my remote desktop for my problem area primary domain controller now that I just changed my network the network changed for that computer too so give me a second and we'll get right back to it all right so I just went and made the changes on the other server this is the IP address right there 10.10 10.12 and I'm just going to hit connect and I'm going to log in with the administrative credentials for that server okay and just want to verify the ticket and there we go so now I'm on my primary domain controller and we're going to see here things are going to pop up in this video we're just going to go through it and setup Active Directory I guess and DNS and DHCP just so we can set up our other servers okay so everything is loaded up here so what we're going to want to do now is first I have a second hard drive all right sorry I split the partition up on this hard disk so we're going to want to enable that so we can save our sis vol and our NTDs and our log files separate from the c drive for our for our purpose it's not that big of a deal because we're not we're now we're going to be a huge network but it is a best practice idea so I'll just show you guys how to do that anyways so I just want to go to manage here in your computer settings I guess it could have kept it open it's server manager so storage and I want to go to Disk Management and I'm going to close down the right action pane here cuz takes up room okay so as you can see here I got my unallocated space so I'm just going to right click and make a new simple volume and I'm going to use up the hole and I'll save it to my my E Drive might as well and you need NT and TFS sorry it's needed for the sysvol and the NTDs log and the logs so with that if you can't do it if you went like fat32 you wouldn't be able to install it you wouldn't be able to put those folders there okay so now that we got our two partitions here we can go ahead with the installation of Active Directory so again I know what's mentioned in the books is to install the Active Directory domain services role before you do your dcpromo really doesn't make a difference you can do dcpromo in the command line and run it it just it looks like it freezes up for bid but all is doing is downloading the active directory binaries here that we're about to install okay so I'm just blabbing right around here so yeah you want to go to your roles in your server manager then click on add roles here and then skip this is just a default first page then here's all the services you could install on your servers so for this server for a primary domain controller we're going to have Active Directory and this is going to install the additional services that it needs to run so you know framework 3.5 so just add required DNS you cannot use this too you have to have the domain controller setup first so once that's done once we run dcpromo I'm just explaining this error but once we run dcpromo it will install a dns server by default actually so and we'll do DHCP right after so I'm just going to hit next and this is just some more information you know things to note about your installation and things to go over here you can click the links and read over that stuff and this here's just confirming what you're going to install so just hit the stall and you're going to run through this and when I get when it's done I'll be back actually while that's installing I'm going to talk about the other servers that we're going to be working with in this series here so I got them all open in VMware so you can either get this one you can pay for this it's about 150 bucks or you can download VirtualBox or Microsoft's Virtual PC whichever one they'll all work they'll do the same so here we got our secondary domain controller this is going to be used as just to back up for our primary domain controller so it's just going to have like it's going to have the active directory in the DNS it's going to have it could be a DNS server I'm not going to put DHCP on it but I will put the DNS and active directory on it as well and I got the two hard drives two processors one gig of memory it's that's fine for our file server I got three hard disks so 100 gigs each and these are going to be like for departments and like user profile so they can have their own little personal storage space and again 40 gig hard drive backup server this has I put 2 500 gig hard drives virtual hard drives and this is going to be used to backup everything it's going to be just our backup server or things are just going to get backed up you know every night or once a week whatever we schedule for well I got my SharePoint Server on here 40 gigs you know if we need more we can just add some more hard drives and it's not a big deal same with SQL Server and then we got our test or test machine here too test group policies and you know user profiles and we can create another one they may be like an XP user just to see so yeah that's what we're going to be working with all right so this is all finished notes we're going to close out of this you're going to see you're going to notice your little red X here let's just get a warn you to run dcpromo so we can click that or just do the old traditional way by opening up command prompt and just typing dcpromo Exe and the binaries here that is checking for is what we just installed and if we didn't install that's where we would hang for about five ten minutes so we can hit next here or we can click up here and go to Advanced Mode but we don't need to do that right yet so we're going to go to next and this is just explaining compatibility issues with you know the NT systems if you need to read over this go ahead but we don't have anything in our domain that's that's that old so we don't have to really worry about that and we're going to create a new domain in a new forest down here so this is our primary domain controller we're only going to be working with one forest so I got a video in the Windows Server 2008 features playlist they're in my channel that explains like you know what a domain controller is what a forest is what a child domain is so if you're unfamiliar with the terms just go check out that I believe it's called Active Directory concepts and something configuration or something like that but anyways moving on so yeah we're making a new forest here so hit next and my fully qualified domain name is going to be technology comm you can use whatever you wish here you know you can put you know other domain net or sample company dot local whatever you want to do if you're following along and one of the practice or want to learn and this is going to be the root the top of our forest here so for instance if we had child domains it would be something like you know child domain dot technology com that's what like a child domain would look like but we're the top dog here so we're right on top so it's technology calm and we're going to hit next and it's just going to check to see if we have this installed already and I'll explain who checks that and how that does verify if everything is up to par that's part of the the server roles the mast the masters operate students and this is our forest functional level so I'm going to work at the the top level hill here so the Windows Server 2008 but what this will do here is if I install this that means we can't have any other domain controllers on our server that have like we couldn't have a Windows Server 2003 so just watch out about this you know plan your design in my case we're going to be all Windows Server 2008 r2 so my forest functional level is is that if you wanted to you can go 2003 and then in my domain functional level we can go 2008 but I'm going 2008 both ways just going to examine and I don't have a DNS server so I'm going to install one here your global catalog that's default for the first of first domain controller so all you know again I explain what that is in my other video so you should check that out and this is just our DNS telling us we don't have a delegation and we click yes it's going to make one okay so here is the sysvol and NTDs folders so we're going to go and create a folder here on our II drive and I'm just going to call a folder here and we'll just call it active directory doesn't really matter what it's called here so we're going to browse to that and I'm going to hit OK actually because I want to have them separated okay there you go so that's going to be our folders here and here's a restore mode password so if we ever have to restore our Active Directory you know something gets trapped or we lose something and we have to you know restore from a backup let's say then we're going to need that password so we're going to hit next here and I'm just going to have this reboot on completion and so it's just going to run through the installation here and when it's done we'll get back and we'll set up I might even just leave the DHCP for another episode we're going to actually I might just end this video right now whatever yet 20 minutes yeah so when this reboots I'll end the video and we'll start another video all right so my server restarted and now I'm trying to reconnect to it to Remote Desktop and that reminds me I got to show you how to enable remote desktop on your server and what's going on here oh yes okay so here we have to change it now to technology domain so you're going to want to type in via a new user account and run domain TDD Co 1 and it's not that any more it's called tech knowledge then you just put the backslash here and you see the domain change and we go to administrator because they got a remote desktop enabled by default and here again we just want to verify the certificate and hit yes and there we go so now we're logged in and what we're doing here like enabling the DHCP server in our next video so that when we start up all of our other servers they'll automatically get their proper IP addresses that we have set up already we should get server manager that will pop up can't remember if I disabled that or not all right so it looks like I disabled it so we're just going to go ahead and just verify that those folders are in place the NTDs and sysvol oh yes ok server manager is popping up it's going to close out for now and regarding as you can see now we got our our two folders here that have all the data in it so to get to server manager what just popped up by default you just click this little icon down here or you can hit start and right click on my computer hit properties properties is an open server manager apparently it's managed sorry ok so now that we see our server here so we got our two roles set up and they're just showing some caution signs in the event log because they know they had to go through the restart and they couldn't configure not the starting so you'll see that you might even see like a red X sometimes so you can browse through the roles here and you know access all of your your roles you have on your server same with your features because I have Active Directory installed you get group policy management which is what you will use for all your group policies okay so we got our DNS server so work in as you can see here it created a host record for itself so 10.10 10.12 is a static assigned and we got our active directory here there we go and we got our built-in counter and everything I'll go through active directory in the next video but to get the remote desktop open usually you have this pop-up is your default screen and you can see here remote desktop is enabled it'll say disabled at the starting and you can just go to this little right little panel here and go configure remote desktop and then down here you want to have this question mark it just network level authentication so you have to have users or you can select users and add them to this group but for starters the administrator has that role so that's it for this video and in the next video we're going to set up DHCP and we'll talk a little bit about Active Directory alright thanks for watching
Channel: Paul St.Onge
Views: 59,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech knowledge computers, tech knowledge comp, tech knowledge, paul st onge, st onge, active, directory, design, configuration, business, dhcp, ip address, static, server types, sql, file, sharepoint, primary domain controller, LAN, WAN, tutorial, guide, read only domain controller, rodc, step by step, windows, server, 2008 r2, Business Plan, Infrastructure, remote desktop, RDP, Active Directory (Software), disable dhcp, cisco, router
Id: UxVX8gel1b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2013
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